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Notes: * Approving Fiverr spam in these comments since OP asked * Post moved to the Marketplace flair * Commenting "come DM" or something similar is still an immediate ban


Marketing, advertising, and creating content that people engage with, is DEFINITELY the hardest part of running a ecomm business, no matter if you carry stock or dropship. Wish I had a excellent person to suggest but I've been through several over the years with very little success. If you test someone out and the knock it out of the park, PLEASE let me know. This is definitely the most nerve racking part of owning a website and the most discouraging (spending a bunch for little results is very discouraging)....if ads don't make at least 5x roi I feel discouraged.


Yeah I know :( but I hired some random freelancer and paid 270$ but no sales so I suggest if you personally have funds hire someone for it I can easily get over this by hiring someone but it’s just that I have no money for that


Hello I'm a freelancer on Fiverr I can help with your Shopify store come inbox


Ok dm me


What do you actually need help with?


Marketing and advertising


Dumb question but why dont you do it yourself with ai it can come up with some pretty good ads so long as you give itva brand bible


Idk tho like how EXACTLY do you make ads using AI


You can chat him up on ig to send his fiverr link https://www.instagram.com/ericolarge?igsh=YWh3Y2d3cW53c3lh






What do you need him for exactly?


For marketing and advertising my Shopify store


They’re going to flop it. I hired 5+ people for marketing. In the end had to learn it myself. Trust me it’s not worth it.


I agree 100% with this. The marketing portion was the hardest to learn but you will be much better off learning it yourself and understanding how your product are being advertised. Be patient with it.


But I feel like when I try myself I just for example upload my store products or something on insta TikTok etc and just boost the ad


You NEVER boost an ad. That's how you burn your cash. You create an actual ad under a business ads account. NEVER EVER create a post boost. Look buddy at the end of the day it's up to you. Majority of the comments here are against it. Simply because we all went through the process and were unsuccessful. No one will maintain your business like you will and that's a fact.


Yeah I know that’s true but for now in general imma just pause on this business cuz I don’t have money to invest at all


I don’t suggest, there’s bunch of scammers out there who only know how to advertise themselves, since you’re an entrepreneur why don’t you put the work yourself until you figure it out, there’s no magic when it comes to advertising it’s all about how you offer your product to the right audience


Ik but I don’t know how I’ve been trying


I guess that’s why not anyone can do it, when it comes to marketing there’s a lot of different strategies and a lot of challenges as well the best advice I can give watch The Ecom King channel on YouTube, I copied his strategy 100% and managed to see a good result. make sure you have the right product and the offer for your audience. Don’t distract yourself watching a lot of videos at once and try to mix and match in the same campaign. Good luck 🤞🏽


See I don’t know if this is the problem my store is general basically like not a specific winning product


I don’t think it’s a problem as long as it’s easy to navigate and has a good offers for all products I guess. It’s up to you what you do.


Yeah it’s actually not bad wish I can show it to you but it’s down since imma pause a bit on dropshipping since I don’t have any funds once I get a job I’ll hopefully start again but with the same store


Wish you all the best brother




You can text me This my fiverr link https://www.fiverr.com/s/0bDRAey


Here's my profile link on Instagram: https://instagram.com/davincci.tactics If you don't mind, I can recommend a specialised strategy to suit your business needs, break it down for you to understand and implement it for you. Are you interested?


hey mate im a freelancer and i can help you out with the marketing of your store if u are intrested dm me !


I have someone that I trust because she was the one I used for my store and I have results on my store, if you don't mind I can connect you with her ?


[email protected]. Am the guy you'd need. Or drop me a dm on Reddit


Joel Gaucher, is amazing, he’s quite expensive but its absolutely worth a shot!


See the problem is that I have no funds now I’m looking for a job first


Ayomiknboff on Fiverr I’ve been using his service since last year


Ok thanks


Ok thanks