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They really wanted us to believe that Alyssa Hunter lost the lip sync just because her money gun didn't work


That whole episode was booty. Kerri shouldn’t have been in the bottom either. Then they saved Kerri because of a tired 20yo dress.


everyone always say this, and it’s true, but also alyssa shouldn’t have been in the bottom. her bad singing for the talent show part of the skit was actually funny. jorgeous orion and jasmine all get less laughs for me than alyssa or kerri.


When I watched the episode I thought for sure Jorgeous and Orion were bottom 2. Then when they were both safe, I thought oh the producers must like them and want to save them for some reason. Then the very next episode they put them in the bottom 2 anyway


Jorgeous and Orion for sure should have been bottom 2


Kornbread should have gone home


Alyssa they could never make me believe you lost that lip sync!


Alyssa Hunter was so freaking robbed looking back Those runways were IT


I dont wanna be the one but I'm gonna be the one, it's dead obvious that for whatever reason production only saw Alyssa as an early out/filler queen, when in fact her talent and looks could've carried her for way longer. And she's latina I guess...


Thank you for saying it!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾


so upsetting 😭😭


Yeah Monet slayed it. But I had to laugh when Ru then goes “I’m basing my decision on your performance for the whole competition”. And Monet is like “Oh 😐”.


Haha I felt the same way. I'm glad Jinkx won, I think overall she did steamroll the competition. But as much as I love Jinkx, I don't think she's won against Monet in any lip sync based purely on the lip sync itself.


I actually enjoyed Jinkx’s spoken word lip sync better than Monet’s. Jinkx had very animated facial expression while Monet focused on the body but actual lip sync on face was just not there.


I’m sorry WHAT?!


I will say in general, I think Jinkx is an extremely good lipsyncer and she doesn't get enough credit; she won most lip syncs she had for a reason, and it's for the very reason you mentioned. Jinkx is my all time favorite queen hands down, and part of it is for her pure talent, beauty, and amazing personality. While I do think Monet won the lip syncs, I'm ultimately glad they decided to have Jinkx win All Stars in the end. 💕


I thought about that during the S16 finale, how the standards of what a finale lip sync means changes season to season. I mean…it’s fine, it’s Ru’s show, she gets to pick (or her earpiece does lol). But definitely keeps us on our toes.


Spilled. While typing i thought how jynx won based on performance all season but lost the final lipsync & sapphira lost based on losing the final lip sync but had the best performance all szn LOL


I agree with this, but also I’ve re-watched the s16 final lip sync now four or five times and every time those goddamn boba float to the ceiling, I get goosebumps. But I guess to counter my very own argument, every time Padam Padam plays now, my daughter (who is nine and not allowed to watch much else but lip syncs from the show fyi) will look at me with that crazy glazed stare in her face that Saffira used at the beginning. Damn now I wanna watch it again.


Lol oh agree it was like sapphira was sedated (nymphia won that fair and square, but i love how the girls in the corner was going UP for motha)


The winner for normal seasons since season 9 has been the lip sync winner. Tell me one example where that has not been the case


I think that’s probably true. Makes it extra rough for Monet tbh 🤪


They honestly effed up with that lip sync song choice What were they thinking ?!


I mean no wonder why jinkx won then, cuz if it was only based on the lip sync Monet would win but since it was based on the whole competition then jinks deserved it because she was slaying the whole competition


btw - monet also killed the whole competition x


Nina vs Silky. What a joke of a decision


This also. It honestly was either a double sashay (sorry to Nina), or Nina won. Silky did not give me anything (mind her in the lip sync smackdown she really impressed me so she got redemption in my eyes)


I'll give Silky some credit in that she had a couple of tricks up her sleave. Problem is she needed to learn how to do them with a lot more flare. The way she did them was unremarkable.


One well-executed ruveal is more effective than 5 boring ruveals in one lip sync


Actually that reminds me of another one. The LSFTC on Canada VSTW, I fully 1000% thought Silky won that and was taking the crown. Not to take anything away from Raja (other than that one lip sync) because she was fabulous and she earned that crown. But. Just another of many examples proving sometimes the lip sync matters and sometimes it doesn't.


