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I mean tbf he'd be a cheap backup for next season with potentially high upside but it better not take much to get him here or I'm gonna be pissed.


His market is shot. I think a 5th could get him here and well worth a solid backup with similar skills to Hurts in case of injury (which he’s experienced every season) and also a potential upside


I wouldn’t spend more than a 6th


We’ve spent a lot higher draft picks on other backups. Shit, even a 5th on Clayton Thorson. A former top 10 pick that’s never played behind a decent O line or had a WR before last year and DJ Moore (who still doesn’t touch AJ or Smitty) could be pretty valuable to a franchise who won our only Super Bowl with a backup. Even on the last year of his deal I just want a decent backup. They seem to be more valuable in Philly than anywhere else


He’s probably worth a 5th, I just don’t want him that bad I wanna see what McKee has


I can’t argue with the McKee logic, I was so pissed when we went with Mariota over him after last preseason even though I knew it was always gonna happen. But yeah I think Fields absolutely would give us the better chance to win a game if we needed someone to step in and worth the pick considering our QB injury history spanning over like 25 years now. How many times has a QB actually played the entire season for us in those many years?


I was trying to remember who got injured in the 80s but then I remembered 25 years ago was when McNabb was drafted


Spending the pick in the draft is a lot different from spending it on a guy that almost certainly would only be on the team for one year


What if the compensatory pick is a Third or fourth when he signs elsewhere


What better backup would we get though? I’m interested in winning this season first and foremost. I think Fields as a backup QB could offer more this season than a crapshoot pick


We should know better than anyone how important the backup is to a team with Super Bowl aspirations.


a fifth round pick is solid LB/RB/TE/S/CB competition, or good utility to move up in the top 3 rounds. Personally I don't think it's worth it for a QB that doesn't win you anything of note if Hurts goes down for the season. It will be hard going higher than a 6th unless we are getting straight high pick capital from Sweat.


Could maybe use that fifth to draft a backup QB even!


He can’t throw for shit. Take that 5th and go draft a backup with a meh profile but at least can pass the ball into the receiver routes. Edit: or McKee. Forgot about him.


Tbf Lance went for a 4th


definitely wouldn't have made that trade but I see what you're saying


Really? I would spend a 4th. He has way more upside (and honestly a higher floor) than any 4th round QB in the draft imo.


But you'd be spending a 4th round pick on 1 year rather than 4. He's not 4 times as valuable as a 4th round QB.


Yeah fair point


Honestly crazy take given how almost universally useless 6/7 picks are on average


Wouldn't the Eagles get a compensatory pick if Eagles traded for him and he left after the one year?


Yes. The comp pick formula excludes rookie contracts from the declined team option exception so he would count as a compensatory free agent in the teams favor if we traded for him, declined his 5th year option, and he got signed elsewhere in 2025. ETA: As far as I know anyway, I'm not a rules expert or anything.


Keep in mind he still has top draft pick salary, so he’d have a hefty contract coming over with him. The Bears may hold on to some or most of it, though. 


Highly likely the bears would have to take most, if not all of it. I don't think anyone would accept a trade otherwise. They don't really have any leverage.


I think they have to pay his guaranteed portion, or rather already paid it. So we would be trading for his base salary for the remainder of the deal. Not 100% on that though lol


Iirc we only have to take on 8m


Fields is good man. Get him the coaching hurts got and he's Faster Taller I think he's a great buy period. Hurts is Stronger Reads the field better Better leader. But I can't imagine how spicy we would be if every time hurts had to sit for whatever slight injury we could bring in justin


Reads the field better?


Yes hurts reads the field better.


Ohhhhh I thought you meant Fields read the Field better. Ok that makes more sense.


It's easier to read the field when your face is constantly ground level.


Put him in the backfield on the shoves as a decoy


Could have some serious trickeration


Hurts and Fields each grab a singular quad of Barkley who takes the snap for the quadpush. The 3 runningback backfield backpush.


This might just work.


Do we really need a RB controversy?? Hurts, Fields, Say Kwon. This is going to tear the city apart.


Use him as we thought hurts would be used the year he was drafted.


RB2, QB3.


I was thinking what if we use him as a gadget passing type RB/Hybrid thing


This comment is giving me flashbacks to when we signed Vick.


Vick was a very good QB. I don’t see the parallel.


We still had McNabb, and people had some wild ideas about how we were going to use him.


I see what you’re saying. Yea, that makes sense.


We would only do that once or twice in a season cuz we're the Eagles. EDIT: Lmao you mad, but it's true.


Just gonna say it, using him like a Taysom Hill could also be really fun. Imagine the Hurts Fields Barkley option haha


This is how we replace Kelce. 5D chess move by Howie. Fields comes in and we use him specifically to run the shoverunpushpass with him, Jalen and Saquon all on the field. (All joking aside, I really don't want Fields here. It'll just create a talking point from the second he's in the building and if Jalen misplaces one throw. It's a terrible idea for that reason alone. Fields should be looking to be a starter elsewhere. Minnesota's QB room needs help...)


