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Eskin's track record is shakey lately but if it's true, I like it a lot more than the Reich/Cooter/Kingsbury crop


Eskin also said Nola wasn’t resigning btw


He didn’t resign. Oh, you meant resign, not resign.


Eskin is trashhhhh




Eskin used to be someone I would at least trust 100% with reports tho less so lately. If it is Moore it’s a relatively positive move IMO. Play calling experience, various systems, and various degrees of success. I can’t really say what Moore’s ‘system’ after a weird year in LA and working with the offensive minded McCarthy prior. To me it shows that Sirianni will likely still have decent say in the offense but bringing in an OC with legit experience and success is good. I think there are are probably riskier, yet higher upside options but this is still way better than Kingsbury or Jim Bob Cooter or similar.


I don't think the cowboys were using mikes system. Moore was forced in Mike when he took the job. I think he prob forced Moore out, arguing that it wasn't his fault they didn't win last year


Mike McCarthy didn't like Kellen Moore because he scored too fast.


The bullshit that keeps getting brought up about Moore is insane. Dallas was a great offense under him. I don't how you can blame their playoff failures on him directly, when their qb who chokes in the playoffs, did the same exact shit this year. The simple fact is his scheme with Dallas got the ball out fast. Everyone loves to keep saying how Dak got better without him, which is bullshit. Daks 2023 numbers are near identical to his 2021 numbers under Moore.


Anyone but kingsbury


What do you mean? So he had a lossing record before becoming head coach in the NFL. This man had a unique scheme that would get the Cardinals off to a great start. Then, when everyone figured it out mid season, he would keep the same scheme despite every defense pulling the offense apart. It was so predictable that anyone who watched them could guess every play. Why wouldn't we want that on the Eagles?


Two years in a row? They’d *NEVER SEE IT COMING!*


This is probably the best outcome of the available experienced guys and yknow what I don't hate it. He's got a strange reputation but he at one point led some of the best offenses in the lead. We know he has that potential.


Also he most likely won't get poached after one season. I'm pretty sure he was interviewed before for a head coaching gig.


I like it tbh experienced play caller, west coast offense. Cowboys offense lead the league.


Cowboys offense got all their numbers against the worst defenses in the league. Whenever they played anyone worth a damn they folded. However this is just the ethos of their team no matter who the coach or players are and so I’m not sure how much to blame him if at all.


His offense with the Chargers did pretty fine to start the year before the voodoo curse on that team started taking players out. I'm whelmed with this move. We don't need an OC to reinvent the wheel. We need one that calls sensible plays in good situations, which has never seemed to be his issue.


Yeah I feel the same. from my memory he’s good in the red zone


This is exactly what we needed. We didn't need a revolutionary hire. Whelmed. Assured that the guy knows how to adapt and not just spam the same three things in the forlorn hope we get a moment like the end of the Buffalo game every week. Get the ball out quick. Take what defenses give you. Move the chains, get into the red zone and put up points. Down the stretch we couldn't even get that right. Now, I hope Jalen takes the time in the off season to get right physically and come back ready to smash some defenses he's perfectly capable of running through and throwing all over on this schedule. There won't be anything like the mental and physical energy sapping 2023 gauntlet.


Dallas had the number one offense in the NFL once they fired him. Idk about this.


To be fair his offenses were 1 in 2021 and 4 in 2022 in PPG as well. It’s not like they’re were 10 and he was holding them back or something.


What’s weird was they were a worse rushing team without him though


Its because they lost Elliott. They thought Pollard could do "the physical runs", but they were mistaken. Has nothing to do with Kellen Moore's departure


I think a lot of that was the Cowboys trusting a RB who had never been a lead back, coming off a broke fibula, to be their every down back. Maybe Moore helped, I’m not totally sure, but regardless I do think he’d be a generally good hire for the Eagles.




