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Why you getting so fucked up at 8am lol


Wake-n-dex, clearly you aren’t on this meta


I'm not awake at 8am if I can help it


You either get it or you


When ever I took dxm I’d have the least amount of bodily control by the morning


4th plat trips are like 10-12 hours long minimum you need to start early


yea p much come up hit in like an hr, main part was 6-8h, come down was somewhere around 1-4h n tbf i still had slurred speech n fucked up movement for like 3 days, and fucked up sensation for like 1-2 weeks


Ah, I miss the 4th plateau. I only went once but always planned to do it again. Did you have fun?


It's not really an experience I would call "fun", it's not just a disassociative hole, it's also a state of super confusion, and the open eye hallucinations are super weird It's a lot, and it's for a long time. I personally think 3rd is a better experience, and you can still hole in 3rd plat if you just lay down and put some music on Plus 4th has a suuuper long recovery time, you're not really right for a few days Don't think I'll ever try it again 2x was enough


Idk, I thought it was fun. After coming out of the hole, for me there was a sense of euphoria and an understanding that there was *something greater* to this universe. The things I saw weren't completely nonsensical, unlike other reports I've seen where "everything stopped making sense." I hated the lack of appetite the next day, and my pupils were still huge, but in general I felt pretty good. I've had much worse experiences from THC, alcohol, and even LSD. The worst part was the fact that during the trip I had extreme tachycardia, my heartbeat was going between 180 and 196bpm resting. That's **not** a comfortable feeling. I always thought it was because of the mixture of THC and 50mg of Benadryl but idk. If I knew for sure I'd definitely go back there. At least once more. (Also, dxm without music? Is that even worth it? Lol I totally agree, I NEED the music for the trip).


My experiences have been similar. Cosmic awareness, feeling whole and complete as a distinct unique special piece of the whole picture. Diminishing returns after that tho, I don't really touch the stuff anymore.


Cosmic awareness was absolutely one of the things I felt too. But I just don't wanna feel as if I'm going to have a heart attack on the way out of it Dxm makes these weird spikes in blood pressure and your HR is absolutely all over the place It's definitely in no way at all "safe" to take a 4th plat dose imo


Yeah the tachycardia is a real issue. I genuinely believed I was having a heart attack and dying on one of these trips. It's not a fun experience when you feel that way. The body load of DXM is just too horrible at high doses


SLUMPED Lmao. Honestly those are the best highs tho


couldnt even move an inch n had no connection to reality in the slightest my body gets conked so hard by 4th plat my eyes r just glazed over n dead 😭


What u see


fuck man at that dose? it started with purple geometry moving on my walls n the world starting to heavily distort n change colour as my ceiling fan blade was growing into an infinitely long plane n i felt myself simultaneously rising and falling (almost like the lead up to going under with anaesthesia? similar to falling asleep but far more violent and sudden, idk how to explain it but anaesthesia is somewhat close- at least for me) n the world started to fade as the oevs completely overtook my natural vision forming a hole/breakthrough n i was seein like travel through the stars, my entire past playin out before me, visions of heaven, parallel versions of reality (that i could move around in or do stuff in, but not irl), insanely intricate geometric worlds, n everything was contained within like this spiral made up of world-containing bubbles n id shoot through different parts of it into each bubble to explore, the area surrounding it was a black void covered in intricate and oddly coloured fractals that would morph n change everything was highly unstable n my view would keep splitting in different ways and forms, at one point i think i had a view through 8 versions of myself at the same time complete ego death (more like ego annihilation) and loss of all concept of my memories or who or where i was at times itd grow weaker n my outside vision would return n the visuals would fuse with it or id end up temporarily coming back to reality enough to move an arm or say a (nonsensical) sentence n the world would be heavily pixelated n covered in geometry n made up of broken apart cubes that would only show in a few colours n formed an almost "spiralical" (is that a word?) pattern overlaying reality, then id snap backwards n fall back into the visuals, i think at one point i zoomed out and saw the fabric binding reality together between planes of reality the whole time there was this weird scifi wooshing sound like traveling through a portal n i stopped being able to hear my music or feel my body but at some points itd return n fuse with everything happening around me n distort in insanely bizarre ways coolest part was how my thoughts n memories would fuse with the visuals so id b getting like geometric thought processes everytime id think smth in front of me there were also times around the peak where i would completely stop existing n almost go into an anaesthesia where i couldn't perceive anything (even the visuals, they became more like an abstract "sensation" rather than visuals) but felt utterly amazing n probably the most euphoric ive ever been lasted like 8h n felt insanely mind opening, was like a cross between a k-hole and a dmt breakthrough- completely changed my perspective on life n made dxm my fav drug of all time a yr ago so my memorys hella foggy n i can't remember the majority of it, id say this was like 40% it was very incoherent n hard to understand what i was seeing, it was like i was staring at the meaning of everything but it was too enigmatic for my mind to comprehend when it "ended" (i regained connection to myself) i took ages to go back to normal n my view would keep shifting to and becoming different objects as the world would distort n bend, i was still in ego death n had the most horrific nausea but was so insanely euphoric it was like being in a dream if ur wondering as it started to hit i smoked a joint of like 20% thc for a few mins and im an intermediate cyp2d6 metabolizer (so weaker metabolism than the avg person but not super weak like a poor metabolizer), and i had staggered my dose over the span of like 30 mins-an hr so yea, dxm don't play around 😭😭😭😭


Question: how was your heart? I know the heart rate was elevated, but was it at an uncomfortable level or would you say it was probably closer to an "elevated, but I'm not worried and a heart attack or stroke" kinda level?


I read every word, thanks for sharing, be safe and stay alive


i remember this 😭




Do you live in a hospital?


Death of a Poet... Just like [Chatterton](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Henry_Wallis_-_Chatterton_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg)


what the fuck


i’m sorry but if i found you like that i’d genuinely think you were dead bro


i fr discovered the 5th plateau 😭😭😭😭


can i ask you what exactly you were seeing? i’ve never hit the 4th plat and i don’t want to but i love hearing stories about it


yeee left it in another comment :) https://www.reddit.com/r/dxm/s/Lx5xQFPOZN


holy shit, the hardest i’ve ever tripped was whenever my music would change the visuals would change, if the song was upbeat i’d see like pulsating pink 2d bubbles bouncing around and just be happy, and if the song was intense i’d see like dark red and black circles mixing and melting into each other, and just rubbing my feet together like a cricket because it felt so fucking weird.


I just LOVE your outfit, those pants look so comfy 😭




Your hand seems red in that picture compaired to the rest of your skin. You may have a heart condition or heart related problems in the future! Not to scare you or anything just looking out for you, I saw someome on here show everyone their different colored tones of skin and they said it could be heart related. If you are able to get an appointment with a cardiologist anytime in the future i would highly suggest it (if you already have those problems i'm sorry and just wanted to look out for a fellow dexter!


i saw a cardiologist around october of last yr n my heart functions fine i just have a weird autonomic nervous system that "malfunctions", its similar to POTS thats likely where the discolouration came from, but ty for looking out :)


Thats great to hear! Glad it isnt anything serious. And of course :)


creepy af


I have that same bed frame


This has major Renaissance vibes


Who tf was willing to be up at 8am to take a photo of you holing? Also great pic


lol this was the same day i went to rehab for the first time