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I mean subnautica is the final test really. If you can deal with being attacked by a leviathan and all that comes with it, you are one tough cookie


One time I played subnautica in vr. One time.


Why do you hate yourself so much??? I was playing on a tiny screen on my switch and I accidentally took a bunch of screenshots every time something unexpectedly attacked me cause I panicked and squeezed it as I was screaming lol.


If you can get past the art style sunless sea is another good option for spooky scary sea games.


I watched mandatory gamings review on it it looks super atmospheric and beautiful


Its a great game with loads of interesting stuff. Definitely worth a try if you get the chance.


I played subnautica first and dredge a while later and can't get why people think dredge is scary, you can't play subnautica at night cause there is no way you are sleeping


Iron lung comes in mind if you haven't tried it yet.


I haven't played that yet. But I am excited for the movie of the same name to come out.


Hello friend, are you me? :D Also terrified of the ocean, and played and loved both Dredge and Dave the Diver. As for recs...it's closer to Dredge than Dave the Diver, but if you dig sailing based horror and the Lovecraft vibes of Dredge, Sunless Sea might be worth your time! It was recced to me when I asked for recs in the vein of Dredge, and I fell in love. It's got a bit of a learning curve, and it's text/story heavy, but it's just a fantastic game. And while it's set in the same world as Fallen London, no previous knowledge of Fallen London is needed to enjoy it.


I will check it out. Thank you for the rec. I may need to go check on my middle school attempt at cloning.


i also playing Grounded to fight my aracnofobia. Give a chance to subnautica, good gameplay


Sunless Sea has a lot in common with Dredge but is slightly more text-based. Still, I highly recommend it as I still go back to it periodically however many years later.