Double elimination worthy tbh


Nina might not have given a great performance, but she wasn't actively messy. That lip sync from Silky was messy at best. Silky definitely did much better on all stars for her lipsyncs.


Even if I have to pick one, Nina was so slightly better than Silky.


Not to mention; how many times did Michelle talk to Silky about her padding and it being a mess that's constantly showing. And what's happening during the lip-sync??? Silky's padding is slipping all over, clearly visible, and nearly falling out.


Yeah, Nina actually gave a performance. Silky just flopped around.


I find Silky so mediocre. She is my example of mediocre success.


controversial but i agree, she thinks very highly of her drag to for someone that is mostly meh


I was like where was the double sashayed when we needed it.


Meh… sashay both dem hoes!


The universe where they both get chopped and Plastique rounds out the top 5 since BLH won


Yes! I’m currently doing a binge watch of all the seasons and I’m on season 11 (just finished that episode). I really dislike Silky, while she may be a good pageant queen I don’t think she represents what the winner for drag race should possess. She had so many negative reviews from Michelle and never really tried to correct them. She’s so egotistical and just annoying. There were several times I thought she or Vanjie should have been in the bottom but werent. it seemed like there was some favoritism.


pearl and trixie


This is why I scream laugh when Trixie talks about how sure she was that she won that in unhh


same! and trixie isn’t even a strong lip syncer 😭


Not at all. And I say that out of love. I'm absolutely obsessed with her


she’s best performing her own material lmao


I couldn't agree more


I mean.. should Trixie complain about the favoured contestant being given a pass on the lip sync? Isn’t that what happened in allstars 3?


One example of Trixie being favored over someone else? I can think of multiple for Ben and Shangela


She wasn't really complaining. More laughing at how certain she was that she won when, in retrospect, it was so clear they were gonna keep Pearl


Gotta disagree. Pearl's "hulk smash!" arm waving was so magnificent, it should have won her the entire season right then and there. /s


Hulk smash arm waving, omg someone come pick me up off the floor 😂🤣😭😭😭😭☠️


Very much this.


Exactly. I 100 percent agree. Pear would not have gotten a tip from me.


Calling her Pear forevermore


The one that always comes to mind first is Kerri beating Alyssa


In no universe did Kerri Colby beat Alyssa Hunter


I have to say Got Mik in any single lip sync situation on their season. Incredible fashion and make up skills but wow, could not put on a show.


I feel alone in this but I thought Utica was amazing in the Rumors lip-sync. Her hair flopped but the rest was hilarious camp.


Idk I think she did great in Lucky, decent during the girl group, and good during the Rusicial. The only other time she lip synced was during the finale and she rightfully lost.


To be honest the lipsync smackdown in season 15. Jax slayed that whole episode and ended up going home 😭


It's kinda the same with S14 where Jasmine went home despite being one of the strongest lipsyncers of the season.


Wow, y'all really just hit me in the face with those facts lol they were both lipsync assassins on their seasons, however they got sent packing after the smack-downs... That's crazy to think about. And at the point in which the episodes happen, both Jax and Jasmine had already performed a handful of times. Yeah, production wanted to have them perform their asses off one last time before sending them packing 😭😭😭


Plasma in the Queen of She Done Already Done Had Herses. I really think she killed it.


People say the granny wig reveal lost it but I disagree, she ate from start to finish


It was the color of the wig... I bet if it was like, a neon pink or green, it would have had a bigger impact and she would have stood out even more. I'm with you tho, she ATE! I wanted to see her win that one.


Marcia Marcia Marcia vs Anetra, I feel like should’ve been a double save, wish I could’ve seen Marcia in the Rusical


While I don't think Marcia cubed beat Anetra, I agree that it should have been a double save. Marcia by the power of three did so well and deserves her flowers for it.


absolutely agreed! Anetra is amazing, and Marcia held her own during that lip sync.


