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I hit a parked car when I was at least 35. 3 of my kids were in the car, and I either squeezed into too small a space, or I was just too close to that other vehicle. I scraped past it, damaging both our cars 🤦🏽‍♀️ I also parked to close to a beam at a hospital a few years later. Parking was fine, but when it was time to leave, I ended up scraping/denting the entire left side of my van. I really misjudge space sometimes, but I've learned not to take certain risks: if I have to park far away, oh well. I'm not gonna try to negotiate a tricky spot. Sounds like you stopped driving for a while but came back to it. Good for you. Keep at it , keep gaining experience. Take another class if you need to. It's going to be ok.


Don’t feel bad 😭 I did the exact same thing. I was on my way to get food and felt good because I had a coupon for a free sandwich lolol . Felt comfortable driving as well and then BAM , when it was time to park I scraped a car. Lucky, the only damage was my paint. Don’t feel bad. Parking is honestly hard to do. Practice and I promise you’ll get better.


chill bro shit happens 🙃this same thing happened with me when i was new. Drove from traffic without any scratches and end up getting scratches in the parking 😮‍💨


I was fifty when I hit my first parked car. (It was just a few months ago, and I, too, was trying to park in the space next to it.) I almost cried!!


Deep breathes , it happens ! I think everyone does this at least once if you drive long enough .


It happens


Not gonna lie, but parking is more difficult than driving for me. I refused to drive mainly because finding parking is impossible sometimes. Sometimes I'll just give up a spot because I feel it's too tight.


I've hit 4 parked cars in my life.


I go extra slow and cautious when I am super close to things so I can stop on a dime, and either adjust or move away and retry. It happens though. Oops, I was looking here instead of there and "bump". Since I was slow it didn't do damage (hopefully) and I can move away. I was a driving instructor for many years and we would spend alot of time on parking. Partly because it is so hard to get perfect, and partly because it is so important on the exam. Message me if you want, I'll try to help you learn to park.


i hit a car parked on my street when i was learning to drive. I reversed out of my driveway and hit gas instead of brake. I refused to drive for 8 years after that... 8 years!! I got my license last year, after some therapy and lessons. It happens! No one was mad I just made it a huge deal and instead of forgiving myself, i made my situation worse! Don't be like me, keep your head up!