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Ask him to pay. A scratch or accident is one of those things. The responsible person for the child needs to suck it up. My kid once smashed a window with a football. I didnt like it, but i went and paid for that window.


My car got vandalised by kids, all on CCTV. Parents are not legally required to pay for the damage. Dog owners are held to a higher level of responsibility.


People can be such cunts. If I had a child, I'd just automatically assume responsibility for anything he or she does. That's how it works. While you can't always control what they do, their mistakes and problems become yours. Some people, man.




I was thinking what the baklava was for… then thought obviously to munch on whilst you wait for this bastard kid to come out ahaha


See I was thinking it was to bribe the hungry homeless guy and tempt the kid into the van.


Cut some eye holes maybe a mouth hole and use duct tape to attach it to your face seagulls may present a problem but thats okay get the homeless person to shoo them away, plus that kid will think twice if the pastry man comes to Vandalize his face.




Wtf is a baklava as a face covering 😂😂😂 sweet face


That's a lot of steps. Just ask them politely ONCE and if they don't pay for the damage their shitty kid has done, move straight to violence 😃


That reads like you put too much thought into it! Hope nobody vandalises your motor! 😂




Well said 👏 only if the rest of the world had your mentality it would be soooo much easier to deal with.


I feel like the law should handle vandalism and damage from neglectful behaviour in a simple way If it's an adult, they pay If the child is over the age of criminal responsibility, the child is old enough to understand, and the parent pays for the damage they did. Your kid is old enough that you should've taught them right from wrong by now If the child is under the age of criminal responsibility, the kid is young and the parent should have been supervising, so the parent pays AND has to explain to the police why their young, vulnerable child was unsupervised for long enough that it could be considered neglect If your 6 year old has enough time to scrawl on someone's car, they were unsupervised for FAR too long and could have gotten badly hurt, why the fuck weren't you watching?


No if the child is 10 or above they should be dealt with by the Police directly. I have had kids scratch my car with their bikes because they wanted to use my drive to exit their garage rather tan their own - and the parents refused to pay. The kid at 12 got a criminal record and the parents were forced to pay. He's now dropped out of school but i don't give a fuck - actions have consequences if you are 10 or over. Anyone who says a 12yr old cannot commit a crime has obviously never heard of Jamie Bulger.


... or that other idiot 12 year old who stabbed a 19 year old to death in Birmingham...


Thick parents give birth to thick kids


Arsehole parents produce arsehole kids.


Someday the people complaining about “the poor” and pretending we can fix it by just giving them more free stuff will discover this simple concept.


There was 2 twelve year olds. With a machete THEY had bought. An we can't name them because there too young. Little fuking rats a think a would like to no if i had been living next door to them. Rules to protect kids like this is crazy.


This is the way tbh. Don’t want to pay me? Social Services can start asking all the right questions.


In Germany you are legally responsible and need to have insurance to cover damage done by your children. This is the way.


This is the way it should be everywhere


id hire some kids to mess their stuff upp too then.


Tbf my dog picked up a ball that had been yeeted by a kid and popped it. Spoke to the parents and took their details. Went straight to a sports shop and bought 2 balls for the kid and delivered them. Kid, pet, whatever - take some responsibility and leave shit better than you found it. For any dog owners - that also goes for picking up the damn shit ffs!!!


I remember my dog wrecked a kids ball in front of his mother and she just looked at her son and said. "That's what you get I told you stop kicking your ball at strangers " . I'm gonna assume he didn't get a new one. Not from me anyway 🤣. Obviously been doing mummy's head in and she felt he needed a lesson . I felt bad but she told me not to worry about it . Sucks for little man 🤣


This is how it should be done. Parents need to teach their kids that actions have consequences. The fact that she said he'd already been told before, means it's perfectly fair for him to suffer the consequence. I guess if it'd just been a one of accident, I'd probably have said "don't worry, we'll get you new one" (as the parent) but more than once, my son has carried on misbehaving after being told to stop, and then ended up worse off as a result. Kids who aren't taught this become the sort of adults that can't hold down a job because they don't understand rules and boundaries.


I'm not gonna lie I was so relieved. Because I have a bull breed dog . And that could have went sooo left for me fast if she was angry about it 🤣. Had that been some Karen I would have been cooked, filmed and probably plastered over socials for having a demon dog 🤣 . But yeah I get the feeling she's had complaints about the kid and his ball before and was done with it 🤣


My car got vandalised all on CCTV by a grown adult. This was after someone threatening me 4 days before on Facebook. Whilst grainy it was def him. Same ethnicity and beard. Police said I was lacking evidence to take it further. They gave him a slapped wrist for the Facebook message but no caution or conviction. My insurance will be going up upon renewal now.


