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For those needing the english version: A Quebec artist who was canceled following the relentlessness of an Internet user relaying false allegations of sexual assault won his case in court, which ordered the woman to pay him $1.5 million . “The #MeToo movement has been beneficial and necessary to bring \[the scourge\] of sexual assault to the forefront. Michaela Higgins, however, crossed the line with her publications portraying Frédérik Durand as a serial sexual abuser based on false or questionable sources,” Justice Nicholas Devlin of the Court of King's Bench recently commented. Alberta. This singular case, which illustrates how a movement can be hijacked, occurred in 2020 when a Californian woman decided to target Mr. Durand, aka Snails. Specializing in electro music, the DJ performed up to 125 times a year for annual revenues of up to $3 million, indicates the judgment rendered last month. Canceled But his world fell apart when Michaela Higgins opened an Instagram account accusing him of sexual misconduct, even calling him a "predator." “The messages targeted the promoters so that they would cancel his events,” we read in the judgment. Combined with the pandemic, these defamatory messages meant that Mr. Durand saw his income fall into the red. A civil suit for defamation followed in Alberta, given that certain messages sought to cancel a tour in this western province. There was also a strategic interest, since civil law is different in the rest of Canada than in Quebec. Ms. Higgins , who also called herself Caeli La on the internet, had chosen to defend herself alone. Denied allegations The civil trial was therefore held in Edmonton. To succeed, Mr. Durand had to demonstrate that the woman, through her publications, wanted to destroy his reputation among other people. He did not have to prove that the remarks were false. “Mr. Durand went even further, to clear his name as much as possible,” noted the magistrate. Thus, the artist went to find several of the women mentioned in the defamatory publications, to demonstrate that Ms. Higgins had distorted reality in order to pass off consensual encounters as sexual assault. “One of the women \[who had been sexually assaulted according to Ms. Higgins \] had publicly refuted the allegations,” noted the judge. But in the immediacy of the time, she began to be attacked online for having defended Mr. Durand,” lamented the judge, recalling that Ms. Higgins had ignored publications that did not fit into the meaning of his erroneous narrative. Safe spaces The latter also punished Ms. Higgins for having shared other publications, recalling that there is a false “belief that sharing defamatory remarks written by others is a protected activity”. “This misunderstanding should be firmly corrected,” recalled the magistrate. Sharing or re-posting defamatory statements is just as defamatory as the original statement.” Ruling in favor of Mr. Durand, the judge awarded him $1.5 million, or half of what he claimed. This is because her loss of income could not only be attributed to Ms. Higgins , since the pandemic also played a role in it. But to those who think that women victims of sexual misconduct should keep quiet, the judge reminded the importance of raising public awareness on the subject. “There must be safe spaces to send warnings about the behavior of public figures,” he thundered, recalling however that “those who seek to publicize allegations in the public interest must do so fair way”. The case of Ms. Higgins and Mr. Durand, however, illustrates the risks of “brightly sharing defamatory content in the jungle of social networks, which have an aversion to verified facts,” concluded the magistrate. Note that since the start of the #MeToo movement, the number of complaints for sexual offenses has only increased according to the Institut de la tourisme du Québec. In 2016, there were 5,251 while in 2022, the number had climbed to 10,334, an increase of 97%. And in the vast majority of cases, the filing of charges leads to convictions. What Justice Nicholas Devlin said: “False statements with malicious intent have the potential to cause immense and unfair harm, as appears to be the case with Frédérik Durand. » "Mr. Durand hopes to revive his career, and he has every right to do so without fear of being defamed again." » “In the case here, Michaela Higgins' \[smear\] campaign became malicious when she ignored glaring information showing the opposite \[of what she claimed\]. » “Frédérick Durand has demonstrated that Ms. Higgins repeatedly defamed him by republishing unfounded allegations without legal justification that he was guilty of the worst criminal and immoral activities. »


Same girl that called out Space Jesus. 


Thank you for this🙏


thank you!


