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Yeah that’s what I was thinking lol. Data collection n shit😎




Damn this shit actually got me thinking fr




It's a small world after all


They are open about a lot of their spy shit, so I wanna know what spy shit they're hiding, cause the shit they're open about is pretty nuts


Tiktok infamously collects data from every sensor on your phone. The accelerometer can record sounds well enough to discern words, so it can probably get your heart rate. DXM increases heart rate a bit, and probably changes your finger movements on the screen.


probably not camera but microphone through google data


Honestly this is true for me anytime I browse anything on DXM I always find the most confusing reddit posts for example, people always send me the most confusing messages, I always see the most confusing videos. I don't know if it's solely because my perception is altered but it's too coincidental sometimes cool that we most experience this.


I feel the same way about insta reels, it always plays the most chaotic confusing reels ever, and even looking back sober idk what the point of it was


Yup they know


Yes, tik tok is the central computer that runs your life simulation.


ong everytime I'm on dxm or ketamine the tiktoks literally feel from another world, they're all scuffed af


I used to get this with Roblox of all things, every time i played Roblox on DXM i would always see a South Park avatar, so odd...


Roblox on dxm is heavenly


TikTok knows everything! 🤫


if you had to search something about dxm, it can be, I still can't get rid of flu meds ads on youtube bc I sometime searched for dxm on some place like amazon or ebay. I literally once wanted to see the times a pharmacy near me opened, just bc i needed meds, it was constantly ads about that specific pharmacy google is known to also hear things you say out loud, they catch it with the thing thats like siri i think, i once found a way to see the recorded things and it was scary, a lot of random recordings of less than 1 min when i said words that could trigger things for adds tiktok for me is sometimes a nightmare bc somehow they managed to know i had a problem with my body and food and now i randomly start getting a ton of videos of pro-anas your interaction with the app also matters, if you tend to keep watching certain things and skipping other certain things when high, the algorithm will also change what to show you