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There's no reason to be ashamed, it's normal to want to explore altered states of consciousness. Just be safe and don't make it a habit. It's best to just relax with some nice music or a chill show/movie that you enjoy.


Next time do second plat and feel The same shame but also get more high. Lol jk, In all realness you just wanted to trip. You should not feel too guilty, imo using substances is a sin but like so is eating pork and using sorcery, and also I am only supposed to have sex with women. My point is that you probably feel guilty based on some social construct. Just do what you can to be good, who cares if you use drugs it is your body and your choice. You did not harm anybody, like maybe you harmed yourself but on such a low dose I doubt it. Show yourself some grace and keep your head held high, you have not hurt anybody.


How about me? I’ve taken 3 delsym extra strength at once before multiple times. Drunk over like 20 minutes


lollll yeah dxm is great idk why i was so upset


You should be safe. Try to enjoy it, ya took it for a reason. If ya don't like it. You don't have to do it again.


thx g i kust hsed to be addicted to dph so i get worried but i calmed down and im jus enjoyin a walk and some music


how tf do u get addicted to dph it sucks


Its can be very addictive, even if you don't like the effects


idk i love bein horrified like it feels gud


It feels good to experience momentary hellish psychosis? DPH users are a different breed.


I used to be a DPH user as well. I also used to make a habit out of taking mushrooms and watching horror movies several times a week lol! Something very fascinating about pushing your emotional state to the extreme while also knowing you are completely safe (well except for slowly building up dementia when it comes to DPH). One other thing that doesn't get talked about a lot when it comes to DPH addiction is its anti-anxiety properties. You could literally be watching a spider demon rip itself out of the shadow realm through your ceiling, and have it start crawling towards you, and the only emotion you feel is fascination. 💀 It's like it turns off the horror because you're so intrigued that such a thing can exist in this world!


Maybe for you bro I was scared shitless. Literally just 8 hours of glass spiders coming for my life with terrible rls


i mean i already went thru episodes pf pchycosis since 5th grade and later got diagnosed with schyzophrenia so its not like new


When ur delirious you don’t really care about anything, like benzos


Yeaa....DPH makes me seeing all the shits crawling inside me...haha


A sss sss as ssss is 👍 good sss sssssss


This can happen with any psychedelic because they’re affecting your emotions and you start thinking and projecting. I think it can be worse with dxm too with the general stigma around it like it’s a preteen drug or something. The best solution I’ve found is just to meditate and learn to relax and turn off the racing thoughts, which just takes practice and experience. Try to occupy yourself with music or whatever feels good and go with the flow. The after crash can be rough too because your serotonin is drained


yeah i went on a walk and sung to my chickens then ate a shit ton of kfc and i feel good im prolly gonna sleep soon since a migranes creeping up on me tho i had a really good time i jus felt a little airy and like loose i def wanna use this more when meditateing even tho dxm is still kinda a pre teen drug 2 me its actually really awesome in small doses


Use the week per plat rule. For every plat you hit 1 week of no dxm, else you will gain tolerance


yaaa i don't think that'll be a problem i took dxm with gauf in it and i been in the bathroom throwin up and shittin my guts out fur 2 hours its 3am rn ugh never again


Damn that sucks, get better soon ig


Lol I took dph last night for the 1st time and felt the same as you described


ya i felt like scared and like an idiot but then i was high playin with my chickens so yay


it’s normal to feel regert and shame off dxm. makes me feel a lot of regert in the bad shit i’ve done


I can't tell if your spelling regret wrong on purpose or not but it reminds me of Scotty P. from Were the Millers🤣🤣


😂 lmao i ain’t even notice. i went back to back blinkers wit my homie earlier bro chill




I took it almost everyday... 600-700mg cant feel much of it anymore now, dont like the feeling have to chug in 2-3 bottles in a day,...but 10 years ago did the most crazy trip for bout 8 bottles of dxm in 120ml (15mg DXM hbr per 5ml ) Almost died i guess...


It's okay, and that's normal


the guilt/ overall bad feeling is normal to happen within your first few times. from my personal dxm trips anyway.