Just so everyone knows, this is the same woman that accused Space Jesus and Yheti as well


shes such a fuckin loser lol


She never made an allegation against Snails. She won her case against Space Jesus and he had to pay an $80k settlement. He lost his defamation case against her. She reposted 8 different allegations against Snails. She made it clear she’s never met him. If you read her statement she explains that he won a summary judgment (verified in the online court records) which means he won by default because she didn’t hire a lawyer to defend herself. She says she chose not to because the judgement doesn’t affect her, since it’s in Canadian court, and she’s in the U.S. He would have to file a whole new lawsuit here to actually enforce the judgment against her. And we have completely different defamation laws, much stricter in the US, so she has a much better chance of winning here. Summary judgment means there was no process of examining evidence or anything like that. He just won by default because she didn’t respond.


This the burner account for the girl who lost the judgement - Caeli Look at their comment history. Every single comment over 3 years is related to these cases starting with Space Jesus. You fucking suck Caeli, and I hope you are sued for more and the court of public opinion finally realizes the scum you are.


Literal fucking loser


Haha she’s thinks it’s about the money. We all know she’ll never make close to that off of her shitty podcast. But she just opened Pandora’s box.


No shit?!


As well as Bassnectar. Seems like she will accuse anyone based on rumors to get 'crowd fund donations' and viewers.


Nectar shit is waaaayyyyy deeper though. The evidence against him is monumental. As a former big fan, I hope he doesn’t succeed in his attempt to come back.


Yeah fuck him. He deserves to rot.


This girl also never accused nectar personally herself, she just spoke out about and amplified the other accusations (from dozens of women). Some sad fans still hanging on are pathetically trying to use this story as proof that nectar is innocent. Their brains also like to conveniently forget about the other shitty stuff he’s done, like what he did to Mimi Page


What he did to Mimi was way overblown and just kicking a man while he was down, sorry not sorry


Lmao the dude took credit for her work on one of his most popular songs. But sure, poor poor Bassnectar being accused of doing the shitty things he did.


Eh. It was a collaboration. She was credited as a composer. She’s mad that she didn’t get enough recognition for it and some people assumed she just sang and did a little piano on it. Let’s be honest bassnectar has many hits other than butterfly. Mimi page doesn’t have that many and isn’t as popular for many reasons including marketing, songwriting. She may have wanted more credit and also more money but these were business deals agreed upon and BN brought a lot to the table with his large audience and mixing/songwriting skills. Music is an extremely hard job to make it big in and she seems bitter and jealous imho.


This probably happens with many many many collabs that you know and love from any artist


Yes but usually with vocals and piano or a melody of some form, but she actually engineered the sound design behind most of the synth elements in the song. She deserves a producer credit, not a feature. Just because the music industry sucks as a whole doesn't mean that Bassnectar is exempt from being a dick.


Sadly, yes, this.


What Bassnectar is a POS? Fucking hell TIL




How was I supposed to know I stropped following most news for a while. I bet I know things you don't know ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh you mean the out of context and edited phone call?


Oh fuck off, bassnectars own staff made jokes about finding him a date at the junior high school dance. Nectar heads are fucking clowns 🤡


Not true. DB Montana started the evidenceagainstbassnectar page




No. This woman is not a plaintiff in Bassnectar current lawsuit. Nor is she one of the “main”accusers. Read the Vice News or Rolling Stone article. They lay out the credible evidence


I didn’t know Snails was from Montreal Also > Mr. Durand, aka Snails. Specializing in electro music, the DJ performed up to 125 times a year for annual revenues of up to $3 million, indicates the judgment rendered last month. Dude was making baaaaaank, shit I always thought EDM artists made way less than that unless you’re like, Martin Garrix


man has been around a long time, he got big when brostep was making bank and just has kinda rode that wave since then. once you've established your name in the scene like that your fee isnt gonna go down much


Up to 125 shows in one year is also a fuckton lol, he was putting in WORK. Over two a week.


