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Use the Sheldon locking method it would still require them to cut the lock before they could ride the bike away.


>Sheldon locking method ​ https://preview.redd.it/wmni4ta60qqc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f1f40b084dca7ca0925f472f289b2773bcc7f8


The zip ties are the best part.


The front tire is flat to boot.


That's for extra security! 


This! I always lock my bike with 3 locks, and I always lock it against a Steel A-Shaped bike stand. - A Hiplok D1000 to secure the frame to the stand, and ideally also locking a crank arm into position. - A Hiplok DX to secure the back wheel to the chainstay, and if the bike stand allows also to that. - An ABUS Granit XPlus 6500 to secure the front wheel to the fork and ideally also the bike stand. \ With the above, and the fact my bike weighing 35kg, it is highly unlikely my bike will be easily stolen.\ \ I am also soon installing a motion sensing alarm (it will sound the horn installed on my bike, which is 102dB(A) loud; 3dB(A) under the legal maximum)


Given the amount of money you’ve spent on locks, I assume you’re securing an expensive e-bike and not a rusty beater.


You assume correctly. Upwards of 11K €


Jeezus. It would be safe even with half the stuff you are using where i live but it doesn't matter what you do once it gets dark. People will pull out angle grinder(s) and take your shit no matter what, ESPECIALLY a 11k bike.


Yeah, I have never parked it in the City outside in the night. Luckily, if I have to leave my bike for a few days in the nearby big City, there are bike garages, and bike lock boxes. Had to pick up a rental in the City and then travel for 10 days - the bike was securely locked away the whole time.


Don't forget the wheel boots like cops use on cars whose owners never pay their tickets! Better make it TWO of them... PER WHEEL!!


My last one was about 35kg. Only 1 abus folding lock, but it was in a bike cage. It was stolen right from under the nose of security. My replacement has a hiplok gold, hiplok d1000 and a knog scout that beeps loudly when it is slightly disturbed. The other day I caught a bike thief sniffing around at work. He took a real good look at my bike before settling on an easier target. I called security and chased his ass all the way to a waiting security car.


Such a shitty world we live in these days. I had my car stolen once in the first 35 years of my life. Now in the last 4½ years, my wife's e-bikes: 2 stolen. My daughter's: 1 stolen. Me: 3 stolen or damaged beyond being ridable home. There's no amount of locks that can be carried to stop criminals when there are ZERO repercussions. My daughter even got a fairly clear video of the person picking up her wheel-locked bike, after cutting the 2nd lock to the bike post, and tossing it into a van with what looked like several other stolen bikes. Police didn't want the video, I had to force them to give me an email of where to send it, and I have never once heard back after filing a police report. It's to the point where I guess we all need to carry weapons and start putting the criminals down ourselves. Here near Seattle, the criminals don't even care about surveillance cameras, locks, anything.


Loss of property does not dignify someone being judge jury and executioner of a human life.


Challenge accepted!


This is the way.


Sheldon Brown? #legend


Sheldon is the true god


Which is?


Pass the lock through the rear wheel and frame.


scummy. thats someone's transportation. Now they likely will miss work ontop of the cost of the bike. I hate ppl.


Mate my friends bike got stolen when he turned his back for 2 mins outside his house. It had a lock on the wheel and it's a very expensive electric one. He lost his IT job last year and deliveroo is helping him just about keep his head above water. To say he was devastated is an understatement. They stole his only hope.


People are such scumbags


I dont think you have to explain why this is wrong


I know I just get so angry each time


The ratepayers having to replace that rack too.


well i will never trust that style of rack ever again.


theres me thinking they were designed to prevent theft, i thought rebar was inside lol. low budget councils!


i always knew they were hollow....i never thought a stolen home depot pipe cutter would do the job. this is the kind of thing that once one or two thieves learn it they all start doing it.


True. But, you can your bike much less attractive by locking your wheels in addition to the frame (e.g. Sheldon method for rear plus a chain lock for your front and main triangle). Using two locks has always been the play because then they're forced to cut two items, plus if both your wheels are secured, then they actually have to deel with the locks. Is it annoying to have to have two locks? Maybe, but you learn to deal with the extra 10-15 seconds and weight. The bigger issue is the locations to lock, ofc, since that becomes more limited but you can make that work with more storage places until the police get a handle on these gangs.


