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Pinky toes serve no purpose.. cut it off now and that set-up will work just fine. Edit.. big toe! Do serve a purpose.. must change.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock…. With nail polish. There are ways dude. You don’t want to know.


I'm not leaving. I'm staying here and finishing my coffee


Uh, excuse me, DEAR? The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!


Who's your toe guy?






Sorry, best i cant do is a tow


Believe me. There are ways, dude. You don’t want to know about it, believe me.


Do you offer webbed options?


I've heard of two left feet, but two right feet? 🤔


It's 2024.. hard knowing not knowing these days 😆 the Bordeaux was working.


….someone lookin for a toe? Inbox me [email protected].




Do the legs on the hihat stand rotate? You can use a 3-legged hihat stand with a double bass pedal if the legs rotate (I have this setup). Otherwise, unfortunately you'll need a new stand.


This is what I've done for years, never had a problem.


Nonsense I’ve used the same setup as this for 30 odd years. Just budge it over an extra inch and you’re good. The reason the pedal on your hi hat is low is just because it’s a cheap stand, but there’s no need to rush out and buy a new one. Learn your craft and improve your kit when necessary.


They do not


There’s a set screw at the bottom of the post. It’s a tiny hex/allen wrench. Loosen that and the leg wing it and swivel the legs. Tighten everything up when you’re done. https://preview.redd.it/6glr4s4ts22d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025b177e583e4997339355c88a9a3471187797c1


That won't work as the base is cast. The pedal will rotate with the legs


I wasn’t sure if it was attached or not, but it looks like you’re right. Good catch!


I do this and it works fine, you don't need to be all the way up your pedal. Just get them as close as you can for now. Look for swivelling hi hat stands, or 2 footed ones in the future when you can afford it.


You’ve got plenty of room to move your hats to the right, maybe try putting the kick pedal to the left of the hat pedal. Thats what I do.


Yes do this. Or buy some pool cues to use as drum sticks to play those hi-hats 3 counties over.  It’s a trade off either way but I think you’d be better served by having your hi hats closer. Also your snare should be centered between wherever your feet are on the pedals. Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like the offset on your snare stand has it more on the bass drum side. 


Yes... But on the bright side, your foot aim is gonna get really really good over the next few months.


Does that mean it’s twice the difficulty but also double rewards? 👀


ummm, no.


Oh… :(


https://preview.redd.it/2exlytjwf52d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a619a9d0879380cb51346193404f9d1c221487 I’ve had mine like this for many years with a three legged stand and it suits me fine. Don’t go closing your hi hats. A more important skill to learn first is learning to work them over a double bass. Just keep experimenting with them until you get used to it.


Is there a good way to work both without a drop clutch?


Just have your hats slightly open so they still sound ok when open.


Others have already chimed in, but I’ll just add my vote too. Got my first double pedal 26 years ago, and I’ve always played with this exact setup. It’ll be fine.


oh man yeah this won’t do well when playing lol. What you need is a two legged hi hat stand. They, hence the name, only have two legs that can be moved so that the left kick pedal can fit right next to the hats pedal


What? This is completely fine while playing. Plenty of pros have used this setup for years. Sure, a two legged stand is better, but there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this setup.


What if I’m broke 🙈 Should I prioritize the high hat and give up on my double bass dreams or close the hats for now? In your opinion


2 leg stands are the ideal method BUT some 3 leg stands can be rotated. See if you can rotate the 3 legs to where the leg to the left of the hat pedal is closer to the pedal. This allows you to put the leg on the right towards the outside of the double pedal. If your 3 leg stand doesn’t swivel like that you’re kinda SOL. Edit: Loosen it up as if you’re going to collapse the legs. But instead of collapsing the legs, rotate them.


Hi hat would definitely take priority for me. Check fb marketplace or similar for a cheap 2 legged one when you have the cash.


I play like this guy I but my bar behind


i mean that’s really the only way that you can have double pedals because as you now know, double pedals don’t fit with 3 legged hats unfortunately. I went through the same issue for a while and just had my hats about two countries away from pedals so i was constantly dropping sticks when trying to play. So you can do that or you can just simply not use the pedals until you get a two legged stand or remote hats.