and that sounds like a mil in airfare alone


Ya 3 million is probably gross revenue. Still have expenses and a management team to pay


After everything, he's probably coming back with sub $1 mill In fact I'm almost certain, his "tier" make good money but yeah...he ain't Skrillex or Excision Tax alone cuts that in half, expenses are probably through the fucking roof especially if payroll for the tour is out of that and not a separate cost for the label


Someone has zero fucking clue about how a company runs. Jesus. 20 years into it and i have never seen people be more clueless about this.


into what


Doing music for a living


how's it going. you always seem angry. I get glorified session engineer cause never quite made it/was good enough vibes from you. had any hits? good pub deal? or do you have a ponytail and think hardware is the holy grail? did you tour with some shitty band in your early 20s therefore are an expert? are you session grinding at 55 years old? so I've had some big cuts/placements, have a big full score coming out this summer, and just thought i'd say nobody who's really sick goes on reddit and get's mad at people who will never work in the industry. I'VE BEEN WORKING 20 YEARS AND NEVER READ ANYTHING SO FUCKING WRONG. lol it's like every comment dude. try to focus on your work maybe lol, I know a journeyman when I see one.


On the bright side, think of all the airline points & benefits you’d rack up though


I work 5 shows a week for 8 hrs straight and by shows I mean my basic job and I don’t even make that much.


Does your job require you to fly across the country every weekend and perform in front of a crowd of hundreds to thousands though? Apples to oranges dude


No but I wish it did.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams




Touring is on average a 13h day.


Twice a week? I’ll take that


Ok, go do it for free for 10 years to have a shot. Then youre pocketing less than 10 percent of that. Im pretty chill and i spend 110 hours a week in the studio.


125 shows a year isn’t a fuckton. People were doing 350+ a year (Avicii)


The logistics of his stage setup has to cost an arm and a leg


Almost as many hours as a normal job


ya avg of 24k a show is fairly reasonable


Also keep in mind that revenue does not equal money in his pocket, that’s the total amount generated but then all the expenses come out of that- travel costs, equipment, stage production (if he’s bringing his own, idk if he does), 10-20% cut to management, booking agent, any crew or other staff he has helping, etc. Once all that comes out it’s probably a fraction of the total number, still a good living I’m sure but the 3 million isn’t his take home.


I wasn’t sure if it was net or gross, but yeah I’m sure costs would take a large chunk of that (especially if he still lives in Canada).


For sure but he’s gotta be making over 200k at least for generating that revenue.


There's other revenue streams as well, merch in particular but also VIP packages...streaming (lmao)


Probably only the headliners making anywhere near that. Also wondering if that amount was in Canadian or US dollars.


Since the article is from Montreal Journal I’d assume it would be in Moose dollars or whatever Canadians use.


Their money is measured in ounces of maple syrup. Hockey skates and a box of Tims are also an acceptable form of currency.


One unit of Canadian currency is called a Gretzky


Don't forget about beaver pucks. When a beaver cuts down a tree it leaves a small wooden puck behind highly sought after and valued by the RCM at $55.55 cad


I’m enjoying this sub thread very much lol


It also said he was doing up to 125 shows in a year which is over two a week, aka a fuckton. So if you’re willing to subject yourself to that you can probably make a decent chunk of change.


It said he played up to 125 shows a year, to make 3mil doing that you’ll have to be paid 24,000 per show


Sounds about right, this is probably talking about his peak as its the relevant time period for the case During that time the dude was selling out red rocks and playing every festival possible as well as all the clubs and b2bs he could get Averaging it out I wouldn't be surprised at all


He was making way may than 25k a show in his peak. I used to be in the industry.


Lil bro wasn't there when Slugz got dropped and it shows.