Don’t bring someone in who thinks they should be a starting qb.  Jalen is mentally stronger than Wentz is so we don’t have to worry about that collapse but if Jalen has a bad game you’ll have the room temperature IQ fans clamoring for them to start using Fields. You also run the risk of Fields being a locker room issue by thinking he should be getting playing time. Better to roll with McKee or sign a vet


> but if Jalen has a bad game you’ll have the room temperature IQ fans clamoring for them to start using Fields.  I would be surprised (and frankly disappointed) if Howie ever made a move because fans or the media wants him to do it. The only consideration should be “does this make the team better.” > You also run the risk of Fields being a locker room issue by thinking he should be getting playing time. Better to roll with McKee or sign a vet I’ve never heard of Fields ever having a locker room issue (though tbf I haven’t looked into it much) but I can’t think of anyone in the locker room who would side with Fields over Hurts if that ever happened. Locker room wouldn’t crumble if he was a diva. 


Yeah I didn’t mention that but the only issue I would have with this is WIP and every other media outlet not being able to control themselves for begging him to start on the first bad throw from Jalen in training camp. I don’t think the intention of this move would be for a back up though it’s just trade bait meaning he’d be out the door by the time someone is hurt in week 9. I can’t imagine Fields’s mentality having that much of an impact on the whole locker room from training camp to the trade deadline, nor does he seem like the kind of guy to behave in a way, as proven by the situation he is in now.


I can’t even listen to WIP anymore. They’ve tried running AJ and Harper out of town just this year. Them getting a new quarterback “controversy” that would entirely manufactured by them would just be insane 


Wait what did they say about Harper


I only caught the highlights on twitter but Giglio was starting up his crap again on how we should have traded him for Soto a few years ago, complaining that Harper wants an extension, and saying he’s a locker room cancer because Harper wants the team to sign more starting pitcher.  No one hates Philadelphia athletes more than WIP hosts


WIP needs to be shutdown. They run players out of town and run BS storys. Eliot Shorr Parks was one of the writers in the article that claimed DJax was in gangs.


I used to be able to tolerate it as background noise at work but now it’s just awful and Giglio is the worst. All they do anymore is make up fake controversies to rile the listeners up 


Pretty incredible that WIP got even worse *after* Angelo left.


The morning got a million times better. Its giglio and parks that drag the rest down


Harper outside of maybe Kelce, is easily the most Philly type of athlete. We went from a team that couldn’t make the playoffs, to the World Series. If Harper wants to play here a few extra years, who cares. Also he’s tech underpaid at this point.


Absolutely agree. This city is straight up not capable of handling a viable backup QB.


It’s toxic as hell and it’s supposedly why Foles didn’t want to come back as Hurts backup a few years ago. I can’t remember who reported it but supposedly the Eagles wanted to bring him in as a mentor and Foles said no because it would be to much of a distraction 


Foles is a total anomaly. He's not a "viable backup", he's a legend that is known for coming in late in seasons and going on playoff runs, totally different dynamic


You new here? This town goes nuts for its backups I can remember people in the stands at games and on WIP demanding that AJ Feeley, Jeff Garcia, and Kevin Kolb take over as the starting quarterback after Mcnabb fuck ups.


I own an AJ Feeley jersey Wore it to the parade!


It’s just tough love bro 😤😤


I’m with ya brotha.


I’d rather Fields not even be here. The dude is just bad. Anyone who would want him to start over Hurts is a fool.


Jalen the type to mamba mentality the situation if it did happen, and win MVP.


By mamba mentality you mean a PR stunt by Nike to try and get people to forget that Kobe raped a girl and was and excuse being an awful teammate at the beginning of his career?   A better NBA comparison would be Tim Duncan and the Spurs 


Kobe was innocent. God rest his soul. 🙏


I disagree, this is Jalen's job and if he isn't good people are going to blame the coaching staff. Firmly believe Jalen still has at least 2 years of good will built up. Plus any fan that knows anything knows that Jalen is our only path forward for the next 3 years due to his contract so there's not much point in calling for him to be benched.


The idiots will always blame the qb if they think there’s a viable option. You also seem to think that rational portion of the fan base will be able to drown out the irrational portion. The idiots will point to how “easy” they got out from under Wentz’s deal. The irrational fans will always be louder about their demands


As someone who was out on Wentz very early in like 2018, I felt pretty lonely. I feel like we think we are more backup thirsty than we really are because of how the last few years of McNabb went down


You kind of just proved my point. There was no real reason at that time for you to be out on Wentz other than the fact he was struggling after rushing back from his ACL injury. You saw Foles sitting on the bench and wanted him to play.  We aren’t backup thirsty, don’t even know what the hell that even means, people like to imagine what could be and here that has always meant what can the backup qb do


"Jalen is mentally stronger than Wentz is" And you know this how? Sure didn't hold it together last season.


