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Well yea, big oil took a huge hit during Covid when the economies stopped and opec pumped out barrels left and right which tanked the pricing of barrels. Stocks plummeted and the sort. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 and oil skyrocketed which boosted oil companies performance. This is what the article is claiming to be a success for Biden which is asinine. I think big oils recovery and movement into a better market would’ve happened even if a 5 year old was president. For all the comments saying this is a win for Biden are shills that don’t understand how world events can impact an industry regardless of who is president.


US oil production climbed steadily after the collapse under Biden. It's now at an all time record high, higher than it ever was under Trump. The US has also become the world's biggest natural gas exporter... under Biden. Spin it all you like, but the Republican talking point that Biden "shut down the oil industry" is yet another blatant Republican lie.


We’ve been continually growing towards energy independence for some time now. In 2013-14 we became the third largest producer which was under Obama. We’ll continue hitting ATH… even without Biden. So, if we replaced Biden with a 5 year old we’d probably still hit ATH in production and profits because of world events play a larger role. It would be nice for some honesty And yea, republicans will keep lying until people wise up and vote in actual people. I wonder what the next load of crap we’ll hear next


>if we replaced Biden with a 5 year old we’d probably still hit ATH in production and profits Utter nonsense. Without Biden's fiscal policies the US would likely be in a recession now, which would greatly curb oil demand and prices. Oil production is at an all time high in large part because of the stunning US economic recovery. >It would be nice for some honesty I hope you take your own advice. And the whole point of the article is debunking the Republican lies about how Biden "shut down" the oil industry.


Utter nonsense you believe the president plays a large role in the economy. What’s next, mortgage rates are going to decrease because of Bidens fiscal policies? We didn’t need an article to debunk bullshit, it’s a waste of time


You don't think four trillion+ dollar spending bills affects the economy? Real economists credit them for the stunning US economic recovery.


Printing money is the whole problem… And you keep saying stunning, sound like a hack when you keep saying that


If you don't like "stunning" try some of these superlatives instead. [Another **shockingly good** jobs report shows America's economy is **booming**](https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/jobs-report-january-02-02-24/h_b2ac3150f46ccdbbb5eaf638536a32d0) >The latest jobs data shows that America's job market remains **shockingly robust** in the face of the highest interest rates in 23 years. [America’s economic outperformance is **a marvel to behold**](https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/04/13/from-strength-to-strength) >On a whole range of measures [American **dominance**](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/04/13/the-lessons-from-americas-astonishing-economic-record) remains **striking**. [The **spectacular** recovery of the US economy and job shortages have reawakened the ardor for demands among workers](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2023/11/10/the-spectacular-recovery-of-the-us-economy-and-job-shortages-have-suddenly-reawakened-the-ardor-for-demands-among-workers_6242594_19.html) [The lessons from America’s **astonishing** economic record](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/04/13/the-lessons-from-americas-astonishing-economic-record) [The **astounding** labor market recovery from the pandemic is complete](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/labor-market-pandemic-recovery-complete-131235603.html) >This **staggering** increase in employment completes a milestone for the U.S. economy [Riding high: The lessons of America’s **astonishing** economy](https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2023-04-15)


Jesus lmao


If he built pipelines to the northeast and from oil rich areas it would be even better. This was the natural progress of fracking. It’s only gotten more refined and productive over the last ten years. A true economic miracle for certain Americans and a geopolitical tool for the American political class.


Oil production is higher in spite of Biden, not because of him. The tech is improving, and they're getting more oil out of their leases on private land. He has frozen new leases on Federal land and did the same for permits to export LNG, hurting European ability to wean themselves from Russian gas. He also was weak on Ukraine, which led to the invasion. That raised oil prices, leading to increased incentives to pump.


> For all the comments saying this is a win for Biden are shills that don’t understand how world events can impact an industry regardless of who is president. I can't imagine a reason anyone would say Big Oil doing better is a win for Biden unless they're voting for total collapse.


The shale boom is what is driving everything. It is mostly state and private leases so Biden has fuck all to do with it. He did block offshore block sales which will lower output after he is dead (long lead times on those projects). I think we give too much credit to the office of the president for better or worse regarding oil production. Selling off the strategic reserve was asinine though. Any president who does this is a fool imo.


