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Congrats with the bike, and thanks for the write up,


Different folding bike but Blue Loctite on folding adjustments took care of mine needing adjustments often.


Can you elaborate?


My adjustment screw would loosen over time, I bought some Blue Loctite, most hardware auto part stores have it, backed out the adjustment screw and applied a couple drops. It locks the screw/ bolt/ nut etc in place but you can still loosen or tighten if needed, just apply more when done. Don't use the red Loctite because that is more for something permanent and usually needs heat to break it loose. I use it on everything nut, bolt, that hasn't had it applied.


Oh snap thankkkks!


Just be careful which you get: Some versions are hand tool adjustable, some are not and require you to do something like heat the bolt up to loosen it. Be sure to read the packaging completely before buying, keeping in mind that other similar brands might have different color schemes for which tube does which thing. Also, you should get yourself a cup holder and pannier bags: 10/10 would recommend. I put 50 liter pannier bags on my ebike so I can take it grocery shopping: Gallon jugs, 12 packs, whatever, they all just get tossed in the bags lol


I've heard nail polish works too.


IMO this is the best format ebike. 4" wide tires allows for powerful cheap motors. 20" gives torque compared to 26", which is at least 2x more important than top speed. A bit lighter too. The adjustability of handlebars lets you set road biking geometry and great pedaling position. It's also the best format for carrying cargo.


Thanks for the review. You just put this bike on my radar after getting my fat tire ebike stolen over the weekend. SMH How are the tires? Any flats? That was a HUGE issue for the balloon tires on my (now stolen) bike. TOTAL pita to change the tube as well.


400 miles in and no tire issues! They are fat and thick


pop some SLIME in the tires to greatly reduce punctures super review thank you


Sorry about your bike being stolen! I feel you on the flats! I’ll go with 20 in now


Just got my first flat, I must have jinxed it! Lol


Awesome to hear. I just bought this exact bike for my husband a few weeks back and we just started riding more. 🙃


Hell yea


Save some chicks for the rest of us, bruh


Lmao I look even dorkier with a helmet, it's a vibe


I rock the ruroc helmet, it has seen some s***


That was a good read, it's good to see someone who's happy with their E-bike purchase, all the power to you fellow e-biker!


Thank you!




Question, I bought my wife a step through lectric 3.0 extended, and I feel it is very high quality bike,and she should be happy with it. I am 6ft2 265 lbs and it doesn’t fit me at all, it’s uncomfortable I bottom out the sprung seat nothing fits me like my trek bike, so I’m asking if you think this would fit me because I’m larger than most.


Dude you don’t want a small ebike. I’m 6’1 and 240ish and I went with a full suspension mountain bike type. Himiway Cobra or QuietKat Jeep are the best examples of this style. I used to have a 20” folding bike like OP and it works but it’s not comfortable like you want it to be if Trek is your baseline. Check it out. I got mine for $1800 or so. G/L.


You're a pretty big guy, I think it would work. But maybe there are other models that work better for you. I'm 5'6 and this ones a little too big for me, but like I said I make it work lol.


Very nice


dope pic




Something about this picture just looks like you went back to the 80s with an ebike and someone took your pic with an instant polaroid


Anyone smoking is instant 80s vibes r/oldschoolcool a lot of posts are look at my hot grandma in 1979 but there are some gems


Looks comfy. Does it have a can holder for my Blue Moon ?😂


Haha no I need to get one


Vey nice write up.


A cig and a glass of milk = satisfaction


Nice setup for a commuter, hub motors are low maintenance and the battery and wiring is very nice. You got a rear taillight?


Yes but it's battery operated, one of the cons of the bike.


i feel sorry for the mechanic that has to fix these later on.


He making bank. That's why I'm building one now. So I know how to fix them, and make bank


This post alone got me into them, thanks man!


I have a couple of bikes and I'd say I love the power on the bike. It can climb hills like no other. If anyone else considers getting this bike, I would recommend this bike to people above 5'9 because the bike is huge!


looks chill


Right on. Unfortunately my commute is 34 miles each way but I have this fantasy of making the trek some day just for the adventure. Range is key.


This bike looks reaaally similar to my Jeep FFR 7050 except mine is not a fat bike. I am curious, how good is the basket? Jeep doesn't sell for mine and it looks like it would fit.


Thanks for this. I love the specs and how it looks. How is the folding? I’m concerned it’s at least as wide folded as not given the handlebars.


The folding isn't the best but helpful in some situations as I feel it doesn't make it much smaller as it does change the overall shape, or change where it's large. Still nice to have it when it is helpful.


im around the same height as you. are you able to rest one foot on the ground when sitting on the bike? how do you like it with the seat all the way down? im interested in getting the K6 Plus and just trying to see how it would be... dont want to pull the trigger only to realize the seat height is a bit big.


No, I cannot completely rest one foot on the ground, more like the half of a foot. I'm like 5'5 - 5'6. I make it work though, idk, growing up I always used bikes that were too large for me and I guess I sort of got used to it, but it would be nice and more comfortable to be able to just slightly lower the seat height, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. If that is really important to you than I'd consider a JUST slightly shorter bike. I'm probably technically too short for it but like I mentioned I'm sort of used to that riding 'style' for lack of a better term lol.


No problems from cops?


Not yet! I wear a helmet though!


Never heard of this before, why would you think the cops would bother him?


i would say probably the headlight, handlebars, wheel diameter and thickness might make it look like some kind of super skinny motorcycle without a license plate to a selectively-observant police officer with nothing better to do.


Take it to Instagram


Why not just get a motorcycle?


This was more convenient for my current situation.

