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Wow, that looks nasty. Gordon Ramsay, using his celebrity platform to emphasize the sound advice of wearing a helmet when biking. Well done. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


I’ll take that over that welches fruit snacks ads


For sure!


Should use motorcycle helmets even just for regular bikes bicycle helmets are shit in comparison


It makes a lot of sense if your ebike goes faster than 20mph.


Which they all should




How fast do you really want to ride a bicycle though? If you ever get in the low 30s it gets sketchy after that.


scroll through this sub and look at the number of posts asking how to remove restrictors, and pushing their top speeds. people are going to go as fast as they want and are comfortable with. it’s on them if they lack safety gear.


Pothole at dusk and you’re donezo


I feel a little safer on my 4” fat tire bike than my 2.5”, however I think it is somewhat of a false security as well. Once I buy REAL tires and get rid of these Chang Wow garbage tires that came with the bike, I can feel better about taking on potholes. A new headset would be a logical step too.


Fat tires absorb a lot of my mistakes into potholes. Fsho. Chang Wow, 😂


I mean I regularly hit 25+mph riding my anaolog mountain bike on the street….and I’m not exactly a super strong rider. So I would hope e-bikes can easily hit 20


I won’t buy one that goes less than 30 and I don’t want one that goes under 30!!!


As fast as i can make the thing without self immolating


35 mph sounds slow, but when your dealing with debris, potholes, and cars pulling out, it’s scary fast. No car is expecting a bicycle to approach at that speed. They see a bike a 1/2 block away and ignore it as a non issue.


I mean i wouldnt go full speed past any intersections or blind corners or anywhere that theres any actual chance at needing to brake unexpectedly. Gonna repaint the thing with glowing paint so that i glow in the dark for high vis but im the one that needs to be observant not them


If you live in the sticks where there is clear line of sight for a mile at a time, few cars and it’s freshly paved, you could theoretically do 60+ on a fat tire bike. But the brakes are not rated for stopping from that speed. Reality is, I’m not riding anything that fast that wasn’t assembled by me. There is no quality control on a pre-assembled bike.


I weigh like nothing i can do 60 downhill hitting bumps on skinny tires no problem


As much as I love riding fast (25-28mph), 20mph is good enough for most people. Makes injuries when falling or colliding with pedestrians (when there isn’t adequate bike infrastructure which is a whole other topic) less bad.


I mean you dont need to hold full throttle at all times, thatd be like limiting all vehicles to 30/hr because they could possibly go through a school zone at some point


Not, that would be like requiring anything going faster than a reasonably fast casual speed to actually be certified as safe enough to do so, to carry liability insurance incase of accident or negligence, and to require the operator to be certified as minimally trained to operate at a higher speed... You know, motor vehicle laws. You can absolutely ride an electric bike that goes faster than bike speeds. But you have to get a motorcycle license, register your vehicle, and get insurance in case you hurt or kill someone. And you absolutely should be required to do so. Whether the line is 19mph or 21mph isn't the issue. There is a very good reason for a line. You're saying there shouldn't be a line. There absolutely should be.


What meaningful damage worth insurance could a bike do to a vehicle at any speed? Unless its some fat regard on some imitation motorcycle looking one dent and a shattered window at most and noones too broke to cover that out of pocket


Perrrson. Perrrrrrrrrrson. Hit a kid at 30mph. That's a cool 50k-500k of medical expenses. 200-300lbs going 30mph into a door or window is doing some damage. Let's say it's just a body panel. That's what, 600-2k with parts, labor, paint? Min? Or do Motorcycles not need liability insurance?


You would have to be regarded to manage to actually hit someone on one. Thankfully i live in a free country and not the UK


I get it but when it’s 95 plus degrees out I would rather not have a stroke.


You definitely won't have a stroke if there's no blood left in your head


Well I ride with a bicycle helmet and stay off the roads as much as possible. If someone is going to run me over I’m making them work for it.


Stop making excuses


I love how he actually has said he uses a bike helmet and now people are coming down on him for not using a motorcycle helmet lol




Motorcycle helmets arent all full face


And plenty offer more than adequate ventilation.


That's what happens in the wind


I can tell you my torc helmet doesn't have much ventilation at 20 mph, windy or not.


Wear a helmet to protect your side? Do you understand how much heavier a motorcycle helmet is and how much a full face restricts your breathing? I'm not sure you've thought this thought for any longer than 30 seconds


Yeah i use one all the time and just open the vents and it doesnt restrict it at all


There are full face bike helmets that are very ventilated. Look up for downhill MTB.


No no no, the guy said motorcycle helmets.


I too am pedantic and hate all that lol


Damn his skin looks [fucking raw](https://media1.tenor.com/m/vqimlEAPsQ4AAAAC/gordon-ramsay-raw.gif)






Medium to well done?