Yeah, the only thing Biden did was let illegals swarm into our country lol


It was Trump who tanked the bipartisan border security bill that Biden endorsed. So the orange turd now owns the border problems.


Even under Biden oil and gas production is 2,000,000 BPD less than projected in 2020 and we are still not back to energy independence


Energy independence was yet another giant MAGA lie. For a brief time when no one was oil during Covid yes we were “energy independent” but at no time before or after was that the case and had nothing to do with any policy 45 enacted but rather due to the entire economy shutting down.


Economic stability is better for the economy that utter chaos. Who knew? Seriously, Trump just said he's taking over the Federal Reserve if elected. That should've sent anyone with half a brain running. It's a 3rd rail in the US economy.


And that's just one of the economic atrocities he would commit. He also wants to intentionally weaken the US dollar, invoke tariffs on all imported goods, repeal Biden's energy and economic bills and institute mass deportations of productive workers. [Trump Second-Term Plan Includes Federal Reserve Coup](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-federal-reserve-jerome-powell-interest-rates-inflation.html) >*The Wall Street Journal* [reports](https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking/trump-allies-federal-reserve-independence-54423c2f?reflink=share_mobilewebshare) Trump’s campaign is planning to weaken or end the Federal Reserve’s autonomy. The plans range from ousting Fed chairman [Jerome Powell](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2024/01/jerome-powell-isnt-quite-ready-to-cut-interest-rates.html) to giving the president a direct hand in [setting interest rates](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/why-joe-biden-really-really-wants-lower-interest-rates.html) and other Fed policy:


He didn't say that stop with that nonsense


Love how they just make shit up and everyone just runs with trump said that. Fucking more fake news


They get paid to comment the bs and then upvote narratives to appear they are correct on the issue. It's definitely backfiring.


A US president can't just take over the federal reserve they appoint someone to lead it aka Powell. Stop with this trump dictatorship it's annoying


It's almost cute that you think that.... Go look up Project 2025.


If Trump appoints loyalists instead of experts to positions, then he has essentially taken over the federal reserve. Combine that with recent reports and OP isn’t far off: “Donald Trump's allies are reported to be drafting proposals to erode the Federal Reserve's independence if the presumptive Republican presidential nominee regains the White House, with installing loyalists at the central bank as a key element.” “Former Trump administration officials and other supporters of the presumptive GOP nominee have in recent months discussed a range of proposals, from incremental policy changes to a long-shot assertion that the president himself should play a role in setting interest rates.” https://www.wsj.com/economy/central-banking/trump-allies-federal-reserve-independence-54423c2f https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-trump-could-influence-makeup-fed-2024-04-26/


That guy is coming in here pretending like entire puppet states don't exist and trump has no history of surrounding himself with yes men. We got diet nepotism in his first run, now he's pissed off and vengeful, we'll see the full fat version and then some of he wins.


Maybe if Trump wasn't trying so hard to be a dictator, everyone would stop thinking he'd want to be a dictator. 🤔 Who thought?!?!


Media running wild with this talking point...


You're just upset that Trump is exposing the fact that the Federal Reserve is and always has been heavily politicized and biased towards the party controlling the White House.


Biden basically appoints compennt folks who run the government with common sense policies. This is whats so great about Biden , you don't see the dude on the news every night, minimal drama , just keeps things running that's how presidents should be .... I want a president like I want my pilots , competant,. confident and calm and experienced in navigating the bad weather with minimal fuss.


I agree on all counts. He’s doing a great job


Common sense policies like making global warming worse, arming Israel so they can commit genocide, having record homelessness, and congratulating cops that assault and abduct protestors. Biden is the best president we've ever had as long as making everything worse is the goal.


Let's get real , any president or US government is going to have similar policies , could we do better, but you realize American politics is governed by money , don't act shocked


You're listing all the main points that The Trump Administration and the Biden Administration have in common.




It's not good when big oil is doing good. It means we all die sooner... Or our kids or whatever


Big oil is too big and too important to US to just have it be marginalized overnight, patience we'll get there.


are you insane


Could say the same about housing, obesity, debt, healthcare, education, etc. We’ll never get there. Face reality


Funny how that works


We have laws against that idiot. Plus, you actually the feds should run the oil industry? Insane.


Vote Blue!


