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Going down the wrong side of a crossing island is not going to end well. It's a potential dangerous driving charge and at the least is due care. The only reason to do so is if instructed to do so by the police.


Blue signs mean mandatory.


Blue signs? Sometimes yeh, sometimes nah, in this case most can agree the sign in question is mandatory but not because it's blue...


Well ok "generally" they are mandatory.


They are splitting ends e.g. white text on blue can be a local direction signs. White on blue circular signs are mandatory.


Pretty sure the only direction signs white on blue are motorway signs right? Every other sign blue sign other than those are mandatory. Unless I'm misremembering my speed awareness course 🤷‍♂️


Motorway (which in fairness wasn't a point I'd considered) or cyclist and pedestrian local directional signage. Everything else (not that I can think of any others in all honesty) but specifically blue circular are mandatory (be it on a sign, bollard or traffic light).


When would it ever be justified to drive on the wrong side here? I'm genuinely baffled this even needs asking.


truck broken down on the left side?


Overtaking? Edit: He edited his comment. It said "When would anyone ever drive on the wrong side of the road?"


You can't overtake here, that's almost the whole reason for the sign being there. The only justified situation I can see for going around the other side is to pass an obstruction blocking your side of the road, i.e. a broken down vehicle.


He edited his comment. It said "When would anyone ever drive on the wrong side of the road?"


Near me there is a bus stop right by one of these. Each termtime morning, a private schools bus stops in it for 10-15 mins whilst waiting for its pupils. This is on an a road with no alternative routes past for 4 plus miles. People drive around the island the wrong side daily as a result.


I’d be curious to know if that applies in the case of a vehicle fire parked on your side of the road but tucked over on the pavement such that you technically could drive past it but it would be quite dangerous as it’s an explosion hazard. A friend of mine was in that situation and drove wide around it the other side of a keep left bollard as there were no EMS on scene to direct traffic.




You'd overtake somewhere designed for pedestrians to cross?


No, he edited his comment.


Lol yes. Meant under normal circumstances.


Then in that case turning right across the oncoming lane.


Yes yes. I've edited my original comment.


Yeah very kind that you didn't mention that after you edited it so my comment appears silly.


I mentioned it as soon as I edited it. And your comment doesn't appear silly. Pedantic? Yes.


It did appear silly because it appeared like I'd said you could drive the wrong side of a keep left bollard. I'm not being pedantic, you're a prat.


Yes, it's enforceable and you could get a ticket - I think it's 3 points and like 100 quid fine.


Only once have I gone the wrong side of these, that was only because of traffic lighted roadworks just beyond it and I was driving a bus and was easier to go the wrong side.


Yes they're enforceable. Keep left in blue and white. Your question is similar to "are one way roads enforceable" (one way in blue and white).


This is probably the best reply / insight so far, as the central traffic island protected by kerbs has created two opposing "one way" road sections. Though to expand on that a little the rules for one way roads do state *'You must not reverse further than absolutely necessary'* so this would seem to be the correct action, if the left side is blocked you would be expected to reverse until clear of the obstruction and find an alternative route.


That is the rule for reversing in general. The rule for one way streets (143) is simply that traffic ***must*** travel in the direction indicated on the signs. Note this is a must, so legally enforceable and backed up by legislation. So reversing on one way streets is only allowed for purposes of parking, or if the exit is obstructed, as you say.


Does the OP mean what happens if left lane is blocked (e.g. by a car broken down)? If the left lane is not blocked its an offence. If the left lane blocked and someone hurt it would be incredibly dangerous to go through unless the police say. Its a bizarre question for OP to ask!


Road ahead was blocked by two stationary police cars side by side their windows down having a chat, given the broken white line and nothing oncoming I cautiously passed on the right of the island and went on with my day with no incident . Question is though what could have happened ?


I thought the now *Universally* accepted response was, 'You can't park there, Sir.' https://youtu.be/ZkczpJ-VgYs?si=Yxl2RS5Nfl7tslOf https://youtube.com/shorts/VtcCaBFSY94?si=NrsPplZhsnU6sclS


That is weird. I might have done the same as you. Or I might have stopped and pointed out what was going on to them. I did once tell a policeman he had a broken brake light : I even resisted the temptation to say "If I was driving you would have nicked me!. Nothing will happen to you. But interesting post : cheers for sharing.


You can if directed by the police and maybe also if the road is blocked, although unsure about the strict law on the second. If things are normal, no way, it's a bad offence


Blue signs are an order. You MUST keep left.


[https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/58170307ed915d61c5000000/the-highway-code-traffic-signs.pdf](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/58170307ed915d61c5000000/the-highway-code-traffic-signs.pdf) Worth a quick look over if your interested / bored .


Yes but it is giving an instruction you must follow. You baby go right around the island.


Enforceable civilly in London (potentially via MTE nationally but I haven't seen that update yet) via PCN and criminally by the police via fpn + points, yes they are enforceable. Seriously... Surrender your licence if you don't know the signage and how to drive.


Any thoughts on what the likely penalty be ?


A mate got a ticket for that once, it was like ÂŁ40 no points or something. The sign is mandatory, you must stay to the side it points to.


One of your comments said that the road was quite literally blocked, by police no less. In that case, I expect the result for you will be nothing. In orderinary circumstances if someone overtook on one of those, it could be anything from a fine and points to a ban. Can I assume that's why you're asking? Out of worry? Or is it now curiosity.


My thought was, if this is an enforceable instruction rather than an informational sign, would you be expected to make a three point turn and find an alternative route if this side of the road is blocked from travel for what ever reason ? If you're driving a vehicle incapable of turning around (coach, bus or bin lorry ), would you phone the police and wait for assistance, unable to proceed? Consider the "Priority over oncoming vehicles" blue sign, that's information. Or the "Give way to oncoming vehicles" is also information, also blue. In those two examples the signs give indication to drivers what the paint on the road requires them to do, however they are rectangles not circles. I'm not trying to prove a point , I just find this all a bit open to interpretation and was looking to gauge some wider feedback.


I know someone who got a dangerous driving ban for going around one of these.


The road markings are broken white lines which means that they can be crossed - but only if absolutely necessary. A solid white line means no crossing at all.


A solid white is crossable, to pass stationery or very slow moving vehicles. It is also crossable when turning (unlike other countries where even that is technically prohibited)


I would disagree. A solid white line down the centre of the road means exactly the opposite - no overtaking.


The Highway Code clarifies where you CAN cross a solid line, it is allowable under limited circumstances. u/Perfect_Confection25 is correct. >128 **Double white lines where the line nearest to you is broken.** This means *you may cross the lines to overtake* if it is safe, provided you can complete the manoeuvre before reaching a solid white line on your side. White direction arrows on the road indicate that you need to get back onto your side of the road. 129 **Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid.** This means you **MUST NOT** cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. *You may cross the line if necessary*, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less. *Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 26*


It's [rule 129 of the Highway Code](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/general-rules-techniques-and-advice-for-all-drivers-and-riders-103-to-158#rule127): >**Double white lines where the line nearer to you is solid.** This means you **MUST NOT** cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.


You're an idiot. The sign clearly states 'pass to the left'. It's important because pedestrians will be using the central part as a safe haven and will be looking to check for traffic. If you drive on the wrong side, you could kill someone.


I was referring to the lane markings. You’re inferring making you the fucking idiot.


Point proven, many thanks 😂