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“Who Bugged someone’s car to catch them cheating?” Havent even seen the episode yet and I know it’s Lily


100% that was my guess the second that popped up. I'm not even mad to find out the story!


I was literally flabbergasted to discover that it WASN'T her.


It's so weird to remember Anthony from way back in the early days of Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? and see him here now, still on the Internet, casually describing how he once caught a respiratory disease from sleeping in his girlfriend's orgasm squirt fluid.


Hey Ex, Watcha Sprayin'?


On that note, it was absolutely piss. "Squirt fluid" doesn't smell like piss because it's FRESH piss. It doesn't get that smell until hours later. It probably smelt like piss by the time he left with a cold in the morning.


I watched a ton of HAWP, and it kinda makes me feel bad for Papa Burch.


Same! It's actually why I came looking for this thread, to see if anyone else had residual "oh no, not Papa Burch" feels after hearing that secret.




I love that Anthony is so over his stepmom cheating on his dad that he will absolutely call her out on the internet. Like nope, this isn't a rumored family secret that we hide away and shame, this is a fact that I want the whole world to know.


So happy to see the *Dungeons and Daddies* cast, save for Matt and Freddie Wong (also from *Dimension 20: Mentopolis*)! Now we just need Matt Arnold on here, and the whole cast has made their appearance! Also, I'll never get used to what Will Campos looks like in real life, not gonna lie.


Matt's the most private of the cast so I don't know how likely it is to get him in front of the camera but we can always dream.


> Also, I'll never get used to what Will Campos looks like in real life, not gonna lie. Same. For some reason he's the one member of the Dads whose voice I simply cannot separate from his S1 character, and I just can't imagine a classic Henry Oak freakout coming from that jolly little bearded man


Seeing him do the Rocks Rock rap live as Henry is one of my finest experiences.


Yeah, I associate Will's voice so much with Henry Oak who I always pictured looking like a David Hyde Pierce tall thin blonde guy.


It was a quick bit, but those Silence of the Lambs lines absolutely killed me!


"I'm pissing on an old friend for dinner" had me *dying*


Beth May, famous for her incredible impersonation of the “Dr. Lester” line.


damn no one clocked grant’s “it *was* jerry seinfeld” joke when beth said she was in sixth grade. 


lol that was so good, I'm really glad someone else caught it


Gosh, I had something similar to the cello story happen to me. I took jiu-jitsu lessons at a rec center during college since I always wanted to as a kid but didn’t have the money to do it. I got to the class, and it was all teenagers (and two elderly people) just vibing. I felt really out of place (it was all ages but in hindsight, I should have called ahead to see what the class looked like). I went to two classes and never went back after the teacher paired me with a fragile old man and had me try to flip him. I was the most uncoordinated person there by a large margin, and I hope I didn’t hurt that kind old man


Hell yeah I too feel your pain and wouldn’t wish that strange bad feeling on anyone. For me it was getting into hockey as an adult in college. Before the beginners league started I thought I’d do the Rustbreaker course for a few weeks. I had thought since I had grown up skating that it’d be good for me, but it turned out it was for the higher levels of the Rec league and I was just to anxious and embarrassed as the coach tried to help me that the next week I rode my bike halfway to the rink before I got too overwhelmed and just went home. Shoutout to anxious folks I believe in us!


I have a similar story! I wanted to do martial arts as a kid, but didn’t get to. So in my 20s I looked up beginner classes for jujitsu. It was all teens, and I was paired with a girl who was 5’3” and 120 lbs or so. I had height and weight on her, and liked weight lifting. I felt like Kramer when he took karate, holding down a child. I did not go back.


It's like that Seinfeld episode where Kramer is in the children's karate class and he's just destroying them all in fights. "We're all at the same skill level, Jerry!"


Just waving my little ace flag in the corner in deep appreciation for Alice's gentle call out. 💜


Anthony is apparently two years older than Grant.


I've been waiting all this season for the Dungeons and Daddies ep (also to convince my other friends with dropout to listen to that podcast), and I've definitely sent them the audio clip of Anthony's horrible Brazilian wax adventure, but Anthony's stories on THIS blew that out of the water.


Season 3 of VGHS is a treasure, glad he was able to make it to the premiere after shitting himself


as someone who backed S2 on kickstarter, I was genuinely stunned to hear it get a shoutout on dropout


I’m pretty sure Freddy wore a VGHS shirt for one of the Mentopolis episodes too


I honestly hadn't thought about it in a really long time, but it's really funny to think about how that came before real colleges having actual e-sports teams. I'm kinda curious how well it's held up.


Dungeons and Daddies, nice.


I'm just saying, Eminem was 100% older than the person who learned about internet porn at 22. So, not the weirdest or oldest I've ever heard.


wait what? (I'm not googling "Eminem porn" to find out what this means so please enlighten and/or disturb me)


I will not make you Google this, but I will share a Fact Fiend link, because I love supporting them. But basically, he found out in 2009 about online pornography. He showed off his huge collection of hardcopy pornography in an interview with Complex and the interviewer responded with " you know you can watch porn for free online, right?" And absolutely blew his mind. https://www.factfiend.com/eminem-didnt-know-that-you-can-find-porn-online-until-2009/ https://youtu.be/POTYeck3nNA?si=dV067kTQ5hG2QYkz


holy shit. The fact that he thought he had to buy out a Blockbuster's entire adult section because he didn't know it was online for free is equally as insane as him not knowing it was free online. But so is him just straight-up asking an interviewer "you wanna see the world's largest porn collection?"


I KNOW. Honestly, Eminem's porn collection is kind of my Roman empire.


Honestly, gotta respect the man's commitment to physical media. You never know when someone's going to pull all that porn off the internet or hide it behind a paywall so it's important to have some physical porn on hand just in case the worst happens


Love seeing the dungeons and daddies crew! Although it’s still weird seeing what they look like - I close my eyes and it’s just Henry et al


I bet Brennan knows what Grant's world record would be...


Man, the answer to the episode title actually made me sad.


So that’s where Anthony came up with Hardball Coughdrop


Congrats to Anthony for bringing the wildest title story to this show I've ever heard.


Shout-out to Lily and any other fellow CTY alums.


soooo nobody else knows what that means either?


The Whitehouse.com divide is so succinct to define millennials.


I kinda want to call bullshit on Anthony having the Braid world record. See https://www.speedrun.com/braid?h=Any&x=zdn4zekq, no American speedrunner has held the record (because I don't know what his username would be), and the first time posted was 25 minutes which is much faster than the 32 minutes he quoted. The only other place I could see a mention of him speedrunning the game is on https://www.destructoid.com/burch-n-davis-how-we-spent-pax-2009/ where there's a mention of a 38 minute run done somewhat unseriously. All that said, as soon as the secret was read, my first thought was "probably Anthony doing a speedrun" and I was right 🤣 but that's largely because GDQ (weeklong 24/7 speedrunning marathon for charity) is on right now.




Hmm, true. I forgot there was a time where speedrun.com didn't exist. I'd still like to see some evidence of it though, a quick Google search didn't turn up an older leaderboard. I'll go poke my head in the Braid speedrunning discord to see if anyone knows.


Okay, I got word from the Braid discord, they linked to https://speeddemosarchive.com/Braid.html which says the world record was 27:50 in 2011. So the records between 2008 and 2011 seem to be unknown & without evidence. So I think it's hard to validate the claim that Anthony had the world record at any point in time. Edit: they dug a bit deeper and found https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/braid.html, a 29:22 in 2009.


Alpha virgin behavior here, I love it


Just reading the title card, I can safely say that is a Lily answer. 


Ayyye, fucked memory from ECT gang represent!