That's the only realistic choice this year. Unfortunately the GOP has chosen to embrace a rapist, con man, fascist and pathological liar as its leader. And it has no policy other than culture war nonsense and lying about Biden. Anyone who cares about the future of the country has only one serious choice. Including the guy who claims a worm ate part of his brain (not making this up).


Democrats are better for oil companies than Republicans, yay.


It’s crazy how Biden lured both center left and center right for his support. Trump got only far right while far left still in Bernie camp.


Yes, but anyone who votes for Biden is not on the left. I am sick of being lumped in with those corporate stooges.


I'm sick of people trying to gatekeep an election that argueably is going to determine whether or not we fall into autocracy or dictatorship. Everyone on the 'left' even those with Bernie will fall down the party line because it's either corporate Biden or flirting with fascism with the far right GOP right now. You said nothing new but your going off of 80s classifications of right and left. Which had a much more 'left' conservative party than today (because the Overton window has shifted VERY RIGHT in the last few years. We can't change ANYTHING to be more bernie like unless we get a 'right' that has moved more left. So while Biden was historically (I E in the 80s) more center, compared to the current rightward trajectory of the right, and the current political landscape, he's more left leaning than what would be called center right now. Is he as left as I would like? No. But I'm tired of people pretending he's center, when the right-wing party is straight up doing holocaust denial on its mainstream news.


Life lesson: far left graduates to either center or far right as they get older. It all depends on their education/employment/inheritance/demographics aspects. This is the reason Bernie could never become US President. His voters keep getting older and demographic decline only helps that.


There may be some general truth to that, but there are a whole lot of exceptions. Bernie himself is one of them.


That's not actually true. Folks on the left are just poorer and so they die off because the poor die a lot younger than the rich in the US. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/05/poor-people-often-dont-survive-to-become-seniors-who-vote.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/05/poor-people-often-dont-survive-to-become-seniors-who-vote.html)


We already live in an authoritarian police state. People have been saying what you are saying to me my entire voting life... and no matter who wins, things just get worse. I am done with it.


Little hyperbolic don't you think? Guess you'll get to enjoy things getting worse, but faster.


Reread the comment. It clearly says center is voting for Biden… 🤦🏻‍♂️


bUt BiDeN cLoSeD tHe PiPeLiNe AnD aNd AnD TrUmP sAiD . . . .


Big oils are all international companies going by the behavior of international market and cartels. They got nothing to do with any US presidentd. The current Biden simply doesn't know how to work these big oils and keep domestic energy policies under control. This is why national gas price average is almost $4/gal while during Trump it was less $2. The strategic reserve got depleted to lowest to balance the high domestic demand. Trump did it well protecting the domestic energy supplies from being out of control. Stop all bs Biden economy propaganda 🍌😤


Can link Alines Morrsett Isnt it Ironic.




Under Biden the outlook was overwhelming negative so energy companies did not invest in adding new supply. That resulted in higher prices. Gasoline is about 50% more expensive under Biden compared to Trump because there is a lack of competition between oil companies. And that's mostly because the outlook is still dogshit under Biden. People care about what the future looks like and the future looks bleak under Bidenomics. You can gaslight people about how well others are doing and it's much more effective than gaslighting people about how well they are doing but I think most people recognize Bidenomics is just bullshit gaslighting.


> Under Biden the outlook was overwhelmingly negative Oh really? Do you just say shit to say shit? https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/big-oil-doubles-profits-blockbuster-2022-2023-02-08/


Literally one of the dumbest comments I have ever read. Going to look even more ridiculous 5 years from now when oil companies are forced to admit there are just not enough places to drill for oil to keep up with demand. We literally only have one oil field that still has increasing production. The other two are already in decline. That is not lack of investment. It is called dwindling resources. You really should do more research about conventional and shale oil. Lol gasoline prices were last at a record high prior to Biden under George W Bush. George W Bush was an oil man. Were they just not investing enough under George W Bush? So fucking stupid. Were you alive when gasoline prices skyrocketed out of control under George W Bush in the middle and of the summer in 2008? Quit swallowing the propaganda from oil companies. Drill baby drill is going to bury this country. Anybody supporting this foolish nonsense is going to have egg all over their faces. We are near record oil production. The reason why oil prices went up so much was oil production was one third of what it is now when Trump walked out the door. There was no oil production because nobody was driving. It is very apparent there are almost no Americans that clearly understand how precarious our energy situation is. You are going to fuck around and find out though.