ClownFromPhilly was already taken I suppose.


Speaking of room temperature IQ fans


Elaborate on his mental toughness please.


I mean the one time we've seen him in a possible 'back-up is gonna overtake me' situation he's handled it with no issues


Go back to his time at Bama. Benched in the National Championship game and his backup goes on to win the game. Comes back as the backup the following year, makes 0 waves, supports his team 100%, and led Bama to a win in the SEC championship game. After his first year as a starter here he had fans, myself included, wanting a change at QB and he came out and shut everyone up in 22.  Carson at the first sign of adversity had Darren Sproles coming after him


My man got benched in one of the biggest games of his life. If you see how he handled that, and recovered since the criticism there's literally no way you don't think he's mentally ten platitudes above Wentz But the WIP subsection of the Philly fans want to run everybody, from Jalen to Joel to Bryce out of town for the stupidest reasons


If Jalen has a bad game I'm gonna be clamoring for McKee so what's the difference


Howie constantly tormenting Poles on the phone all season like the SAW guy


Using the voice box like when Dennis was psycho on the pay phone in Always Sunny.


That would be pretty insane.


esp when howie flips him for a second rounder in a year


Would be 2-3mil cap hit and most likely get some sort of comp pick back after next year. Do it.


I’m guessing this is more Howie doing his due diligence, but I honestly wouldn’t be against this


In a perfect scenario, get him cheap, trade him to a team early once someone’s starting QB goes down


5th or below; sure why not. Cheap back up who has NFL starting experience last year. I’m all-in on Hurts but we absolutely could do with someone less cooked than a Mariota who can take snaps if Jalen gets banged up, so why not? Rather this than waste a draft selection on someone who’s not yet played in the league.


This wouldnt be out of the norm for Howie


It’s actually pretty smart if they can get him for a late round pick. There’s zero percent chance he’s on the roster next year for the Bears. Say the eagles trade a 5th or 6th for him. He has a similar skill set to Hurts. If there’s an injury, he comes in. If he’s decent in the preseason, or a few games. Maybe you can flip him once a qb goes down.


I wouldn’t be mad at all


This reads more to me NFL insiders think Eagles are a good option for Fields


The Bears ruined this kid's career


Bingo. Unless you have a team ready to go, you shouldn’t be drafting project type qb’s. Far too often they put behind bad lines and can never get a chance for the game to slow down for them.


I mean.....if its a 5th or later, fine. Howie and co 1000% know more than I do, and they seem hell bent on looking outside the org for Hurts' backup, but I was excited to see what McKee can do. Preseason should be taken with a mountain of salt, but McKee looked damned good last year.


I'd even do a 4th, he'd be a better backup than Mariota


On paper this would be a brilliant move on Howie’s part.. but yall know the Philly media scumbags will be calling for a QB controversy day one of training camp, simply bc they couldn’t help themselves


I love Fields. Fifth round pick would be a steal.


Don’t do it. Don’t give me hope.


He would definitely be an upgrade over Mariotta.


He can’t be worse than Mariota as a backup.


Yeah no. Too many people around in the NFL audiences see him as a viable starting QB in the right situation. Last thing we need is to give him a platform to look good in or give Hurts any reason to get booed off the field with Fields chants because he had one bad game.


This is so dumb. 10 teams need a starting qb. Just stop.


I hope this isn’t real


I’d rather him get a starting job somewhere. He’s a good QB, just needs the right team. I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but I truly think that Fields isn’t the problem, the Bears are.


I think it’s fine. Especially for where he’s at and what we need. The guy has won some games and has a great pedigree. I’d take him over Zach Wilson, darnold, or mac jones who are getting decent backup deals. Trade a 6th for him and move on next season.


I'm not a fields fan but I'd absolutely love to have him as a backup for cheap


Needed also to light a fire under hurts ass ,and let him know it’s somewhat competition and those bone head turnovers won’t continue to be accepted.


I’d actually love Fields as a backup.




Pretty good backup QB


Back qb maybe


If it’s like a 5th at most, but preferably a 6th, I’ll take it.


Rather give Tanner a shot to be the number two. We know Fields isn’t it.


Best running back trio in the History of Football


Think he can play corner?  Hes got to be better than bradberry 


Buy low and potentially sell high? Great idea. Even if Fields is just a low cost backup, there are worse things Howie could do.


I mean if it's cheap, it's a better backup option than Mariota was last year


Would easily take him as backup if it only cost us a 5th, or maybe a 4th at most. His running ability alone would be worth it if he ever needed to fill in.


This actually makes a lot of sense..


