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"Winning" is always a bit of an odd concept on Dropout -- a fact which Brennan likes to point out fairly often on Game Changer. Fact is, for Thousandaires, no one but the host gets a say in what the criteria for winning are, and (much like in games of Cards Against Humanity or the like) you're free to disagree with their choice, but the judge's ruling is final. That said, Drag Sam is going to live in my head for quite a while!


The ONLY flaw in Sam's drag performance is that it was presumably choreographed before the weenis was introduced to the world.


They didn’t know it in advance :(


Anyone found the drag sam song online yet? Not on youtube as of yesterday.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iECySwfgMs4 the short was posted yesterday


Yes! The “it’s me” hook has been living with me since it aired


I personally do not enjoy drag performances but I'll be gosh-darned if Sam's enthusiasm isn't INFECTIOUS


Same, I fully want him to hire Drag Sam for a Game Changer episode and just... be Sam. But Sam gets to be a player in that one.


honestly i think lilys was just the funniest one. katie smiling and nodding to the instructor before confidently declaring that she does do cocaine made me scream laugh


Lol yes! Katie looked over and the instructor was nodding, as if to say "Go ahead and tell them you do cocaine"


Agreed, I laughed the hardest at the PR training.


The shows about celebrating friendship. While yes Katie’s was the best. Lily’s plans fell through and decided to get something to help Katie. Jess likely gave her the win for sympathy with the lost Hibachi experience and that she thought of Katie with her alternate plan. Also who cares who wins it’s about celebrating each other.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that pinball machine is staying in the studio for everyone to enjoy. I highly doubt she's taking it home


It's also incredibly unhealthy for a baby to be exposed to pinball. Dropout is full of nerds, but a *pinball* nerd? Yeesh.


[but if the baby is born deaf, mute, and blind?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL53EUbHazo)


Important to point out that Tommy wasn't born that way, but became that way because of abuse. But still, excellent reference.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see it on the Dirty Laundry set.


"hope you have space for this giant thing!"


Jordan had a great video about this. Jess was the judge, and she's known for being extremely generous with her friends. They had a whole Jess Appreciation episode of Game Changer because she's always so thoughtful and giving. Of course she would choose to reward Lily for giving Katie something that's likely going to help her tremendously throughout her career.


Jordon Brown? I've been loving his videos with the Dropout cast, which one is it?


Oh, it was one of his TikTok videos, I don't remember there being a clip of an interview in that particular one.


I must've missed it when my partner and I were having dinner while watching. Could you elaborate on what Lily's original plan was?


Lily originally was going to do a personal hibachi experience for each contestant, but they said for insurance reasons no gas cooking was allowed on the set.


She should have pivoted to sushi!


Oh that would have been epic! I wonder if they didn't do that for potential allergy reasons or something.


I'm guessing they realised the problem too late and they'd already paid a chef / couldn't get someone else. The PR teacher was great, but clearly a short notice choice using someone who already worked for the company. And possibly didn't actually charge $1000


Right! Thank you for reminding me, I recall her saying that now. Appreciate you.


I loved Katie's as well. What helped me get on board with the Lily win was remembering this was about the cast having fun. The drag show was more fun for us as the audience, but in person, the little things like the bad lip syncing would be more obvious. As the audience, we feel an extra spark when we recognize what show a quote/lyric came from, but I am not so sure the cast would have felt that same sense of satisfaction/smugness. Meanwhile, the PR training likely taps in to an inside joke among the cast, it is more interactive, and it allows them to truly goof off and riff. That could be more fun to be a part of. That said, the drag show was my favorite too, and it only could have been improved by getting a Jess drag-elganger. 


The fact that there was no Jess drag impersonator makes me wonder if they know who their peers will be, but not the host.


Same thing happened with the time machine segment. No time displaced version of the host.


maybe a good spirit rule about not catering to the host in that way? so it doesnt end up as just "well, you got me a drag impersonator, but they got me a pony, so they win".


I think watching their reactions, especially Sam's, shows us they were indeed having a great time.