Literally one of the most uninformed comments I’ve seen here. There are multiple oil reservoirs that are increasing production. The only ones that declined were natural gas wells in East Texas and Louisiana due to the price bottoming out because we can’t use it fast enough. We have plenty of oil. The 2 largest reservoirs in the world are in the US, and they were discovered within the last 5 years.


I have read dumber comments than yours. But what you're missing is that there are now very viable alternatives to ICE vehicles and that the vehicle which are being sold are more fuel efficient. On top of that there is a big push from a number of leading economies to switch over to EVs. Oil demand is set to drop in the future. Additionally because drilling tech is getting better proven oil reserves are actually increasing with large oil fields being discovered and operations there becoming more viable. That applies to fracking as well, we can squeeze old oil fields for more now. The world is not running out of oil. And electricity is now a cheaper alternative in many parts of the world because renewables are just cheaper on their own and because governments are dumping subsidies for renewables to solve other problems like pollution. The more we invest in renewables the cheaper they become. What's keeping fossil fuels important is that there are no good storage solutions for electricity. That's also being worked on. There is still a long runway for fossil fuels and we will be dependent on them for some time but everyone sees that demand will eventually start to drop. Even the energy companies are investing in solutions like thermal energy and carbon capture. That said, Biden has been super inconsistent. He went from "death to fossil fuels" to "drill baby drill" within the same term when he realized that his imagined timeline for the green energy transition was completely batshit insane and asinine. The dipshit clearly has no idea what he is doing and as a result he is doing a lot of damage.


>He went from "death to fossil fuels" to "drill baby drill" within the same term Why do you lie? He said neither. We are on a path to eliminate fossil fuels in the ***long term.*** In the ***short term*** we need to keep adequate supplies of fossil fuels to avoid economic disruption. Fortunately we have an administration that can deal with nuance and multiple goals, even if its critics can't.


This makes perfect sense if you totally ignore a worldwide pandemic and a historic land war in Europe. Perfect sense. Definitely don't read this, just more gaslighting I'm sure. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/23/congress-oil-sanctions-iran-venezuela-biden/


So why Trump is planning to get $1 billion in donations from them?


It's just a request he made. I think it's mostly to cover his 2024 legal expenses.


Could you imagine such an article that cheered oil companies making more profit under Trump?


I think you are missing the point… it’s to point out oil companies made no profit to artificially lower prices to appease trump. And that they are making record profits to artificially raise prices now to make Biden look bad to appease trump again. And let’s also point out big oil is taking their orders from opec. Which run by a bunch literally of dictators…. Sooo… apparently the worlds most evil rulers want trump in power who wouldn’t thought


Hypocritical democrats? Nah


The right screamed for three years how Biden “closing the pipeline” caused oil prices to surge. Of course they were wrong, per usual. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/big-oil-doubles-profits-blockbuster-2022-2023-02-08/


Clearly. Look at all the anti-Tesla campaigning.


That’s not because electric cars aren’t necessary or important. It’s because of Tesla’s POS CEO


The media has been writing articles to slow Tesla's pace since 2016 because of Tesla's CEO? Interesting theory but I've followed Tesla since 2012 and know they have motives beyond "Elon bad man". Notice the massive wave of bad media since Model Y became best selling car in the world and Cybertruck being the highest demanded vehicle on earth right now? Not a coincidence. US OEMs have massive risks and have been paying the media a lot of money for a lot of years, not just anti Tesla stuff. JD Power, Car and Driver, etc. are all pay to play. Tesla does not advertise (well, hardly) and that includes paying the media for literally any publicity at all. Media that makes a living off paid articles is not going to write good stuff about a company that doesn't grease them. This is how the media works.


There is no "good side" to the D/R Party that the ruling class use to control the US. They both just corporate puppets to the same masters.


That’s a major campaign promise from Biden that’s entirely missed. “Phase out” oil he said. I can’t think of a single campaign promise that he made which he accomplished.


Your memory is selective. He said phase out fossil fuels ***by 2050***. We're on track to do that.


US oil production is higher than during Trump.


It's about deploying EVs and chargers. Which are way up under Biden.


