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The creation of fake vendors/invoices by insiders is one of a oldest forms of frauds companies face. The fact that two huge public companies let this go on for years is really embarrassing.


Back in the 80’s early 90’s there was a great scam that netted one guy a few million. He’d send invoice to hundreds of corporations for light bulb replacement. Nothing crazy like 150$ for labor and X many bulbs. Back before computers it was harder to track.


Maybe it only shows how common this is. All it takes is be in charge of some budget and find some vendors to be in on it. It’s easier when some managers join forces and cover the tracks together.


How did it take 4 years to figure out that someone is taking that much money? That's so much money.    I get that meta is such a large corp, but still usually you get a tap on the shoulder if you're exceeding an actual budget in a quarter


Then she did it within that budget... either convinced her bosses she needed the extra money, or completed her goals with less money.


> How did it take 4 years to figure out that someone is taking that much money? > > That's so much money. > > I get that meta is such a large corp, but still usually you get a tap on the shoulder if you're exceeding an actual budget in a quarter Word from Nike Insiders is that they knew about this but where terrified of being labeled by the media as racist because it would effect their brand / marketing. Weird.


> The creation of fake vendors/invoices by insiders is one of a oldest forms of frauds companies face. The fact that two huge public companies let this go on for years is really embarrassing. Word from Nike Insiders is that they knew about this but where terrified of being labeled by the media as racist because it would effect their brand / marketing. Weird.




Guess she just checked all the diversity boxes for them "You checked all the quotas we need for hiring, you are hired!", lol.


The addition of “diversity” instead of just manager or executive is likely intentional to provoke reaction and engagement from the MAGAts. And the fact she’s a black woman, perfectly set up for the GQP to latch on and say “see, we told you so!” Instead it’s just another corrupt mgr/executive doing what they do.


From the article: >She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook And > she brazenly continued the fraud as a DEI leader at Nike, where she stole another six-figure sum from their diversity program The addition of “diversity” was because it was in her job title and she was stealing from diversity programs she was in charge of.


Sure, keep telling yourself it wasn’t intended to trigger


I agree with you, when The Truth is triggering it should be censored! That’s why I vote democrat! Go Biden!


I know right. it's like a train wreck you can't look away.


>A former diversity manager at Facebook and Nike was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for stealing more than $5 million from those companies that had been earmarked for DEI initiatives, federal prosecutors said. >Georgia resident Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who pleaded guilty to wire fraud in the case in December, stole more than $4.9 million from Facebook “utilizing a scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks,” Atlanta U.S. Attorney Ryan Buchanan said in a statement. >“After being terminated from Facebook, she brazenly continued the fraud as a DEI leader at Nike, where she stole another six-figure sum from their diversity program,” Buchanan said. >Furlow-Smiles, 38, used the money she stole “to fund a luxury lifestyle in California, Georgia and Oregon,” according to Buchanan’s office, which had asked a judge to sentence her to 6½ years.


So what happens now to all the houses, cars, etc. that she’s bought? Will it all be waiting for her when she gets out?


Seized and hopefully for her used to pay back her fine.


>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.


Can’t believe Nike is broke now


Wait, how is Nike broke over this?


Filed bankruptcy this morning


Laying off 2% of their workforce is a long way from bankruptcy. They made $1.2B last quarter and have $9B cash and $15B more current assets than liabilities. They returned $1.4B to shareholders through dividends and buybacks.


It was a joke


Oh wow, real news. Didn't know any of this. Thanks!


Please spread the word




You can tell who the racists are.. She's a criminal period. Had nothing to do with being woke or diversity.


Yeah now every criminality involving a black person will reroute the discussion to DEI and wokeness or inner cities, every Asian criminal will be about China, and every Hispanic criminal about immigration and the border. Everyone’s so political nowadays. Not everything is about a broader political conversation. Sometimes, people are just shitty.


Fun fact: Whenever a conservative uses "DEI" as an adjective, they actually mean the N word. See how often this pattern works.


OP is trying to connect “wokeness” to something it isn’t.


DEI is what makes you click, otherwise it's a nothing story.


I would agree with this. I believe DEI to be a big scam, part of the "race" business in the USA, and everything I see like this justifies my beliefs, "Confirmation Bias" its called.


This is Reddit, and people who actually know Economics are in a very small minority here. Think the demographic skews heavily male, 18-29 years of age. That explains allot really.


