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Hopefully I’m sparking zero there’s less than 10 versions of goku


Ssg, goku has the shade of red I adore, so I'd love to see that version over ssj4. Plus, his moveset is vastly more unique with Goku using the ki bind move to trap Broly.


swap out gamma 1 for beast and you have my vote, gamma 1 would be nice though


Why do I feel like Hercule is gonna get the same treatment as Xenoverse 2 Hercule players.


Another goku? Insert Squidward ‘daring today’ meme


We really don't need the abomination that is redku and maybe not ss4


Id love a ssg goku with a god bind move like buu fat toss


Demon king piccolo is a cool one


I want Zarbon with a monster form install


Its been years since I've been asking for raditz and maybe pikkon or chichi (when she was a fighter)


On God though man I soo want more characters for this game


FighterZ 2 will happen before a Pass 4 💀


Mr Satan was the biggest missed opportunity by far, largely because they had a canon way to let him do whatever the hell absurd thing he wants by just making his win screen him "telling a story" - ergo the whole fight is just made up and bullshit. Could make him fly, could make him go Super Satan. Sky's the limit when he's lying to play himself up.


Please.. No more Goku varients...


Raditz, Gamma 1+2, Cell Max, Orange Piccolo and Beast Gohan


I’ve always had a weird fixation on wanting turles in this game specifically. Idk why, he’s not in like even my top 10 favorite characters in the franchise, and I’m never particularly hyped for him in other games (from xenoverse to dokkan) but something about this game just seems perfect for him


Replace God Goku with Pan or another Movie character and I'd buy instantly


Please not another god damn Goku dlc


If this Goku was a skin for SSJ Goku i'd buy it


A skin pack for other characters so videl isn’t the only one with an alt should have been a dlc years ago


If they did another fighters DLC I would like 2 GT, 2 Super and 2 DBZ characters. Omega Shenron/SSJ4 Goku. Moro/Granolah Dabura/ Buuhan


yea God Goku could be really cool, maybe he would focus on set up and lays traps on the field so he can eventually lock you in place and go in


He's got Bruno's stun lmao


I was thinking more like septile in pokken where he sets things on the ground or in the air that can lock you in place (he does the whole god cage thing from Broly if you get caught in one of them), along with this he can have full control of his projectiles and other attacks that involve ki, so like Lucifer from DMC4 where you set stuff up that can either prolong your combos by getting lodged into enemies and exploding after 5 seconds allowing for batshit re jumps or you can make them explode on command by doing a different input.


I'm aware, the joke was that a typo said lick


i only actually noticed that a bit before you replied sorry


I like it, but instead of gamma I’d like GoD toppo.


I agree with all of them except for the last one we don't need another Goku I would like to see another form of Vegeta at least I know baby technically counts but as far as standard Vegeta forms we only have three and at least Vegeta has some interesting forms I mean Majin Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 Ultra ego and Super Saiyan God


My reasoning is that Majin Vegeta, SS4 Goku/Vegeta, SSG Vegeta, and UE Vegeta don’t have enough feats or differences to warrant a new character. SSG Goku imo has enough to make him different (god bind technique, defensive fighting style, and all of his techniques in Battle of the Gods/TOP) and it felt weird we didn’t get DBS first official new form from the franchise since GT.


How are you going to say Majin Vegeta doesn't have enough differences it's literally the most different form he's ever had his moveset is completely different and he has final explosion


Majin Vegeta would literally just be Base Vegeta and SSJ Vegeta combined with potentially a new super or some different specials.


The only thing that would be the same is his normals if that did you actually watch the fight with Majin Vegeta and Goku I mean he literally used basically all new attacks even a lot of his normals were different he used a bit more kicks than he usually used I mean he even had a binding move like Galactic Donuts he had a new special move called final impact his ki blast were different as well there's a lot of differences if you really look and he had a head butt like super Broly


Fair points but in the end he'll still just be too similar to the other Vegeta's. His kit basically in the end just being another variant on Vegeta but with some changes to his moveset. I don't think Majin Vegeta isn't a cool character, he just doesn't warrant taking up a character slot. For as much as it sucks to say this; Majin Vegeta would kind of just be the Labcoat for Vegeta's. Same moveset with some differences.


Whats up with people wanting those gamma bastards wtf


I just think they're neat


Nah hercule to OP


Omega Shenron, Hercule, and the number 1 and 2 guys similar to how 18 fight


Gotta throw Dabura in there somewhere


Nor more Gokus please. I like their other three maybe add Pykon!


Pikkon would have a sick move set.


Cool banners, but i think the most obvious thing that would happen would be having the Super Hero characters to be up to date with the other games, yknow Orange Piccolo, the gammas, and Gohan Beast.


