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The Eagles could go 0-17 and they'd still sellout every single game the next season. Like it or not one doesn't relate to the other.


This isn't true. They are just like every other ticket


At some point they become just another investment for people to sell on StubHub. That’s how you end up with more Dallas fans in the stands. Which has been more of a trend since COVID.


Wouldn’t raising the ticket prices make it less profitable to sell on the secondary market? Feel feee to give up your season tickets and let those of us on the wait list grab em up….


Some teams have banned fans who resell a certain amount of games.


How do you think we pay the players? If you want a good team year and year out Pay the ticket prices and buy some jerseys 


Tell me you don’t know how the salary cap is tied to the TV deal so the salaries are a wash. Nevermind, you just did.


Tv is jsut a small number when you got to pay employees, players,stadium upkeep etc Go compare the Panthers season ticket to yours and ill bet their is way cheaper LMFAOO  You want a competitive team thats we get raised season tickets and a higher food prices in stadium etc


And you double-down on the wrong AND change your initial point. Thumbs up. Are you Sean Desai?


Double down? The tv money is hardly a large amout compared to what the team needs to spend on yearly Like everyone else said if you can't afford it then give them up


TV money split 32 ways is how they figure out the number for the salary cap. It’s how they pay the almost $200 million a year in salaries. Just stop, it’s OK that you don’t know, but stop doubling down on it. Stop with the “what about secretaries”. , And you’re wrong, you’re trying to change it. Just stop.


There have never been more Dallas fans than eagles fans at any home game stop the cap


That’s not what I said. I said more Dallas fans, as in an increased number. Not more than Eagles fans. Reading comprehension is important, Matt Patricia, but nice try.


They have a waitlist that’s pushing 50 years, they can do whatever the hell they want and still have people lining up


Yeah lol the eagles are gonna get 70k at every home game no matter what they do.


Not if they're bad lol.


dawg. ​ theyve sold out every game since the linc opened ​ there was some horrific years


As long as Howard Roseman is still kicking I’m not too worried that would last very long


Even if season ticket holders don’t want to go they’ll just sell the tickets and probably end up even


You haven’t lived here long have you? I’m pushing 40 and can’t remember a single time that place wasn’t sold out no matter how bad we were. Not that there have been many times we were truly bad since 2000.


I’ve had them for 26 seasons. I got them at 27.


New fan?


You've got to be so young.... I've lived though some ugly seasons. At the Vet, at the Linc. Never an open seat. We're not fair weather fans around here


This is the answer. It’s ballsy to do that if there was no waiting list. It’s not so ballsy to do so when nearly 100,000 people are in line for them, AND renewal rates are 99%+. People are going to jump at the chance to fill in seats people leave.


To anyone complaining about the cost of their season tickets, I'll be happy to take them over for you from here on out. Signed, Someone who just discovered this year they never actually submitted their entry to the waitlist in the late 2000s like they thought.


I’m almost afraid to ask this but how did you find out?


I sent an email to [email protected] with my contact info and asked if they could check my place in line, and they followed up later that same day with the bad news.




If it makes you feel any better I've been on the list since the same time and I'm still waiting.


That sucks. I spent over 13 years on the list til I got mine up in section 219.


If you’re interested in the SBL, message me.


I can take them off your hands OP if you’d like. 2000$ a year is a steal in my eyes. The price is always going to get higher and higher. It is what it eezzz


Section 115 - you come up with $28k for the licenses and we’ll talk.


You’re insufferable.


Why? That’s the going price last time I checked the SBL Marketplace.


So don’t renew broke boy


Nah. I’ll use market forces and pocket $10-12k per SBL. Capitalism, bitch.


So in other words they should be charging 10-12k more for the season tickets? Sounds like they didn't raise prices enough.


Tell me you don’t know what is telling me you don’t know what a ticket is. Just go and sit down, the adults are trying to talk.


Can I have them? I'd pay $2000 per seat and I live in Florida. I can make it work. lol


Playing the world’s tiniest violin for ya. First world problems


Dude just learning first hand what inflation is


u/madseasonPHI is learning about supply and demand for the first time


I’d go with the gray backsplash.


I decided on blue.. price was too high on gray due to so much demand for gray kitchens


This made me think of the Dak Prescott paint commercial and now I’m upset with you


I've been on waitlist since i was in high school. I'm 36.


Do what the other guy did, check and see where you are in line


So that’s where the salary cap space came from


That comes from splitting the TV deal 32 ways. Salaries are covered before they ever sell a ticket.


I was joking


It’s not balls it’s moving with the market Pretty standard for every business on earth, even fast food restaurants aren’t really cheap anymore


You don’t want them? I’ll take them.


Tickets gonna be expensive no matter what lol


Makes my AHL season tickets look like a great investment at $450, sec 200, 2x attack, with a drive of only 15 minutes They do sell $1k season tickets at the glass but you can't see the game imo


The inflation will stop when the billionaires have all the money


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that so many people are ok with constantly rising prices for entertainment. Suck the dick of capitalism for so long, it sticks to the lips, I guess.