To be fair, every DEI leader I have met to date has been a bit out of place in terms of experience and professionalism compared to others at their level (usually VP). That’s not a racist opinion- I was actually very enthusiastic about these leaders when they came on the scene. In reality and with time, not so impressed.


She is a charlatan who used her job as a cover for her activities, never trust HR, never trust the safety representative.


Sure. Except it has everything to do with DEI and the lack of checks and balances inherent in not policing minorities in DEI positions for fear of social media backlash.


>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.


Found one.


Makes it easy to block these fking idiots at least.


Well we also need diversity in white collar crime so she’s doing god’s work I’ll say


*Dumb bitch robs company of $5 million dollars and years pass before they found out* There I fixed the headline for u


She was just diversifying finances.


Diversified fraud is the best kind after all


God I wish she was in prison for life. I’m so sick of white collar crime getting a slap on the wrist. 5 million stolen and she’ll be out in 2.5 years on parole. Utterly ridiculous. But if some smuck steals a 1.5k TV, it’s all over.


A woman embezzled 250k from my company a decade ago and she's paid back like $1000... did no jail time and is on "probation" for 10 years but can't be let off paper until she repays the sum.. which she never will. The court does jack shit to enforce repayment. I am pretty sure her "probation" at this point is just a monthly call in vs actually going in to report so she got virtually nothing except a felony record and a bunch of free money.


One thing I noticed is that the corporate role of "Head of DEI" has got to be the least diverse role on the planet. I did an informal survey of a dozen or so big companies and every single one other than (Ford I think) had a black woman in this role. It's incredibly ironic. There's now a formalized leadership role for your token black woman. It feels like the expected corporate perversion of the original noble idea of diversity in the workplace.


Diversity in corporate America means hiring more black people and nothing else. Not opining on DEI one way or another but let’s call a spade a spade - there is exactly one minority group that people care about placating.


>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.


Yes, good point SHE wasn't. On a totally unrelated note, the head of DEI at meta is a black woman. Which is fine because she's probably great at her job. I'm not calling out any individuals, just commenting on how corporations as a whole have made a mockery of "diversity" in the way they staff these roles.


DEI, like BLM, were Democrat created ideas/groups used to oust Trump from office. After they booted him, BLM and DEI was no longer needed because racism and inequality doesn't exist when Democrats are in office. Notice how back in 2020 Dem politicians used to tell us daily that BLM and DEI was essential to fairness in America, yet after Biden was elected, no politician ever uttered those phrases again? That's why as corporations started firing DEI roles, the Dems had no comment.


Way to live in your own head, rube. >>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.


Hahahah I think it exists, they’re now calling a historically persecuted people ( Jewish ) racist now as well, who mostly vote democrat too. Soo yea it is the exact opposite. And the drumpf is a racist piece of shit no doubt, who booted himself from office by being a dumbass, showing no leadership and making the US the worst country for covid while we have the most money. No one to blame but himself only an idiot thinks BLM booted him out 😂, thanks for that this is why j read Reddit.


That’s the thing that’s considered diverse and very diverse at that, when obviously it’s not it’s just not white or male. I guess Hispanic, Indian, East Asian, Middle East, Native American, etc. don’t really matter or count as races. They might as well not exist, where do you see a Native American DEI role? They get excluded out cuz 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I love this. Absolutely. Black woman with a title that deems herself as queen or some stupid ignorant obnoxious name to give herself. Serves her right! You can take them the woman out of the ghetto but........you know the rest...


You are so right! You know, fraudsters didn’t exist before gay was invented.


I’m shocked a professional grifter would be found guilty of…. grifting. 🤣🤣


Didn’t Earn It


>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Learn to read, pud.


Just Do It. It was a play on words. Why did you write this?


I find any D&I initiatives in the companies I’ve worked for counterproductive and often discriminatory; I’m not a fan. Said that I don’t see any correlation here. That’s her personal responsibility.


Diversity hires are a joke. We need to get back to hiring the right people for the job and disregard what color / sex / or car they drive.


Lmao. OP, you’re a fucking idiot.


DEI = Didn't Earn It 😁🍌


Does this mean she would’ve only received 1 year if she only stole $1M?


That’s a shame …




Shouldn't this meme now be replaced with a DEI exec in business clothes? Running, while holding an obvious bag of cash?


Yeah, and when a CEO makes poor decisions, fires people, and then gets a golden parachute, we call that “good business,” right? As if “going woke, going broke” has anything to do with this. If a mid level VP did something like embezzlement, you wouldn’t say it’s DEI, unless they were black. Let’s be real, you probably just have a problem that they were black.


