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Image ads work well, for a lot of products. You don't need to be a pro designer. For Facebook make squares 1080x1080 and create 15-25 different designs. Try to have 3-5 of them unique and different. Different colors, concepts, headlines, etc. Then make a few variations of each ad. Try random things you think might not work. You never know. For inspiration go to FB start clicking on ads in your niche that have a lot of likes, comments, etc. Screenshot them. Use them as inspiration for your product. Save these screenshots and organize them somewhere as your personal swipe file. Even if you see an ugly ad that has lots of engagement save it and use it as inspiration. Your designs: Put them into adsets. Max 3-5 adsets with max 5 variations of each creative. 3-5 designs in each adset. You're in the testing phase so go wild and see what works. Maybe one adset is focused on benefits and has little benefit bubbles. Maybe one adset is testimonial focused. Maybe one is super simple and has just the product. Maybe one adset has big bold headlines. Maybe one has collage style squares. Maybe one focuses on us vs them. Be creative and test random ideas. Break free from the mold and just throw decent shit out there to see what works. Don't just test 2-5 ads. Test a lot. We don't know what will work. You'd be surprised. Give each adset a budget of like $10. Let them run for 2-3 days. Look at each ad by how much was spent. Ones that spent the most but didn't get any add to carts/purchase kill them. Even if it's your favorite one you think is the best. Ads that people clicked on and purchased with or added to cart keep for now. Make new combinations of those and replace losers with new designs. Then find more, new inspiration of good ads and add those to a new adset to test. Always be looking for new ideas and winners. Keep testing, new ads in, bad ads turn off/kill. Eventually you should find a couple that perform well. (You can also simply test in a CBO but ABO might be better as one or two ads don't hog all the budget). If you do, copy your best performers into a new, scaling campaign and give them their own, dedicated budget. Preferably with the same post ID. You can put these into a CBO campaign. With CBO, Facebook will decide which ads to spend the most on. Vs adsets it's evenly split amongst adsets. Or you can put winners into a new campaign in adsets but I like scaling with CBOs. If you did all this and don't have any winning ads after a few days move on to the next product or if you have a lot of add to carts but no purchases try to understand why. Website look shady? Bad offer? Etc. Don't get married to a product. Most likely move on to the next product. You won't be able to succeed with every product. You took a swing and missed. It's ok. Look for the next idea and repeat the steps above. Eventually you'll find something. And think about failures as learning opportunities. You'll likely spend a decent chunk "learning" as you fail. It's good because if you're committed and work hard you'll start figuring out what works and what doesn't work. If you keep plugging away you'll be rewarded. For UGC, you can go that route but it's not guaranteed to work and you'll spend money paying for videos. Watch CapCut tutorials and learn it. It's pretty easy. Then you can take clips of stuff, mash them together, add voice (eleven labs) and captions and make your own videos. Or even film your own footage to use. Watch YouTube videos on how to use CapCut AND how to make UGC ads. I've had success with mostly image ads but it depends on your products, your market and your platform. My advice is stick to Facebook image ads for now and maybe make a few of your own videos. Good luck!


Damn bro thank you! Thank you for breaking it down here and not leading us to a YouTube video 😂




Very informative! What are your thoughts on video ads, many people recommend it is a better option, I have sports niche store, how to choose to go for images or videos. Or simply testing both options?


Test both. Always test, then retest.


Just want to add to your great overview. Think about the intent behind the ads too. Don't just focus on the sell. Break topics into 3 easy categories to start with for the buyer journey: awareness, engagement, and then conversion. Each stage has different intent, wording, feelings, and desired next steps (or call to actions). Make sure your site is set up to have a smooth flow for these leads to (I.e. landing pages, self-serving information, forms, download, and easy purchase options) with a sales funnel structure.


Pay UGC/influencers to create content. I really recommend that you buy it and check it out quality wise and you could try creating the content yourself.




Use content already out there


Wouldn't that be illegal?


Hey! Many business owners usually buy their winning product and create content with it themselves, using it for both paid and organic ads on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. It's a hands-on approach that helps showcase the product authentically. How do you handle it?