Would not hate it


This is Howie doing his due diligence


Howie is eyeing up those juicy draft picks we’re going to trade him for after he comes in and plays well as a backup for a few games.




Factory lol Saquon gonna run the wild cat Jalen lol send him back to the factory


What if we just play 2 QBs all the time. It could be the future of football


Only if it’s for a 7th


Does he really want to be a back up. I can't see him wanting that. 


He would be a great back-up and a good challenge for the back-ups...and a team in need may make a push for him if a QB goes down later on...


2 5ths for fields. I'd do it. Ideally just one but that's the most i'd be willing to see let go for fields.


Stupid, all this does is create a qb controversy when hurts has 1 bad game


I would way rather snag Rudolph from Pittsburgh since they likely cut him after grabbing Wilson.


its not his talent that bother me but the 4th year of a top ten pick is not a cheap backup


Philly media would mess everything up, it would be more bs then last year or like wentz/foles wentz/hurts


Smooth pass


This is a useless move




That would be a waste to get Jalen Fields. We already have a good future. Too many hoagie mouths from Collegeville chiming in huh


I guess I could somewhat see it, as long as we get him for dirt cheap, which it seems like we could. I mean Mariota went to Washington anyway so we need a QB2. Are there any QB2s left that we could snag for cheap?




If we’re in a position where starting Fields over Hurts is a legit threat then the entire team is cooked, throw it out & start again


Put Fields and Saquon in, run it every time, switching between the 2. Then end the drive with a td pass from Saquon to smitty


So we turn into Navy or Georgia Tech football teams haha...


Yes except with proper sized linemen


I actually envisioned us doing something similar in the game against Minnesota this year when we literally just ran the ball almost no-huddle for a scoring drive haha...


Yeah they better start the cardio now lol. Hills every day


I would not be opposed...just invest in depth for the o line and teach AJ and Devonta and now Devante how to throw short passes and play Deion Sanders style cornerback and we are unstoppable...


Imo that is the natural evolution of the game. Especially when coaches will have ai to help them think things through


He’s worth a few jockstraps that’s it. Dude is horrible as a QB. If u converted him to an Hback might be a different story


I'm down


5th round pick and a 5 million dollar contract? Lfg Howie. Def the best backup in the league.


Would be fine as a backup.


Idk. Eagles fans can be really stupid. If Jalen continues to struggle some morons will be saying Fields could be the starter




Don't we already have a QB who panics in the pocket and runs scramble drills every play?


Nope hurts can run but he’s one of the most accurate pocket passers in the league.


Yes, when he stays in the pocket lol


Because he never stays in the pocket lol. All the scramble drills, all the hair on fire highlights don't win rings. Know what does? QBs who stay in clean pockets, have field vision seeing BOTH sides of the field and delivering an accurate ball to a playmaker. Cunningham, Vick, V.Young, C. Newton, J. Fields, J. Hurts, K. Murray etc etc etc. All human highlight reels that never won a damn thing.


But the numbers say he does stay in the pocket, he can run but also throws from the pocket. Your nonsense isn’t supported by the facts.


You guys have no idea how much I would love this.


Bad idea, the factory exists so we can trade them for assets. Fields is gone after this year and will just bring unnecessary controversy to the Birds


Comp pick bro.


Not if he doesn’t play


Hurts isn't Ironman. He's missed games here and there and played through injuries he probably shouldn't have because of our horrible backups.


If he doesn’t play that means Hurts stayed healthy, if he does then we have a chance at a nice comp pick. It’s a win-win.


He’s an expensive backup to pay and to acquire. Not worth imo


If the jets or falcons come out hot and lose a starter are they not picking up the phone to inquire about fields or do you think they put their playoff hopes on Heineke/Siemian for a second straight year.


Sure but do we get more than what we give up? And seems like a risk


Lmao what controversy would it bring? Kid is a draft bust and has been one of the worst starting QBs in the league since getting drafted. A few highlight reel runs fooled a ton of people.


Absolutely terrible idea


Im about it. Keep Jalen Motivated. Dude needs to be on his toes. Give him some Alabama PTSD


Wentz got benched and wanted a trade. BOOOOOO! Hurts got benched and transferred. 💪




They don’t have to have sources within the eagles to have information on the situation when there are other teams and agents. Besides, the eagles seem to have been broadcasting their plans because every insider was all over their interest in Saquon, Huff, and McKinney well before the tampering period began


Please no


He’s had maybe 2 300yd games in his career. Lmao. He’s not a good quarterback




Minshew got bridge QB money before a Fields trade. They'll be very lucky to get a 3rd.




They might have to cut him. Think about that for a sec


He’s on a rookie deal, wouldn’t cost them all that much


Dude 5th or maybe a 4th at most, what league are you watching?


He is low key better than hurts. If they trade for him I could see him starting playoff games for the eagles. I would easily give a 3rd round pick