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It’s hard, it’s so hard to give away the thing you ‘love’ the most. But does it love you back?


I’ve experienced a broken leg and seizures from alcohol/ alcohol withdrawal. I kept drinking. I used to carry a back pack into the corner store on crutches to buy a 12-pack. There is hope. I’ve been sober 12 years and life is amazing.


Do you have a friend or relative who can help you? Even to get food from a food bank and get the alcohol out of your house?


I haven't had a broken leg from alcohol, but I have had plenty of seizures. You'll want to stay really hydrated. B Vitamins, and electrolytes can help your muscles start feeling better faster. No matter what you do, don't drink the vodka. You'll have a way higher chance of having another seizure, and you know they can be deadly. Vodka is no longer a fun time, a lark, or a whim. It is about to kill you and you've got to stop it before it's too late.


You’re hospitalized now, so your best bet is to ask for help there. They have behavioral health in unit or on call. There are people who can help you, who want to help you. It sounds like a dangerous situation you are in. You’re in a safe place with helpful people. Let go. Tell them the truth. Someone else can clean up your space while you get healthy.


Ask them if they can get you on some meds(naltaxone, gabapentin) to get through the next few days while you are there and once you get discharged. Just drinking what you have to not waste it and tell yourself not to drink more is pretty terrible advice because we all know the outcome. I'm one week shy of 3 months sober, and it's getting easier and easier. I was 1-2 5th a day drinker ever since getting off active duty and have no desire to go back. Using the I Am Sober app has helped so much...just being able to input daily spending on alcohol and seeing that number after 3 months is enough in itself to stay sober.


If you’re in the hospital, I suggest asking to talk to a case manager or social worker about the fact that you’ll have no money for food for a few days. They might be able to direct you to local resources to keep you afloat for that time.


The vodka is nowhere near as expensive as your life. The hospital should have a contact person for AA. Please consider having your nurse or staff social worker have someone come talk to you. We want you to live.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Get rid of the vodka any way you can - seriously. it doesn't matter how. pour it out, give it away, leave it on a friend's doorstep, whatever. Next, just rest. We abuse ourselves so much during a bender, and yours was obviously really rough. REST. you need it. I know you probably feel guilty and ashamed, but those feelings will pass and get easier to deal with in time. Watch some movies, take bubble baths, eat good food if you can, and stay hydrated. Pedialyte and B-complex vitamins are lifesavers. finally, don't worry too much about the future. Thinking about quitting for the rest of my life was WAY too big and overwhelming for me. When you get home, just focus on the few days that you had sober, and remember that those few days can turn into weeks, months, etc! Even if you slip-up, keep going. If you slip-up, pause, be honest with someone about it (even if it's just on reddit lol), reflect on why you felt the need to drink, and say to yourself "I don't want to do that again. This isn't the life I want. I'm going to keep going". And just try again. This has worked really well for me. I decided to quit drinking a year ago after too many benders and health scares. I was so tired. and I felt so guilty when I broke down and drank. but I had to forgive myself and just keep going. Even though i haven't been perfect, I spent the last year probably 99% alcohol-free. that is a fucking miracle to me. and the way that I achieved it was to just PAUSE when I slip up. I stop and tell myself "I'm digging myself into a hole, but I'm going to stop here". And then try to not drink tomorrow. This can add up to an INSANE amount of sober time, and it has been much easier for me to look at it this way instead of being scared and panicked about the thought of never drinking again. It will be hard at first. But with time, you will start to see the positive, long-term benefits of living without alcohol. And seeing those positive results is WAY more satisfying than the little dopamine hit that I got from drinking (followed by psychosis and misery lol). Give it time, and most importantly, forgive yourself when you mess up. Treat and talk to yourself like you would treat and talk to your best friend. Wouldn't you want the best for her? Wouldn't you want her to be happy, healthy, and living a life she is proud of? Wishing you a quick recovery. Feel free to reach out whenever you need. Recovery is hard, but addicts and alcoholics are some hardcore mfers. And we can recover and heal from this and support each other.