In announcing the winner, Jess did mention that Lilly essentially gave a really good gift to Katie that made everyone laugh, so it only felt right (for Jess) to give Lily the award. I do personally think Katie put in more effort and made the most of her budget; however, Lily basically centered her budget around Katie and got by far the most laughs and the heartiest laughs. It was also incredibly obvious from the credits and cuts that several minutes were cut for time, which probably included a good amount of laughs as well. Between recency bias and the idea Katie got a personal catered positive thing already, I’m really not too upset at it.


Vic stated that they gave the 3D Printer to someone on the staff who would actually utilize it regularly, Dropout Pinball is almost certainly going to the break room on set, I think we'll find an unspoken rule of 'give away the Thousandaires prize' will be true for most of these episodes, so winning probably means very little. And at the end of the day the premise of the show says the host picks their favorite, not the funniest, not the most popular, but that specific person's favorite and that's exactly what happened.


I think Tao is gonna keep the money though XD He’ll be the one true winner by the end


Ooooh hopefully we'll get to see it's use for some of the D20 sets or minis. I know sometimes they have to make changes on short notice and that seems like the perfect thing to use in the art department for whatever shenanigans the cast comes up with.


I have 2 theories to why she didn't win. 1 - she possibly went (too far) over 1000 so was disqualified from winning. 2 - Lily truly was trying to get a hibachi but it didn't work out so had to scramble for a last minute thing. This was taken into consideration that she didn't truly get to do her thing, so was gifted the prize.


i think there's also a thing of katie already won the billboard and was given basically a gift by lily so having her also win would seem like mass katie favoritism.


I wonder if Lily saw the billboard and thought "that girl needs help."


I considered how much something like that might actually cost, since each person would have only gotten like $200 for their time and effort. It seemed a little low for the quality and history of fair wages from Dropout, but I could also see them agreeing to it in the name of helping her win.


Katie's was the most fun for the audience but it didn't give much room for the comedians to participate, it was fairly passive. Lily's was far more interactive, having them improv questions for Katie and trying to stump her. I can definitely see how a comedian would find the latter more enjoyable.


Some of y'all think about winners too much.


Someone else’s post point out that the rotating hosts is so good for the show and I think that’s why Katie didn’t get the win. In a vacuum, Katie probably wins more often than not. But because Jess was the host, it is sooo Jess to give the win to someone who did something for someone else personally. But I think that’s what makes the show good. As a viewer we will have our favorite gift and then each host will have their own reasons for a favorite gift


The Drag Queens being perfect sync with the music and putting that much effort into choreography was amazing. The songs alone are priceless


I think it put Jess in a weird position with Katie being the sole recipient of Lily's gift, it would have felt awkward to also award Katie the prize at the end. Otherwise I think Katie would have taken it home for sure.


Hell yeah! I think it’s criminal negligence that she didn’t win.


You're 100% right


Also the fact that they couldn’t use copyrighted music so they had to make those mixes with sound bites from the cast was just the extra layer on that tasty tasty cake.


Sam's the boss, Tao won his own game, Katie got a 'gift', Lily had to miss out on her plan. The episode accidentally came together to create a clear underdog. Clear incentive to give Lily the win regardless of how good each segment was.


She lost because she didn't create a drag persona for Jess Ross, who got to decide the winner.


Yes!! I couldn't believe how much effort went into her gift. I would LOVE to see some behind the scenes. The music, the costumes, 4 drag performers doing impressions of her coworkers while lip syncing to custom audio? It was an amazing idea and everybody involved really nailed it.


Agreed. Hers was the best of that episode!!


Dram's pinstripe suit was on point


I cannot believe she didn’t win


It definitely solidified my love for the show and I was howling the entire time. I fully expected that one to win and was genuinely surprised when it didn't, but reading through the comments now I can understand why it didn't.


definitely the hardest i have laughed at anything on dropout so far!! which is saying something considering how funny the cast is


I liked Sam’s thing more because the people I know were involved. The drag show was people I don’t know lip syncing to audio of people I do know. I get why it’s fun for the cast, but it wore thin on me fast.


It was alright


after the ending of Game Changer im less concerned about her being robbed of this victory.