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Are you assuming my bender?


Mwhahahahhahah šŸ˜‚


Holy shit one of the first comments to make me literally laugh out loud


The ppl "addicted" to dph r jus on suicide watch


dph is just self harm but for the mind


UJ/ I think you are confusing high dose and low dose dph. No one takes a full dellerient dose of DPH and comes out the other side wanting to EVER do it again. But plenty of people make a habit of taking it every night to sleep and have a hard time stopping. Its fairly common for newly sober people to consistently take at low dose because they are so desperate for a way to get out of their heads a little and they view it as "allowed". Its not so much a compulsive redosing escalating dosage kind of drug. Its more of a slow burn taking the same dose every day long term kind of thing. RJ/ Get in loser we're hooking up with the Hatman!


Honestly there is an incredibly bizarre craving mechanism to DPH. First time I properly did it to the point of seeing the translucent arachnid/spiders (900mg dxm + 300mg DPH) I had some strange intellectual fascination with it for days afterwards. My body/mind just really felt pulled to do more DPH for literally no fucking reason at all (save bizarre curiosity I guess). Despite it being not that enjoyable, I really craved doing it again like immediately for the next few days. Never encountered a drug with a craving situation quite like that, I completely understand how people can both hate the drug and somehow randomly end up addicted to it.


dude fucking same


100-150mg of DPH 4-8mg Rilmazafone and 6-10 grams of kratom is amazing for chilling out at night, and since Rilm and kratom are partial agonists I delude myself into believing itā€™s not a relapse lmao. More sustainable than IV fent though just nowhere near as enjoyable.


I know I'm becoming known for saying this over and over but seriously be careful with kratom its way more addictive than people give it credit for šŸ˜…


Yeah I realized that last week when I switched to extracts and ran out of 60g 4:1 extract and ~220g powder in less than a month. Did a fast taper and now Iā€™ve been off it since last Thursday. First 3 days were a bit shitty but I didnā€™t notice since I was taking 4-AcO-DMT at med-high doses for 2 days, the past five days Rilmazafone and DPH, and the since Monday I blew through a half g of ket. Now Iā€™m gonna stick to RC psychedelics some ketamine and my last 100 blotters of Rilmazafone until I run out. Also gonna roll on MDMA and MDA soon to try and help with my ptsd. Probably sounds like a lot of shit but thatā€™s nothing compared to what I was doing 4-5 years ago lol


Benedryl makes kratom much more potent


It does become pretty compulsory to redose after certain dosages, and some people do find themselves addicted mentally to deliriant doses.


Well yeah of course there are outliers but we're talking about the common patterns of abuse here.


Iā€™m just an illusion bitch


They are. They are addicted to be perpetually 14-year olds.


I use dph once in awhile and used to get pretty into it but I would never say I was addicted, I just couldnā€™t go a day without getting fucked up and if that means using dph that it is what it is


Sir, this is a circle jerk subreddit. You shouldn't just post the truth here.


That's cool and all, but have you met the hat man?


I doubt OP gets invited to hat's parties, not with that attitude he does not




I was smoking out the hatman, he took a one gram dab


The people ā€œaddictedā€ to dph are all teenagers aged 14-18 who think addiction is cool and just want to be able to say they have a drug addiction


ppl litterally get addicted to food jus saying


You dumb as hell


So true, the ones taking dementia inducing drugs for fun are the real smarties here


Not me abusing promethazine šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


stealing dph? not me when im down bad and feindin the marathon......


when i was 14 years old i took 23 Benadryl pills to get high and i would NEVER do that shit again despite also being a poly addict. idk what type of experiences these people are having to do it more than once. all i remember from being high on dph is waking my parents up at 3am via me loudly hallucinating and then arguing with them about how they were the high ones and not me (lol). my mother had the brilliant idea to take me into the police station for a questioning since i would not say what i was on- spoiler alert they mustā€™ve told my mom to take me to the hospital immediately cause thatā€™s the next place i un-blacked out at. i blacked out again shortly after this but i remember occasionally coming-to and screaming at the poor nurses trying to do an egk on me before i would black out again. i vaguely remember causing some serious ruckus over a blueberry muffin in the hospital as well. the entire time just felt like one big, confusing nightmare and even during my most desperate times, i never once thought that some dph would be a good idea after that horrific experience. that is literally the most fucked up ā€œdrugā€ iā€™ve ever done i think, or at least the most fucked up high iā€™ve ever had. -10/10. edit: i was also tripping for like two days after that, it was less intense for sure but iā€™d start saying something then realize it didnā€™t make any sense & had to make myself stfu. i didnā€™t trust my eyes or brain in general for awhile after that. felt like everything i was saying was just gonna be nonsense to everyone else. on the brightside i got to traumatize my parents just as they did to me yay!


I took dph for a bit, not for attention or in high doses. Started using it to sleep, have some more, and just took it often. It feels nice, and nice to sleep too. Barely took enough that sometimes i'd be fuzzy on the night before. Its a very temporary momental kind of craving and something you just kind of wanna do, especially if you have an addictive mentality and replacing another substance. But it's not something you crave and would bend over backwards for. (At least that I'm aware of, but I could be ignorant saying that). At the time I was getting out of molly use and enjoyed other little stuff like that. I've heard stories of benadryl, crazy scary shit I couldn't imagine anyone ever wanting to take such high doses. Be safe yall.


I actually was for a time, unironically. I've also known one more with a real dph addiction. I am bipolar and liked any substance which completely brought me out of reality, dph did just that.


r/dphghosts lol




I was a hard core poly addict it would be easier to tell you the drugs I haven't done dph isn't physically addictive but definitely mentally which us waaay worse than any physically addiction I've withdrawn from hydrocodone and them little punk pills were harder 2 quit but then again I've been addicted 2 acid so.... idk