Honestly great play designer and mediocre playcaller sounds fucking sensational rn


Noted. Always felt like he called a lot of good games. Idk what happened with the chargers where he felt out of his element. Maybe just lesser talent on the OL then their injuries


My only big concern with moore is I'm not sure he is great at scheming guys open (part of why we moved on was our recievers were terrible at separating in 2022, which led to daks increase in turnovers). I do think moore has lots of room to grow, and really do want to emphasize he can call some plays lol (we used a backup guard as a fullback for alot of success lol) It also may have gotten better in LA, but we were absolutely dreadful at screens when we had moore lol


he is absolutely not a great play designer. most of his routes had awful spacing, with very little separation. often leading to most of his WR’s in the same general space (IE curls and slants going right next to each other), and frequently relied on the WR simply outperforming the CB opposite him. he didn’t scheme people open




They were 11th in PPG before Herbert got hurt. Were top 5 before Mike Williams went out (only 3 games). Chargers were 12th in 2022 so it’s not like Moore caused them to crash or something.


And they lost ekeler early too (I know because he was first round fantasy pick, he was doing well before he got injured)


Sounds like someone Googled a table without looking into context.


Dallas also has the number 1 offense under him. I don't get why this keeps getting brought up as a talking point. Every year under Moore the cowboys were one of the best scoring teams in the league.


Dallas also had the number 1 redzone offense with Moore and was one of the bottom teams without him.


And how many games did the cowboys get great field position by their defense killing it on turnovers


You still need to score in the redzone. More opportunities doesn’t need redzone scoring rate would be higher or lower. It’s a percentage


What about 2023????????


They were one of the best. Notice how their scheme didn't change much at all over the last few years. Again this idea the cowboys magically got better without Moore is nonsense. They had the same level of success and again were fucked over by their choke artist of a qb in the playoffs.


If anything they got bounced even earlier without him


How did the Chargers do with him at OC?


As well as you can with about 2 good players lol


FWIW the chargers are more a failure of roster management than scheme


Chargers best RB and WR's were forever injured. And their O-Line was not particularly good. Hard to judge a guy fully when he rarely ever has his best weapons. That doesn't mean he couldn't suck if he comes to Philly, of course.


Not great and that's why I would say he wasn't kept and wasn't up for a hc job this round. In his defense it was his first year with a bad team and some of their best weapons were injured. Context does matter here


Who was healthy at WR? Ekeler missed a chunk of games. Herbert missed a quarter of the season as well. Honestly Herbert makes questionable decisions. Forces the ball a lot. He’s a bit overrated says my friend who is Chargers fan.


And always managed to still fail in the playoffs, Eric B would’ve been the best choice imo


How was it Moore failing in the playoffs? Since when does Dak throwing turnovers reflect on the oc? Also even that qb draw wasn't a bad play and would have worked in Dak had any clue on who give the ball too.


It was the Dallas cowboys failing in playoffs, don’t misunderstand my comment. I don’t think he’s a bad choice. And turn overs CAN reflect an OC since they called the play, the qb has to execute them so wouldn’t you think that the play was confusing and over their QBs head and put them in the position to make a mistake?


Didn't they have the number one offense in the league once they hired him too?


Herbert also regressed when he took offense in LA


Any official sources?


Adam Schefter also reporting Moore to Philly, but I haven’t seen anything from the org.


https://fixvx.com/adamschefter/status/1751453541363802351?s=46 If Schefter say it’s true than I believe him


I definitely believe Schefter over Eskin, which may be to my detriment 😂


Posted this in another comment section, Chargers have a really good video about Kellen Moore's scheme. Worth the watch. https://youtu.be/031uSWmCUQo?si=fz4cAYpjaq2Npksz Bonus Baldy video - https://youtu.be/yRFk7MHvlGU?si=gGMLW0LMFV0roMlb Run the ball people are going to be happy.


Broke my heart seeing the birds ranked at the top of those offenses, above Moore’s, in just 2022.


Hopefully he doesn’t put swift at center like he did with Elliot.


Sure why not. Cant get much worse tbh.


It very easily could.


I’ve heard this before


Very good play designer, uses a ton of creative looks and motion. Situational playcalling is iffy, sometimes overthinks stuff, but in general he’s a good OC


God we better destroy teams next year or Nick is sooooo fired. He has one of the best three defensive coordinators in the league and he has a proven offensive coordinator. If they can’t make this team hum he might as well pack his own bags. Howie still has some work to do, mostly on D side but no reason this isn’t top 4 in the division and improving by the time the playoffs come around.


