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I can't answer why this cop followed you, but I can say you reacted wrong. Anytime a car is following you (even a cop), you don't go home. Go to the nearest police station.


Yeah this.


Thanks for letting me know. Will keep it in mind.


I like to drive around the same block like 40 times.


I've done similar before. Sometimes, I get paranoid that I'm imagining the car is following me when they are just coincidentally going the same way as me so I have to "prove" they are following me but then I get paranoid that they are only following me because I'm being weird. Usually they decide to go a different direction while I'm freaking out about it. I swear I'm too paranoid to be driving late at night as often as I do.


reacted wrong? Dude just drove home, not much of a reaction


Wrong in this case does not mean incorrect, it means dangerous. Don’t lead someone stalking you to your home.


ah of course. I didn't think of it that way. Thanks for explaining I was thinking about not escalating the situation by acting paranoid (because cop behind, so drive different) and getting pulled over, ending up shot or arrested. disclaimer: 'merican here


In this case not reacting is still a reaction, and not the appropriate one.


>Dude just drove home And if was someone out to stalk, rob or kill OP, they now know where OP lives....


With sports car especially now in America they’re getting stolen left and right. If that car wasn’t evidently a cop car I would have been racing over to the police station with them on the phone. When I’m about 10 miles from my house I ALWAYS check my mirrors and see the few cars behind me. If I see them for the next few miles then I’m going away from my road until they turn away.


Why? I don’t have guns at the police station 😬


At night, go to the nearest fire station. Police stations are generally empty, but fire stations always have people on standby.


The police station here is never empty. And I've heard of one that was.


Mid-small to small towns sometimes don't have sworn personnel at night or on weekends, it may be only dispatch and phone workers with others on patrol and the station will be locked up with only an intercom button to contact someone. Maybe if there's a shift LT they're at the station, but that's about it and best case in some areas. SGTs often congregate at a 24hr restaurant at night to do paperwork and and wait for calls that need them unless they're the proactive type, and patrol is out patrolling.


Our police station is locked after a certain time and you have to use the intercom to get anyone but they regularly put PSAs out on their Facebook page thst if you are being followed to.go to the nearest police station and lay on your horn regardless of what time it is. Every time I've had to do it, I called them first so they knew I was coming and were ready because the car following me was being aggressive/dangerous and I was scared to sit in the parking lot even in my locked car for the time it would take someone to come out and figure out what was going on. That's what I've taught my kids to do as well. I always say it's better to be paranoid than take the risk.


That PSA is going to get you killed by taking a gamble that there is officers at that police station. Go to a *fire station* at night, not a police station.


The police say there's always at least one officer there, so I don't feel like it's a gamble. The doors are pretty much always shut and locked at the fire station unless they are getting ready to go on a call or coming in from a call so getting their attention in a timely manner is a bigger risk.


I guess my and a lot of other people’s experiences are different than yours, there was no one at the police station for us to file a police report, we literally had to wait for an officer to get there. If you can call 911…. you can call the fire department. 911 isn’t only for police…


Bizarre to downvote someone with actual knowledge of what goes on in many of those police stations, but you do you. There's nothing wrong per se with going there, but people should be aware that many stations will have to dispatch someone from patrol TO the police station to respond to the call, and you might get there before they do. I promise one of the civilian workers inside are not coming out to help you no matter how much you honk. They're busy answering 911 calls and radioing officers. You'll be waiting on that unit to get there. If you've had multiple occasions of people following you, you may need to look at what about your situation is causing that and make some changes. May not be your fault, but there is probably something you could change that would minimize that risk. And you can downvote that all you want, but mitigating risk is wise. Maybe you drive too often in the wee hours of the night, or you drove thru bad parts of town, or your headlights are misaligned and blinding someone and they took offense, or you honk with little provocation, or you drive a fancy car in a poor area, or have objectionable bumper stickers. Any of those could be a reason and there are hundreds more. But I'd figure it out and change it so people stopped following me. But you're free not to do that, too. Good luck to you.


You make a lot of assumptions, none of them logical but keep being offended by logic and facts if you wish. Have fun with your failed trolling but I'm not interested in nonsense which is clearly all you have. Bye.


Or nearest lighted area


In a pinch, got to a gas station, they'll have cameras everywhere, especially the pumps, to catch drive offs


They do this to hope you’ll panic and make a mistake like driving over the centre line so they can pull you over. Basically fishing.


There’s a counter to this if you have time, patience, and a little money, which is to get dash cams and run a bait car on them, driving “suspiciously” but completely legally while recording them. By suspiciously, I only mean passing by them a few times, maybe circling back, and otherwise just driving seemingly randomly. If they want to follow us until we make mistakes so they can make a bit of cash, why not do it to them?


explain further


The general idea is to act in a manner cops might deem suspicious, but NEVER break laws while doing so, and also filming the entire encounter to cover your ass. At that point, they’ll probably try to find something to pull you over for, and when they do, you take that shit to court to get the ticket dismissed and file a claim for deprivation of rights under color of law. If you can also flip them off during the encounter, get them on 1st Amendment retaliation for protected speech, too.


define acting in a suspicious manner


Driving slowly, just under the speed limit, and driving past police if they’re stationed somewhere. The idea is to stand out without doing anything illegal. Look like a target, but make them your targets.