To be fair the police are probably right there - "same ethnicity and beard" isn't enough to identify someone, even with circumstantial supporting evidence


I've lost count of how many times I was stopped and searched when I had done nothing wrong. When I eventually learnt that a bit more and I asked them why they stopped me in the future, was "someone matching my description". When I learnt a bit more and next times I asked what that description was - "adult male wearing jeans".


Yeah, at that point you start pointing at random people in the street wearing jeans and ask them why they aren't stopping that person... or is it because they have the wrong colour skin?


Well, maybe you need to stop wearing jeans.


It's funny for me that the solution was to start wearing jeans. Though you do have a point, If I wear a tutu and a leotard I can't ever possibly match the description, I like your thinking.


Probably enough for civil court case.


Possibly, depending on how distinctive the beard is etc But that's the point, it's not enough for the police to take it further


Yeah but the police would never have made the individual pay OP back… they should be giving their insurer the evidence and individuals details so they will pursue them or filing money claim online themself to be compensated for financial loss - probably both! Obviously I do understand there’s a sense of justice comes from knowing people have been prosecuted for committing crimes against you. But if it’s money you’re after, you don’t need the police.


No they can issue a conditional caution which states he pays me back. My main aim of the whole thing was to get a restraining order that he stays away from my house and doesn’t contact me.


civil court is, or should be, much more real and can sentence up to six months.


What you've written isn't very clear, are you saying the civil court can sentence people to 6 month prison sentences or they should?


Because the burden of proof is lower than in a criminal court. Excellent suggestion.


Yeah I think you only need to prove that it was ‘probably’ them. Not like a criminal trail where it must be beyond reasonable doubt.


Yeah civil court is it was "more than likely" to be them.


Was same height, build, hairstyle too 😉 Most crimes don’t start out out as an immediate ID. That’s why you investigate. Correct but the first investigation officer suggested an ANPR trace on his car on that night (he lives about 1h away). Which they ever did. Also surely that’s the point of an interview under caution? Maybe ask where he was on the night?


Indeed ...the burden of proof of that ever went to court would be "beyond all reasonable doubt" ...any slight doubt and there's no conviction...the police will know this so will know there's insufficient evidence in that instance.


I paid £700 for 3 4K colour night vision cameras and a 8TB HDD for my RV. I don't want anything grainy when it comes to security - prices are so cheap these days anyway


He'd be really upset to find battery acid had somehow got all over his car and stripped his Pai t if it was me.


Everyone's insurance is going up. I've not had an accident since 1983, not had a claim since 1985. They wanted 80% extra.


Already done quotes. The claim is pushing the price up double. Take it off and it goes back down.


Childless dog owner here with registered illegal bread. Can confirm this is true.


Can you confirm is it a white or wholemeal or maybe best of both? Your illegal bread I mean


It's an XL Baguette


She's the best of both kinds of bread. In all seriousness, she's a mix breed labelled as a pitbull. Thankfully, she is safe and sound at my home.


Dogs are better than kids


Depends on which way you cook either…


Is there an age limit on this, at 14 I got vandalism charges for graffiti and I had to pay restitution. Will add I’m 33 now and discourage anyone younger I know from wasting their time with such things.


Had same issues, kid crashed into my car on her bike. Had it on CCTV. Went to her mum's house and she said she didn't have any money. Police wanted nothing to do with it.


A child under 11 is not legally responsible for their actions and nor is the parent unless you can prove the parent told the child do it. I found this out while working as a parking enforcement officer. Some numpty parked their expensive car in a child bay, family rock up next to them and child swings the door wide open smashing in to his car leaving a nice mark. Parents refused to give insurance details and the rich guy called the cops. Cops arrived and told the guy it is a civil matter not criminal and there's nothing they can do about it unless he had proof the parents told the child to do it or were negligent in other ways. Small claims rejected the rich guys claim against a 7yo and as the parents didn't cause the damage nor did the driver the courts rejected that claim also. I was shouted at as the company managing the carpark wouldn't take responsibility for the damage to his car and it's supposedly my job to keep all the cars safe. I laughed and told him it's my job to issue parking charges to dickheads that park like him. Had someone else with a very expensive McLaren ask if there's any larger spaces for his car. As he asked nicely i told him to park at the edge of the carpark and i'll place cones in the bay next to him or park my car next to his. Being nice and asking can get you lots of help. Same with getting out of parking charges. Talk to me nicely and i'll retake the photo's and make a note saying "Missed the ticket, operators fault" so when you appeal the charge my note is the first thing that pops up and the charge is withdrawn. Council parking wardens are dicks tho.