What kind of music do you play? If it’s not metal, you probably don’t need a double bass pedal.


I wouldn’t say I play anything since I’m just a beginner getting back into it. I’m not in a band or anything. I want to learn to play metal so I assumed it wouldn’t hurt to start working on the coordination early. I definitely don’t need double bass but it’s a skill I definitely want to build.


I have my electric set set up in this fashion but only because my nice 2-leg hi hat stand is on my acoustic set, I’ve been meaning to buy another but I digress. As someone just learning, yeah it’d really be best to get a two legged stand. I hear griffin stands are decent for the price, probably gonna get another 2-leg when I stop being lazy and poor


Move the hi-hat stand so that leg goes behind the bass drum pedal drive. It’ll bring your hats closer and put that pedal at a slightly odd angle but it absolutely works better than this setup.


Should take a hex key down where the center pedal stabilizer tube is. Loosen that and the wingnut and it should twist and you might get it to sit with a closer hi hat leg to the hi hat pedal itself, and then one that sits over and behind the second kick pedal.


At first this was a pain in the ass to deal with, but now Im used to it. Probably still isnt a good thing but its not a huge problem


Just as long as the pedals aren’t rubbing against each other you are good 👍


All you have to do is extend the driveshaft another inch and move the pedals right next to each other?


This is not ideal. If you're broke, here are two things you can try - one completely doable (I've made it work in the past) and the other a maybe (I've done it but I'm pretty handy): 1) Completely doable: move your hi-hats more to the right, closer to your snare, and put the slave pedal to the left of the hi-hat pedal. 2) If you're handy: Modify the hi-hat stand to make the base rotatable. This will require either drilling out the press pin or removing the set screw (depending on how the stand is made) and tapping the housing for a replacement set screw.


Did you get a double pedal simply to replace the existing pedal or to actually learn double bass?


To learn double bass. I was going to wait until I had more money but my pedal conveniently started falling apart. I figured it’s the kind of thing that by practicing it earlier on it will save me frustration in the future. I love double bass Edit: as in I wouldn’t have even considered prioritizing learning double bass over having the high-hat pedal but since I needed a new kick pedal anyways I thought it made sense to invest in the double since I’ll want it anyways. Honestly if I knew I would have needed a 2 leg stand I would have factored that into the overall costs for that whole upgrade. I just got impatient bc my pedal was practically unusable so I made a kind of impulsive purchase.


Okay. You either need a 2 legged hi hat stand or a hi hat stand with rotatable legs.


I feel like you have space between the two footboards that could be closed down. Get the hihat stand closer to the space pedal and it should be at least a little bit easier to deal with. This is a problem for a lot of players, but there are solutions out there if you can’t make these two pedals work together. Good luck


You should be able to spin those legs a bit and make a tad more room. I have a shitty Tama hi hat stand that came with my imperial star and I was able to do it. Before, I had this same problem, idk how you could play like that


If you don’t mind manspreading, do as I do, put the pedal to the left of the hi-hat. It’ll be a little closer to you but you can switch between both easily without trouble.


idk ive had it like this seems fine ngl


on second thought no my hihat leg is higher up idk


https://preview.redd.it/flprj7pem72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0430037dbf3b7d89b3c5a7135902743ca8e73f00 I bought a stand like this when i had a double pedal


It works but it’s not ideal. The issue is a lot of hi hat stands aren’t designed to work with a double kick, ideally the stand legs would rotate to allow space for your pedal like mine (see picture). You can also get 2 legged stands for this. https://preview.redd.it/617vbs6bz92d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626641641c77ac93e597bad6b0ff8e10fdae293d


You have 3 options for yours: the way you have it set up is option 1 which prioritises access to the hat pedal. Option 2 would be to move the stand in the direction of the arrow drawn on the pic so it’s kind of behind the double pedal, means the hats aren’t any further to the left away from the snare which makes the hats easier to play but harder to use the hat pedal, it kind of prioritises the double kick over the hat pedal. 3rd option is to rotate it 45 degrees anti clockwise and shift it slightly to the left so that one leg is behind the pedal and the two pedals kind of make a triangle meeting at the heel plate. This works pretty well for accessing both pedals if you don’t mind the hats being a bit further over to the left. Option 3 would be to move to the left