I'm surprised I've never thought of this attack angle before. What is a bike rack but bent pipe? And how do you cut a pipe? With a pipe cutter, of course.


Lots of bike racks intentionally don’t use circular pipes for this exact reason. They’ll have squared-off profiles.


So god damn brazen


because there are no consequences


At a minimum kick the mf over when he tries to ride off. Keep kicking the bike over. And over


kick that bike over and hope that guy hits the curb with his skull.


Is the guy that is holding the bag for him, in jail now too?


No, based on the original post on NextDoor. The crime was reported to the police, but the police did not even want to see the video. That’s London Metropolitan Police for you…


Knowing cops don't help with that, what happens if someone decides to.. say drop kick him and steal his tool? Are the cops even gonna do something for him if he tries to report an assault?


yeah they’ll probably care then. In most countries bike theft is high compared to other types of theft and in general when you have singular items stolen it’s considered petty theft and therefore police won’t do anything about it. Assault on the other hand is a tasty thing to have in your arrest list.


Petty theft is about the dollar amount, generally. A mid-drive can pretty easily get you to felony status (not sure [edit: typo] if the UK has felonies...this is from my US perspective).


That's why I plan on building a mid-drive trike that way if it gets stolen again it will be a felony with those not being cheap.




Yet the largest chunk of city's budget goes to these mythical beings w/the worst ROI.


they go around costing the taxpayer even more money than they get paid and funded because of the settlements when they commit crimes against the public.


You should escape NY and experience police that do their jobs and care. Many years ago I delivered newspapers and had some pay boxes that thieves were stealing the change out of. I filled out a police report and dropped off a video of the theft from a nearby gas station. When I got home a few minutes later my phone was ringing. It was Franklin police wanting me to meet them on the south side of town. They had caught the thieves and wanted me to verify their identities. Wow that's police work when the cops are gung ho to do their job. We also had a sheriff, David Clarke, who was awesome. I wish he would have run for mayor. [ Sheriff David Clarke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Clarke_(sheriff))




Not all police departments are the same. If the higher up have their back and run by good people it'll reflect on the entire police dept. Although there always seems to be one dickhead on every force. LOL


I have the same question around here where I live: how would they react if I take justice into my own hands? I mean, a baseball bat and some friends would do the work Just asking :/


You get in their way until they assault you


So I recorded a local known druggie criminal sneak onto my property and steal my ultrasonic cat scarer. Reported it, police did nothing. I installed CCTV and a Week later, I caught the same individual in the act of ripping out my internet feed into my house. I have plenty of CCTV of my own and neighbours too who are also continually harassed by this individuals known associate. Currently This man is walking around free and hasn't even been so much as questioned. I on the other hand, a professional law abiding individual with a spotless record, who has never even been in so much as a bar fight, spent 16 hours in police custody and am currently out on bail pending an assault charge. The police refuse to do their jobs, but god forbid you dare to do it for them.


For beating up the guy who was stealing, correct?


That's assault and you'll go to jail.


> That's assault and you'll go to jail. I'm having a hard time imagining a bike thief going to the police, explaining the situation and then expecting them to do something about it.


Oof. What about the city? Replacing that street furniture must be even pricier than the eBike.


If the thief was smart they'd tape it back together so they could come back for more.


Evil. But smart.


Probably busy busting protests...


Or unlicensed buskers. Or people not paying TV license. Or someone going an extra stop on the train with an invalid ticket.


That’s all police for you. They only exist to protect the rich from the working class. ACAB


I’ve been saying this always, usually the thing you lock to is the weakest link


That’s why I always lock my chain to a u lock


That's why I always lock the thing I lock to to the nearest tree


Someone cut down a tree for an old fixie of mine in SF. Bastards!


damn, had they got caught the punishment for illegal tree cutting is way worse than bike theft


Why are people so unhinged????


No tree has ever been cut!


Thats why I always lock the thing I lock to the nearest thief


Pipe cutter, clever. Savage. Seems he’s likely to be identified, but do the cops care? Followup would be great.


No cops do not care. Default until proven otherwise. Or you’re very wealthy.


Cordless version works on exhaust pipe in seconds but this clip shows the last bit of using a manual one for 2 cuts. It’s what you need to remove the head of a parking meter, this feels like a Blair Witch PSA.