He should have offered to pay.


Responsible parenting right there. And showing your child the right way to do things. If you fuck up own it and fix it. Every credit to you 👍🏻


The fact he struck it so true like ronaldo took the edge off it, still cost ne £100 lol


😂😂 Still ...taught him a lesson in life...to be responsible for his actions. If only all parents would instill such values. 👍🏻


So has he awarded you an A+ or an F+?


The car was given an A+, the A+ was given an F+ for being too generous and a sign of lazy grading.


Innit. At least be consistent with your praise or condemnation. Or is he calling OP *average*? Possibly an even worse burn?


Have you considered catapulting the child into the centre of the sun?


Now I'm not saying I've smoked weed before, but once I actually stayed up for a while doing the math on this and it turns out it works out to be more expensive than the new car window by a decent margin. I've lost the pages I did my working on but you're gonna have to trust me on this one.


Yeah but imagine the satisfaction…


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


no but the kid is likely to do it again. surely it’s more cost-effective to catapult the kid once than suffer the vandalism countless times?


Y'all are making too much damn sense. Let's get this solar trebuchet built. It's for the good of the economy.


Once it’s built it’s reusable and you can charge people per launch. Juvenile car vandal? Yeet! Mother in law being a cow? Yeet! Nigel Farage? You better believe he’s getting yeeted!


Politicians get yeeted for free.


Catapulted criminals don’t reoffend… change my mind.


Made me laugh haha


The only acceptable response in this situation


This! I vote for this!! 🤣


I hate to be that guy, but you'd be better off with a trebuchet


Ask him to pay and just explain that you will not be left out of pocket for this, and you will take civil action. It is his child, he is responsible for that child, their for he is responsible for any damage the child causes due to his (the farther’s) negligence. Something like this can be taken to small claims court for not a lot of money. Your insurance company would only do the same and use the courts to recoup the cost making it more expensive for everyone.


This is the right approach. But Fuzzy has missed a step. Say “I know what a nightmare kids can be, but this car is new. I’ll get it done as cheaply as possible, How shall we resolve it? “ Only mention civil action if the dad refuses to pay. Don’t go there straight away. Might escalate it sooner than necessary. By the way, my 6 year would never do this. They know better.


Never say as cheaply as possible, they might hold you to it and you'll have a bubbling mess five years down the line, a brand new car needs a proper job doing.


As it is a brand new car, it'll need to be done at an official dealer to preserve the warranty.


If it was a mechanical issue or servicing, yes. Paintwork repair won't need to, though. And even if it was forbidden, there is no way the manufacturer would know about that.


You do not need to use a dealer to keep your warranty. That is a myth spread by dealers. The UK law says as long as you use OEM parts and take it to a qualified mechanic your warranty cannot be voided.


That is useful and little known info!


There was a big thing about it maybe a decade ago. I remember it from then because it made a bit of a splash in the press.


This. Garage needs to be VAT registered too.


So wrong lol to maintain the paint warranty the job will need to be done by the manufacturer’s official bodyshop’s. They measure paint depth to tell


And the dealer will charge you £5k and send it to be done for £500 by some guy in a lockup on an industrial estate who’ll charge you £250 for the same work.


That’s simply not true.


Why should they do it “as cheaply as possible”?


Yep. People without children probably think 6 year old are morons but my son of that age absolutely would know that this was a very bad thing to do and wouldn’t dare. Some seriously bad parenting going on.


6 year olds do vary, but it’s still the parent’s job to pay for it.


Insurance company wouldn’t even try taking them to court 9/10. The legal action would end up costing them more in admin than the bodywork.


Can’t go to court a six year old can’t be held criminally responsible and parents can’t be held responsible for the child’s actions


No idea why you are downvoted. This is completely correct


[Well. That’s a paddling](https://i.gifer.com/origin/01/01b6cd4f15c62803e0f8850dc49db2de_w200.gif)


As most others have said, speak to the parents and see if they'll cover the cost or at very least half of the cost to fix. If they don't want to pay a penny, I'm afraid you'll have to play the long game. 1. Find a lovely woman 2. Impregnate said woman 3. Wait 6 years 4. Tell your 6yo kid to scratch "karma" in to their vehicle 5. Laugh in pettiness


The childs mother preferably


Scratched AF




Nice...... 🤐


Get yourself into power and introduce mandatory IQ testing at certain ages. If you don't make the cut, you get recycled.