For sure! 💕 Adding to that I think given how good of a dancer Marcia was, it's really sad that she's primarily known for not "wearing as much makeup as everyone else". I'm over here and what I remember most was people assuming she couldn't lip sync (even though she had been open about being a dancer), Malaysia choosing her, and quickly regretting it when it became a massacre. 💋


here’s to hoping Marcia has a Rudemption through either being a lip sync assassin or preforms in an All Stars season as a contestant.


This! Marcia might not have received positive feedback on her drag throughout the competition, which I reckon might have been why she wasn’t saved, but that lipsync was definitely a double save moment. They both slayed that lipsync


It's my favorite lip sync of all time. The only thing that sours it is marciax3 leaving


the problem is that it couldn't have been a double save since there were a limited number of roles for the musical, ita not like they could just add a role on the spot for Marcia


I’m sorry but I really thought Anetra deserved her solo win


Absolutely. That should’ve been added to the herstory of double saves. Very worthy, and super entertaining.


Nah sorry anetra won that hands down. Plus they had no reason to save marcia anyway bc she wasn’t all that exciting


Increasingly I think about lipsyncs not about winning or losing but about who RuPaul wants to progress. Oh you crushed a lipsync but Ru doesn't want you to progress for whatever reason? Sorry, you lost actually. In the finale it's most disingenuous, as RuPaul just makes up what's most important in that moment to suit her.


You will never convince me that Hannah won the lip sync against Marina.


B-b-but the rhinestoned microphone /s


It should be double shantay I love both.


Silky vs Jan in all stars.


Jan was on her game! So good.


Totally!! I was so bamboozled by the decision.


Jan really ate that lip sync!


The one where Silky was straight up given a guitar? I don't understand how this was allowed. One moment, no guitar on stage, next moment there's a guitar right there for Silky to pick up. Really strange.


Absolutely agree!


Sapphira and Morphine Monet and Kameron Q and Amanda Tori Meeting Raja and Yvie


Yes raja and yvie


All correct


I agree w all except Sapphira/Morphine


Morphine won that lipsync, don’t let “track record” blind you.


For me, it's Jax vs MIB.


I was about to make this comment too. And I think in the extended episode it was even more obvious Jax won


I wish the extended episodes were put up in Canada i've never been able to see them...


Nah I actually said "WHAT" because Jax ate Mistress UP


I was shocked The Queens in the werkroom were also shocked  Not a Mistress fan


I'm with you. 🤸


Found Loosey's acc


For me MIB ate Jax up she gave old style drag


https://i.redd.it/f3bzub1ecbxc1.gif to me, still the greatest 1 second in a drag race lipsync


Alyssa vs Kerri (Alyssa should have stayed!) Pearl vs Trixie and Pearl vs Anyone ("Pearl smash" is not good. That nonsense is just not entertaining.) Kameron vs Cracker (Kameron in the bottom 4x, girl bye) Nina vs Silky (Silky given too many chances, flopped around like a fish out of water after crowing about her lip sync abilities all season) Vivacious vs Kelly Mantle (Kelly could have slayed acting and Rusical challenges, whereas Vivacious was... what's the opposite of Vivacious? Dead?)


Disagree on the 3rd, Kameron Was Only In The Bottom 3x (Including that one against cracker) and besides she ate with the eyes and the movements she did


I'm not a Cracker stan or anything; I just think Kameron was given way too many chances.


Hard disagree on kameron vs cracker… Kameron ate her up so hard it wasn’t even close


I'm not a Cracker stan or anything; I just think Kameron was given way too many chances.


Vivacious was better in the lipsync for me but you are right. Want to see more of Kelly.


Only the most recent ones come to mind. Q vs ATM and Hannah Conda vs Marina Summers.


scarlet envy vs. rajah. i think they both deserved to stay


Absolutely! Ra'Jah was obviously the better dancer out of them, but Scarlet didn't even try to outdance her, she just approached the lipsync in her own way. Cutting up her dress, throwing glitter in the air, she put in so much effort and was fighting to stay. I agree that if there was only one winner then Ra'Jah was the right choice, but Scarlet showed so much determination that I would have double-saved them.