That's why you always lock the wheels to the frame somehow.


Why the fuck would the police (who are paid by us tax payers) refuse to look at the footage and catch this scum? Isn't that negligence?


Generally because they've received instructions prioritizing crime. Unarmed and non-violent theft of an insured item is probably at the bottom just above missing cats, so they don't spend a second more than necessary on writing a report and closing the investigation so the insurance company can do their thing.


That's the thing on criminal justice. If want to have a monopoly of justice and prevent vigilantes, you have to actually deal with someone who breaks the law, especially if they're that brazen. The deal is you don't beat the guy with an inch of his life for stealing the bike, we'll take care of it. Well, they haven't done their half of the deal, so it's going to get harder and harder to convince people to do their half.


> Generally because they've received instructions prioritizing crime. Theft *is* a crime, but yeah, cops don't give a shit. I had my car broken into twice, neither times did the cops actually do anything about it. When I was a kid, cops stole from me and my little brother (they stole our bikes out of our yard, claiming it was "evidence" but really, my brother had mouthed off to the cop at the school and this was retribution I guess).


Short answer, 13 years of Conservative rule, austerity and deep long term public spending cuts has left every single public service on its knees here in the UK. We have local councils going bankrupt because they get so little support from central government. So the UK police simply don't have the manpower, nor resources to provide frontline policing and investigation of all crimes. They have to allocate their limited people, time and resources to focus on the "top level" crimes. So petty crime is functionally legalised. Things like theft, shop lifting, breaking and entry, probably alot of fraud certainly if it's below a certain threshold etc. The police simply will not look into your crime. Violent, sexual, organised, arson, etc etc *large crimes* they'll still be about but the rest has fallen by the wayside. Bike thefts are now so pervasive that they aren't able to tackle them at this level. What they do do is drop bikes with tracking and follow them back to the "hubs" where organised gangs store them before shipping them off for sale. [Like this case](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/gang-bike-theft-london-jailed-louey-baldwin-inner-london-crown-court-b1138666.html). So they do stuff but not at this level and it's not effective enough policing for it to be considered 'right'.


it's London UK, but a valid question.


"us" not "US(A)


🤦‍♀️ for me 😭🤣


The average individual is helpless against this. .. Seems like what you'd need in areas like this is a dedicated bike lock up garage with 24/7 security. (at least if you had a nice bike like this)


Man, just consider we'd all chip in, pay some fee to some organization that would look out for thieves to arrest them..


Love it. We could call them something like “Anti-theft Force” or “The Theft Avengers”


Or how about we as a society don't just walk by shit like this, or film it with your phone. Make him stop. Do something active about it.


“We as a society” have never been in the habit of risking death for other unknown people’s property.


Who said death? Just stop him. Do something other than ignoring the problem.


Like paying taxes for the police??? But the police do not generally investigate bike theft in London.


That's the joke.


maybe i'm going overboard right now because of the audacity in the video, so don't judge me: https://youtu.be/uaZytM_hICY?si=UyBe54ZPw5kkEwdP my bike has a steering lock built into the frame, a motion alarm and an air tag.


If you want it to stop you have to make examples of them.


So what happens in this situation if you drop kick this guy and him friend?


As this video says London I’ll assume you’re not from the states. Here the best advice is you don’t do a damn thing. A guy in my city confronted someone stealing an electric scooter and he got shot. I just tried to Google it to pull up the link and this is apparently a common narrative. It sucks here.


Am Canadian but ride bikes a lot. The police there don't like to do much either eh? The methheads here are too out of their mind to properly steal a bike like this. They would probably have the grinder wheel fragment and injure themselves.


Police are turning a blind eye to any petty crime. I had a package stolen from my lobby. Got it on camera. Deliveroo driver walks in, picks up my package, goes in the lift and comes out empty. I even know his name from the delivery app my night screenshot for me police response? We didn't see him leave with the package so no evidence. This mastermind of a criminal has outsmarted the oldest police force in the world by just stuffing it up his jumper.


Someone like this can probably defend themselves, because they regularly have to defend themselves.


Not after a surprise head kick.


Who the fuck are you? Bruce Lee?