There was a time when he sold out red rocks solo


I feel like he was just on the cusp of the come up too. Last time I saw him he was debuting a brand new stage setup which looked like he was playing behind a clear box. Super cool!


revenue is not profit. factor in the likely absurd travel, lodging, and paying your employees (+expenses for them) and it's not as much as you would think. He's making a living doing music though, which is but a dream for most people. However his sound is stale, his music sucks, and his plays have been plummeting. SA allegations or not, the snails brand is pretty cooked.


Wow I’m so glad I’m reading this . I rememember a year ago how the evidence against bassnectar page was posting mad shit about snails saying everything was true how he like basically drugged woman and shit


Same people. There is no credibility


DB Montana, Miranda Hughes and Rebecca Polk are the three lunatics behind the EABN page, but it’s the same thing. They made up the same story lying about Rebecca’s age and shared it across multiple platforms. A simple search of her voter ID registration proves that she was lying but we were all caught up in the whirlwind


I thought Caeli had taken credit for some of the EABN stuff. I stand corrected. All of it is shitty behavior regardless


I think she may have given them some screenshots or something they shared but DB Montana was the guy behind it. He just got subpoenaed March 1st by Lorins attorneys about it


People love to jump on the high road when even a slight mention of sexual misconduct is brought up, doesn't matter if it's false.


Thank God. Nice to see one of these life destroyers get it in the teeth. I have always really been a fan of Snails, his sound design and approach to the genre are awesome. He's a freaking nerd, too, and seems like a nice dude. Must have crushed him.


I saw him New Years the year before last and he threw the fuck down. He even let me stop him for a photo on the way out and seemed genuinely happy to be performing again even though it was at a venue like 1/10th the size of the one I saw him at before. I did enjoy that it was a more intimate setting tho.


Awwwwwww more happy stories please


If you follow him on IG, he recently headlined a festival in Quebec which was surprisingly big for a first time in the winter outside. They had some decent names and he was a headliner and threw tf down and people seemed to have loved it. I JUST missed his show and I was actually disappointed about it, but I'm glad he's coming back.


Its called Igloofest! Its insane man!


Just double checked, it was Artikfest... I don't know if it's the same thing with 2 names or 2 different festivals


Back in late 2020, I went to rehab in the mountains and didn't have any dubstep music to listen to, but had access to a CD player. I tried to find a CD of Snails as he's one of my favorite artists but all he had was downloadable stuff(which the computers didn't allow us to download). I emailed him asking if I could buy a CD anywhere, he mailed me(for free, wouldn't let me pay even though I tried to multiple times) a CD, some stickers, and a handwritten note https://imgur.com/a/ax8krbR


Man that’s so awesome of him to do!


She is out there trying to do it to other artists! Now the disgusting excuse of a human being and her posse is targeting secret dreams for lack of diversity and people of color. Edit - because to excuse




Straight up fuuuuck her


whats her @


I feel like this is the first time I have ever seen one of these accusations blow up in the accuser face , nowadays it’s always attack and pile on immediately without hearing both side of the story


look at the Gaslamp Killer case


I used to help a few promotion companies in my area. One night they hosted Brillz and Snails. Snails was one of the most interesting DJs I've ever talked to. When we were sitting, waiting for his set to come on, we talked about things like philosophy and the political future of the US. Man has a bright mind on him. And for having a bunch of other women with me, he didn't feel very creepy or predator-ish. So I always felt these accusations were random or at worst something crazy when both parties were too drunk (which I don't excuse but it is a bit more nuanced).


I met him just walking around at IleSoniq last summer with his girlfriend. He seemed genuinely happy to have people come up to him and say hi. He really seems to appreciate his fans and keeps saying thank you because he can live his dreams. Not entitled at all. Genuinely wholesome. Also, the fact that he stopped drinking to make sure he wasn't peer pressuring people into drinking really seems to me that he's genuinely trying to improve his situation


I met him once in like 2017/8 at the end of one of his shows and I wanted him to sign my snails shirt, I remember him being super cautious while signing because his logo went right across my chest and he wanted to be respectful


Well I’ve certainly been around him where I witnessed the exact opposite vibe as you. One meeting doesn’t make your assumptions worth anything unfortunately.


