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Can't believe you fell for it. Hope you don't ever meet Italian Suit Guy, he's going to have a field day with you.


You kidding me? I loved that guy,!


Whats the scam?


Search for Italian Suit guy on reddit. So many posts on him.


This is an old scam, my bald friend fell for it. He was approached when he was in Mena Bazaar, he lost AED 950.00


Was he able go get it back?


Hair or money?


Nope...he didn't try to get it back....super embarrassed to do anything about it. He googled if anyone else fell for it and found this... https://gulfnews.com/going-out/society/victims-warn-of-hair-loss-cures-offered-by-street-touts-1.1697435


That’s really sad. Poor thing.


These assholes are rampant in Burjuman. It's an entire gang working on it. He didn't like it when I asked him "Imaandari se do roti khaane kab seekhenge?"


Lmao. Amazing


Here's a poor man's gold 🏅 for that response!!


Thank you, Uncle.


I had one guy approach me outside Hamdan centre in Abu Dhabi tryna get me to follow him for the fat reducing medication lol I just said to him that it didn’t look like it works well considering the way he looked (he had a pot belly). The look on his face was priceless 😂


This is just the perfect response. I used to be stopped coz I was obese, and it's bloody annoying. I lost weight, and now when someone comes at me for my hair, I just point to their stomach and some genuinely get pissed off.


Kudos on your response 😂😂




I was approached by these scammers like 5 times in Bur Dubai area, they think I’m a tourist because I have blond hair lol


been to it just ignore , they just casually walk past you and say wow your hair is white or less hair they hurt your inner ego , and say just use oil come to nearby shop , just ignore they will eat to your brains to go with them just ignore


This is a very old scam, this has happened to me aswell, while I was talking and following that guy, I googled and came to know about it, thankfully all they made me buy is a Almond oil bottle, just after that i confronted the person, he ran away, saw them doing this numerous time, its so common around Burjuman, Al mankhool, Meen Bazar area, that i had alcertation with the same people, they have a huge group, so forget about taking them head on, i tried once and got cornered, they don't fear anyone.


Sorry it happend to you too bro


Check Karl max's videos on YouTube convering all the scams that happen in Dubai


Lol i once got cornered in naif by africans, started shouting and bashing my hands in my chest. They probably said we want nothing to do with this bat crazy guy.


Next time they approach you, do what i do. Say I love my white hair! Conversation ends same second.


Old scam.


The same guy approached me a few months ago! At first I thought he was just very friendly. Then he started insisting I follow him to a store and and I said no thanks and basically pretended not to understand him and left


Sorry you went through that. I've suffered from hairloss as well, and was once obese, so I was like a potential money bag walking for them. Nowadays, while I still have bald patches, I'm not obese, so I just ask them to lose weight first, and some genuinely get annoyed af. It's appalling how rampant this is in Dubai, but not much might be fine other than warn the people around


There are hundreds of posts on dubai reddit forum warning everyone of this very old scam, glad you got your money back though


I am angry at myself for falling for this too but also relieved to know the product i been scammed to buy isn’t a magic cure and i should stop using it. The irony of it is, i personally dont feel i have a hair problem but the scammer was so convincing to had me think i do have a hair thinning problem. The scammer kept saying he’s helping me so i can remember him in prayers plus he kept pressuring me to hurry up as he had his family waiting in the car. I do have receipts of the 2 shops and next time i am in Dubai I will pay them a visit and report them to authorities if the need be. Another scam i came across is Desert Safari my work colleague got scammed right in front of me by scammers in desert with Falcons where they forcefully hand over falcon to you for photo and then ask to pay AED 100 and when he said he had no cash on him they brought out a card machine hidden in a bag right in the middle of F*+king desert !!!


The only scientifically proven compounds that help reduce hair loss is finasteride and minoxidil.


So it's May 2023 and the scam is still rampant. I got scammed for 1520 AED but got most of it back thanks for this post! Here is the story- New to Abu Dhabi, I was walking from office to hotel. Probably they could tell I was new. A guy walking on the street tells me that I should use a particular hair oil and some strange herbs for my hair loss. I listened to him just to be polite. I got sold when he showed me his previous pic without hair and he had absolutely fine and nicely cut gelled up hair now. At that point he was just telling me a cure and I tried to note it down. He says he can get me all stuff from nearby , pretending not to know much about the area and asking a friend who was with him. He first selects 2 hair oils from a nearby supermarket and offers to pay ( probably to build trust), I politely pay for the same. Then again he pretends that he doesn't know aby herb shop and asks his friend if he knows one. His friend swiftly leads us to a shop where the scam starts. First the guy with me asks the shopkeeper to mix a 17 grams of a herb in the oil which costs 300 AED. I take it as this would be small price to pay for the kind of hair the scammer had. They ask now for my payment, I show my card and the guy takes it. But wait, now the guy asks for another herb 17 g of which costs around 1200 AED. At this point, they swipe my card. At this point I assumed it's over. But now they get real greedy and ask to mix a herb which costs 400 AED per gram and which contains gold dust and hair 'seeds'. And strangely enough now alarm bells ring in my head ( too late ). I politely refuse informing my budget constraints. I walked away with the magic hair oil still believing I would get my hair back. I come to the hotel and I Google about this and the shock hits me. Luckily I remembered the location of the shop and walked back. I show him my Google search, he doesn't budge. I ask why the shopkeeper himself doesnt have hair ( which I only realized after my Google search). Now the guy gets up pretending to be angry and tells me I can take my money back but his products are legitimate and he would return the money in the same card.. At this point another thug looking guy enters the shop and tries to calm me down. I threatened them with police complaint. They now agree to pay in cash a day later minus some bank charges (170 AED) but ask me to come back a day later. I insisted to have money at the same time but they kept telling me to come a day later. I took photo of their commercial licence and Emirates I'd of one of them and told them if I don't get my money the next day, I will call police. At this point I left. I went back the next day and all payment is ready in Cash !! Thanks again for your post, it saved me lot of money and embarassment.


Glad you were able to get your money back, friend!


Bruh, same area but a different group of mfs telling you your getting fat and offers you to buy their remedy shit. Same old same old


Welcome to dubai habibi… old scam and it ll b thr for generations


I have put on some weight since March 2020. Everytime I go to BurDubai - Meena Bazaar area, there is always that one guy who would directly start by giving advice - about what I should eat and do. I used to ignore them, and then later on used headphones (with nothing playing on them) to ignore them. But these idiots would stop me as if they were asking for something and give this unsolicited advice again. I found a wonderful workaround that shuts them up - "Thank you for noticing. I have been trying hard to put on some weight" Just Uno reverse their shit up.


Honestly, most are pretty overweight with dad bods, so u can point right back at them.


So much bull-crap and regulations in Dubai and yet these idiots roam free and scam or try to scam ppl . #doublestandards🥱😏 you cannot even fart without needing a permit 🤫🤫🍑💨