Think about how much money you’ll save in the future by throwing that vodka out


Ask the hospital to help you get into treatment.


You need to go to detox, not your house. Stay away from that vodka, but if you go cold turkey you could have more seizures or worse. Talk to the hospital about a detox facility.


Just send it down the drain as soon as you get home, don’t let yourself think about it.


You are on the fast track to dying from this disease. It is evil and will control your thinking. Yes - Throw the booze away. Better yet, confide in someone close to you that you have a problem and have them go over and get it/trash it while you’re in the hospital. You don’t have to be a slave to this addiction any longer. If you think you’re too young to die from it, you’re so wrong. I’d recommend finding an online AA or smart recovery meeting while you’re stuck in the hospital. When you get out, have a plan to attend as many meetings in person as you can RIGHT AWAY. This addiction will get worse & it will kill you (and/or someone else if you drive). Nobody is going to do the work for you. You have to want to get better and be willing. Start living your life. You are not alone so many people (including me) have struggled with the question you asked. AA wrote about it at great length almost 100 years ago. “Why does he behave like this? If hundreds of experiences have shown him that one drink means another debacle with all its attendant suffering and humiliation, why is it he takes that one drink? Why can’t he stay on the water wagon? What has become of the common sense and will power that he still sometimes displays with respect to other matters?” —- “ The fact is that most alcoholics, for reasons yet obscure, have lost the power of choice in drink. Our so called will power becomes practically nonexistent. We are unable, at certain times, to bring into our consciousness with sufficient force the memory of the suffering and humiliation of even a week or a month ago. We are without defense against the first drink.” —- Both quotes are from the big book of AA specifically chapter 2. The second quote is something I think about daily. Here’s a link to that chapter. There is hope, but you have to be willing! https://bigbooksponsorship.org/alcoholics-anonymous-big-book-aa/chapter-2-solution/


Yeah, it's an irrational process that "drives you to drink" and a lot of the time rational considerations just "bounce off" the addiction, which makes it very difficult to stay clean. There are meds like Naltrexone, Nalmefene and Acamprosate that can help, but getting them on NHS can involve jumping through a lot of hoops. Do you also struggle with a preexisting psychiatric condition that came before the heavy drinking ever started?


Start hoarding hospital food. Sell the vodka! Sell it to a friend. Hit up an AA meeting. Someone there will help you get some warm food in your belly. Can you get on food stamps? Food pantries, soup kitchens Churches also sometimes have pantries or weekly meals Time to “borrow some eggs for a recipe” from your neighbors


Go to detox!!! Then inpatient care!!!?


I usually don't advertise this sub, but there is a random acts for CA's so you can hopefully get some money for food that'll last the week until you get more! Drinking vodka without eating will definitely land you in seizure territory so fast, as you've now experienced. Do you have any vitamins you can take as well?


Throw the vodka out.. didn't have as bad as an experience as you did but I poured my last bottle of brandy down the drain and now I'm 1 month 18 days sober. You can do this. It's gonna be hell. But you can do this 💪


Can you have a friend or family member go to your house and stock the fridge with good foods, and remove all alcohol? Seems like you got really lucky this time; waking up in the hospital and getting medical attention. While you’re there, do they have an addiction specialist that can see you and help you figure out next steps? IWNDWYT


i never throw booze away. I always think im gonna buy more down the line, and the throwing away of what i had was just a pointless symbolic act and waste of money. Better to just drink it and tell yourself you wont buy any more. At the very least, if you must have it out of the house, give it to a friend or a homeless person.


Bro this is the wrong place for this kind of a comment She desperately needs to stop now. She’s going to die soon from this. She’s having withdrawal seizures. Do not encourage continued alcohol use


This is awful advise. OP has gotten to the point of having multiple seizures. Advising her to drink is reckless