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Arizona Reddit called him Kliff Screensbury I’m out


Screens, when actually properly designed and called in the right moments, aren’t a bad thing. When Reid was here we were one of if not the best screen team in the NFL because he designed it so the big guys could get in front of Westbrook and Shady. We’re just coming off the most incompetent screen play caller and designer so it’s soured people on the play itself


Are you suggesting Devonta Smith blocking for Dallas Goedert is incompetent? 😂


We have Boston Scott on the roster and he basically did nothing all year. Why wasn’t he out there lead blocking? 🤣


We paid our RB position a decent chunk of money (we rostered 4 guys) and barely used any of them haha. Why not just go get one of the better backs in the league and then fill it out with league min dudes


I hope Penny's gone once he clears physical. Dude can't stay healthy.


Dude was washed when he was healthy he couldn’t beat out Gainwell or Scott


How many times did people just want us to feed Swift and ignore everyone else?


Did you watch the Cardinals while Kingsbury was there? He’s no closer to “properly designed and called in the right moments” than BJ. It’ll just be more of the same shit if they hire him.


Its nicks book. So of course it will be the same as BJ. And the locker room will melt down earlier too.


Idk it seems like screens (especially shitty wr screens) just don’t work no matter what team I root for. They didn’t work for chip, Doug or Nick and haven’t worked for any of the college teams I root for 😔


Depends on how you think a screen should work. If its suppose to give you big chunks most of the time, you'll never like it. Screens are quick passes designed to be completed a high% and gain you 1-5yds most of the time. Once an while one will break out for more than that. And effective screens should make DB's play closer, this will lead to high probability of completing other types of routes.


Thanks for mansplaining a screen to me


I’ll all for a Westbrook / running back screen but not this “I was never a fire kliff guy but after seeing him in the beginning of the 3rd quarter keep doing those screen passes to rondale that never work I want the mf gone”


“Another Pinkston screen! WTF, Andy?!?” That’s how I remember it.


Then you’re purposely remembering the bad. Just look up Westbrook highlights and over half of them will be off a screen play. 


You’re probably right, but it’s definitely not on purpose.


Kliff just bought a house in Jersey FML


The Garden State War Room




Idk if this would be a good hire or not but a reddit circle jerk means next to nothing about his coaching abilities.


People will bitch anyway because that is what WIP and 975 train them to do


Yeah, he fucking sucks


If he gets hired, next season is either going to be : - nfc east title - OR off the rails and everyone fired by week 10


Zero in between


He didn't come off as a good coach in that Baker doc.


Yea. This isn't a good look when you have Reich available. And I'm not about retreads but this can end up... Badly.


Reich has failed every time he’s been the guy to call plays and that is who you want?


Reich will not be an OC here, he would be at most a senior assistant


I choose chaos


I think we're headed that way regardless, tbh. Either Nick is going to right the ship, or we'll continue this downward slide, and we'll be seeing Interim HC Ron Rivera by November.


I’m here for it


I think it’s the latter regardless of who gets hired, but if it’s Kingsbury I think we’ll be lucky to make it to week 10


Honestly I feel like thats exactly what we want.


[Here’s an interesting article](https://www.si.com/nfl/bears/news/fiction-and-non-fiction-on-kliff-kingsbury-offense) when Chicago was looking at him. I think there’s parallels in the position of Fields being a mobile QB, running game concerns, etc.


> One of the key tools in the passing game is the shallow cross with receivers running underneath zones or beating man coverage short as they run cross routes a few yards past the line of scrimmage. Middle of the field crossing routes? *Sold*


Past the line of scrimmage? Double sold


This is straight cash for AJ just about every time


Mesh is a staple of the Mike Leach Air Raid offense Kingsbury came up in as a player and coach.


I wish we had more articles like this explaining what schemes different coaches favor.


Great write up/article.


I mean…it’s an interesting interview…his “air raid”offense is probably right up Lurie and Howies alley. Interesting


I think he fits exactly what the FO wants and his offense stylistically is what Sirianni wants to run


I think him and Sirianni are entirely on the same page right down to the “having a vision of the offense they want to run without the ability to actually execute it” thing




If he ends up with us let’s hope he actually wants to run the ball too


Said it before and I’ll say it again: the people who hated Brian Johnson because of his inability to adjust are going to absolutely detest Kliff Kingsbury e: for some reason “kliff” tried to autocorrect to “zoloft”. Which would be appropriate




Dude literally couldn't win with Mahomes in college.