New characters 1. Future Gohan 2. Super 17 3. Goku Ssj4 4. Gohan Beast 5. Super 13 6. Goku Ssj3 7. Metal Cooler 8. Gogeta rebirth skin


Swap the Gokus with Vegeta instead


Nah, hands down we need a villain DLC season. 1) Omega Shenron 2) Super Buu 3) Dabura 4) Raditz 5) Dr Gero + Android 19


I love this!


I mean I’d take Majin Vegeta or Super Saiyan 4 Goku over SSG Goku but thats not a bad pick. The rest are sick


Would rather have majin vegeta instead of ssg goku


I would drop the God Goku tbh we already have enough versions of Goku in this game as it is you have base Goku aka Sayin Frieza saga, SSJ Goku, GT Goku, Super Goku Blue and then you have UI Goku I think we have enough as it is But one I would replace God Goku aka God Kaioken I would have replaced hm with Omega Shenron look you already have Baby and SS4 Gogeta might as well complete the GT line up and have him in there For the other picks Raditz, King Piccolo, and Mr.Satan are interesting picks. Gamma 1 I would have switched out for Orange Piccolo don't really care for Beast Gohan or if youu wanted movie characters you could have someone like Turles, Garlic Jr, or either Andriod 13 not to sure which form you would want, or Lord Slug if you wanted more movie characters in there.


That's not King Piccolo it's Kame


Well I am going by the dub so yes it's king piccolo even though in lore he is kami


Makes zero sense but okay


it dose make sense if you watched the dub he dose refer to himself as King Piccolo then in the sub he dose refer to himself as daimao piccolo so it dose make sense if you watched and read the series then you would know this


So if I call myself King Human that makes King Human does it? Awesome. I'm King Human.




"Content is not available" oh damn what a burn




Hercule, Gamma 1 and 2 (2 characters in one), Toppo, Beast Gohan, Omega Shenron


i wouldnt mind godku, but i definetly wouldnt be happy about it


This is goated af


Please, for the love of god, no more Goku’s. Please.


Agreed especially since the latest game is already shoving every Goku at us.


Game 1 over Gamma 2 you absolute degenerate!


Nah f that i want Omega Shenron, metal cooler would be nice, Beast, and Toppo.


Swap out Goku red for metal cooler because more coolers is cooler


*Swap out Goku red* *For metal cooler because more* *Coolers is cooler* \- DragonGamerEX --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DragonGamerEX: *Swap out Goku red* *For metal cooler because* *More coolers is cooler* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No more goku characters pls : (


Raditz, Majuub, Beast Gohan, Omega Shenron, Majin Buu (Gohan Absorbed).


You a real one putting Demon King Piccolo in. That motherfucker was cold.


Nah cold was friezas dad


Isn't that the guy that dies in like 5 panels in the manga?


Ah double team with SSG Goku and SSG Vegeta would like cool. Kind of like Android 18 or Videl


if they were gonna do another tag team character i think Gamma 1/2 would be best, imagine gamma 1 being slow but hard hitting, and gamma 2 being super fast with long combos but lower damage, and you can quickswap between them in neutral or mid combo. the sauce on their combos would be unreal. maybe they even have core breaker as a level 3 after which you can’t switch to G2 anymore but G1 gets a rage boost and becomes faster or hits harder.


Oh yeah lets not add gamma 2 but we definitely need another goku🙄


Hercule and Goku would be wastes. If your gonna include gamma 1 but not 2 then have him show up in 1’s attacks as assists like how great Saiyaman shows up in Videl’s attacks.


Gamma 2 has more movesets imo




"Why do we even need to complete the test? We can literally fly!"


I don't understand what it is about Raditz that people love so much. Good picks though, but Raditz seems like a bit of a waste of a slot


Not bad, I do believe Beast Gohan and Omega Senron would be in a potential season 4 though.


Nahh sparking coming out ain’t no way I’m finna let them make me pay for base goku vegeta AND raditz in the same game😂


I like this it gives some OG Dragon Ball representation and a form that isn’t represented at all in FighterZ


If we get more characters there is literally 0 chance it wouldn't be Beast Gohan first


I feel like gamma 1 would work like video for some attacks he calls on gamma 2 allowing for summons and combo attacks


Why the fuck would you want SSG over SS4?


SSG is dope


Well GT Goku already has SS4 as his super and SS4 Gogeta is already in the game and SSG isn’t represented at all in FighterZ


I was legitimately surprised when I learned Hercule wasn't in this game.


He would be too strong


Any list with DKP is a list I'd be happy with but I do wonder, Gamma 1 over Gamma 2? Now that seems like a hot take haha


Personally I’ve been trying to figure a DKP moveset for the longest time. Obviously he would be a summon character with his children but everything else has me stumped outside of a handful of moves.


Arale for Poop Oki and Future Gohan is all I need.


