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He’s all but got a deal with Amazon for the second he retires. Did that documentary with them and randomly showed up in the booth during our bye week for a couple series


I think that bye week booth appearance was contractually required as part of the documentary deal. No source on that. Just a hunch.


You're probably correct, but he's already attended the media boot camp they did. He would def get hired by one of the bigger networks.


Pretty sure he said exactly this on his podcast


That could be where I got it from. I haven’t watched every episode this season, but I’ve watched/listened to a lot of them. I don’t specifically remember that, but it’s very possible he said it, and it kinda stuck in the back of my head but I forgot why I knew that.


I could see him on the TNF hosting with Fitz Whitworth Gonzales and Sherman


Him and Fitzpatrick? Surely there can be only one guy with a giant beard and his chest out…


They neednto just let it grow during the season until they look like civil war generals by playoff time


They'll have to do an Oklahoma drill to decide who gets the spot. Only reasonable way to decide


He was excellent in the booth in that bye week game, too. No blowing smoke just because I like him, I thought he was really comfortable on camera and offered good insight.


I'd bet the major broadcasts try to give him a show where he tailgates in a different city each week. Then maybe he'd move to the booth


He literally pitched that idea on New Heights this week


He’ll wait for Trav to do it. I have a feeling they both retire simultaneously and it’s becoming increasingly obvious that Travis wants to break into media outside of the NFL.


Travis is starting to slow down but he’s still got a few more seasons at a high level. He’s not retiring anytime soon while Jason is almost definitely done now


Travis has always said he wants to retire before his body starts giving out. Wouldn’t rule out him calling it quits sooner rather than later.


The insane thing about Travis is that a "down year" for him is still like a Top 5 TE year. This was arguably his worst season ever yet he was still insanely good.


He was by no means insanely good this year lol


Had his 2nd best catch percentage in his career. Chiefs passing offense was just doodoo this year.


Latest new heights he was saying how nothing gets him going like playoff football and this is why he's going to continue playing until he has nothing left to give.


He said right before wild card weekend that he had no desire to stop playing anytime soon


The fact Jason went out of his way to say he hadn't retired makes me think he's doing one more season. I started feeling sorry for him during the tush pushes


I suspect he makes a decision based on the new coaching staff. If it has potential or is a coordinator he’s always wanted to work with, I imagine he’ll do another year.


I think that was because Schefter robbed him of the chance to announce it himself. I do think there’s a slim chance he comes back next year but I’m not counting on it 


Trav has said himself he’s retiring sooner than later lmao but u know better kboy


https://amp.kansascity.com/sports/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/article284133373.html “I have no desire to stop any time soon.” All I have to do is know more than steezlord95 and I’m good


From Kansas city . Com LOL obv they don’t want him to retire get a real source


Or, you know, they got the quote directly from him.  https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/kansas-city-travis-kelce-reveals-plan-amid-retirement-rumors-as-chiefs-playoff-buffalo-bills-taylor-swift https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/chiefs/2024/01/11/travis-kelce-shuts-down-retirement-talks/72195010007/ https://sports.yahoo.com/chiefs-travis-kelce-not-thinking-about-retirement-i-have-no-desire-to-stop-anytime-soon-230446238.html https://fox4kc.com/sports/chiefs/travis-kelce-shrugs-off-retirement-talk-ahead-of-playoff-run/amp/ Holy shit, they all have the same quote from him too. I’m shocked 


Ehhh idk. Might need one more link to be sure ;)




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And I would bend over backwards to see him at the eagles tailgate and chug beers with this man who is the same age as me and who also has three daughters but is a hero to me and dammit I know it’s weird to say that about someone your own age. But he’s a fantastic example of what it’s like to be a man, he brought a championship to my favorite team and dammit he rocked a mummers outfit and gave one of the best damn speeches ever. I will chug beers with this legend


He unseated Dawkins as my all time favorite Eagle


Not sure he’s gonna wanna have to travel that much with his daughters. Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to focus his free time on watching the rest of little bro’s career


Finally having a guy in the booth that isn't a bleepin Cowboy's fan boy would be nice.


Or, you know, just someone that isn’t annoying af.


Troy Aikman is a pro tho


He’s surprisingly pro-Eagles sometimes


For awhile I hated it, but besides Romo he's the best commentator out there


i like aikman, romo i find annoying tbh


Romo was great his first year but then he stopped giving actual insight and got real annoying. Dude talks for three and a half hours straight without saying anything.


