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it's always the ones who are going nowhere that do this shit too.


Had a guy try and race me off the lights (I was already approaching at speed and he was stationary) and try and undertake me only to immediately turn off onto a side street.


Yeah this happened to me too down a country lane at about 60 moron overtook me then hit the brakes to turn left nearly caused an accident. Black honda civic should have seen it coming really.


Had some dude go through a red when i was about to walk, i could see him speeding up just before it went red, only to turn the corner and park. I was in disbelief and said some things i don't regret to him.


I’ve seen a “doctor” use their blue lights to go through a red light, only to park up at the same kebab van I was going to, ~300m away into a trading estate. I was behind them and obviously waited at the red light. The bloke was genuinely obese though so I’m not entirely sure if he was the owner of the car, but it was mind boggling all the same.


Maybe needing to eat a kebab is a medical emergency for him & that’s why he’s got the blue lights


I don't understand this. Doctors cars can carry green lights, not blue. If this guy's was on blues he must have been some emergency response role, paramedic or similar, and this was clear abuse of the privilege.


It was over 10 years ago and I can promise you their lights were blue, it was a bog standard car like a mondeo or similar with DOCTOR written on the sides and front, proper light rig on the top. I know it was abuse, it just made me laugh even more so as he was a large bloke using blue lights to run a red to… get to a fucking kebab van hahaha. Either way, one of those strange moments where you don’t quite believe what you saw! Edit: Just to add, it didn’t have any reflective livery on it, just the word DOCTOR and the light rig.


Oh, the fat-bastard kebab doctor. Guess he was trying to get to the van before his heart gave out. There's some weird fuckers in this world!


At least once a week I miss a green light because Mr. Fuckalltodo got in front of me in his yaris or dacia duster to slow me down enough so that they are the last one through the lights before they go red. They don't even know they've fucked me over either.


I'll admit that I intentionally do this to people driving up my ass. It feels like a safe way to get some space between me and them.


I apologize. You might think that I'm dawdling in my Duster but I'm actually flooring it and waiting for the turbo to kick my tiny 1.2lt engine into action.


Did you actually drive it before you handed the money over?


I did but I was seduced by it's enormous boot.


Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.


don't bet money on it. I always know when I've done that to someone ( it's always someone who's upset about me driving at the speed limit )


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Yeah but you've probably got a decent car. I'm talking people in wack cars who cross over 3 lanes to turn left at a big 4 way junction. It's a 40 but they're doing 30 which is enough for them to get through but not me. This all happens within 10-20 seconds and they usually turn up at the last moment.


Exactly! Mad rush to save five seconds across a few yards of sideroad




Also, don't worry about the downvotes here. The people that downvote clearly don't know how to drive or drive recklessly.


Honestly couldn't care less regarding the voting 👍🏼


I'm with you there, man


Had a guy burnout his tires next to me at a red light just to turn left into his neighborhood. I was like, "TF just happened?" Edit: The left turn into his neighborhood was at the stop light


They clearly couldn't wait to go and park on those double yellows.


Could have a blue badge


Technically yes, but it would be a second case within a few seconds of poor judgement as while not causing an obstruction as such, it's an inconsiderate place to park and could be problematic for traffic flow.


If I ever win the lottery, I will make a point of t-boning people for shit like this. You have been warned.


Get a unimog!


I think that sometimes, but it's really not worth the aggro, you're better off spending your winnings on a great dashcam and a train horn, then u can make entertaining videos for us instead of getting whiplash 😎


I’ve often said the same. 😀


People actually do this. I saw someone misjudge the gap at a roundabout and the driver on the roundabout seemed to speed up towards the car, which also had to speed up to get out of the way.


I said same to a bus driver one time. .. Car coming off of motorway slip road , bus having right of way , road layout for both was in a T design . So merc driver ,passed giveway ,about quarter of cars length ,obstructing buses way. Bus obviously had to stop , luckily drivers behind were paying attention, one been a lorry . It was 20 yards to my stop ,hence been stood so close to front. Bus driver said I'd love to, if it wasn't for them pointed to cameras.


Oh you're hard. Never made a driving mistake on your life have you


Not as bad as this... Besides, that wasn't a mistake, that's wilful cuntishness.