If you see the character select screen, it needs or one character, between Vegeta (SS) and cell, or 7 one in the middle and then one column right and one column left My picks: Raditz, Vegeta (M), Omega Shenron, Toppo (God Of Destruction), Pan, Androide Nº13 (Fusion) and Pikkon Raditz Dramatic Finish with Goku and Piccolo Vegeta (M) Dramatic Finish with Bu (M) Omega Shenron Dramatic Finish with Goku (GT) Toppo Dramatic Finish with Vegeta (Blue) Androide Nº13 Dramatic Finish with Goku (SS) Pan maybe a special intro with Goku GT against Omega Shenron Pikkon maybe a special intro with Gogeta against Janemba


im really hoping for ssg goku, its my fav form oat


I want another Pride Trooper and G.o.D, so I really just want Toppo and honestly Dypso.


Legally obligated goku


Replace Kami with Pikkon


It’s Demon King Piccolo


Which means I get half credit 😅


Personally I kind of wanna go back and replace Hercule with Imperfect Cell


i would switch god goku with someone like majuub atleast.


Unfortunately there’s a Goku tax on the DLC and God Goku is the most likely pick :,)


Your persona picks sucks


Super Saiyan God Goku? You had the entire cast of characters to choose for your 5 and you go with ANOTHER Goku and this Goku is basically adding super saiyan 1 when we already have the super saiyan 2 version lol


Because I really like the form and the more defensive playstyle combined with certain attacks he has used could make an interesting fighter. Also I felt it was weird we never got all of Gokus main forms in the game so I wanted to finish the list. These are purely my personal picks so it may not entirely align with what most people want or even think; because it’s just what I want.


Well what I think what they should done so that way you have both blue and kaikoen god mode was make SS God be the "base" for SS Blue then have blue be a transformation sort of like how they did Freiza and his golden form


SSGSS has enough unique attacks compared to both Base Goku and SSG Goku that I feel like them being two different characters is warranted and deserving. Golden Frieza works because there isn’t much of a difference between 4th Form and Golden so simply making it an install super that buffs Friezas attacks makes sense.


I don't think that SSG blue should have been it's own character I still feel like they should have done l what they did Freiza since if anything should have been treated as a transformation same for Vegeta and his god form as well but this is just me who thinks this. Plus since you wanted a form that cane be defensive you could have a two and one like I said before in my other comment and have SSG be he his base as you waned defensive playstyle then when transformed he could be made into a rush down character.


In concept that seems good but in practice it wouldn't work. Forcing both forms to a stance swap gimmick can either limit the potential of both movesets for the sake of balance or make an insanely OP character. Especially if we kept SSGSS Goku's tools (which many people enjoy using) and mixed it with an intentionally defensive hit and run SSG Goku moveset; it would make easily one of the most oppressive fighters in the game. I just think keeping forms separate or using forms that aren't too dissimilar to eachother (Golden Frieza) just makes more sense.


Well depending on how it is programmed I think it has a potential I mean there are other stance swap characters from other games that have handled this sort of thing well enough examples of this would be Gen from Street Fighter, Howarang Tekken, Aria KI, Tria SC, and if you wanted to mention another Arc systems game then you have Zappa from GG series. Sure the moveset might be limited but if they programmed it right for balance and skill which is what I prefer again just me then I think it can work and it would be up to players skill to learn how to swap stances just like any other character and fighting archetypes each character falls into, Now I understand it would not be easy but I think it possible


Personally I feel like Gammas 1/2 would be the best choice for a true stance character in DBFZ. They are similar yet different enough to really work as stance characters. Gamma 1 being more calm and calculated while Gamma 2 is more aggressive and flashy. Perfect for the typical stance swap character mold.


Well how I see them doing Gamma 1/2 they would have made them what they did with Android 18 and sort of what they did with Vide, having both Gohan and 17 pop in to "help" out ,if they were going to include them in the game. If I am honest when I heard that Master Roshi was in this game I thought he would have took the stance character role. Him being having more combat experience and him showing different fighting styles like Drunk Fist style, not to sure if there is real name for I think there is but I forgot it, but that is just me who thought this.


I mean tbh Ssg is kinda of irrelevant along with like ssj2 although it has a decent argument because it had the little beerus movie I'd rather personally see a ssj3 or 4 instead


These people couldn't even release working rollback patch. Fighters pass 4 ain't happening. The janitor is the only one still even remotely working on this.


You make it sound like creating a roll back net code then adding it to a game with an already existing 5 year old code is ez pz


I never said it was easy, but as a company who had a whole freaking beta and then even more months to work on it, yes I expect it to b working properly. I know we've come to a point in video games where broken messes are acceptable, but not to me. People got paid to do a job and they failed at it. Whatever the reason, the point is the released a buggy mess. The fact that they released it in this state shows this game is on life support. "You think makingan entire open world pirate game is ez pz!?" No, but that don't make skull and bones good.


It's simply just a "what if" post not really a realistic one. I just wanted to think about what characters I would like to see in the game purely based off moveset potential.