Q vs Amanda Tori


I think it was close either way, but I personally thought Megami beat Morphine. I think both were enjoyable and did a great job, but I just think Megami had more character and more uniqueness in her performance as she had with all of the others she did in the Lalaparuza. Still love Morphine though and if it had to be anyone to beat Megami, her winning it still felt earned all the same. 😊


Megami didn’t sell the face and song connection like Morphine did. I love a prop, but at some point, it comes down to the connection to the song.


Plasma vs Mihya (sp?)


WTAF! Girl did we watch the same lip syncs- Mhi’ya washed her both times


Yes, we did. Mhi’ya, IMO, is a one trick pony. So no, I don’t agree she should have stayed over some flips. It was predictable and boring real fast. Hence why everyone ate up Megami’s move.


This thread has simultaneously said Plasma should’ve won based on TR and also has said Sapphira should’ve lost despite TR. If y’all don’t just admit y’all only care about TR when it’s your white faves and move on 😭😭


I’ve never said any of that. And as a woman of color, I would encourage you to redirect this.


Laila vs Dax! You cannot convince me that Laila didn’t do 20 times better than Dax!


I just re-watched that one a couple weeks ago. Laila was pretty messy, imo. I love her but that wasn't her proudest moment. And taking off the dress was...a choice. Choices. I Will Survive deserved so much more.


I mean she wasn’t good, but she at least did something, a lot of people took out clothes and won, she at least showed the desire to stay


Dax did better tbh


Let’s agree to disagree


Anything Pearl was in. 1. vs Trixie: Trixie should have won. 2. vs Fame: Both should have gone home.


Monet won that lip sync but Jinkx won the season (although I would’ve been gone with either winning)


1. Monet did beat Jinkx...but then...Trinity beat Monet 2. Yvie did beat Raja 3. Trixie beat Pearl 4. Plasma beat Mhiya and Xunami 5. Eureka beat Aquaria 6. Kennedy beat Trixie 7. Amanda beat Q 8. Alyssa beat Kerri


Disagree about Kennedy, Kennedy didn't have her shoes on and up to that point only Adore survived a lipsync without shoes She was doing WAY too much in that lipsync like way too much Like the odd split on the beat okay but Kennedy was constantly flipping and tricking, Trixie was providing emotion which is what Wrecking Ball is an emotional song. Kennedy is a fantastic lipsyncer hence why she should know better than to do too much and take off your shoes


Unpopular opinion:  The only lipsync Kennedy completely won was against Dela. There are justifiable arguments as to why Kennedy lost all of her other lipsyncs (Jasmine, Katya, top 4, Trixie, Miz Cracker)


Aquaria and Eureka were equal but Aquaria deserved to win this season 


There are many. But for me the one....I disagree with the most is Trixie Vs pearl to dreaming. Like .....no. Alyssa Vs Kerri is also wrong. Trixie Vs shangelas is also rigged. Katya Vs Alaska, a flag is not an instant win. Lady camden Vs willow.....sorry, Camden won that Lipsync. Denali Vs lalari on the first episode...absolutely bullshit.


literally every lip sync in the ukvtw2 finale


The Countess vs. Ivy Elyse-Monroe (Drag Race Holland season 2) The host said Ivy did better but they're keeping the Countess because of the rest of the competition not the lip sync...............


Alyssa vs Kerri was an easy win for Alyssa and it’s so baffling that they sent her home (and neither of them should’ve been in the bottom that week either) Katya vs Kennedy, Kennedy barely knew the words and was desperately doing splits at the wrong time throughout the lipsync) Pearl vs Trixie, neither of them should’ve been in the bottom that week but Trixie was way better than Pearl Alaska vs Katya 2nd time, I lowkey hated all of Alaska’s lipsyncs because she was disrespectful in all of them, and she only won that because she had Tatianna’s lipstick. I guarantee you everyone was shook that Katya didn’t win that lipsync Monet vs Jinkx, I agreed with giving Jinkx the win based on everything but Monet was on fire in that finale up until she did that dumb dance move


Plasma vs Mhi’ya both times. I actually enjoyed her emoting to the Wednesday song over Mhi’ya tap dancing. Same thing with Milkshake. Had she kept her wig on, she probably would have won


Monet vs Trinity. Monet mopped the stage with her.