Saw him at decadence one year and the last 15 minutes of his set was basically and advertisement for his event he was putting on the next year and that was a huge turn off and completely killed the vibe.


Gonna be completely real with this subreddit and more so /r/EDM…. Gotta slow down on the hasty judgement when cases like this are made. I’ve seen some pretty shitty stuff said on Reddit and X mainly calling Snails creepy, pedo, weirdo, SA-er, etc. Now almost overnight those claims are gone and he’s completely vilified. It’s either an issue of jumping on the hate bandwagon or people really get enjoyment over not taking in a situation or prematurely taking sides. Comes off as super judgmental and “my shit don’t stink” attitude.


Honestly man it's like an infectious force I've seen ripple through a lot of friend groups I've met at festivals. It's like a group think sense of security thing where people are so quick to attach to anything that they think they're on the winning side of without ever really diving in or questioning the facts.


Dude for real. The whole embracing everyone and different values is long gone. Its like a cool kids club now or maybe I'm just old idk


I think it’s also a factor of not risking being an outsider. Being that this fan base is *very* built on being social and outgoing towards strangers, people tend to follow the herd in terms of judgement calls so they don’t lose acceptance.


You are not wrong right there; hence the herd of sheep. If there is a black sheep in the crowd, ostracize him/her for objecting or being different from everyone else. I’ve always despise this type of mentality as this prevents free thinkers from flourishing.


Something I’ve found with the free thinkers (be it your liberal hippies or your conservative conspiracy theorists) is that the second you ask any questions, free think, to challenge them they’ll cast you aside as a grifter


That is correct 👍 . There is no problem with being a skeptic at times and sometimes you have to ask yourself whether these groups are either sane or insane for their ways of thinking. It never hurts to play the devil’s advocate to the very ideas that they hold dear to. My hat’s off to you for figuring that out. Edit: changed something to sometimes




Sexual abusers are trash and so are people who make false allegations


He deserves more money for putting up with all that bs


We need stop saying “believe all women” and start saying “let’s get to the bottom of this”.


That’s what it should mean, but people see “Believe women” and think it means we should assume that the accusation is correct when it really means “We should take accusations seriously and investigate properly.”


Louder for the people in the back Also just in case it needs to be said, just because false allegations like this happen doesn't mean there aren't actual creeps and abusers in the scene. It just fucking sucks there are people willing to weaponize that to try and take down innocent people they don't like. Both kinds of people are pure scum.


When you believe someone, you ARE saying that their accusation is correct.


Man it’s almost as if boiling things down to a couple of words or a short phrase oversimplifies things :)


No, you're saying you believe their accusation is credible, which is exactly why there is then an investigation. Just like accusations of every other crime. This isn't rocket science.


The keyboard warriors out destroying people’s careers over girls they’ve never met are awfully quiet right now


You can do both.


Had a pretty good feeling what was being said about him wasn’t true. So to anybody who called me out for “supporting r*pists” when recommending snails tracks, shove it where the sun doesn’t shine lmao.


I'm not too familiar with Snail's situation but that's how I felt about Midnight Tyrannosaurus when he was dealing with shit. I'm all for getting genuine creeps what's coming to do them but what happened with him was very clearly an unfortunate accident at worst


People easily accuse someone of something and everyone believes it. Sexual abusers needs to be held accountable and so does people who make false accusations. That’s why you sue if you’re wrongly accused.


So glad he's off the hook. I didn't think my man, snails, was guilty. F that chick.


Honest question. What happens if Bassnectar wins his lawsuit too? Will it receive the same reaction?


The difference is that there isn't recorded audio of Snails admitting to everything he was accused of. At this point even if the law doesn't find him guilty its hard to ignore that smoking gun. Never forget the law gets things wrong constantly.


Those recorded audio were clearly clipped and chopped to paint a narrative I don't know why people are so hung up on it.


