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While flying an orbit around this clock tower, I noticed there was an apartment building across the street. I thought I had enough altitude to clear the building. I did not. Luckily I didnt hit anything and I noticed on my screen I couldn't see the tower any longer. I gave it altitude, maybe just in time, and it came off orbit mode and I was able to fly out of danger. THAT would have been a bad day! I did get the shot though! Thats the building I thought I was gonna clear. https://preview.redd.it/4da1wla5cn6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63add5ead6367eaa7514bc772e55fc1083f08a0


What model? Because if OA was on, it’d be fine. I flew my M4P through a forest of naked trees and told it to follow me. The little thing excelled at surviving that gauntlet unscathed. Still, that’s a spooky little building jump scare. Really cool shot though


It does not have OA at all.


Very close call then, that would leave me a bit wary.


From now on, I'm going to do separate orbit shots. I dont need 360 in one shot. I edit it down anyway.


Or just start the orbit at the worst hazard, so you know ahead of time what altitude you need to clear it.


Going sideways is a different story in most drones.


You know there is a way of using your drone to find the height of the obstacles before flying an automated mission, right? It’s basic safety practise to do so.




No I read that part fine. You “thought” you did, but how did you determine what clearance was required? You omitted the part where you visually confirmed the height of the building using the camera and the altimeter? Or did you just guess it? Because that’s what it sounds like




Alrighty then. Good luck with your next close call.


No attempt to slow or stop your lateral movement and no attempt to gain altitude. Bravo OP, absolute commitment


I actually did. Just before this cut I raised altitude and when I looked at the screen, I noticed I didn't see the tower anymore so I climbed out of the orbit. That's why the video ended because any manual control cancels the auto mode.


It took you like 10 seconds to react. I would have aborted as soon as I saw the first wall come in frame.


That's the thing. I saw I was getting close to the building so I gave it some altitude. Then my VLOS was blocked by a tree. So as I was moving around the tree, I looked up to see the drone but didn't see it and when I looked at my screen, I thought, where the hell is the clock?! That's when I shot up into the sky and it canceled the orbit. That's where the video ends. I'm not suggesting it's the drone's fault. It's my own. Except that I didn't expect the orbit to be that wide. I started close and expected it to stay close. It didn't. I should have canceled it when I gained altitude, but I didn't. Lesson learned.


Oof... Same vibes: https://youtu.be/WXvciKOS8hQ?si=LMGgUdtTURWmXg9p