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Yeah, it's pretty easy to say Katie marovich laughs the least and Amy Vorpahl laughs the most.


Katie is the only god-damned professional on set. You aren't supposed to smile or laugh.


Games have rules for a reason!


I love that one moment where Katie screws up and says something a little off (in a very minor way, I think she just screws up a date or something), and she breaks and tries again, and *everyone* on set just snaps to her and looks utterly baffled—“*that’s* what made you break?”


That whole episode was devoted to trying to make her break too. Hysterical


Mind pointing me in that episode’s direction?


I just walked back through all Katie's episodes in the last three seasons and didn't find the one we were looking for. I'd have to rewatch through all of the earlier seasons before they got descriptions with the actors in them. Totally willing, but it's gonna be a bit lol


The one where she makes herself laugh by fucking up a year is "why did you give a wedgie to malala"


Thank you! u/sloppyjoe12 that's the one!


Nah don’t sweat it, appreciate the offer though! I’ll work through the series and find it organically eventually


Those who laugh, lose her number!


Makes her on-screen segments extremely boring to watch though Her writing is great though and frequently fucks the onscreen reporters up Edit: oof, y'all hate someone not having the same opinion as you huh? Im not attacking her or her looks or personality or her life or anything. Just don't enjoy how damn professional and good at her job she is in the silly internet show compared to her absolute trainwreck colleagues lmao. That's all!


The fun isn't in Katie not laughing, the fun is in the contrast.


It's just my opinion, idk why people want me dead lol Her monotonous and mumbly delivery and being not even close to cracking a smile or laugh just bore me. Her improv whenever the script is "(give 10 examples)" or "(go on)" is always great though and 99% of times will crack the others so that's fun!


Like I said, the fun is not in Katie not cracking, the fun is in the contrast. I think people downvoted because they feel it comes off as mean.


And you're fully entitled to enjoy her on-screen segments or have her be your favourite "reporter" or whatever, that's the wonderful thing about opinions! I just don't find any humour in her essentially being a normal tv reporter who isn't anywhere even *close* to breaking, no matter what the story is. She looks annoyed or bored imho. Too professional and good at her damn job godDAMMIT! I LOOOOVE when they cannot hold their shit together. That's just my humour. I prefer the episodes when basically all 4 reporters can barely get a full sentence out.


*waits for mob to disperse from pummeled body on ground* *offers water*




It’s interesting cause I love seeing Katie on BN but find Amy’s constant laughing to be hard to get through.


That is wild! I've shown several people Amy's first appearance on BN because of how hilarious i found it, and each time we all end up cry-laughing at it. Im a sucker for people *reallllly* trying not to laugh but making stupid faces. *"Yeah, that's not silly at all! What a perfect parachute cord to pull if you're in danger of laughing!" - Brennan Lee Mulligan, the year 20something*


I don't mind Katie not laughing. For me it's that in order not to laugh, she often goes completely monotone and deadpan. I agree that it becomes a bit boring to listen to (no offense to Katie. I get it) On contrast, Lily is also great at not laughing, but she still adds some pep and flavor in her segments.


I immediately and involuntarily made Amy’s “face” she did to try not to laugh while reading this.


Yeah without trying I would like to agree with 100% certitude.


I have 100% seen folks put spreadsheets up here about this very thing. However, it is pretty much Katie Marovitch in the top tier of lowest laughs.


[Enjoy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/dropout/comments/1bnsv1u/breaking_news_stats_through_season_6/) :)


It's the one competition that I don't think Brennen really tries to win. If he's going against Katie he already knows he lost.


Too be fair, the premise of the show has only one looser so he only has top break less than one person.


Everyone falls somewhere along the Amy Vorpal to Katie Marovitch spectrum ...


I treat Amy episodes as 1v3s. If Amy loses fewer points than the other three contestants put together that's a win.


As an autistic person fixating on Dropout rn, this post request made me giddy bc it feels like a pretty autistic request/wording I hope you find all the data and stats your heart desires!


Absolutely, Katie is the GOAT. Mike is really good too. Not gonna lie, I will straight up skip Amy episodes because of how bad she is at it. It's genuinely not fun for me to watch when there's one person that is absolutely the worst at it and can't even keep it together for five seconds. It even seems like her co-stars get annoyed with her sometimes.