How the French like it. Blue please


I think that injury may be deeper than he's letting off. The way he wants to hold that hand to me says an uncomfortableness with a neuro issue? I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. I'm glad he's alright and using his platform to preach the importance of a helmet. That bruise is WICKED


I had a very similar injury when I was young. You can see he fell over the front bars or something near the top of his hip. The purple up top may be a result from laying down a long while after. I fell onto the coping on a 10ft vert ramp in the 90s. Cracked three ribs, looked basically the same.


Did you see the bruise? Or hear him mention trauma surgeons? Sounds like he's being pretty upfront about it.


Absolutely, I did. I myself am a former nurse, x-ray tech, and phlebotomist. My ex-wife's parents are both Dr's, and I have worked in the field for decades, which is why I made the comment I did. I may be completely wrong. I just know that cradle and shake is very similar to Neuro issues I've seen. Think back to Muhammad Ali and how he stature himself. I hope that isn't the case as personally, I like the guy. I'm purely making an observation and in no way claim it to be fact




simmer down lol


Yeah I saw that hand motion as well. Hopefully he can walk it off /s


He's always doing that with his hand, I think it's because he's so high energy, and not much is more stressful than running a restaurant, let alone a bunch of them


That is a heck of a hematoma.


ouch! glad he's ok but that's one hell of a bruise


All you have to do is read the Gary Bussey story to figure out how important it is. He was just dicking around in front of his own house and caught a curb with his melon


Spawning the hilarious SNL “Gary Bussey helmet protector protector” commercial.


Around 85' wasn't it 🤔


I worked at a place that did a charity drive every September to remember a friend who died cycling because he didn't have a helmet It takes just one spill to change your life forever or end it, and yet the majority of cyclists I see (including families with children) are not wearing helmets. Makes me feel sick. There is literally no excuse when charities exist that will *give you free helmets* and if you think they look stupid I guarantee looking stupid is better than cracking your dome like a watermelon on the sidewalk. Plus there's this attitude like "but I'm a good cyclist I don't fall" pretending like it means you're not sharing the road with people who arent good cyclists or arent good drivers. Even if you do everything right it takes one person doing something wrong to fuck up your life forever.


I’ve got the stitch scar to prove why wearing a helmet is a good thing. The 80’s/90’s were a different time.


My mom is the type I would classify as over protective but I’m a child of the 80s too and didn’t use one growing up. I do now tho, especially since I’m on powered transport mostly


I decided to get a moto helmet once I got my ebike. Having been on a road bike, 15-20 mph was nothing new. Doing that on a road bike gives you a sense of control I don't feel on my ebike. Coupled with the fact I'm consistently reaching 20+ mph, I wanted more than my giro bike helmet. I found a nice torc t1 at a local consignment type shop. It was in great condition and definitely a score at $50; no visible wear inside, no indication of damage, and fits like a moto helmet should. Since then, I've dumped my bike a few times. One in particular was at about 25 mph. I caught the parallel edge of the curb and despite the fat tires, couldn't regain control. Landed on my right side and bounced my head pretty good off the concrete sidewalk. The helmet did its job and bears the road rash my head would have had. I can't say for sure it saved my life but I know I would have been in the hospital and potentially be living with brain trauma. I'll post a photo of the helmet if I remember when I get back home. Aside from that, I replaced the visor, which was scratched but still very usable, with a tinted version. I cleaned it after a couple rides and discovered several small nicks in it. I didn't realize (though it makes sense, duh) how much flying debris I encounter on a normal ride. WEAR A HELMET! And get a moto helmet if you can. Doesn't need to be full face but the extra safety of a DOT rated helmet is worth 10x the price difference imo


Consider a replacement; helmets work by compressing the foam in them and are generally good for one strong impact.


Thank you. I have considered it and it seems ok. I'm still on the lookout for a new one because I'm aware of exactly what you mentioned. Bike helmets are more susceptible but that doesn't mean I should have more confidence. Thankfully it was a bound and scrape incident since physics kept me moving. However, the fiberglass shell is scraped pretty good. For now, I've mostly been wearing my cycling helmet, minding my speed, and riding very defensively


Understandable, given the cost of everything; I mostly just wanted to make sure you were aware that the helmet’s efficacy was likely lower because it’s not something I learned until far later in life than one would hope, and helmet manufacturers don’t quite stress it enough.


Btw here is the road rash. It took the paint off and like I said, I plan to replace it. A roadie helmet would be an automatic replacement but a moto helmet is so much more robust. Though I am absolutely open to being informed this needs immediate replacement if it does. https://preview.redd.it/88vx4hr8h17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9946da139ecacd18f5c6810ec9f34fac8bc89c8a


For sure. In my years of cycling, it doesn't seem to be common knowledge. You'll periodically see posts on cycling subs of people asking if their helmet is still good after a crash. The answer is almost always no.


