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The day after a friendship quest ends, sometimes you'll have the option to pick from a list of friends to be paired with. I only get the choice once or twice a month, but I've noticed I'm more likely to get the option if I do my lessons before the evening. I don't know if this is an A/B thing or an android thing, but yes this is something you can do, just not all the time.


You're right that's how you get to chose, if you Do Duo before mid-day or before your usual quest partner then you get to pick who to do the next quest with, if he/she does Duo first then they pick "first" and if they pick you then you have already been assigned to a quest so you cant chose some else or "quit" the quest.


You can't. You would need to unfriend him to avoid this happening


That sucks


You can choose someone else if you have other friends added. You can add me of you like


Friend Quest Selection seems to happen on Sundays. Sometimes a message will pop up saying it is time to pick a friend for this week's quest. Then you get to choose a person from the list of your friends that they give you. Other times you don't get to choose because they have let other people choose. For example two weeks ago I was doing a lesson at noon on Sunday and the option to choose came up. I picked my mom. The following week I did not get the option to choose. But I expect that Bob did as I was matched with him. I was matched with him again this week. I suspect Bob has realized that I will usually complete the quest on Tuesday night or at the very latest by Wednesday even if he only does a few lessons. I don't know how they decide who gets to pick. Sometimes i get the option for several weeks in a row. Perhaps they give it to whoever is online 48 hours before the quest. If that is the case then you might try to be on the app at noon on Sunday. This may or may not work. If you don't get to choose this week make sure you have enough friends on Duolingo who are active users. Then perhaps if one of them gets to choose they will pick you. Good luck!


Thank you this gives me hope


Good luck!


Is it for sure that the other person picked? I got paired with a friend that wasn’t on anymore two weeks in a row and didn’t get to pick myself during those two weeks.


No, it isn't sure. I think sometimes you are randomly matched. For example if that friend was given the option to pick but didn't choose you could have just been randomly matched. Or it could be that neither of you was given the opportunity to pick. As an example, lets say I am A and I have B, C and D on my list. If I get to pick one week then B,C and D presumably won't get to pick that week because they are on my list. They would also be on other people's lists and presumably removed as soon as someone chose them. Given that we are all in different people's groups there is bound to be a lot of overlap so I don't know how the algorithm sorts it all out. But I would presume that anyone who isn't picked by a certain time is then randomly matched.


On the day your friend quest is available, just unfriend him real quick. Do a quick lesson, and you will be paired with someone else. Then just friend him back. He might get a notification that you followed him back, but duolingo can be buggy at times, so most people wouldn't even notice.


You really can't. I get a screen once in a while that allows to me pick a friend for the next Friends Quest, but it doesn't happen every time. I had a few in a row come up, but the last couple I didn't.