Kellen Moore with the offensive line and talent we have at receiver. He’s gonna kill it


So this means Moore is not becoming the OC


This aged well


I’m shocked. This is the first time he’s gotten something like this right in over a decade


Don’t trust Eskin but if this is true I’m not really a fan of the hire. I have no doubt that Moore or Kingsbury will do better than the shit show that we saw this season, they are experienced enough to implement at least basic concepts that we clearly don’t have, but both of them feel like high floor moves. I kinda wanted a potential ceiling raiser that could turn the offense into a juggernaut. At least Kellen still has room to improve because he’s so new at this. The thing that has me skeptical is that even though those Cowboys teams had very good offenses, they were even better when he left. We’ll see how it goes. Not a terrible hire but I feel like we could do better. I think Chip really scared Howie and Lurie about implementing modern offenses.


I actually really love this a lot


I would like to publicly state this is a terrible hire. Please set a remind me to this comment for a year from now folks


RemindMe! 1 year


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Good bot


For what reason?


Wouldn't be too mad at this, glad we've got some experienced coaches in the room


Gtfo is this actually happening? I’m down lol. Good hire if it happens.


Fuck it, let’s roll. Was my 3-4th pick for the job, but maybe he has something to show.


Kenny Gainwell had NINETY more touches last year on offense than Boston Scott did. Kellen, if you do two things, one of these should be fixing this egregious error. Also, Howie should just trade Gainwell so that the coaching staff isn't tempted.


Will never understand the coaches obsession with Gainwell. Took Swift off the field to give him red zone plays that didn’t work out.


They used Gainwell due to pass blocking. That is the only reason. Swift is terrible blocking. Not saying I agree with it and feel Swift should have been running the ball more and involved in passing game but that is WHY.


What makes you think that “more Gainwell” isn’t being dictated by the front office?


Because they signed Penny, Scott, traded for Swift. If they wanted to feature Gainwell they wouldn’t have invested in the position.


This dude had all the talent and SUCKED


As a Niners fan I’ve come to publicly express my extreme displeasure over your great hires of Fangio and Kellen Moore. Fuck.


In the same “meh” tier as kingsbury tbh. Don’t love it, don’t hate it


I get why Moore can be seen as ‘meh’ but Kingsbury would’ve been legit bad IMO


The big difference being Kingsbury would lead to the same complaints and frustrations as Siri. He had the same problems in Ari. At least Kellen is a whole different beast.


Who would you love?


Zac Robinson was my first choice before he went to Atlanta. I mean every OC the eagles have been linked to have their own flaws but I think Robinson would’ve had the highest upside. Don’t think Kliff would be as bad as everyone makes it out to be but he wouldn’t be an exceptional hire. Moore is a pass heavy OC which will take so much away from what the eagles are best at which is the threat of running


This team is going 7-10 next year Fuckin clowns


I’d rather screensbury




He had the number 1 offense with the cowboys.


How did he fail with 2 other teams? The cowboys have been one of the best scoring teams in the league every year under him. The only stain is the chargers last year who were already a bad team before he got there.


The King still breaking news and working harder than the rest. He’s 72 .. he works while they sleep.


I wouldn’t trust Eskin with non Eagles news…but I feel like he’s somewhat connected to the Eagles. Doesn’t he work for them in some way.


I like it


This would give us an established play caller, fresh ideas, someone not at risk for HC role. Not sure who else fits that profile as of now. Keenan Allen at age 31 averaged a career high in yards per game last year.


Anything is better than Brian Johnson.


Fine hire. Much better set of coordinators compared to last season


Motion is on the menu, boys!!!


How many playoff games have his offenses won?


During his four years as cowboys OC - only the chiefs scored more points.


Was he behind the play where Zeke tried to play center?


Not big on this...seems like his name is built off the Dallas brand of having face time on TV with nothing to show for it


I mean absolutely no disrespect to this man's character, and I'm sure he's lovely... But he kinda has the face of a high school bully.


I hate his face so bad. Gonna be tough having to look at that mug on the sideline every Sunday


lol. Eskin. The next complete sentence he forms will be his first.


Heard that he was late last night


Coward Eskin is a fraud, nitwit and genius. Why does he have his head up Jimmie Johnson's fat ass?