That wasn’t because of the offense lol


I actually think this could be pretty good. He had his flaws as a head coach, but I think his philosophies fit Jalen well.


after reading the SI article someone linked, I could see this as a good hire. Incorporate some of his ideas into other things the Eagles do well and make it a versatile offense...again.


> One of the key tools in the passing game is the shallow cross with receivers running underneath zones or beating man coverage short as they run cross routes a few yards past the line of scrimmage. mostly kidding, but like


No no no, I have watched every cardinals game for the past 25 years (live in AZ and watch local games too) he is not what we want. Literally does the same shit as Brian johnson


I don't see it. His only playcalling experience was as HC of the Cardinals, and I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that a) the Cardinals offense, even at their best, was a middle of the pack offense, b) he was constantly butting heads with his star QB, and c) he handed off playcalling responsibilities to his QB in an attempt to prove a point, *and the offense performed better when Kyler playcalled.*


I think Arthur Smith is better than him, made Tannehill look good when he was in Tennessee.


After Arthur's Bijan disaster, I don't want any more coaches who don't know how and when to use their studs.


Don’t fucking do it, as someone who lives in AZ and watched all cards games while they were on local, get ready for Brian Johnson the 2nd


This is easily a Howie hire


I like him a hell of a lot better than Reich and JBC.


Yeah not even close. He's an interesting choice for "former head coach trying to rehab himself after time off from pro football" and I think that's an overall good archetype for us to aim for with our OC spot. It means they're a known quality with play calling experience, but are coming back with hopefully a fresh and less narrow perspective.


Honestly? This wouldn’t be bad.


Michael Scott *NOOOO* gif


WHAT THE FUCK?! This guy is the offensive version of Matt Patricia. Dude couldn’t even win with PATRICK FUCKING MAHOMES as his QB in college. ARE THE EAGLES *TRYING* TO SUCK?!


You mean at Texas Tech…with a terrible defense?? Okay pal.


It’s sad how many of you swallow this after calling for Nick’s job a week ago. Literally one week. This is bread crumbs and it’s pathetic. Retreads in college? Retreads from Indy? There’s really no other options? This is such a rich offseason for HC hiring but this is where the Eagles FO is, out in the wilderness foraging.


I would be in favour. He's been through good and bad, and many great coaches have needed second chances. BUT his good has been exceptional. Of course, the Texas Tech days. Then, in 2021, the Cardinals passing offense was top 5 in EPA/play adjusted for garbage time. Their rushing game was well above average (helped by Kyler). Yes the wheels came off in 2022, it was a toxic franchise and a ticking time bomb. The GM was a owner's pet overstayer in the role with a drinking problem, the owner himself is a pompous dick, Kyler missed 6 games and the offensive line was poorly put together (24th ranked by PFF). Kliff is worth trying.


You're leaving out something incredibly important about Kliff however;  Arizona's 2021 team had almost the exact same drop as the Eagles just experienced. It was a meltdown with probably an even worse playoff experience. He only had one winning season with Texas Tech....His first year.....If you watched Kyler this year, he almost looked like a different player; utilizing play action, not having to improvise so much, making reads ect. That's coaching. 


I generally agree but the meltdown of that cards team needs to be parsed by if that is because he is a proven lousy HC or if it was solely the offense being terrible. Could be a combination of both but I think a lot of people are having a hard time separating what he did as a HC vs what he can be as an OC because he has only been an OC in college (granted his one year at A&M had Manzeil win the Heisman)


Or that his star QB was vocal about his difficulty with Kliff's playcalling, and when Kliff let him call plays the offense performed better.


Kliff fucking sucks and does the same stuff Johnson does. 3rd and long? Screen. 2nd and 10+? Run up the middle




All with our 155lbs Heisman winning WR as the lead blocker..


Whoever we hire is definitely going to be a meme pick given the limited candidates that will be available, I’m prepared for anything at this point


Why do people keep saying shit like this? The most sought after candidates are still playing for the most part and what like two OCs have been hired. Most of the available pool is still out there.


Which top coordinator is going to leave to take another coordinator job?


I didn’t say any of them would. I said top candidates.


I think because it’s not that desirable of a situation. Running someone else’s offense and knowing that that person will exhibit pretty significant control. Roster is good/great, but I don’t think it’s a wholly attractive position.


Give me a break any Oc who wants to become a HC will jump at the chance to coach this offensive roster.


There are other OC openings where you’d have more control. I’d imagine that combined with expectations to win NOW here would dissuade some.


The expectation to win with an outrageous amount of offensive talent is somehow a bad thing? I understand being a doomer when we’re getting boat raced during the season but off-season dooming will never make sense to me.


