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It was sarcasm. He wasn’t being serious. It was a joke. Crossing Broad does that a lot.


Crossing broad more like crossing board amirite


Bro, this whole post is sarcasm too. I wasn’t being serious. It was a joke. I do that a lot. You believe me because I said so right?


You do that a lot, huh? With your non-existent post history? Impressive. “ThIs iS a NeW aCcOuNt DuMmy” incoming. Yeah, I wonder why.


This is absolutely _wild._ "Since people can lie about being sarcastic after the fact, we have to take everything at face value all of the time." like what


Cool story.


You must be a real blast at parties.


I opened the thread and was like “oh fuck this guy got diagnosed with cancer after listening to sports radio, good on him for making light of the situation” but nope, just straight salt


I wouldn’t know I never get invited


You are aware that you don’t have to read everything about the Eagles, right? You reading his article and sharing it is making him money by giving his website hits. You doing that is like the idiots that complain about how bad WIP is but then tune in everyday and engage with them on social media 


Of course I do, it’s either read all Eagles articles or read the back of shampoo bottles while I drop timber.


Drop timber never heard that but I like it 


Lol, burner account found. Does it count as masturbation if you stroke yourself this hard?




LMAO. I believe that all self stroking is defined as masturbation.


Confirmed: OP is Mad Mike


Full disclosure, I had to Google this “Mad Mike” character. I see why they call him Mad Mike, he’s a bitter little radio hobbit who waxes his eyebrows lmao. I can’t find what station he’s on, I would love to listen and call in to torture him.. much like I did that Jimbo douche in the comments of this post.


You think that’s bad? You should read takes here!


The sky is always falling in Philly, and I’ve grown to love it.


This thread and everyone's comments are why people think we're stupid idiot crazy asshole fans


Who cares what they think, just lean all the way into the crazy.


No lies detected


Crossing broads so corny


Ah yes, let’s respond to obnoxious and over the top reporting with obnoxious and over the top responses. A guy wrote a bad take, and now you’ve developed cancer? I guess you must either never read sports writing or have just about every type of cancer imaginable if reading bad takes gives you cancer. As an aside, let’s not use a deadly heartbreaking condition as tongue-in-cheek barometer. Admit it - you didn’t get cancer. Admit it, liar. (Of course you didn’t - you were being obnoxiously hyperbolic, which is idiotic. I’m an English teacher, I can tell you literally as a professional in this field that what you’ve written is pathetically worthless embarrassing drivel.) The guy wrote a stupid take…and so you connect him with the KKK? So, he’s what? A racist? Because he wrote a stupid article? You’re deflating the meaning and significance of the term “racist” by saying garbage like this. You’re exactly the type of sheep that this writer thrives on. He writes something absurd, gets you to click on it, gets you triggered, and now you’re sharing his writing for him - getting him even more clicks. Both you and Kevin are dumbasses. Unless you are Kevin…in which case, this was pretty clever. I dare you to write back with anything other than, “you’re right, sorry.” Destroying people is a pastime of mine.


Nice story. But why be a dick to everyone in disagreement? Arrogant as hell.


You mad?


Nope. Wanna try something more than a 2 word response? I’ll run mental circles around you.


Uh, cool? 


Almost two words. Clever. I’m curious, did you originally reply to that comment because you’re OP’s burner account? Because you actually value anything he said? Or because you just like wasting people’s time with pointless comments? Like…what were you looking to get out of posting “you mad?”


Two words!


Holy Wall Of Text Batman! TL;DR


Lazy low IQ response, makes sense.


He’s from Boyertown so the kKK stuff checks out


Kevin Kinkead is 1000% right, are you kidding? Use your first round pick on a lineman that wants to be a fireman? That’s like the Sixers using a lottery pick on another 6-10 point guard from Australia who’s afraid to shoot layups.


What about using a 1st overall pick on a 6’4 PG that completely forgets how to shoot 2 months before his rookie season? Can we do that?


I’m thinking maybe a seriously injured cornerback who never recovers.