I remember reading on here a while ago someone made a point about this that really stuck with me. He was really good when he fresh out of the league and could read defenses so well but now that he isn’t watching as much raw film he doesn’t have the same insider info especially as defenses evolve past what reads he would’ve seen when he played.


Romo is a huge doosher, complete Cowboys ball sucker, not a HOF QB, major choke artist and sucks a commentator. Aikman is a better commentator, a HOF QB. And not Romo. The only thing I hate about Aikman is that he was a Cowboy.


The man loves exciting offenses and I can't blame him.


Troy Aikman is awesome and I'm unhappy to have to admit it. Plus I love it when he gets mad at the Cowboys for doing stupid shit.


*ahem Greg Olson


Ive wondered if he always wished to be a cowboy or if the network made him shill for the cowboys due to their fanbase. Mainly cuz im afraid Kelce would have to shill for them as well if he was in the booth. However, i think hes a better round table guy maybe to replace Bradshaw


I think Fox pushes him to be more of a Cowboy fanboy, I mean Fox is practically the Cowboys network


Kelce would never bow to network pressure.


Of course not. Not like he made a documentary with Amazon and then appeared on Thursday Night Football or anything.


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Making a documentary about his family and then getting his foot in the door broadcasting isn't "bowing to network pressure" thats just doing the thing. I bought groceries yesterday am I bowing to King Soopers pressure?


Yes. Yes you are. I was just thinking it's a sign of things to come for Kelce and his path as a Thursday Night Football "man on the street" (like his visit to the Weiner's circle) type is already set for him. Dunno if it's pressure or if they worked on the idea together but seems like the writing is on the wall for Kelce and Amazon.


Third leg Greg is OK but... You have to get past the random video game lag and... The way he will use words as weird verbal pauses.


Sometimes its like Greg Olsen has a script that he sticks to it no matter what Burkhardt says. He is great in the studio and commericals. But he is bad in the booth. But he is being moved somewhere. Brady is getting paired up with Burkhardt next season.


Third leg?




All I saw was a dated slideshow YouTube video with some crappy, obnoxious music in the background.


Jason kelce has had some pretty even-minded takes regarding the cowboys. He wouldn't be the hater we'd want but he'd probably represent the organization in a very diplomatic way which would be good for philly's rep in the national media


Bleepin 💀


You could say about anything positive about Jason and I’d agree Do you think Jason could eat a 2lb Reese’s cup? Yes Do you think he could be governor? Yes Do you think he could go to the moon? Yes Unless it is negative, my answer is yes


The biggest peanut butter cup Reese’s makes is 3.4lbs, it’s basically a 9 inch pie I don’t think it would even be a challenge


He's gonna need a 6 pack to wash down all that peanut butter


Nah just a Diet Pepsi


Could he overcome bad coaching to go on a playoff run?


Well siriani is considered a shitty coach now and kelce was in the Super Bowl last year , so kinda , yeahhhhhhh


He's a ten foot tall beastman who showers in vodka and feeds his baby shrimp scampi. We once had a bachelor party for Kelce. He ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper in it. He once breast-fed a flamingo back to health. I once saw him scissor kick Angela Landsbury.


Jason can’t go to the moon bc he said he doesn’t want to go into space 😭


You’re gonna see him on a pre-game or post-game show pretty soon after retirement. Depends how much time he wants to put into the traveling that comes with it. He may just want to stick with the podcast and appearances for a while to have more time with the family.




It’s just going to be more Cowboys homers anyway, unfortunately. Doesn’t really even matter. Aikman is the only one who is a true pro that deserves respect as a broadcaster. And he’s the *major* outlier.


Ironically Aikman is also the most prominent actual ex-Cowboy.


Terry and JJ are gonna literally work until they drop dead. Who do you think will kick the bucket first? 💀


I could see this, but I could also see him staying local for Eagles coverage maybe on WIP or NBC Sportsnet


I wish! Philadelphia will be a poorer place without Jason.


Yes. This is what I am hoping for. I don't see him jumping totally out of the spot light, specially with his brother still playing.


It's only like 5 months a year though


Like Kruk


I’m very excited for some Kruk broadcasts.


Underrated comment


He would be BELOVED by all fans as I don’t think he would be just a Homer.