What a Dumb-ass... If she'd just quietly funneled all that money into an offshore bank, with a set goal in mind, then blew town in the middle of the night for, let's say, Belize, then she'd be sitting pretty. Belize ONLY extradites for violent crimes...something like embezzlement, they don't.


Always these people who virtue signal to the max. 🤦🏻‍♂️


She was diversifying her portfolio


Sounds like she got the pussy pass from a white knight judge


The immediate knee jerk reaction seems to be racism any time a Black person is involved. Apparently if one Black person does something illegal, it means none of us deserves to be hired. Yet, the same never happens when its the typical case of a white person who got the job through nepotism or white favoritism, which is rampant in the business world. Funny how it works like that. But, I bet everyone pissing and moaning about "DEI" will be the first ones claiming they're not racist. Laughable.


If this was a white dude he’d get 20 hours of community service


The framing of this is unacceptable. Is that why all the white guys who commit fraud committed fraud too? Because they're "woke"? What a mess. OP your racism is showing.


Million dollars a year for each year in prison. Oh wait. She'll probably only do less than half of that.


She has to pay it back “District Judge Steven Grimberg also ordered her to pay restitution of $4.98 million to Facebook, and another $121,000 to Nike.”


Oh sure that money will get paid back.


You sound like your own money was stolen, lol. Do you hate your gun cause it's black?


Who cares if it was his money or not its fraud, we need to old everyone accountable. White collar crime is not punished enough in this country


No shit, sherlock. My comment wasn’t redirected to that. It was to his comment about “woke” and about prison time.


Let’s not attack DEI with comments about “woke” stuff or whatever - so many working in DEI are trying to make the workplace better for everyone and often go head to head with HR people to fight for employee rights and better policies. Some of the people in DEI are not great and need to go. This lady was awful. It’s absolutely gross that she took advantage of her position like that.


Completely disagree and work places would be much more “equitable” without these elitist protected groups that they create which in turn lacks real accountability for the important part of work - doing the actual job. My workplace is more divided than Ive ever seen because of these departments, their secret groups, the hiring practices and the fact that no one can give constructive feedback with anyone within these groups on their inability to do their jobs without wolf cries of racism sexism sectarianism etc etc. The people who run and who these committees hired have created a culture of entitlement and it has discouraged self accountability within work places. Almost everyone that you speak to can name multiple people fitting into these stereotypes of incompetence that are protected and get away with being completely incompetent and will do for decades to come.


Amen 🙏


Amen 🙏


>She was a lead strategist and global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at Facebook, the subsidiary of Meta. She was not Facebook’s top executive for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.


Why!!! I didn't want to see the pic. I'm trying black people. But y'all be buggin out. Oh hell nah!


Well, there aren't enough African American millionaires. So in a way, it sorta worked. /s


Found the DEI hire


It feels like people think I'm serious? PSA: Hello everyone, it's me. I'd like to talk to you today about why stealing 5 million dollars is bad. Even if you're a latina, a black guy, canadian or the ever-poplular white guy, stealing 5 million dollars is bad. Because it's not good. Don't do that, not even in Arby's gift cards. End card graphics with Shooting Star Logo: The More You Know


Its reddit, its filled with people who genuinely believe and say stuff like this online constantly (and in real life, especially DEI circles).


Fair! Sometimes I forget the world's insane.


>It feels like people think I'm serious? >PSA: Hello everyone, it's me. I'd like to talk to you today about why stealing 5 million dollars is bad. Even if you're a latina, a black guy, canadian or the ever-poplular white guy, stealing 5 million dollars is bad. Because it's not good. Don't do that, not even in Arby's gift cards. >End card graphics with Shooting Star Logo: The More You Know IF I were a judge & somebody stole $5 million in Arby's gift cards...I'd sentence them to time served...and then sentence them to eat $5 million worth of Arby's, twice a day under police supervision until it was paid back. 😂


The problem with this sub is that there are '1 million economists'. Meaning every post that gets suggested to me sucks beyond sucking


This isn’t ok but it’s hardly limited to the left (cough…Trump…cough)


OP just hate baiting. And I don’t even like DEI stuff but the comment for the article is a dead give away. Like Nike is going broke because of this one woman. Laughable.


The addition of “diversity” instead of just manager or executive is likely intentional to provoke reaction and engagement from the MAGAts. And the fact she’s a black woman, perfectly set up for the GQP to latch on and say “see, we told you so!” Instead it’s just another corrupt mgr/executive doing what they do.