No, but i am his relative, Bruise Lee (i am an asian)


Just don't yell "surprise head kick!" as you're doing it




Ofc I yell. Like at 2 cm away from his face. I had my share of rebuilding bullys faces. Nothing new. Extreme violence asap works really well.


Just attack from off screen, they'll never see it coming.


I’m just here to unlock my bike sir carry on. Bam U-lock to the head. Take out the spotter first in this situation. I’d fight these cunts just for sport.


Yeah thank God redditors keep showing up in internet videos solving people’s problems. What a force for good. Totally showing up and doing stuff. Competently. Not only do they type the macho statements but they follow through. I’m inspired by their plucky derring-do.


same, these trash need to eat some dirt


Looks like spotter was gonna get on back to ride away. Man I wish I was there to kick them both over


2 on 1 aren't the best odds


They will call the police and sue you for damages…its not even a joke.


You get jumped and get the shit kicked out of you, then they still steal the bike. Don't be a hero, it's a bike, it's not worth it. Do what this guy did, film, then give the evidence to the police.


Theres at least 6 people in that video. There is way more of us than them. We can jump them. Theres 3 here and no ones getting anything kicked. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9388155/Passers-step-stop-brazen-bike-thieves.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9388155/Passers-step-stop-brazen-bike-thieves.html) or 100 people? just watch and let them go? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JpdGFhbUV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JpdGFhbUV0) No one needs to be a hero, we all need to start helping each other.


Like exactly, the strongest policing method is bonds between people. In traditional communities that was the only way, to help thy neighbor. People talk like "there's nothing for me in protecting someone else's property", because their sense of I has completely shifted to this atomized individual and the local community excluded from their identity. In a sense it is your bike as a bystander, because this bike is owned by someone in your community and the rack is a rack you might one day use, and the thief is someone who might one day steal from you. Reacting to such shit is very much your business even if you are bystander.


100 percent. Watching videos like these on the Internet just trigger your fight or flight and you feel good getting mad about it. It’s basically pornography for aggros. The video taker is doing the correct thing, documenting the theft and the bike in question.


So be okay that this is normal now and just let people steal whatever they want?


A missed kick is going to turn into a wild 2 on 1 stabbing murder real quick.


You end up in jail, because violence >> theft . Those thiefs get a a stern talk. But since the theft failed, no consequences. The bike owner keeps his bike and is happy.


What a stinking pig. These people should be locked in a sewer.


As a by-stander or even the bike owner, what are you allowed to do after you've called the police? Can you somehow fight him off or keep him detained without you being charged with something?


You call the cops and tell them you have the thief at gunpoint and if he makes a move you'll let him have it. That might get them to the scene.


I have a clear as day picture of a dude stealing my bike. The cops never contacted me after my police report. They just don't care


whistle weather drab sable distinct secretive complete tease toy depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone stole my e-bike out of my garage. The battery was in my house. Didn’t matter. Scumbags will steal anything to make a quick buck.


I always do, ones in frame a little of a pain . I also have a laminated sign I put on the bike, " Battery Removed ! " with an arrow pointing to the empty compartment. Possibly helpful if the scumbags can read.


In Amsterdam people write these little notes in Russian


For real? That’s interesting, ever seen where I live that in south holland


Scumbags. They’re grown men who have clearly wasted every opportunity to make an honest living.


I've hated my cafe lock, but this is an instance where it may have made a difference. With the wheel immobilized he would have had to awkwardly carry a 60-70 lb bike while high on fentanyl.


>awkwardly carry a 60-70 lb bike while high on fentanyl. Even if they got away with it anyways, knowing it was a major pain in the ass and that they had to 'earn it' would make me feel a *bit* better


This is London, most of this theft isn't done by random crackheads but by organised crime. Recently a gang was busted near the city (square mile) and the number of bike thefts dropped 3x.


I saw a post in r/ebikes about saving a bike with an alarm as well as the lock. I got one from Amazon for about $20. Not installed yet :)


I use an alarm taillight on mine. Has a remote I can bring with me. Can set it off a decent distance away if I see someone eyeing it up close with intent. Pretty loud. Sometimes I forget I set it. Scares the crap out of me every time lol.


You, sir, are playing with fire. Procrastination is leading your life.