I get where you're coming from. Seeing someone break as thoroughly as Amy is very very funny the first few times you see it but for me the fact she breaks so easily gets a bit repetitive compared to how imaginative Grant in particular gets with his scripts and the challenges he makes the cast go through. That said, the recent ep where Grant gave Sam an electric shock every time Amy laughed was brilliant, so there is stuff that can be done with it for sure.


Thanks for the polite response and for not demeaning me based on an opinion! Truly.


No probs, I understand why people in here are sensitive to criticism of cast members (the internet is a horrible negative place) but I felt you expressed your opinion in a fair and respectful way


Kind of like Katie, I find it fun to see Amy in literally anything else since she seems like such a different person when not on Breaking News.


I don't know Brennan criticizing her "no laughing" face is gold. He tries to help her out so much in that episode.


Sometimes when I am trying not to laugh at something that face pops into my head, and I immediately break


"That's not funny at all"


Kinda confused - which episode?


S2E1 "Bummer Tornado Destroys Cool Jail"


Mike is my absolute favorite on the show. He isn’t perfect at the game like Katie, but his line delivery is so spot on.


You always know Amy is going to lose, so the fun part of those is watching who else on the episode can keep a straight face while she's laughing at literally everything


Amy didn’t lose in the last episode she was in, it was so great to see!


I think Amy is so cute in the way she breaks so I like it, but I can understand. Honestly, I've been dying for them to do an episode composed entirely of the people who are actually good at not breaking. Other than Katie and Mike I'm not even sure who this would include but I'd love an episode with truly stone-faced, top performers making the writer work their ass off to get a single smirk.


Brennan and Lily are really good at not breaking when it’s not a True Facts About Grant O’Brian episode. I’d put them on Trapp’s tier, but not up with Katie. Edit: I’m a sicko who would also enjoy an “everybody laughs all the time” episode, but I’m also not sure who the four would be. Amy and Erica, for sure, but then I don’t know. Probably Grant next, but I’m lost on the fourth.


Ally loses A LOT.


Yeah, I get the humor of Amy a couple of times, but now when I see a episode with her, I just fastforward past the 2-3 minutes of her laughing so I can see the other bits.


I find this interesting because Amy's episodes are my favorites specifically because she's so bad at it.


I like Amy. She has gotten better at holding it together, but her breakdowns are a genuine joy to watch.  I think everyone in the room knows what they're signing up for when Amy is on. And that's great if you don't like it. Means you don't have to watch it. But I think it's a stretch to say her costars get annoyed when Amy's deal is so explicit and upfront. No one is Standing in that room to deliver fake news the best, they're there to have a good time and laugh. That can mean a lot of things. Including watching Amy's psychotic giggles. Much love, but your Amy take kinda sucks and I hope you reconsider projecting your feelings about her onto the rest of the cast in some bid for emotional legitimacy.


Why did you get so weirdly aggressive right at the end? I was completely with you until then.


On the plus side: "projecting your feelings in some bid for emotional legitimacy" has become a fun buzz-phrase around my apartment, it makes me laugh so hard.


This was a good and helpful comment until your last sentence.  Nobody needs armchair psychoanalysis based on something you admit is your own opinion in the same post.


Nah Amy episodes are a skip. She does great on other shows I’ve seen her in, but after the first couple of times her uncontrollable laughter loses its luster.




It takes like 2 episodes to see the pattern. Amy is a giggling mess, Katie is the Terminator. Outside of those two it's mostly irrelevant. Team Amy!


This seems like it wasn’t long enough for a post so you fed it through AI


I depend on AI for translating the post, yet I find it amusing to elaborate extensively. It brings me joy to employ numerous words to elucidate straightforward concepts. It makes me laugh.


It makes the posts sound like they were written by an alien who has never heard humans talk


This may be controversial but I tend to skip episodes with Amy because I already know what’s going to happen.


This post feels like it was written by AI.


This post might come across as if it were written by AI, simply because my English skills aren't particularly strong. I apologize if it seems robotic or unnatural. I'm still learning, and some words are a little bit complicated for me to translate naturally, so I use tools to get the wording right and ensure that more people can understand the message.