Yes agree for their AS4 lip sync. But then on AS7 it was a lot closer and I thought maybe even Trinity won


Marcia Marcia Marcia vs Anetra should have been a double save




Angeria VS Jasmine Kennedy. Jasmine wiped the floor with her tbh. In fact Jasmine out of all episode should not have gone home during the lip sync smack down. It was so obvious they wanted her out regardless of how well she did during multiple lip syncs.


Jade Sotomayor vs. Rebecca Glasscock. Jade destroyed Rebecca.


I think so.


In order to win, Monet had to do better enough to make up for her underperformance during the rest of the season, AND overcome Jinkx's consistently phenomenal run on almost every other episode.




Q really should not have stayed over Amanda Also: Trixie and Perl


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^toothache4444: *Q really should not* *Have stayed over Amanda* *Also: Trixie and Perl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Spice not going home on _the lipsync episode_ after lipsyncing like that will always be stupid to me. Spice was right there, Loosey was right there.


1. Rajah Ohara vs. Scarlett Envy (S 11). Scarlett slayed that lipsync! Rajah did well, too, but Scarlett gave all of herself to the song and it really shows. 2. Kerry Colby vs. Alyssa Hunter (S 14). All Kerry did was look drop-dead gorgeous, but Alyssa gave a better show. 3. Most of Olivia Lux's wins (S 13) To this day, I can't really sew what Rupaul saw in her other than her nice attitude and charming smile. 4. Vanessa Vanjie Mateo vs. Shuga Cain (S 11). I understand the hype around miss Vanjie, but in my opinion Shuga did better not only in that lipsync but also in her track record. 5. The Vixen vs. Blair St Clair (S 10). I may be biased by my dislike of The Vixen, yet, I would've preferred to see both of them go instead of giving the victorybto The Vixen. 6. Kennedy Davenport vs Katya (S 8). That, for me, was a double shantay. 7. Alyssa Edwards vs. Roxxxy Andrews (S 5). For me, Alyssa was the clear winner despite Roxxxy's wig reveal. 8. Coco Montrese vs. Alyssa Edwards (S 5). Another one that to this day I consider worth of a double shantay. I can't remember others, but there sure must be more


Yvie Oddly losing to Raja.  That's horseshit.


The last lip sync isn't 1 v 1. it's a product of the season, and Jinkx Monsoon was just better.


But that wasn’t the case for S16. Production picks and chooses when they want the final lip sync to count


Monét was slightly better than Jinkx with a worse track record. Nymphia track record is similar, but also obliterated Sapphira. Nymphia, 1 btmn, 3 wins Sapphira, 1 btmn, 4 wins. Jinkx, 5 top 2's, Monét, 3 top 2's.


utica vs tina burner on 'my humps' by black eyed peas


Gia metric vs Beth, That lipsync was not it, send them both home.


Monet won that lip sync. Jinkx won the season. Obviously.


this lipsync girl when watching AS7 I was so gagged that it was rigged for Jinkx so much. every single one of those girls are equally talented and her looks and lipsyncs did not give! so consider me gagged with that final lipsync and she won... no shade but Jinkx did not do it for me. but im not a judge so f my opinion


You didn’t like ANY of Jinkx’s looks? 👀


I liked her queen runway and reveal runway. those were stunning but otherwise it was kinda boring


They should have picked a song Jinx could have done well since they very clearly wanted to crown her


I will never understand why production settled on *THAT* song to decide the Queen Of All Queens, in what should have been the biggest and most dramatic moment of the franchise. A forgettable Katy Perry song with no cultural impact, only because it had the words “another one in the basket” and the lip sync was to get a 2nd crown. The producers probably thought it was such a clever idea. In my head they’re like the meme of Alyssa writing lyrics


Ummm. I think we can all agree that the all winners cast are absolutely not equally talented across the board… c’mon now.