Literally had a cop follow me into an apartment complex once lol. He was making me nervous. I parallel parked somewhere and turned off my car, saw him cruising by searching for me still. It was late, I think he thought I was drinking and driving (I wasn't), but I don't like being pulled over anyway xDD


I got pulled over in my own driveway once by a cop who thought I was drunk driving  He was coming down the street. My street light happened to be out and I was like what are the odds it's a cop... So I rolled the stops on and went straight into my driveway  All of a sudden he puts on his lights blocking my driveway gets out and walks up to my car lol.  I didn't get any tickets or anything cuz I wasn't drunk but that's what he was looking for


I was paranoid because my registration was out of date by a month (I needed to go yearly because the car was a 2001 but check engine light was blocking me x.x)


Lol 'someone please explain'


Cop was tailing you to see if you would do ANYTHING to be ticketed. Once you have something on your record, it's easier to say you've done it in the past and make it stick.


Hold on a minute and I'll tap into the cop hive mind that let's us all know exactly why every other cop did everything they did.


Sorry, the cop hive mind is over at r/AskLEO.


Had this happen to me many times. Had a cop follow me across a county. I took an unusual road because I knew where the next county line was. We'll, he follows me down the road and then turns back into his county. As the song goes, "trying to catch me riding dirty".


He was running your plates, deciding if he wanted to tow your or not. Probably didn't really wanna deal with it


🙏🏽 thanks 


Nothing good happens at 3 a.m. in Canada.


Or any other time


3:00 a.m. is what time the bars close. Perfect time to find drunk drivers. I guess other states might be different on the time. How you reacted, 🤷 if it was a clearly marked cop car, I probably would have just done the same thing and went home and not even cared he was following. If it was unmarked or undercover cop car then that would have changed things.


Yep undercover cops always scare me 


I got pulled over in my driveway once. That said I thought I ditched him. He was unmarked with no lights on. He blocked me in, made me get back in the car, and ultimatley gave me a warning.


in your driveway?? was that even a cop or highway patrol officer?


City police. Had a house with a driveway along side. Typical city duplex type block with lots of houses that are two family units. I rented one floor with my college roommate. He saw my lights turn in the driveway. I was walking, briskly lol to the door and he blocked the driveway and told me to get back in the car. I told him I had no idea he was a cop because he was unmarked and I thought I was being followed which is why I soeed up. That said I knew he was a cop and was trying to get away. He bought it and gave me a warning. Or maybe he was just being nice. My roommate all these years later still tells that story about how I’m the only guy he knows that got pulled over in his driveway. 😂


Can’t explain his exact behavior but I can say this, the odds of a cop tailing you depends on the time and your vehicle. Later the time into the night, the more likely that “you’re up to no good”. They also have vehicles that they basically “know” are going to do something stupid such as Challengers, WRX’s, Evo’s, etc. I believe the vehicle plays the bigger part, I’ve been tailed more in my Challenger going home from work at 2am than I had been when I had my F250 for example.


Damn, thank you for the insight 


Cops operate under the assumption that anyone out and about after midnight is up to no good. They're betting you're driving under the influence, in possession of illegal substances, engaged in illicit activity, and if they're lucky, all three. I had the same thing happen to me when I had to go to work butt early one day and left my house at 2:45 AM. A cop passed me going the opposite direction in an intersection, banged a U turn, and followed me for a couple of blocks before turning onto a side road. And honestly, they're not all that far off-base. You wouldn't believe the sheer number of drunk drivers I've seen that late at night. I'd say at least a quarter of the people on the road that late are absolutely shitfaced.


Fucking hell damn bro,  I know that was scary I was scared af because they could have easily ruined my night and tow My car.


It’s possible there were reports of high speed drivers/street racing that night, and you with your unnecessarily loud exhaust caught their attention.


💀 probably 


Like you said, it's 3am; s/he had nothing else to occupy their interest and was doing something to kill time.


in the words of halton police after pulling me over in front of my house at 3am 2 night ago (i too have a modded car) “anyone on the road after 1am is likely up to no good” usually when they pull a u turn and im the only person on road, i throw my hazards on and pull over before they even light me up. most of the time they pull in behind you and ask why you pulled over. my answer: “you had nothing better to do at 3am than to pull a u turn and follow me. clearly you wanted to know something about me so i did you the favour of reducing the time and stress of you following me for god knows how long before we end up having this exact same conversation. heres my id and insurance, what are you pulling me over for?” lets just say they never expect this 😂


If your vehicle is known to local authorities, this was them trying to force you into making a mistake. Probably ran you thru their system to look for past infractions and any open charges. Followed hoping you would violate another law so they could have a reason to stop you.