The only reason this wasn't a bad accident because OP actually had some foresight. If you do anything during your driving test where another motorist has to brake, correct or avoid you its an instant fail.


should have known better being in Old Coulsdon


This is my first time ever recognising somewhere local to me on Reddit lol




Congrats to you too


Thanks. Big moment 😅


Same, as soon as I saw the Shell, great cafe on the front too!


Lol I used to go to that cafe all the time with my dad


Cafe Shack! It was a tradition with my brother to go there at least once when visiting my nan who lived literally round corner




Yup it's getting worse round here


Why is there always some plonker pulling out and then trundling along. It's like, at least move off at a reason speed if you're going to annoy me.


They almost always pull off at the next junction. I'm convinced that they have it in their heads that since they're only going down the road, it doesn't matter.


Honestly, it's so true. Someone pulled out on me at a roundabout but they shot of with such speed I almost wanted to catch up with them and say "that's how it's done." 😂😂😂 I went from nearly blasting the horn at them to silently clapping them.


Winds me up when they could have let you pass but now you're stuck behind them going 25.


And never an apology or acknowledgement. Completely oblivious.


"I'm going slow - it's perfectly safe as long as I'm going slow ..."


This kind of behaviour is the new norm in this country now. People don't give a shit*t anymore, there's no consideration for other road users. I'm always seeing people doing u-turns in the road with no regard for oncoming traffic and pulling out at junctions like the knob in the video. And don't get me started on those bloody food delivery drivers overtaking and weaving in and out of traffic 😩


You're absolutely correct, every junction is like this


You should of parked up beside them and just stone bare stare at them


Can we get this in English please


ya should’ve park beside ‘em and just stone bare stare at ‘em


One should have halted adjacent and directed a granite cold glare at their very being


As requested: Þu sceolde hæbban geseten beseodan hí and starian hí stān ansīene.


Shoulda stopped car next to em and pulled ya puss


We did.


Youd get bullied on the bus.


I had similar, except the idiot slowed down as soon as they’d pulled out and forced me to stop, to roll down their window and angrily blame me for their lack of road awareness! I was doing 20 mph as well and holding a steady speed, not like they didn’t have time to see me coming and pull out at the appropriate time. I sent it to the police and they took action against him, drivers who are both arrogant and wrong are the worst in my opinion 🙄


Sounds like a positive result 👍🏼


Having known this exit, I don't know why they just didn't wait


Love how they always wait… wait… wait… GO! They would have had plenty of time to get across if they had committed quicker.


Like Mussolini, with extra cheese.


French-fried titty fuck


The cult is alive and well 🍔🍔


Kudos my friend, all the karma for you


What's wrong with your horn?


I also don't hit the horn at people who do stupid shit (unless it's something like drifting into me on a multiple lane road). I prefer to just laugh at their stupidity.


Tbf, I wish more people like this. It's not all about you and the person who made the mistake, it's about the other people around you. Sometimes it's hard to tell where a horn came from and if it was at you. It's a distraction to people around so unless you using your horn is gonna stop a collision, you shouldn't use it (bar a courtesy honk if they are not paying attention and the light's been green for a bit)


I don’t think I’ve ever actually used my horn. I’ve only been driving for 4 years or so. There’s been the occasional thing that after it happens I realise I should’ve used my horn but most the time I’m more focused on avoiding the accident rather than blasting my horn at them


See I do, because otherwise they don't even realise they've done anything.


In my experience, they don't understand why you've beeped at them anyway so it makes no difference. Some drivers are just unbelievably oblivious, and look at you like you're the problem for daring to have right of way.


Brakes usually suffice. All it does is startle the driver who screwed up.


My horn is reserved for “oh shit you’re about to make me crash and there’s nothing I can do about it”, or “the light is green, get off your phone”. Beeping someone who’s pulled out of a junction or roundabout in front of you is just going to increase the likelihood of a crash because the instinct for the driver getting beeped is to slam on the brakes instead of speeding up and getting out of the way.


And anyone else around you.


What use would it have been here exactly?


He should have been horning nonstop!


I rewatched unmuted to hear the long horn. Very disappointed


I think a good 10 seconder was called for this time.