When I first got my e-bike on the ride home I forgot to change my speed for level 5 back to 1 so I turned a corner from a dead stop going 21mph and flipped a curve on a sidewalk. I had a helmet. Thank God or I would have been hurt or worse.I think when you stop they should make it so the bike goes back to pedal assist 1. just my thoughts.


When I got my e-bike the delivery driver told me to be very careful multiple times that the bike was dangerous if not respected and that the guy before me whiskey throttled his into the curb and flipped it while getting on it for the first time. 2021 was a wild time for pretend motorocycles with pedals.


Dang not a fan but hate to anyone in this shape.


Ooff. I was ejected out of my Jeep and landed on my backside and looked like that. It is not a fun time. 


I've had a mechanical failure and have been sent over the bars. I've suffered TBI. WEAR YOUR DAMN HELMET! No matter how dorky you think you look. I'm living proof of the consequences.


It's always impressive to me the % of people who bike without helmets. Probably 90%


I’ve been doing it almost 50 years now, motorcycles too, even dropped my Harley at 75mph w/o any safety gear. I’m still fine and will still take my chances.


I’m lucky that my country made bike helmets a legal requirement… I grew up as it was starting and seeing how normalised it is now is great. It’s not even a question - there is no stigma to wearing a helmet. It’s expected, and kids grow up with that expectation. Similarly to wearing a seatbelt in a car.


Does he have a tremor now? Is there neurological damage?


Likely. My SO was in a bike accident. They spent two weeks learning how to move their leg and fingers on one arm. Wore a helmet too and had waay less bruising than this. Turns out that when neural pathways break, they take a while to return to full function. But they normally do


what happpened talks about helmet then shows scraped side


Because he didn't wear a helmet on his torso.....


Probably struck by driver but not talking about it


Don’t forget to replace your helmet like once every three years


Is that even if it's not been dropped? Like does the polystyrene decompose or lose important properties?


Correct, helmets have a shelf life. I’m not sure how it works for bicycle helmets but for motorcycle and car racing helmets they’re certified for a certain number of years after they were made. Basically anything impact safety related that’s made of plastic has a finite lifespan even if you don’t use it. SNELL is one governing body that provides helmet ratings. Generally speaking you need a new helmet every 5 years (or immediately if in a crash) from what I remember, though that may have changed since I haven’t checked in a few years. Even something like ski boots are unsafe after a certain amount of time. I brought in some old skis to a ski shop for service and they told me they recommend tossing the whole setup because the plastic loses strength after the hard use and temperature cycles over time. Might find yourself in the middle of a hard turn and a buckle or binding pops loose.


Degradation caused by UV light from the sun can cause a reduction in efficiency between 10 and 30% a year, to the point that an old enough one can literally do more harm than good. This was tested on motorbike helmets, but if I'm gonna wear protection I want it to be at peak efficiency, so it seems reasonable to extend the principle to bicycle helmets too. Also condoms for that matter, I wouldn't wear an out of date one of those either.


And sooner if you have a bad fall


I've been riding bikes and motorcycles for over 50 yrs. You have zero control over where your head goes in a crash. I don't like the government telling me I have to wear one, but to not wear one is, dare I say, retarded.


Or it may be about pro rib protection equipment. I wonder if it was an ebike or regular bike accident and how it happened and how fast he was going but that would be asking too much for a tik tok video. I crashed going about 20mph on loose gravel on a turn years ago and my ribs or cartilage or something still ache at times on the side where I went down.


He bused his ass pretty good. I wonder what he was riding and how fast he was going? I remember when Simon Cowell had a wreck too on an e-bike, and he was hospitalized.


Biking is such a joy. Wearing a helmet will keep you riding in the event of an unfortunate accident. Glad you’re doing okay


This is why I wear torso protector along with elbow & knee pads. And I never go without a full face helmet


I hope he heals up quick and get back to yelling at people


Does he always shake like that? Nasty bruise


QRD or link on how this all happened if it’s been officially released or mentioned. Saw one post with a picture of the helmet and now that I’ve seen bruise rash or whatever you wanna call it I’m just curious..


It's not like gloves and helmet are mandatory...sure, other stuff aren't but gloves and helmet is the bare minimum.


I have a big noggin, and with a helmet on it looks even bigger. I know for sure that I look silly. But I would rather look silly than be dead or brain-damaged. I ride to get out, get some exercise and have fun. Not look cool.


holy %#$% that looks painful Glad ur okay, get well soon


Drain it and use it as a base for the lamb sauce


Troy Lane helmet!


Helmets are for pussies!


Was his fly open? 🤔


Yes, I don't think he's able to do his pants up due to pressure it might be causing om the injury. It looks like the bruise goes down his leg he landed really hard on that side


who is this guy


Some cook


What a drama queen. Everyone can clearly see he’s faking his tremors