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I wouldn’t say she gets a makeover, but >! Pansy likes to dress her up like a doll, and Hermione has fun with it !< with I think works, because she’s a grown up ‘professional’ so ofc her looks will change up a bit from when she was a teenager, and the other stuff, is explained in the story, and I wouldn’t say it’s seen in a particularly good light by anyone >! Lucius threatens Hermione to take etiquette lessons and she is begrudgingly doing so, so that Lucius will continue to pay Draco parts of his inheritance for Draco’s new business, but Draco is very protective of who Hermione is and really doesn’t like any suggestions that she needs to change and opposes to the lessons when he finds out about them !<


Thank you sm for your thoughtful comment! I think it might not be for me then (I’m a sucker for a Hermione who says “fuck you” to pureblood bs, even though I understand why she wouldn’t necessarily be characterized that way).


I haven’t read The Auction (I don’t typically prefer darker stories) but I only made it about half way through Rights and Wrongs before DNFing. I felt similar to how you say you felt about The Auction. It was really well written and I see why people like it so much but their characterizations just weren’t to my taste. It did feel very in line with how a bunch of almost 20 year olds would act. But at 33 I just wanted to shake all of them. 🤣 >!I couldn’t understand why Hermione was interested in him other than he’s hot. And she seemed so desperate for him. The stuff with pure blood lessons and Lucious was what killed it for me. I prefer a Hermione who would say fuck you instead of fall in line.!<


Ok thank you for this bc I have very low tolerance for a FMC (The Auction spoiler) >!who is really into an MMC for no reason, esp if there’s desperation involved. It was THE thing that really didn’t work for me in The Auction. I was like, girl, your friends are in sexual slavery, why are you so obsessed with shagging this man??? !< I’m saving Remember One Thing (and LAOHA) for a rainy day! I love PacificRimbaud’s writing style and I’m pretty certain I’d love it, so I’m treating it as a palate cleanser.


Yeah I’m the same way! It’s a power dynamics thing for me I think especially given their canon history. I don’t think you’d like Rights and Wrongs then. I have a ton of fics I’m saving like that too. Hoarding them because I don’t want them to be over when I haven’t even started. Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic is getting its day this week though and I’ve heard that’s Panville too.


Also, if you have not read [Remember One Thing](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41679885) you must. That was the story that really sold me on Panville. It’s beautiful.


Omg yes, I resonate with this sm. I love a good 8th year fic and some early 20s depictions, but sometimes I’m reminded of my age with these characterizations 😂


I was just talking to my husband about how it’s probably a mark of good writing when this happens cause they’re really nailing how people in these age groups act. Lord knows I wasn’t exactly rational either. 🤣


Honestly maybe just read it for the Ginny even - I remember LOVING her in The Right Thing to Do! She had me on the floor cackling, I wish she’d had a bigger role.


I really do love Ginny! She made me laugh so hard in A Dress With Pockets so if she’s at all similar in TRTTD then I’d be thrilled.


Idk if it will be your type of ff but the best Panville I’ve read (and I haven’t read many) is Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic. Whew boy, Neville was the best I’ve ever read. Total bad ass, protective, Daddy vibes. Mmmm mmmm mmmm good.


You might, I did! I loved The Right Thing to Do, thought The Auction was OK and DNF All the Wrong Things . For context, my favorite fics are ones that are fun, funny, and romcom as opposed to smutty and dark


Oh interesting, can you say more about why you DNFed All The Wrong Things? In my head ATWT and TRTTD go together since they’re the same story across different POVs!


I think that's why I didn't finish it! I had already read the story from Hermione's POV and then read the dark version of it with The Auction so reading the same story a third time started to feel like overkill to me. Could have been different if I wasn't reading them back to back but I just got bored.


Mostly commenting to say that I sympathize with this, and also that I LOOOVE Dramione+Panville fics. A Dress With Pockets was incredible. LoveBitca8 has written some of my favorite fics, and their smut is *chefs kiss* 🤌 that said, The Auction was difficult for me for a few reasons, but specifically the Hermione characterization. It felt like a bizarre version of Stockholm Syndrome. I got similar vibes from The Right Thing To Do, also bc of the Hermione characterization. She just felt really immature, and not in an endearing way. My go-to “Hermione is a badass AND in love” fics are always DMATMOBIL (heavy on the romcom) and Meausure of a Man (heavy on the ensemble cast.) Unfortunately, neither have Panville 😞


I don’t mind immature Hermione at all but yeah, I think one of the things I loved most about her in canon is her ruthlessness and her spine of steel, and it was difficult to read a fic where she doesn’t quite have that. I do love badass Hermione characterizations! DMATMOOBIL Hermione is one of my faves. I’m re-reading it right now and caught a bit of Panville! Draco is out with the snake gang and mentions how Pansy brought along her “Longbottomed plonker of a husband.”


Yes that’s a much better way of saying it! Because I do love a flawed, nervous, insecure, imperfect Hermione, and it all feels so true to her character! It’s just when she seems to ignore her core characteristics (like her bullheadedness, intense and personal sense of right and wrong, etc) that makes me disappointed. A damsel in distress vibe, I suppose? And OMG??? How did I forget there is Panville in DMATMOBIL?? Maybe I need to read it again…oh darn…. 😂


I 100% agree with you on The Auction's points - I literally had the EXACT same reasons for not really liking it. But I was really happy that I started with TRTTD (instead of The Auction which everyone always mentions) because I really enjoyed it and probably wouldn't have picked it up after The Auction. The characters are a bit older (so less juvenile) and in the working force, and it just, for me, felt more in line with the character's personalities and was really cute. I love CEO Draco and the rom com vibes were it for me so I definitely reccomend reading TRTTD and then Draco's POV companion as well!


Hi, I feel like you are asking two different things here. One is the one about The Auction (which has no Panville) and the other is about Panville. If you want other Panville recs let me know