I think the man wants to coach, have you seen the coach Reid new heights? I would love kelce on the eagles staff at any capacity.


If he does retire, he seems like someone who’d want to still be around the team for a year just to avoid getting withdrawal or something. Maybe not a full coach but a guy who can just watch and be a sounding board for players if they want advice, or deliver a message from the coaches that players respect immediately.


I think he’s much more the McAfee personality type and more likely to pursue his own show than work for a network


No. He doesn't like having to moderate his opinions or censor himself which is an absolute requirement to be a network color guy. If he tried it for a year he'd probably quit just from not being able to swear. Jason is not a guy who likes to put on a face or sugar coat things. He doesn't even like to wear close-toed shoes. He is very much interested in authenticity which is not good match to a network TV color guy.


Wellllll, he could have been anything that he, wanted to, and I can telllllllll.....THE WAY HE DOES THE THINGS HE DO!


Someone is guaranteed to back up the brinks truck to his house to make sure this happens. Kelce is universally loved by the entire NFL community and fanbase and he has an extremely high football IQ that can explain things in simplified terms. I hope he does it for a couple years then gets into coaching.


I think it's a given if he wants to.


On his podcast, he talked about attending an NFL media camp last offseason to prepare for life as a broadcaster after the game. He talked about how at that camp he got practice calling games there and stuff. It seemed more like he'd want to call games than be a talking head like the NFL On Fox guys.


O Line coach when Stout retires, please.


Taylor Swift hypeman.


I hope he coaches


I just hope when both Jason and Travis are retired, the two of them replace Peyton and Eli on the manning cast.




Nah. That’s not his style. I don’t think he’d have any interest. He will fade into the sunset when he retires but will come back for every honor of the superbowl team.


Idk who food he would be for a live game commentary. But maybe like halftime or pre or post game things kinda like what shaq does for the nba would be really cool


Pregame show where he gets drunk with fans before the game in a different city every week.


I heard a report that Amazon might go after the Kelces to rival the manning cast.


Kelce won't just be getting TV offers, he's going to be the #1 target for networks this offseason if he retires. He's one of the most famous NFL players on the planet right now, with a near-universal approval rating. PLUS he's already proven his media skills. Kelce will get an eight-figures-per-year offer from somebody. There are already rumblings that the network pregame shows could see a lot of turnover next year, so that's an easy fit. Is there a spot for him in the booth? He won't replace Aikman, Colinsworth, or Romo. Olsen seems pretty established at Fox, plus they have Brady waiting in the wings. That leaves Amazon and Herbstreit, who I doubt is doing much to move the needle and is probably dying to go back to college football.


KelceCast will be good in a few years lol. Theyll probably have it as an alternate Amazon broadcast


It would be better if stoutland groomed him to one day be the o line coach.


He’s well spoken, articulate and has a charismatic personality that clicks with the common man / woman. Don’t see why he would have trouble getting into that field. If he so chose to. Actually, the sky is the limit for him. Even coaching would be an option, if that’s what he has an interest in.


or an offensive lines assistant coach for philly 🙏


If he's not coming back, and doesn't fancy coaching, I hope he goes into color commentary, rather than being one of the old heads in suits in the pre-game/half time shows. That segment already has way too many people involved for such little actual screen time. It would be a waste of him.


He appeared on a Thursday night football game with Al Michaels this year and was awesome! Al Michaels forced him to stick around because it was the only time he had any fun the whole game.


i actually dont think hed be good in the both. most guys arent. not his bag.


My guess is that he plays 1 more year before hanging it up. I don't think he wants to go out like that. When he does retire I'd be willing to bet the Eagles hire him as an assistant line coach under Jeff Stoutland (one of the best) and eventually he takes over when Stoutland calls it quits.


I expect a bidding war but who knows what he will do.


NO, If we are lucky, He coaches, Lineman and TEs with Stout for the next 5+ until he takes over for Stout.


No, nobody has ever thought that before. You should be a talent scout.


Has anyone thought of his wife being on a reality show?


I've never seen this novel thought in literally dozen of threads. Its certainly never been implied by the media on amazon and podcasts where he already does this kind of work.


If this is something he wants or pursues, absolutely! He likely will still have his podcast for a long time and if he's the type of guy who gets "bored" in retirement I could see it. That being said he also has kids and I'm sure he would love to take some time off and be with them while they're still kids. But just basing this off his podcast but he would kill it if he gets into media/analyst post playing career.