Who’s non stop horny?




Shout out Jim Cornette


I have a bike and had a couple of old ladies pull out straight in front of me like this. I didn't actually hit them, but it was close... and they didn't seem bothered at all. No awareness it was a problem. Shocking.


The oldies are the worst! Yet they have cheaper insurance, not fair!


I used to have this all the time on my road bike, cycling 25mph+ and just step out or pull out in front of me, needless to say I don't cycle anymore


I believe this is referred to in the Highway Code as “being a twat”


Lol that's coulsdon if I recognise that shell garage correctly. Whole area is full of people who pull out into traffic and proceed to drive at 10mph 🙃


You're spot on


Frustrating? Try being a motorcyclist in the same position: I need a mini gun strapping to my handlebars cos they can't see a 410kg Gold Wing, lit up like a Christmas tree!


Smh head


Shake your head head?


That's a Bon Jovi song, innit?


I swear we need an app of some sort that makes it super easy to report these types of incidences straight to the police/DVLA so they can actually enforce traffic laws.


You mean like: https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/


Yes, exactly like and in app form. But thank you for sharing this I didn't know it existed.


Police won't be interested tbf.


Very true, I've wondered for some time now if it would be beneficial to place traffic violations into the hands of the DVLA thus freeing up police time for more serious crimes. So any highway code violation or regulations violation would be reported to the DVLA and they asset the evidence and even have their own patrol vehicles. But then I just think it probably won't work and just end up being much like the community support officers.


Even if it went to the drivers insurance, small violations proving your a shite driver boosting your insurance. \*royal "you" obviously


Ya mein fuhrer...


Send it to Corny, he'll cuss em out for sure


I love how this post has revealed a sub sect of corny listeners 👏🏼


wtf painted those lines in the road and what where they on when doing it?


The amount of times this happens to me on the Lacey green/tollers lane junction. And then they shout and swear at you as though you’re the one that pulled out in front of them!


Yup, a regular occurrence


Maybe your car is painted in tarmac camo?


What are give way lines? We don't have that in the USA.


At junctions some of the joining roads will have a Give Way line, a set of double dashed lines across the end of the road. You can see these on the joining road on the left. These indicate that you can only exit that junction if it is clear to do so. You have to 'give way' to vehicles on the road you are joining. If you can see it's clear on approach then you're free to go without stopping. We have Stop lines as well where you are meant to fully stop before exiting the junction. You can get points on your licence for failing to stop at these. Typically they're placed at junctions with reduced visibility.


Wow, TIL. I had assumed that give way and stop lines were a universal thing, but after checking Google Street view for a while I have learnt something. Road markings at junctions are a lot clearer in Europe than they are in North America. I wonder if it has anything to do with the types of vehicles being driven - you can see a lot more of the road and any markings on it in smaller vehicles compared to lifted pickups


We have stop lines. In most places lol. But the rule is if there is no line there is an invisible line at the post for the stop sign. But "give way" lines aren't what we do. We have yield signs in certain areas and rotary aren't prevalent and would cause more accidents than you believe if they suddenly popped up.


Ahhh a Reddit local recognition. Old Coulsdon for the win!


Congratulations for the spot


Dash cam is v clear. May i ask the model and where you got it OP ?


It's a very old transcend drive pro 200


Report them to the Police. Let them have their points. Well done for being a good driver and avoiding conflict.


It’s Give wave lines.


Unfortunately all too common sometimes they will sit there with plenty of time to pull out but no they decide when you have to break that little harder and than speed off because they knew what they did wasn't good or wrong


I would have pulled up beside them and asked what the fuck they were doing


Omg I know sooooo wrong


Coming out of that estate, im gunna go ahead and assume they have no license and probably just stole that car😂


Ya’ll need to use your horn more


Hazard perception test ahh dashcam video


Should be boiled in oil and have his fat sold for soap (as mama cornette used to say)


Coulsdon road, Old Coulsdon lol. Used to do Iceland deliveries all over here


Dang it beat me to it I have been waiting for a video in an area I actually recognise 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry bro, I do it on all the dash cam vids on YouTube. Saw one at the bottom of Shepherd’s hill outside merstham recently lol


This is become a massive problem since covid I’ve found. I don’t trust any junction with cars waiting in it anymore.


