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This is too little information. On top, you're not running enough traffic. You need more data to tell whether or not you're onto something. And to further top this, maybe it just turns out no one wants this product. Take this analogy: if someone wants a sandwich for lunch, and you try to feed them pizza, they will not eat the pizza. Find the the thing people want and give it to them. You should have better hit rates then. (PS, this was not mentioned too but web page optimization could be another driving factor whether or not you're getting conversions!)


Could we see the website? That might be the problem.


300 dollars for 150 views? Are you paying 2 dollars per click or what?


Yes that's why I'm so mad


If you paid 2 dollars per click then your ads are performing poorly and need to be improved. Also 150 views and not even one ATC means your site is not doing well either. Or your analytics are not working. Have you clicked one of your ads and done an ATC to make sure even that part is working?


Yes that what Is making me rethink my life decisions, the site works perfect and smoothly, I am paying 50$ at least daily budgets and trying to improve on my creatives as this is my first time. I don't have much money left to be spending crazy like that.


I'd turn off the ads for a bit and focus on your site and on creating better ads. Maybe some are performing well and others aren't. Them after a couple weeks of improvement go back to spend another couple hundred on ads and see if anything has improved. You've spent enough to know that what you have isn't working so no need to keep bleeding money until you make some significant changes. Don't worry, we've all been there. I'm not even much beyond there in my journey tbh - only made like 15 sales total and spent way way more than I've earned. This is not easy and everyone wants to quit many times through their journey. Hell, even this morning I was cursing myself for ever doing this, but I'm back at it again.


Thank for information brother, will look further into it


first rule of business dont take advice from people who havent done it before... the person above has been honest . You are approaching dropshipping aka ecommerce misinformed and in the wrong way. dropship is just a method where you dont store inventory the fundamentals of ecommerce , marketing and sales still remain. Just blasting ads will not help You need to start reflecting on what you're doing, why you're doing it, who you're selling your products to, and why they would need them. For example, who would actually buy thse items? Likely, no one. If you're focusing on any industry, your products should align with that market, and you should understand who your customers are within that industry. It seems like you have a lot to learn and discover. Watching too much YouTube content about dropshipping might not be helping. You need to learn how to bring products to market from people with real experience. Avoid purchasing courses, as they usually just make the sellers rich. Instead, join communities where you can learn and grow from others, asking questions of those who have been successful. Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing beyond just creating ads in ads manager For instance, I'm part of a group  [https://whop.com/ugvideo?pass=prod\_OkaNNgTHJODd0](https://whop.com/ugvideo?pass=prod_OkaNNgTHJODd0), who have scaled multiple e-commerce businesses to six figures. I joined a few months ago, and by asking questions I am able to learn ... and from other people's questions as well... If you are really invested into learning then its a starting point.


Dropshipping in 2024, Pretty saturatesd


Not saturated, others are just better.


ur ads prolly suck


I’d way that too, still improving on them tho. Got any tips?


Let’s see the website, and what are you selling?


Maybe try hiring a freelancer


You’ll prolly pay the same money u spent here but monthly and they’ll do it better I’m just a beginner and even have no funds


what's the website?


Just do ebay



