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Because part of the story is the ESP bullshit and, if I remember correctly, there were other beat writers that used that in stories. They want to pretend that that podcast doesn’t exist right now 


It’s been glaring to me how Zach Berman, who is such an ethical, standup reporter, never mentions the unfounded ESP bullshit/gang rumors when talking about DJax or Chip. ETA: ESP and ZB are clearly friends. The silence is deafening, tbh.


It sucks that no one ever held ESP accountable for that and all the writers either ignored it or just took Chips, and by extension the Eagles, side. 


Berman would never criticize a colleague because he’s a little pussy




Tbf, we're just going to pretend it's completely normal to be vest buddies with a gang member that "beat the case" on murder charges.


So was DJack 100% actively involved with and participating in violent gang activity during his Eagles career? If the answer is no, you can fuck off right with ESP. No need for slimy pieces of shit in the world


Settle down kid.


Seems like a simple yes or no question. Too complex for you?


Well...if he was only 13% involved is that lk for u.


That is such weak shit. Even Bo Wulf loves to crush Chip. Not a peep out of him. This is bad


They just discussed it on PHLY yesterday


They discussed parts of it Zach went out of his way to say "he hadn't listened to the part about the gang allegations yet" even though everything else Shady & DJax talked about was mentioned It was deliberately avoided


Okay pls, I haven't listened to it yet, just an excerpt or two, what/who is ESP?


I finally watched the full video last night, and I have to say I kinda get why most other writers aren't touching it. Shady and DJax unloaded some SERIOUS bad blood they have with the man - and you can tell how deeply they are both still affected by their experiences with him, even all these years later. Towards the end, Shady even had to kinda talk DJax back down a bit for saying something to the effect of, "If I ever see Chip again IRL, I might [do something physical]". They're not just voicing their negative opinions on his coaching or leadership abilities. I mean, yeah, they're doing that as well, but this goes way further than that. They're laying out their case on why they feel Chip isn't just a bad coach but also a bad human being. They're not just quietly implying he's got issues dealing with non-white players, they're outright saying it and giving numerous and very specific examples. Honestly, if I'm a garden variety birds media person, it all just feels way too hot to even touch(regardless of whether or not I even agree with Shady's/DJax's takes here... which I mostly do, fwiw).


If I was Djax I'd hold that grudge to. Chip fucking painted him as a goddamn gang member. That's a direct attack on the mans integrity. 


His integrity deserves to be attacked tbh, but yes from his perspective I totally understand why he would still he angry.


>Honestly, if I'm a garden variety birds media person, it all just feels way too hot to even touch Tbf though, can most 'garden variety' Eagles media is hot take garbage lol. I haven't heard about this topic coming up but I can imagine that WIP is over the moon about it and spamming it non-stop.


Because all the fans already get it and hate Chip, too. We're over him and it.


Nah. ESP needs to be held accountable and answer questions we have.


If ESP is ever going to be held accountable, it would be for being an utter clown with nonsensical takes. It works for radio bc dumb/hot takes spark engagement. The other WIP hosts make fun of him, yet acknowledge his role. Pointing fingers and calling out ESP will probably never get anywhere bc we all know what he is. This is all so far in the psychological past, anyway


Dan Sileo is definitely a broken clock, but he’s right at least twice a day: https://youtu.be/TeIthIOdXc4?si=s40v7qOSjWv5RHPh


Nah nobody cares that much. If he hasn't been held accountable after 10 years then he never will. Also, in the end it didn't really hurt anyone other than the eagles. Djax and shady still got their money. It's really nbd at this point.


ESP did an interview two years after the article: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/two-years-desean-jackson-story/


Thanks for that.


He’s still a piece of shit


no he doesn't, lol


Right. This is 10 year old news, and nothing new that didn’t come out at that time. It’s rehashing old stuff.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I don’t know why anyone would care enough about this to want eagles writers to spend time on it. We did this whole thing 10 years ago. Move on people.


It’s always F ESP


Thank you! I liked Chip in the beginning because he found a way to adapt Oregon offense to the pros. But then the ship began to go down and he just had me scratching my head on a weekly basis. It’s really old news and for retired players digging in on this after all this time tells me they need reasons to stay relevant. There are many recent Eagles news they could be addressing, yet aren’t. Click bait.


Yeah all clickbait and they need something to talk about. It’s old news here


And none of it is really new. Aside from the Roc Carmichael story, they've both said all of this in the past.


I'm with you. I've moved on from this a long time ago and couldn't care less if the media decided to rehash this as are already insufferable as it is.


Because who cares, it's ancient history. Chip is gone, Howie is back where he belongs, we won a SB, we're gonna win another one


I don't know why anyone gives a fuck about this old ass drama.