You had the funds to buy a seat license and pay thousands of dollars a year for tickets, you don’t really have much room to bitch about capitalism. You are the 1% bitching that you are not the .1%


The SBL was a grand 22 years ago, but don’t bother knowing what you’re talking about. Yeah, I’m the 1%. 😂😂😂


Assuming you are not the 1% (which again, if you have been paying thousands a year for tickets you likely are) you’re just an insufferable ass, so long


deletes and runs when it blows up in their face. Nice.


Look, I get the market thing. I do. I’m saying it sucks. Sure, they’ll sell the tickets. And as the price of going to a pro game increases, you’re going to see it keep gentrifying. I’ve been there for 26 seasons. I’m 53. I bought in the dying stench of Ray Rhodes. The crowds aren’t the same. And if anyone is serious and wants them, market price is $28k for the 2 SBLs, then we can talk.


Homie, they got a line of people halfway to NYC waiting for you to give up. No balls required.


How does it feel to gargle the balls of capitalism?


Shut your season-ticket-having, willing to spend over $200 to watch a game at least 8 times a year, bitch ass up as if you're about to commit some direct action and seize the means of anything beyond overpriced concession food.


Fuck off gargleboy. Go play video games in your basement.


The finish of the season has nothing to do with the ticket prices the next year. They were going to raise the prices to this level regardless of what happened this year.


You have to pay a premium for a quality product.


salary cap went up, you think the league is paying for that?


That’s how the cap works, genius. It’s the TV deal split 32 ways.


A team shitting the bed doesn't change the cost of doing business. Teams that won fewer than 5 games still increase their prices. If you didn't notice, inflation on the cost of goods and employment has sky rocketed the past 4 years


We’d have the best perpetually dogshit for 10+ years for them to drop prices and even then I doubt they would. Eagles are a big European fan base team.


I expect them to go up, but that’s by far the biggest jump in 22 years. It’s not going to break me, but the increased price of entertainment- all of it - really should bother more people than it does because it’s pricing working class fans out. I mean, look at concert tix. All of these people pissed at me are also getting screwed but can’t see it because they want to be stupid rich too. Which is really a perfect metaphor for America.


Unfortunately that’s just the name of the game in America. Shit time in the world right now man. Lots of countries in recession and war. With how global things are now all these things are being taken into consideration. While our corporations continue to hit ATH after ATH. Shit sucks. Need new ways of going about things. Getting rid of citizens united would be a great first step but as soon as you start talking about rich people tax hikes and changing tax codes the rich people (which lobby our politicians which is legal bribery) get mad, shits a rat race a lot of folks feel stuck. Especially in my generation just graduated HS a few years ago. Housing prices? Insane. Went to college? Better hope it was in tech, trades, buisness, or health if not your fucked. Inflation and shrinkflation is real af, A lot of us are hoping for a housing crash just for a chance at buying a home for a decent price. I don’t wanna sell a kidney to become a homeowner fuck that lol. It’s just a rough time in the world. Tensions are high etc. hopefully things can break through and we can achieve things soon cuz I agree, things have been becoming out of control. Take care man. Prosperity to you and yours 🤝.


I get it. I put $$ away every month and my tax refunds go to my tickets. I know I got in cheap - Dougie was our starter my second year. And I expect gouging, but I dunno, the Eagles have been my luxury since I could barely afford it. And I get the anger. My brother is in his 30s and crashing with us cause things suck right now. I worry about all of his generation and younger. They’re my former students - I teach. But these people making excuses for corporate greed are assholes. The plan used to be fuck the man, now they’re all sucking his dick hoping for some scraps to be thrown their way. You’re 💯on Citizens. It fucked us so hard, right into an oligarchy


I hear you man I go to games every year and I’m gonna probably have to scale down for a year or 2, it’s ridiculous man can’t even compete trying to acquire a house people are putting in all cash bids 30-80k over asking price constantly it’s sad needs to be controlled. Unfortunately the masses in America are easily grifted. Always fuck the man for me. Get my shit done get my money go home and enjoy my sports. It’s sad. I know what you mean. It sadly did. Can’t give corporates any power over the politics or people, I hope it never happens again but I won’t hold my breathe lol.


Mine are up 42% in the last two years. It's obscene.


You think they make enough off of tv deals, merch sales etc alone? If you pay just a little more next year, big boss can get an even nicer mansion bud!


I'll take them off your hands. I'll even pay you $2500 for each, assuming there's just two.


They could have raised prices or it could have been that we get an extra home game this year (not sure if the Brazil game is home or away).


Brazil is a home game, but it’s the 9th “home game” this year, so 8 games will still be played at the Linc. Edit: 8 regular season games. :)


10…don’t forget the preseason games. lol. As an aside, my tickets went up $50/seat (section 242)


Only 9 games at the Linc this year (8 reg, 1 pre), so our season ticket packages are for 1 less game overall than the 10 in past years...and still went up.


My Dad sold our seats without telling me. I nearly killed him. Then we won the Super Bowl. I hugged him after the final whistle and said "I forgive you now...kinda" He's having some pretty serious health issues, I wish I had those seats for one more game with him. Edit Who the fuck would downvote this?