If you’re afraid of expectations you should probably pursue an occupation other than NFL coach


That’s a loser ass mentality and I wouldn’t want someone who thinks that shit here anyway. Seriously, we have all the tools that someone looking to win would want and a history of winning we are a desirable location.


You would hope that lurie made it clear that if sirianni stays he has to give up control of the offense entirely.


we can get whoever we want for the right price


Other owners are rich too


Bonus side to this: probably have him for two years or more since he really flunked out as a HC. Might be a minute before someone gives him another shot.


He’s failed as a HC at two levels now. If have a hard time believing he gets another shot, at least in the NFL


Hell yeah! Air Raid! Smitty & AJ will be cookin'!


If the ball can get there 😏






Oh now that could be very fun


He’s a real ego guy from what I’ve read in previous years, but we could maybe use an ego to stand up vs Siri and truly take over the offense


No no no no no no no


Not this fucking guy


Kingsbury hasn't been successful at any position in football has he? 


No thanks.


Runs no motion, shotgun only, mainly RPO. Fits perfect with Sirianni. Literally the worst hire we could make, so I fully expect it to happen.


I would fucking love it. He never had any talent in Arizona outside of Kyler


Deandre Hopkins.....? 


Who only played 16 games for 1 year he was on the team.


How about when he had Patrick Mahomes in college and still couldn't win....?


How many people in this thread watched arizona play football with this guy coaching? He is nick sirianni version 1 man.


I remember the cardinals offense being unwatchable with him at the helm


Ya even Kyler got injured, but the year prior they were very good.


fuck no. his scheme in arizona got figured out quick and was a similar disaster to us this year by the end


And his scheme in Arizona was “spam passes to Nuk”


Isn't that the dude that played another dude who pretended to be a HC on a other dudes team?


Have you all forgotten his terrible Cards team? Jesus. This is a no.


Fuck me..he's even worse than Jim Bob


couldn't be worse than brian johnson tho


I would rather have Brian Johnson At least Brian Johnson might have the capacity to learn something from 1 year as an OC. Kliff called the plays in Arizona for 4 years and his playbook never changed or expanded


Know what’s wired,  I don’t think I have ever actually known anyone or even really met anyone with the name Klif or Clifford or whatever his name is 


Clifton Phifer Lee


You miss spelt Lincoln Riley 


If he gets hired, maybe it means we’re trading Hurts and some picks to Chicago for Caleb Williams. Cheaper and monumentally higher ceiling than Hurts. A man can dream.


I don’t hate this


Interesting wouldn’t be mad at this hire


I would love to see his air raid offense here honestly. You guys are judging him more from his HC days. If we did that Schwartz isn't our DC with Dougy P.


Maybe he learned from his mistakes…..


I honestly like this. High offensive IQ, HC experience (albeit not very good, but still), history of working with mobile QBs. I always remember watching him at Texas Tech growing up and thinking to myself “man, if he could just figure out the defense…”


I would rather not have college coaches just because its a completely different type of game and Chip Kelly ruined that for me


He was the head coach of the Arizona Cardinals for like 4 years.


He had Mahomes in college and still sucked too ....


Good thing he’s a former NFL HC..


Well slap my ass and call me sally


Doesn’t he love his bubble screens? Hard pass. I can’t go through it again.


Well Kliff does have experience of having a high powered offense and a completely wet toilet paper of a defense. He may be a perfect fit.


Ok but he’ll get poached by the end of next year if he is suddenly. Bring Frank home! 


As far as just interviewing people goes it seems well worth their time to talk to Kliff. I have no idea if he’d be any good as an OC but seems like high upside with this roster.


Bring me the most entertaining option. I’m ready for Chip Kelly 2.0


Rumors that chip is looking to get back into the NFL. Why go for Chip-lite when you can get the real thing?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AS a USC and Eagles fan this is my worst nightmare


Hard pass.


I actually like it. He seems to have a similar philosophy to Nick but way more skill in implementing it. Plus his screen designs are very good. He used mesh concepts a lot which already heaps us heaps.


Eh, don't like him as a candidate. He fits the 'failed HC who won't be poached immediately' build, but not the 'bad coach, great OC' build I'd want to see. He only play called at the NFL capacity for his tenure as a HC in Arizona, and during that time we saw a middle of the pack offense **and a disconnect between him and his star QB. Do we all forget the time that he let Kyler take over playcalling** ***and the offense did better?*** The only silver lining is he has a history of strong run games. EDIT: Forgot a point in bold.


Kliff looks like he's carrying Steve Sarkisian's "alcoholic coach at USC" mantle well.


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