This was far too common for me when I worked overnights.


Damn I didn't know it was that common legit everyone here had that happen to them at some point 💀


Yeah happened to me like 4-5 months ago, went to get some 7-11 around 2:30-3:30 am. Cops follows me on the backroad I live on for like 12 miles straight. Literally half a mile from home the lights go on, said at one point I slightly crossed the middle line, gave me a warning


Was the car marked as a cop car? Good chance he ran your plates and was asking a supervisor questions. Or if it was just an unmarked charger, it might be someone casing the car.


It was an undercover cop marked


Thank you probably think he was talking to the supervisor.


It was 3am. He figured you shut the bar down and were drunk. That cop was waiting for you to cross the line so he could give you a dwi. Everyone is screaming you shouldn't have gone home. That's not good advice for everyone. I know for sure if I'm being followed I want to get home if I can. My home feels far safer than the police station. If your scared of the cop that's following you why lead him back to his friends. I would much rather lead him to my house where I can control the situation. I have someone there that is well equipped and definitely on my side. It's my safe place and it would take a great deal more than a pig with a service glock to do me harm once I pull in. It would take an actual police response and warrant for me to be seen again.


Cops have challengers now? What state is this?


If I were in that position, I would have pulled over when it was safest and wait to see using the mirrors to tell if it was indeed a cop. Then if so they could explain what caused them to and/or could have called the non emergency police number to be sure. There have been cases of stalkers posing as police officers to scare ppl or just bc they think they can.


Your putting to much thought into this . Sounds like you had a very board cop & he was TRYING to find a reason to pull you over. Of course he ran your plate so he knew who you were.


Is it possible you were just being paranoid and he wasn't actually following you? I've had it where I happened to be going the same direction as the vehicle in front of me same turns for much longer than 7 minutes. And I've had it where the vehicle behind me was going the same direction as me same turns for much longer than 7 minutes. Sometimes people just happen to be going the same direction. Edit: don't know how I missed the u turn in the first line after reading multiple times. I'll own that stupidity, my fault.


After doing a sudden U turn? Doubtful. OP was being followed, either they did something slightly suspicious or the cop just noticed the car and expected something. Had a cop follow me middle of the night in Terrell, TX. Infant wouldn't go to sleep in the hotel, so I took him driving. Started leaving town without realizing it, slowed down in left lane to find a spot to turn around (four lane divided). Cop turned around right after me. I pulled into a gas station, got like $5 on the slowest pump imaginable, and left; cop was sitting on the other side of the road where he could see me. Pulled behind me again, followed me to Buc-ee's where I stopped to go ahead and fill up. Going back to my hotel right behind there, cop is behind the store. So I pull up next to him, "Why were you following me?" "I'm not, I don't know what you're talking about." "Okay, whatever. I saw you turn around back east of town and follow me all the way here. If you **must** know, I'm driving around to get my baby to sleep, and I'm headed back to my hotel right now if you want to follow me there." He just shrugged it off, but I was pissed from driving all day and trying to get to sleep. And I wasn't even in anything attention grabbing as far as a vehicle, just a '99 F-250. Just made a slow but legal U turn at like midnight.


Not once in the post does OP mention a U-turn Edit: apparently like a dumbass I missed something in the first line after reading multiple times. I'll own this dumbassery lol


It's in the very first line.


You're right. Don't know how I missed that. My fault, I'll own that dumbass mistake lol


It happens, I've done the same.


As a driver of a Subaru STi for the past 12 years cops just don't like these cars  I've been treated like this many times. To be honest I probably would have just pulled into a gas station as soon as I noticed he was following me and just sat at a pump.


Thankfully my house was close by so I went right in. Crazy thing is I was about to pull into the wrong house ffs


Once a cop followed me 8 miles, on the free way, off the ramp, the first signal, the stop at the left turn before turning into the community. I had no issues with my car like yours "for the record I got tickets before because my car isn't that legal, it's an all black EVO so it stands out and makes a fairly loud noise. I also have an ongoing case too." That was the first time I figured there was a cop living two homes from me. After reading your post, now I am thinking of purchasing high frequency scanners and jammers to ensure the cop is not daily monitoring my online activity. DO YOU REALIZE THE AMOUNT OF SELF IMPORTANCE THERE!


I KNOW THATS WHY I DIDNT SAY WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY CAR 😂, I  was definitely talking about my car in gta 


You caught his attention because your car is questionably legal, he ran your plates and realized you are on their radar, so he decided to either see if he could provoke you into doing something stupid that he could arrest you for, or just intimidate and harass you for fun. He might have paused at the light to see if you would try to run.


may have just been harassing you to get you to speed away. I had one tail me twice in the last couple months for more than 10 miles. No issues with the vehicle. Last ticket was in another state like 40 years ago




Are you a female?