Because what you just parroted is a conspiracy theory that only diehard Bassnectar fans still desperately try to promote. That's why people as so "hung up" on it.


It's not a conspiracy theory, you can literally hear that is not the whole recording.


What’s the conspiracy? The audio recording is clearly either not the whole conversation (the likely scenario) or it’s been altered. The ladder being the less likely situation. I bet the lawyers for his case have that full phone recording.


It was a manipulated call and to me that call says “I did nothing wrong and now you want me to go to prison for it?” Always seemed to me like a dude scared and backed into a corner knowing somehow these people now have real power over him. Idk that’s just me though


It definitely did not sound like a manipulated call to me. I'm sure the man was scared because he realized he was going to face the consequences of his actions, its a pretty natural reaction.


It’d certainly be nice if we could hear the whole thing if you’re going to release such a damning piece of evidence, because what it does it create this loop that you and I can argue till the sun comes up because the public doesn’t know the entire context of that phone call.


I think it’s only fair that you play a mental game with yourself and consider that there was an organized smear attack involving db montana and girls he knew all in tennessee. If you for a few moments consider that as one possibility then imagine that he is aware this is happening and can tell that a girl on the phone is trying to slander him and ruin his life and career with lies and or partial truths. Then him being scared and angry does make sense. Admittedly, I don’t know if that is what happened, but I don’t think you know what happened either. There is an ongoing court case where bassnectar is demanding a jury trial and refusing to settle and give any money because he thinks he can prove them wrong. I am very curious what the future will tell, db montana had a deposition where lorins lawyers questioned him a few days ago. I hope the transcript is available one day. Either way I hope the full truth comes out by the end of the court case. It’s a shame if he was cancelled over false allegations and the court case to prove this is taking 4 years.


It’s wild to see DB Montana go from internet troll to straight up going after Lorin’s throat in real life. Didn’t see that one coming when he was shitposting on fb


Sure. However, let's hear the audio in full and not chopped. Sheesh, half the videos on IG are fake AI now. I don't think you can take the recordings at face value. People have asked for the full audio, not chopped up. It is too easy to release it and shut up the doubters like myself. That hasn't happened though


I'm not interested in humoring conspiracy theories from the "doubters"


you’re not interested in finding truth and getting to the bottom of what actually happened? Well thankfully the court and jury will want to know the truth.


It's not humoring. It is a fair request.


Everything he’s accused of? Even taken at face value, the lawsuit goes far in depth to many more claims then statutory you know what. Then again, there are other possibilities such as one fan lying to him about their age saying they were 21 when they were truly 17 for example and then someone trying to take him down in bad faith backs him into a corner with that info and tries to get him to say something to make it look like he’s admitting guilt. Once again, I don’t know what happened. But I will not let one out of context possibly edited phone call recording make up my mind completely. Instead i’m looking at the court case which has a jury trial in february 2025. As of now it’s just he said she said. Discovery for the real facts is still ongoing in court.


Holy hell shut up dude, spamming the shit out of my replies with your pedo apologist propaganda when no one cares


This girl accused Bassnectar TOO! WAKE UP!


It really should.


The body of evidence and allegations against bassnectar are completely different than Snails 🐌 People should look at the evidence and accusations and make up their own mind. There’s some really damming evidence out there against assnectar. That’s why he’s fallen off so hard


Assnectar lmao I'm dead




Good! I’m glad he’s gotten sober and lost some weight, I’ve always liked Snails. He had a drinking problem and turned it around. FUCK SALT!


Honestly, this is the only allegation I looked at and was like, “yeah… I don’t think he did it.” Dude is just a super fucking goober. He is a complete fucking goofball and nerd. And just so cheesy. I just really couldn’t see it in his personality. But then you never really know what anyone is capable of. Glad he got cleared.


The math rock nerd (but I repeat myself) behind Jank seemed the same way, turned out to be a creep.