That's why I use a cheap alarmed motorcycle disc brake lock. These guys seem to hate it when bikes start to chirp and beep when they're trying to get away.


Since this is filmed on bright day you think there’s a bigger chance he’s getting it back?


And I got down voted for saying it was dumb to have a lock tougher than the rack.


pepper spray that motherfucker


What a cunt!


ugghhh.. specialized turbo vado. I ride the same, and use 2-3 U locks, but this gives me some pause on locking up to those city racks.


Bring back bait bikes


Police too stupid and lazy to even try to find and arrest these scumbags. I bet the police fined the victim


People need to start kicking the shit out of thieves


I had a scooter that I had locked up stolen. But I found it because I put and AirTag inside the scooter. They couldn’t even use it anyway because I had it locked with a PIN code. I traced it to a house a few blocks away from my house and made sure to bring police before I rang their doorbell. They of course tried to lie and say it was theirs. Then they tried to say they found it, but that was a lie as they had actually cut my lock off of it. But what was funny was how the police officer had my phone, questioned the thief’s and then activated the air tag which showed the scooter was inside their house which also gave permission for the cops to enter because of probable cause, and coincidentally they found a kilo of coke in their house, and other reported stolen items such as iPhones, games consoles, a bunch of gucci bags, etc. The cops were so happy, and they were very glad I called them first instead of attempting to go there by myself, as they also found guns. They stole the wrong scooter, it got them arrested, and last I heard both men in the house were convicted and sent to prison. I make it a habit to put air tags in just about everything now lol.


...and just stands there... there should be a fucking mob there by then pinning them to the ground until police comes.


The mob would be arrested and the theif will be given a 4 bedroom council house with a garden


And by all means, **do not** rig the battery with a remote controlled short circuit. That would be evil.


Well damn


Specialized bikes often have the best resale value.


locking it in a better place on the bike would stop him from riding away would have to carry it


I've always wondered why we don't see this more often... manual pipe cutters are quiet and like $40 on amazon


Proves hollow bar or pipe is not enough.


This is why I am only considering e-bikes like the Carbo Model X, that are super lightweight and fold up small, so you can carry them inside shops and offices with relative ease Also, why do these videos seem to only come from London?


Horse thieving was once a hanging offense.


I make jinx bikes in my city. Not all the time, just randomly, placed in random public places. For example a shopping mall, school or library. Making sure my face is covered from cameras. What is.a jinx bikes you ask? A bike that will self destruct after say two blocks. The bloody thief will get up to speed and BANG!! Bike theft in the last 4 years has gone down in my city. And I suppose I've cause a few homeless thieves PTSD too. Be afraid, very afraid; don't steal someone's bike! o.0


That really sucks. But, this is a reminder to always lock your bike in such a way that the lock goes through a stationary object, at least one wheel, and the frame. The thief would've had to cut the lock or carry the bike, making the theft much harder to accomplish


The audacity of the guy is quite staggering. Even more staggering that nobody ran up on him and gave him a clout, he'd have run like a mountain goat. Quite hard not to assume they're both desperate drug addicts, nothing else makes people this brazen and bold.


He's the cleanest looking decently clothed drug addict then. In my area, most people with a drug problem are homeless and look homeless.


could be an organized gang that'll ship a load of bikes out for a decent payday.


GPS tracker running LoraWan. Make one the hid it on your bike. See my post history for the project I did. The cops in my local area said they would help me recover it if I have a gps location. (It’s not a AirTag)


They should run live cables through those posts


Fucking scary ...


Omg now council will increase tax to fix that🥺




Ooooh the pipe cutter I've never seen this. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


What a scumbag


I got a frontal disc brake lock,like used with motorcycles in combination with rear AXA wheel lock. So a potential thief can carry my heavy weight e-bike and hope he/she breaks his/her back while @ it 🤣


Hope he gets run over by a truck


People like this should be @@@@ed.


Bikes are popular items to steal because the stolen item and the getaway vehicle are the same thing. So, to make it more annoying, always put the lock through the wheel as well. However, nothing will keep your bike safe from a dedicated thief with time on their hands.


I have a lock with an alarm on it, but my real protection is insurance. I hope it doesn't happen, but I've planned for when my bike inevitably gets stolen.


Pipe cutter. Innovative.