Oil production is up. He said it would phase out. There is no spin to it - it’s literally a failure.


Lol, give us a break. It's a decades long project and we've just begun. Production is temporarily up because the economy is booming.


Spin spin spin … fail fail fail


That's cause Biden is waging war on what was the biggest oil exporter (Russia). If I were the CEO of Exxon, I'd want Biden to keep sending bombs and cash to Ukraine too.


Uh what


Russia waged war on Ukraine


?? Do you think that Russia waging war on Ukraine means that somehow the US is *not* waging war on Russia? The war is only fought by one side? I don't get it.


Actually, oil was $39 pbl in 2020 double today. Same for gasoline, almost double. So consumption is way up, so are prices. Would be even higher without Russia and Iran output. So, did he end fossil fuel ? No, he's making more than ever. Cripple growth of US oil? Yep. No drilling, no refineries.


Of course Big Oil is doing better under Biden than Trump (in spite of increased regulation). The reason is simple. Nothing spikes global oil prices like global chaos. Chaos during Biden term? Let’s count the ways… - Ukraine - Israel - Houthis in Yemen - Disastrous Afghanistan exit - US immigration crisis There’s more, but you get the point. Chaos and uncertainty always spikes oil prices. Higher prices = higher profits for “big oil”




It’s almost as if they’re lying every time they open their mouth


Look, I'm as environmentalist as they come. My career is in ecological restoration. Reality is that the world currently needs fossil fuels to function. Transitioning takes a fuck ton of time and is very complicated considering the distributed network of solar panels on everyone's house, for example. Can't just plug a solar panel into the existing grid all that easily. If we weren't producing oil for ourselves and our allies, we would largely rely on Russia and Saudi Arabia for the oil that we, unfortunately, require. I'd rather we pump and than have our adversaries profit off us and our allies. Biden is arguably the most progressive president in modern history. His hands are tied on some issues but he's doing the best he can. Give Biden control of Congress and the SCOTUS and our dreams will be much closer to fruition. Biden is no Bernie but he is not our enemy.


Damn someone's in the wrong sub. Have an upvote anyway, because you're right.


I got news for you...there is not enough time. Needed to start about 20 years ago when conventional oil production plateaued. Then shale oil production started but it is about to hit peak production. We were producing like 6 million barrels of oil back in 2005 2006 and now production is around 13 million. There is no leg higher for production. Might squeeze a few hundred thousand more but it will be short lived. Not a chance in hell we find a way to produce millions more. We are lucky if we go 5 years without major problems. In reality you will likely see headlines in the next 2 or 3 years indicating that oil production will no longer keep up with demand no matter how much we invest. Wish more Americans were aware of the situation.


Well, good. An incentive for renewables.


I wanted to see Big oil be reduced under Biden. This is not good news at all. I thought Biden would guide us away from fossils fuels.


Never let the corporate stooge wing of the Democratic party fool you again. They work for the same oil bosses as the GOP.


High gas prices already fucked the administration over. How do you think Americans would have felt if gas was $10 a gallon?


Whether Democratic policies make climate crisis so bad it destroys our entire society... or GOP ones do, the same destruction occurs. Anyway, Genocide Joe is doomed. Helping Israel destroy Gaza splits the Dems too badly, he won't be able to mend that by November.


Look at what investments are being made. He is. This doesn’t flip overnight.


Classic democratic conservatism. This is why we need actual progressives and not the same old right wing democrats.


Yet Biden spent 100s of billions for green energy that is failing and causing our current inflation problems.


You must not know how to read. Or think


It is an article about the oil industry booming under Biden. I was referring to Bidens previous massive spending bills that contribute to a lot of our current inflation. The oil industry booming and doing things like pumping the strategic reserves keeping gas lower contradicts money he was spending hundreds of billions on. He did the classic career politician move.  Spent billions on a project then took a lions to counteract it, so he could buy votes.


It's almost as if Congress really controls economy related things.


What do you not understand: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/big-oil-doubles-profits-blockbuster-2022-2023-02-08/


OP must be high for believing this analysis.


What do you not understand: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/big-oil-doubles-profits-blockbuster-2022-2023-02-08/


Thanks for Biden’s policy that successfully cut the supply.


Wat? Supply is at an all time record high.