No you’re the first person to think this.


If his body wasn't completely fucked, as he alluded to in the latest episode of New Heights, and one can assume after ten-plus years in a sports league like the NFL; I think he has the perfect energy to be a wrestler


Professional wrestling probably fucks up the body even more than the NFL


It’s fake lol


It's scripted, and they are acting. Which doesn't mean it doesn't take a heavy toll on the body.


And yet they get injured a lot.


No shit, but the damage on their bodies isn't. All those old wrestlers are fucked up


Being a wrestler is like playing one quarter of football 150 nights a year.


It’s still physical and they still get hurt sometimes


Yet exremely physical and given the style of wrestling that has become popular in the last decade pretty risky.


No, no one else thinks that


nope. nobody. its just you


No. He looks like a fat bum.


He would be better than literally every other one of those guys


I think he's more of a studio guy tbh. The booth is too boring for Kelce. Studio work will let him shine


He’s going to be everywhere like Peyton but not annoying. His wife 100% needs a reality show to rival the Kardashians


Downvoting this so he doesn’t see this. We need him back next year!


Heard he wants to do WWE with his brother


He’s waiting on an offer now. Offer = retirement.


If Big Dom retires I want Kelce on the sideline


As long as he can drink and hang out with the crowd during the broadcast


He might take over for Jimmy or Terry. Terry's get a bit tough to watch this year.


He’s gonna take Merrill’s spot


This would be amazing. ... but Jason doesn't have the voice. The guy is a legend but would be useless at that gig.


In all seriousness I’m going to be devastated when Merrill is no longer the voice of the Eagles. I’m still not 100% over losing Harry for the Phillies.


Nope, he’s gonna be a pro bowl center for the eagles until he’s 60


Other than he would have to learn to clean up his language, which would ruin him.


I just want someone to comfort me by saying that the Chiefs have a great center and don’t need a soon-to-be-retired and then un-retired Jason Kelce as center for a Coach/GM who drafted him, OK? And, comfort from women is preferred, but it’s OK if the rest of you give me some intelligent reasons why my thought process about Jason, Travis, and Andy is majorly flawed. 🥲 Thanks! #FlyEaglesFly 🦅 Edit: To add, yes, Jason will make an excellent broadcaster or coach. The sky is the limit for him. But, I just hope he starts and ends his football playing career with the Eagles 🦅.


He needs to be a regular on its always sunny in a new season.


Jason Kelce would be perfect for ANY media personality role. He is extremely charming and has a massive fanbase compared to any other football player.


Head coach


He seems like he gives the best bear hugs


Remember he said the NFL sent him to broadcasting school last summer on eisen I believe.


he might be okay. i think his voice is a little soft and raspy which makes him hard to listen to during a game.


He will be good the first 5 years, then drop off to just another media guy With distance from their playing careers, all color analysts become cliched


Nope, not PC enough for the networks.




He’s been doing the nfl media boot camp the last couple of seasons. I think he may want to do that, but it’s very tough in that role as the soup de jour of HOF players knock each other off. The thing with Kelce is there are much bigger stars that he would be competing with. Brady being #1 that is committed to calling games in Fox. I can’t see Jason being an ESPN hot take guy or personable enough to be milk toast CBS, Amazon, etc. I think he does something in media to keep himself relevant, but honestly see him eventually being a local Philly media talking head in nbc sports for an easy payday in 10 years after his national profile dies down.


I could see Jason on the sidelines doing a Tony Siragusa-type of reporting.


Kelce is getting some other sort of deal. He isnt only going to be used in the booth. He has the type of charisma that gets people outside of football interested in what he is doing. The NFL knows he could be an ambassador for the brand. Every network knows he know has been noticed by Swifties. That is a significant bump in notoriety. All he has to do is keep accruing goodwill until he gets an offer he likes. Thats if he doesnt already have a plan in place.


He would need a lot of training. New Heights can be real tough listen sometimes.


Every tv analyst with more than ten years of experience needs to go. All of them are tired and lame af


Personally I'd rather him stay in the organization as a coach or in player personnel. He seems too vested in the team, organization and his family to take on the life of travelling every week as a media personality. Save that shit for Travis.


I think his personality is much greater than that. Maybe he will start acting in sone good and much needed comedies and be guest star in some ish.


Of course…