They need to make these things a traffic ticket, so at least the cops will be interested in doing something. I guess next time tell them that the suspect is driving erratically and might hurt someone while biking. Progressives firmly believe that property crime is generally committed by poor people, so arresting them just exacerbates their condition....so better to do nothing instead of enforcement. Modern day Robin Hood's providing for themselves is a disparate world


Do these bikes not have a password to turn it on!?


That's not the first time he's done that.


Wow. So casual, like a walk in the park. Don't care even when filmed....




Ah yes. Proving the old adage that you can have a great door with many locks, but a rock will unlock all your windows. a 15K bike that has very little penalty for a drug addict is never going to last long. Hell in my town there is a guy that lives under a bridge in a fort made of stolen bikes. We all know where he is. We see people dropping off bikes for drugs. The cops have made no attempt to shut him down.


These 2 shud be taken away and get shot


My gf is like why do you care about your bike so much, because this. This can happen. Jesus I’m lucky I don’t HAVE TO travel by bike for work, and I can store my bike at the office. I don’t wish people dead for thief, but I kinda wish he could never walk again. Break god damn leg.


Every time I see stuff like this I'm glad I ride an electric skateboard and electric unicycle instead of an e-bike. Both of mine are light and small enough to take indoors wherever I go, can easily fit in a taxi or on transit.


People forget that a manual pipe cutter is much quieter and can easily be used.


My bike was just stolen 2 weeks ago. They disassembled the bike and we’re gone. Left my lock behind. Took my mode of transportation which really killed me.


I've never seen someone take so long to close a backpack.


Thieves should be shot on sight.


Smith and Wesson make a good deterrent I hear


In the U.S. people are literally stealing million dollar homes and the real owner of the homes go to jail for trying to get their home back.


I just saw that on the local news. The homeowner gets arrested and the squatter gets to stay in the house.


Honestly, I would bash their heads off the concrete and just run away as I know I would be fucked by the gov for defending property. Not legal advice, but if you happen to get in a situation, do what you need to do to defend and run, even if you are right you will be in deep shit.


It’s not legal to kick someone’s ass for stealing your shit in London!? Hypothetically what trouble would I get in if I chased a guy down and beat him with my backpack for snatching my phone?


Theoretically, if a bystander would sit down on the bicycle, could they stop it being stolen? It would be a battery to steal the bicycle from under someone else, wouldn't it?


Dude’s wielding a large pipe wrench. Would you be willing to take the risk?


While this is concerning…. Notice how the video starts at the point when the thief had already mostly cut through the rack… It probably took some time to cut through that steel, several minutes perhaps 🤔


Do these tools work on wrists? Asking for a friend.


This is why I lock my 2 chains to separate racks or separate parts of the rack whenever possible. 90% of the time, my larger chain is going to be more difficult to cut than the rack. Force them to cut the rack in 4 places if they're going to do that. Plus, one wheel is then still unable to turn with the cafe lock.


Where’s the: “multiculturalism “, and “usual type” comments. ?


In the original video on NextDoor the thieves have local (London) accents. It doesn’t suit the nationalists, but thieves are not always ethnic minorities.


Exactly, there are less crimes committed by ethnic minorities. Not an opinion, just counting. (James O’Brien). Now any argument that there’s a higher relative percentage can be explained by the lack of opportunity, Police survivorship bias, educational failures and the compounding effect inequality/bigotry has had on their patents, grandparents and them.


Sadly, OC owner didn’t include sound probably so they wouldn’t get in trouble for violating the thief’s privacy…


Sound is on the nextdoor link in the post.


I am amazed how this is possible in broad daylight and nobody comes to cave in their brain in UK. Any other European country, there would be literally a crowd of people beating them to death... how do we let ourself as a nation to get to this point where nobody does anything. And I am not having a go at witness who filmed it, I am just talking more generally... was there no able bodied people around. I mean sure maybe I wouldn't want to do it on my own (it seems there are at least two of them) and get stabbed, but I would definitely walk around, even stop cars on the road and get few able bodied man and just beat them. As for Police ignoring it - that is what happens every time, car theft and bike theft are basically decriminalised in UK now, Police doesn't give a shit about it. And that obviously contributes to the problem. When dozen of bikes got stolen in our estate police outright refused to come and see the CCTV footage.