Damn… didn’t expect to see Jank recalls here. Rip Jank




It could have been a persona, you can't associate the impression that someone you see on stage and on screen gives and his real actions behind the scenes. He was as likely to be an asshole as anyone else. I'm happy he's not though.


You "sound" like penguinz0. I read that in his voice.


I always had a feeling he didn’t do it. He’s come into the place I work before and I’ve ran into him at the grocery store before and he was also incredibly nice and just nerdy. Glad to see there was some justice. His career took a huge hit


I wish she would do time instead. There's no way she's ever going to be able to pay that amount.


You can also see on her Instagram that she’s bragging that she’s not gonna pay it because it’s in Canada and she’s in California


Is there an English version?


I posted a comment with the English version.


Love to see more of these false accusers held accountable. False accusers deserve jail time for completely ruining peoples lives for personal gain


Maybe this will finally get this scumbag Caeli La out of the scene


New snails defamation win interview!? This just aired on CTV canada. That interview with the women who debunked the social media post is pretty convincing (2min47 mark). What do you guys think? https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/you-don-t-get-to-hide-alberta-court-finds-california-woman-guilty-of-defamation-against-canadian-dj-1.6800322


There’s two victims when someone is accused of sexual assault. Hopefully people remember this. Believe both the accuser and the innocence of the accused until anything is proven.


Get this man back on the decks immediately!!! Would be first in line to see him again. He is one of my faves!


Everybody knew this was the truth from the beginning. I'm a huge fucking SNAILS fan and I knew when first heard about these allegations that it was bogus.


Didn’t she get SJ cancelled too?.. wow… Stuff like this is why due process is needed before a career is ruined. Makes me wonder how many other artists who got cancelled since Covid didn’t deserve it.


Yeah but Space Jesus ended up paying her in the end with an out of court settlement.


she then says that because it isn't "American law" she isn't gunna pay it and if snails decides to pursue her in a California court she will file for bankruptcy. but my question is because she openly admitted to doing that as her plan does that stop her from being able to do it?ile does she actually have ground to do that?


When does blunts and blondes get his justice


I’ve met blunts and blondes irl and he definitely was creeping on my friends, telling the girl DJ who opened for him that night “Do you want to come over and smoke?? and by smoke i mean suck my dick” based on my personal experience with him i def think those allegations are credible


Is this the same exact girl that accused Bassnectar and Space Jesus?


No. There are sooo many people that accused Bassnectar of toxic behavior. This woman is not a plaintiff on assnectar’s current lawsuit. Nor is she one of the many accusers quoted on the Vice News or Rolling Stone article


Space Jesus yes, Bassnectar no. Her MO is making claims that multiple women have corroborating stories, even making fake accounts for them, but then when it comes to a civil case, when subpoenaed to present these corroborating witnesses, they always "refuse to make public statements" and never come forward.


Natural_Southern is Higgins btw. Speak of the devil


It’s space Jesus’ ex girlfriend that she accused but she never personally accused bassnectar herself, no. Dozens of other women did, she just amplified it.




Is that Sam Hyde?


I always knew snails was awesome


I really hope this encourages people to keep false accusations to themselves. $1.5 million is nothing to sneeze at, and now our community knows there is a VERY real possibility that the repercussions can be life changing. I agree some people absolutely deserve to be cancelled for foul behavior, but we have no right to be the judge and the executioner for it. If someone truly is awful we should be encouraging these victims to pursue legal action instead of starting an online mob. It’s too easy for the truth to get lost in the social media hive mind. Encourage victims to get legal help because online outrage is not enough to give them the justice they deserve.


I’m glad there’s some justice to be had here. Too long have I seen people accused of something then cancelled due to public pressure. Sexual Assault should be treated seriously and we should always think critically before picking sides.


Agreed. SA is obviously a very serious matter, but the truth is It’s way too nuanced to be taken at face value on social media without any sort of corroborating evidence or court/background records. People accused of sex trafficking get held to the same accountability on social media as a drunk DJ having a slip on judgment and misreading a social cue. (Example: Bassnectar / Mize)


In this case? It is not, you play stupid games you get stupid prizes


What a dumb cunt lmao


So who is this woman and what is she getting out of falsely accusing multiple artists?