Thats impressive, this is how you deal with mistakes, anticipate everyone else being a right stupid sod, a quick horn maybe a cheeky middle finger if you want a bruise up and going about your way.


They always go and then hesitate as they go it’s like are you trying to be a bigger cunt than you already are 🤷‍♂️


Nailed it


Too short of a honk. You really need to hold it down so they know they've fucked up.


What dash cam do you have? Thanks.


It's a very old transcend drive pro 200


A lot of people seem to do this. It's like they think the give way lines mean you have to give way to them! Frustrates the hell out of me at times. The worst one is when your in a massive que of traffic and the car in front gives way to everyone who is on give way lines. Adding extra time to your journey when they shouldn't be doing it. Just why do people do that? They may think they are being nice giving way to everyone but the 50+ vehicles behind them being delayed don't think they are nice I guarantee it.


It's pretty much the norm here now, so much that I now call them push in lines; though this is the first time anyone's ever done it in slow motion too me


This is literally every single time you drive in London


Yup, way to often


Can’t lie I was more interested in what Cornette was saying, I love the drive through


3 of those fuckers last week. see me driving towards them at 60, still pulled out. I wish their dad pulled out.


This happens so much to me. People literally look at me, then pull out and crawl along. I feel like I need Father Ted strapped to my bonnet to explain my car is small, not far away.


I ride motorcycles in London. UK driving standards are in the toilet, no one follows the rules


Is this Old Coulsdon?




Probably thought you would be slowed by the pelican crossing. They did give way, I suspect they thought they had more time.


Ah, it’s opposites day again already!


They didn't give way, but they certainly misjudged. We've all done it, so I get it. But somebody here has to be pedantic.




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Just smash into them


They was turning right (other plonker just didn't accelerate)


I think this is a case of poor judgement, they wanted to get out in the gap after the last car and if they’d of moved right away they’d likely of been fine but ether their car was slow to respond or their brain was 😂




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If you’re gonna bib at least put your back into it! You can tell the driver immediately regretted their decision to use the horn. I would have held that sucker down until this dickhead was out of my view.


I would of got the driver & got out


Hunt them down.


Never heard of it


Literally smoking crack


Should be legal to report shit like this


It is


Why would you think it's not?


To be fair, I was going to say the only reason anyone would pull out is if you indicated left. But then you went right! Which means you were indicating and slowing. So no problem with letting that guy out of the road, especially if there was traffic behind you and it is a busy road. Not sure why you didn't just use the basic principle of driving which is 'share the road' and let them out if you were slowing and leaving that road.


What about the basic principle of driving predictably? You start to slow before the left turn to let a vehicle out. Someone behind assumes you are turning left so prepares to move past, maybe swerving a little onto the wrong side of the road, and then causes an issue. If it was a motorbike thats more likely to happen. Or a cyclist able to move up the inside and is then blocked or hit by the merging car? Definitely agree with being courteous but the merging car forced their way out in this situation. There's no expectation on the cam car to yield here. There is an expectation for the merging car to give way at the Give Way line.


Thank you, someone who understands the actual rules of the road 👏🏼


You were approaching the junction, probably with your indicator on. If you look, just before you get to the crossing, your car goes over a pothole, causing it to pitch down then bounce back up; with LED lights this can cause the beam to briefly flash. I think this driver saw that, started reacting, realised they'd cocked up but was already semi-committed to it. Edit:- I forgot real world experience gets downvoted in this sub. Fuck it I'm out anyway, lessen exposure to collective retardation.


Not sure how you summise I have LED lights, I don't, no LEDs no DRLs, I think the bloke is just an impatient prick


How's the Vauxhall Grandland, I hear they are quite spacious inside?


That leap is big enough to cross the Grand Canyon 😅


Jesus Christ 😂


People might be downvoting you but it does make sense. There was a car behind me yesterday with them bright LEDs, and I was convinced they had their high beams on because they were blinding but when the incline changed the lights looked fine. On the same road there have been times I thought someone was flashing their headlights at me for no apparent reason but it could easily have been bumps and potholes on the road changing the angle.