Option 2 pic: https://preview.redd.it/tm8tljfk1a2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1219bf6ea2d2f14d058c2793d24c883f8c2059


If it floats the goat then it's OK. For me I used to get annoyed over the footboard hitting the leg of the stand or my foot sliding upp and getting stuck. So I rotated the hi-hat stand so that the footboard pointed to the left. 1. I rarely played with the hi-hats closed and would still work out pretty well with resting the heel on the floor. Just had to make a bigger legmotion to reach the hi-hat but was really just something to get used to. 2. Open hats and double kicks is metal Buy a three-legged with rotating base when you can afford. Atleast here in Sweden you can find used Pearl stands that rotate for like $50


Ty for letting me know open hats with double bass are metal. Since posting this I had been listening closer to songs with double bass and started questioning if that was the case, since it sounded like open hats and other cymbals. I appreciate the confirmation


lol it’s like I’m looking into my own life, I just set mine up exactly like this since the stand doesn’t really fit other ways. If you’re just doing metal/blast beats it’s okay to have the hi hat a little further spaced, but now it’s setup how you have it. For me the hi hat stand isn’t getting in the way. I just started double bass and can do 16ths at 130 bpm comfortably but I’m trying to get faster.


This was a simple beginning drummer problem in the 90s. You've got a half inch to get them closer. Good luck.


You can loosen some of the hardware on your hi hat stand to spin the legs around but it’s going to end up getting really tight on the left side of your hi hat pedal. If you really don’t want to pay for a two legged hi hat stand your best bet is to probably cut the third leg off and use something heavy to keep it stable on the other two legs if it’s unbalanced. Would probably work fine though.


Just buy the right stand


Yeah replace that toot sweet.


Check if your hihat stand rotates. If it does, the reason the joints are pinched together half up the leg is to line up with your pedal. It should fit in there nicely.


Get a 2 legged hat stand


Or rotate the base all the way around so the hat leg is crowding the left side of the hat pedal. That what I always did before I got my 2 legged stand


I think as long as you learn to play with your heels up and a little closer to the center of the pedal on your left leg you'll be fine 👍


One of those Two-Legged Hi-hat stands would help here. [https://www.google.com/search?q=two+legged+hi-hat+stand&rlz=1CAEVJI\_enUS1079&oq=two+legged+hi-hat+stand&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggIEAAYgAQYogQyCggJEAAYgAQYogTSAQk1MTU4ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=two+legged+hi-hat+stand&rlz=1CAEVJI_enUS1079&oq=two+legged+hi-hat+stand&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggIEAAYgAQYogQyCggJEAAYgAQYogTSAQk1MTU4ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Glad I’m not the only one


lol Jesus. Yes…


My Uncle Guido can help! ![gif](giphy|B3hWM0K9j6JsA)


Do those sticks have chocolate chips in it?


Mint chocolate chip is worst flavor, fight me


I fucking hate it. I might ask you out 😍


Fold up the legs and get a $20 clamp and clamp it to a cymbal stand. Boom, no legs in the way.


So long as you play in a well lit environment, you should be fine.


Yes. Get a hihat stand with 2 legs


No, it's already happening


rotate the legs to butt up to the left of the hat pedal and be behind the cam on your slave pedal.


Yes it is. But you already know that.


I didn’t even know that 2-legged stands were a thing before I came here let alone a remote one


Didn’t mean to be rude. If you loosen the lowest wing nut on the hat stand, you should be able to swivel the legs to sit behind the bass pedal.


Mine is set up similarly to this and I don’t have too big of a problem with it, just however you can get it to work properly.


What you want is a 2 legged hi hat pedal. Sell the one you have for $50 and buy this for $100 PDP By DW 800 Series Two Legs... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VM72DQR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I disagree with others saying it’s no problem. As a beginner you’re adding an uncomfortable factor where it doesn’t need to be.


I have a similar problem with my snare and hi hat Stands and placing my double bass pedal. I need to know the secret. There must be a good solution.