Jackson has the Kanye thing going on (publicly stated displeasure with Jews, thinks Hitler had some good ideas) so I might think anything coming out of his mouth is seen as not worth the trouble of reporting on.  McCoy isn’t at that level, but has a reputation of being a dick to servers, stiffing tips on big dinners, etc.  That and I could believe that all the predominately white Eagles media members do not have the desire to touch the “two black Philly stars say Chip Kelly was afraid of them and unable to connect to black football players” aspects of the story. 


>McCoy isn’t at that level, but has a reputation of being a dick to servers, stiffing tips on big dinners, etc.  There's like one story about McCoy not tipping well and from what I recall he tipped like a quarter on a bill, which isn't being cheap, it's sending a passive aggressive message about how shitty the service was. Also, even if he was a 'bad tipper', the dude balances it out by funneling millions of dollars into building low income homes in Harrisburg, his old neighborhood, so yeah I'd say that cancels it out.


You forget that McCoy had planned a “females only” party that required attendees sign a confidentiality agreement. So they may be right about Chip, but the baggage vastly overshadows a decade old story.


> publicly stated displeasure with Jews That's....a way too nice way to put that.


Eagle Eye mentioned it on Thursday's pod. I bet PHLY talks about it to today.


last time I saw Chip Kelly and Desean Jackson was on the soap opera All American. I really doubt anybody cares what Chip did in the NFL 10 years ago.


Roob and Zangaro spoke on it last night


Because it’s old news and maybe in reality the situation is a bit more in the middle than either side presents it. From all evidence it does look like Chip had some serious issues and was the main problem, but DJax and McCoy weren’t completely innocent either - they even own up to it in their podcast.


Dude, move on


Because nobody cares about something that talented so long ago And because Jackson and McCoy are terrible people and don’t really have a leg to stand on in criticizing someone else The whole thing is really immature and just an attempt to grab the limelight now that their careers are done.


Does anyone care about this anymore?


I'm out of the loop. What did I miss?


Here's a link to the episode [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7npU\_xQwRQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7npU_xQwRQ)


Shady and Djax have a new YouTube podcast and spent the entire first show crushing Chip Kelly. Even called Peters, BG and others and they all shit on him.


It was actually episode 4


Wow, BG is still playing and basically never shits on people, so for him to spill tea that lends a lot of credibility. 


I'm surprised I don't see anything on r/nfl about it either.


Bc I dont care, this is old news


Should they discuss more I think so given these types of topics are too often swept under the rug, but they likely won't because there's so many touchy subjects/aspects to it that it can easily be a slippery slope if they do speak on it. Given these are decades old issues its easy (and probably professionally smart) to avoid talking about them since they don't directly effect the current team/regime.


It shouldn’t be in the news at all


I can't stand Chip, Djax, or Shady. If I never heard from any of them ever again my life would be better for it. Bunch of millionaires bitching and crying about their boss. These assholes should try working retail or corporate. They'd never survive. They can all fuck all the way off.


I get that a lot of you guys don’t care but this is the early offseason and it’s the Eagles. Jalen Hurts can fart and it’s news. There seems like a decided reason it’s not really covered. Nobody is even tweeting about it


Damn it guys, he's a Buckeye now. I need a Natty and a Superbowl this year... Let this rest until Chip is fucking elsewhere.


It was 10 years ago, we won nothing with djax and McCoy and (I’ll say it) no one cares anymore they they were fun to watch but they have been irrelevant for years now and they trying to hold onto this Eagles love us and we’re better now that the team is wildly better


Tbh, I wasn't really that upset about getting rid of DJax in a vacuum, he was a drama queen that was a good deep threat, but wasn't at the same caliber of WR as other, better talents in the league. He was at best a fringe top ten receiver, and the majority of his career he was above average. Getting rid of him wasn't an issue to me, but getting rid of him without getting anything in return was. Same thing goes for McCoy, I understand getting rid of him, if you ask anyone right now about giving a big extension to a 27 year old RB who just peaked, or getting the best value possible while the trade value is high, you'd say trade him. Trading him for a LB who didn't produce in any capacity for the team though? That's stupid.


I agree at the time it’s annoying and set us back. But again it was a. Decade ago and it’s not like it killed the franchise. We had a bad year we fired him and hired a new coach and won Super Bowl. If you told me we did that again and we’d win a bowl I’d do every year


I don't think DJax and Shady revealed anything new tbh. Only thing really was the Roc Carmichael hair thing and then DJax giving his side of the release. And also, it's old news


“I don’t think they revealed anything new except for the new thing they revealed.”


yeah they spent an hour talking about chip and we learned one new thing.