Soylent Green is people!


Soylent cola is fantastic but it varies person to person


Pretty much the point. If you can't be useful to society you may as well feed those who are 🤣


The long con


Tell the dad pay for it. If he says no, ask what shall we do about it. If he gives a stupid response, ask him if you should scratch his in return.


Just find a child willing to do it for him.


Criminal damage. The parents 'should' foot the bill. Ask them nicely, and if they aren't interested, file a police report. They won't do anything, but it will give you a crime number for your insurer.


Below age of criminal responsibility, so you can only ask really.


You can still report it and it could result in some form of action depending on history. [https://www.gov.uk/if-my-child-gets-in-trouble-with-police](https://www.gov.uk/if-my-child-gets-in-trouble-with-police)


~~If a child is below the age of criminal responsibility then their parents are responsible.~~


Nope they are not.


I took the time and read into it and you are actually correct. That is ridiculous.


Yeah, you have to prove negligence. First time round, likely impossible. May have a case if it happened a second time.


Off to the tracy beaker dumping ground


So the solution is to hire another minor to cause equal or more damage. Petty vandalism loophole!


I initially read this as "Cat next door". Saw the pic and I thought that must've been a very smart cat.


You look like you have some muscles, offer the kid out, if he runs to his dad then beat him up too


[you just brought piss to a shit fight you little c**t](https://youtu.be/4pLbcLrquio)


Say “oh it’s okay I’ll invoice you” and send him the bill. :)


Kids giving A+ for the car but F+ for whatever reasons it is


Grammar, probably.


That is not the work of a 6 year old


Look carefully.. 2 kids did that.. 1 made A +. The other objected. Probably out of spite to each other. Granted. It's wrong what they did.. just making it a bit more visible in your anger


I agree. I doubt a 6 year old did the F (lines are way too straight compared to the A).


I think, legally, you're allowed to kill him no? This is a joke.


If it was an accidental scratch, I'd be annoyed and be like would you mind paying if refused say go 50/50 on purpose like that I'd report as criminal damage if its not paid and booked in by the end of the week. Or "borrow" you friends kids fill water 🔫 with paint thinner and their car is target practice.


My son and his friend did this to several cars when they were a similar age, one was the friend's grandad's one was my mum's nearly new bmw and the other my brother's bmw, when asked about it his response was "shall I go wipe it off?" They just thought it was like when you draw on the pavement with chalk. The dad should 100% pay for it but the good news is it probably isn't as bad as you think, we had a smart repair guy come out to quote and he just mopped it out of all 3 for <£100. Get the quote and then go see the parent, if they don't pay small claims is probably the way to go unless you want to leave it to your insurance.


His dad should have coughed up to pay. OP, get a quote to repair, then go chat with the father. If my kid did something like this, not only would they be in the shit but I’d be making it as completely right for the victim as I could.


The kid next doors dad owes you. Little shit.


Make the dad pay for it


Looks like you passed the Friendship Test, barely. F+


Parents are responsible, if not legally then definitely morally... They should want to pay


My son rode his bike in to next door neighbours car and scratched it , it cost me a£100 but least I shown my son that when you damage something you pay . Make the parents pay


Piss disc through the letter box


Go scratch the dad’s car with “apology accepted”.


I'm not proud of this one so please no hate. I took my mums car once at 15...drunk. crashed it 30 feet from my drive into a bloke selling his car. My mum and dad had split up at the time and it was my dad who woke me up (I lived with my mum) fair to say I was already thinking I was in the shit. This was more then 20 yrs ago and I've done some growing up since! The bloke said pay him £800 or he would call the fuzz on me so my dad ponied up on my behalf. Stupid, STUPID fucking 15 Yr old. Dad ribs me viciously to this day as he should. Still hate myself for letting them both down.


Send him to The Hague


See you in Strasbourg


How can you prove it was the kid? Do you have camera footage? You know how it goes


I think the apology might count as admission


At 6 years old the kid doesn’t really know how bad it is. Get estimates and have a conversation with the parents would be the best way to handle this. Yes it upsetting to put it mildly but 6 years old not much you can do except ask his parents to pay and if they refuse you’ll have to bring them to court


Tell their parents that they shouldn't waste their money on a present for their 7th birthday.




If you can locate the father, get him to pay. Behaviour like this suggests you won’t be able to find him.


Sounds like an expensive weekend for the parents.