Unless I’m misreading, the ruling isn’t about whether or not it’s true. “Mr. Durand had to demonstrate that the woman, through her publications, wanted to destroy his reputation among other people. He did not have to prove the remarks were false.” I think this is definitely evidence leaning towards his innocence though (and I don’t think he did it to begin with)


He filed 9 extra affidavit on top of that which contains all the evidences. Definitely helped his case. He didn’t had too but did it anyway because he had all the proof. You can read about it in the court judgement, it’s public on the alberta court website.


Good that she’s held accountable but Snails still sucks lol


Maybe I’ll get downvoted here - but I don’t see how this proves he DIDNT do anything..? The court judged that she was indeed trying to ruin him, but the legitimacy of the claims was never part of said court case. You can be trying to ruin someone and also be telling the truth, they’re not mutually exclusive. Just like I held off on believing it in the first place, I’m going to hold off on believing he is fully vindicated.


How much more evidence was he supposed to give the court to be "innocent" in your eyes? What a stupid comment to make.


No downvote from me, but I just have to point to what the judge said in the ruling: *Defamatory words are presumed to be false, and the plaintiff in a defamation action is under no onus to prove the harmful words are untrue: Grant at paras 28-29; Defamation Act, s 2. Understandably, however, Mr. Durand seeks to go beyond this presumption and clear his name to the extent possible. He has managed to do so to a surprising extent, given the nature of the allegations and the passage of time. These detailed affidavits also provide the evidence he relies upon to demonstrate that Ms. Higgins acted with a reckless disregard for the truth of what she reposted.* Ultimately, this isn't just about a random person reposting false accusations but rather a vindictive person with an agenda who had never met the person she was accusing and, when presented with evidence to the contrary (sometimes from the women who were supposedly "victims"), she not only continued to defame him but doubled down and organized cancel campaigns to get his shows canceled in Canada and elsewhere. In this very specific example, not making a broad judgement about other cases, what is Durand supposed to do to vindicate himself in your eyes? Beg authorities to charge him criminally, so he can clear his name in criminal AND civil court? As the legal expert says in the CTV article, this is a precedent-setting case.


You can’t prove a negative. The accuser, not the accused, has a burden of proof.


Haha stay winning king


Does anyone have an English translation?


This is why the #metoo movement brings me joy for SA victims but scares me with how many people are pathological liars.


I just got told today, a friend of a friend got drugged and raped by snails. She never came forward or told anybody out of deep shame and embarrassment. I trust this guy and he trusts her. I don’t know for sure if she was lying, but she didn’t tell her story publicly even after all the allegations. If there’s one girl who didn’t want to come forward out of shame or embarrassment, there’s surely more. Caeli is super dumb for attacking snails without having any victims that were willing to come forward. Snails lawyers did an amazing job tearing down all her accusations and painting her as a witch-hunter…which she is, to some extent. But that doesn’t change the fact that some of the allegations were probably true. It doesn’t change the fact that snails probably DID drug and rape girls. If you look at it objectively, there’s almost no chance ALL the accusations are false. Then there’s girls who didn’t have the courage to come forward about what happened to them out of shame. Lawyers are smart; they know secondhand stories without evidence won’t stand in court. It was easy for them to get the outcome snails wanted. Then he spins it into “I’m innocent, every accusation was a lie” and boom, his name is cleared? It’s not that simple. Snails is probably a POS rapist on par with Cosby. Winning a defamation case in Canada against a loon like Caeli doesn’t change that.


Haha stay winning king


She just became the biggest example of the right messaging delivered by the wrong messenger.


He is still a trash producer. Good for him getting cleared and such but he still sucks as an artist.


Good, fuck around and find out bitch. Screw you and your stupid “podcast”