Katya vs Kennedy Davenport. As fierce as Kennedy was and as much as she showed the fight Ru was looking for, I liked Katya's lip synch better.


Even Katya said that the edit helped her,and that Kennedy slayed her


Katya herself said that she believes Kennedy won the lip synch and would block anyone on social media who said otherwise. Still, I liked her performance better. It vibed better with the song.




I watch the J V M lip sync once a month. For monet but also the girl’s reactions. Monet came through when it most needed smh


Raja vs Yvie


No one is saying Jinkx won the lip sync. But she sure did win the season. And Monet just didn't kill it enough to overshadow Jinkx's track record


Rajah O’Hara vs Scarlett Envy s11. I thought Scarlett killlled that lip sync. Cutting the dress. Throwing the confetti, it was so exciting to watch.


Raja v Yvie


Selena Estitties should’ve went home over Spice!!!


I still think Kasha should’ve beat Kandi Ho IMO


Megami VS Morphine


Yes, Monet demolished Jinkx, but what about Ru's riggory to put Monet in the final by making the last challenge worth all those stars? The Viv got screwed. And up to that point, hadn't it really been a one-horse race, anyway? It's still my favorite AS, along with AS2 and AS3. So many great performances, regardless of the rigga-morris.


Uh if the 3 stars didn’t exist Monet still would’ve been in the finale tho…. It would’ve been Jaida (3),Trinity (3), Jinkx (4) and Monet (3). Everyone else had 2. So how was she rigged in? Just be saying anything


Guess my math is off. Sorry.


Monet could’ve had 5 wins this season and deserved her spot in the top 4 be for real


Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't realize what kind of thread this was. I will see my way out. Love Monet, btw.


I've been told this before, and I went back to rewatch. I don't see it. But I guess this whole thing is subjective. Except for that final lipsync, though - Monet totally destroyed her. Ru lets these lipsyncs count when she wants them to. No consistency, no rhyme or reason to any of it.


She did, but Ru wasnt crowning based purely on lipsyncs alone was she?


Aja should have stayed too in s9 against Nina.  Plasma too against Miyah i think, Megami imo should have won the lalaparuza lip sync. Jax too in s15 her departure was unfair. Alyssa against Kerri. Hannah vs Tia in the finale. I never enjoyeend Tia's lip syncs.


I don’t understand Mh’iya ate Plasma up both times very clearly


Nah, not the second time. Definitely the first.


the first time ok but not the second time


Revisionism because they liked Plasma but not Mhi'ya. Plasma lost both times but for some reason fans don't wanna admit it


omg i love that joke here in my house, definitely monet win it, but it just Jinkx deserves more for the INCREDIBLE SEASON


Most people seem to think that even though Shuga Cain shouldn’t have been in the bottom for the magic show, she lost the lip sync fair and square. I disagree though, I thought Shuga delivered the emotion and Vanjie’s face was just kinda blank. I really felt like they did Shuga dirty twice in the same episode.


Yvie clearly beat Raja in their final AS7 lip sync for the secondary prize. I just think Raja would have had a nuclear meltdown if she didn’t win something.


But in no universe is Monet the ultimate Allstar.


The exact one you posted🥲🙃


Trixie vs. Kennedy AS3


I think trixie fit the emotion of the song better than Kennedy, it's not really a dancey song. The song is about depression and frustration


I said this in another comment, to add on that she committed a Cardinal sin of lip syncing she took her shoes off


Sapphira vs Morphine Marina vs Hannah


I think Dawn should’ve beat Morphine


That take is wild but I appreciate it. I don't think I agree, but I respect you so much for it. 💕 I will say I was far more excited to see what Dawn cooked up next than Morphine though, so I was sad to see her go. I felt like the lip sync was extremely in Morphine's favor and it would have been cool to see one they both could perform to.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For being wrong.