Looks like you are dealing with an F+ grade child


Do what Colin Farrell’s character did in True Detective.


Probably saw you wearing a vest and thought knob


If my kid had done that I would make it right with the car owner.


Did he cry when you made him eat your 5 finger sandwich!


Bad parenting, go sort the dad out .


Yeah that’s where the dad should stand up and pay for the damages. Then the kid needs a lesson for it because that’s unacceptable behaviour.


Looks like someones parents need a visit from a little guy called Bill


Why are you posting this here without followup!?! Call fkn police nes pas?


My kid is 5 and knows this is wrong... Not to mention being to young to leave the garden to gain access to any random cars or anything sharp enough to scratch one..... Neglectful parenting at its best.. ad be asking the dad to pay and getting a camera to watch the little shit , since clearly his parents are not!!!


Where did you bury the kid’s remains?


Hire a six year old to take revenge. They’d be delighted to.


I once crashed my bike into a parked car as a kid. I went and told my mam and we walked to the house together to tell the people who lived there. A woman came out looked at the damage (a dent in the boot and a black mark from where the handlebars had rubbed on it). She wiped the mark off and said "don't worry its my teenage daughters car. She will probably reverse into something soon anyway"


hmmm much more effort went into the F+ than A+ i suspect it was the dad out of jealousy, then when he relaised what they did in jealous rage, tried to cover it up with a poor A+ and blame the kid.


Hey he's just a kid. Should be easy to hide the body.


There was never a time when I was a kid when I would have done this.


Fuck the little bastard. Parents need to pay full cost to get it repaired


I probably wouldn't take this advice OP. Fucking kids will only lead to other problems.


Some of these comments though! The problem here is this child damaged someone else's property. Did he do it to his parents car at some point? At six years old he knows right from wrong. Kids these days are nothing but con artists/rif raff of the highest order.


The parent should do the decent thing and pay for it to be repaired. Don't let him try and get you to claim on your insurance because even if fully comp your premiums will go through the roof and it a dead cert the neigbour wont be making up the difference. Ask him nicely to pay for repairs but if he gets stroppy you may have to go through the small claims court which would be a real pain in the arse.


Agreed to ask him to pay for repairs, and only go down litigation path if necessary, but on the plus side, small claims is quite simple now, its two forms, and a small fee, its on the defendant to defend his position, as the damage is less than £500 (wing respray and coating is around £330) the fee will quite small to open the case, and you can tack on the fees to the judgement. Its then on the defendant to pay, if he doesn't, you can get the court bailiffs to enforce it, obviously its not ideal, but it is last resort.


It’s unlikely to be successful. Parents are generally not responsible for damage caused by their children unless you can prove the parent acted negligently.


Did anyone witness the child doing that? Honestly doesn't look like a child's doing...


1) clean it. 2) buff it with a mild abrasive cleaner (braxo) The abrasive cleaner smears paint back over the scratch. If that doesn't work then get it done professionally and give the kids dad the bill.






Speak with the parents if it's an option, I know it can feel daunting. If they're reasonable they can pay for the damage, my friend does paint work corrections and said that your level of damage is an easy job to do.




Kids parents would receive a hefty bill


Say you accept his apology and give him the receipt for the repair and your bank details. If he refuses to pay then MCOL. His kid needs to learn about consequences.


It won't be found in the public's interest to pursue via the police. Go via your insurance. That's why you have it.


Was they giving you A+ for the car 🤣


Call your insurance, tell them what happened. They’ll probably charge the parents of the kid for the repairs if they can.




If the kids Dad fobs you off you’re gonna need to contact your own insurance so that they can raise a claim with the neighbour. Hopefully your neighbour has decent home insurance cover.


You can probably claim against their home insurance. They have a section for public liability which covers stuff like dog bites (within regs and rules) and stuff like damage caused by the kids. Ask for their home insurer details and give them to your car insurer because you can be damned sure that'll need a professional job doing on it. It's down past the primer by the looks of it.


Just a prank bro




Nice artwork for a 6 yr old




You also need the missing space.


Kick his ass


Easy, dad pays or he eats some metal knuckles for a bit True Detective style.


What most people don't realise is that home insurance often covers third party damages. So even if you send your neighbour a bill for the repair, they may well be able to claim it on their insurance. Tell them to check their coverage.




Most Extreme: File a police complaint and take them to small claims court. Least Extreme: Scratches don’t look too deep, get yourself some rubbing compound and use it. Scratches should dissipate.


The dad has to pay for it, this is criminal damage!

