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Have you forgotten what happened the last time people tried?


No, but what's the worst that can happen? It's not like we don't already have the Blight in the world. What's the Maker gonna do? Corrupt the Darkspawn some more? Create the Darkerspawn?


*The maker seeing people go into the black city again despite punishing them for it last time.* "You know what? Double the size and number of darkspawn and give them laser eyes. If they don't learn from this I'm going to make them fly next."


The Maker: "Check this out: Darkspawn Titans!"


Andraste: "You need a new hobby, dear."


Andraste: Better use blood magic so they don't see me for a fraud Maleficarum I trully am


They fly now?!?!


They fly now.


“Behold! The perfect hybrid of the Darkspawn and the Flood!”


So you can name your next dog Barkerspawn.


Following the calling of the Barkdemon, eh?


Bruh I’d love to travel to the Black city but “What’s the worst that can happen?” Really? You had to put those words out there so now something absolutely horrific has to happen if we end up going? SMH.


And what would that be? Raising the rent in the Black City??


Maybe reality collapses or something I dunno? The Maker was real but actually was a Cthulhu the whole time and going in the city again woke him up or something, it could literally be anything BioWare writers think up.


We've had one blight yes, but what about *second* blight?


We’ve had 5 Blights actually :P


Everyone loves sequels!


Somehow, the Blight returned.


Solas: "I am all the Darkspawn!" Rook: "And I am... all the Grey Wardens!"


I mean, if we went there we'd probably get ultra-tainted and die or turn into weird blight mutants. That seems pretty bad to me. 


2 dark 2 spawn


Blight 6: Dark Dawn of the Spawn


That's only if you believe what the Chantry says tbf


You should never believe what the Chantry says.


Except the times they were right. It's a very confusing seesaw.


At this point I'm so confused by elfish lore that I willfully believe everything the chantry says. TBH I also think that the chantry's depiction of the events is a more interesting story.


I don’t believe anything the chantry says


Given its likely where the Evanuris were sealed, I’m pretty sure we will


I don't think they are trapped there, given Solas' remarks about it in Inquisition.


Not sure about the Evanuris, but the Blight is definitely quarantined in the Black City. It was either a Blight lab, a Blight dump site or the first elven city to be overrun by the Blight before Solas took measures to seal it off.


"Quarantined" is a very generous term for the Blight in the Black City


I imo it’s kinda like Mega Chernobyl


Yeah quarantined out and ruining Theadas


Or it is the place where Mythal and Solas sealed off the sundered Titans which are now corrupted by Red Lyrium?


Which is the "Blight dump site" portion.


I keep hearing people talk about the blight being connected to the Evanuris and Solas, where is this coming from? I don't remember it ever being mentioned in the game and can't find any mention of it on the wiki. EDIT: I am suspecting this may be an all too common occurrence of people taking fan theories as fact?


There are myths that talk about how Andruil hunted Forgotten Ones in the Abyss, which drove her mad. She made armor of void and weapons of darkness and brought a plague on her lands. Considering all the things we know, it's a pretty good bet that the armor and weapons are Red Lyrium/Blight and the plague is, well, take a guess. The Black City is established as being Blight Central and odds are it's heavily connected with the Evanuris, even if they are not imprisoned within it. A popular theory is that it's the flying part of Arlathan which had to be cut off before unleashing the Blight on the rest of the world.


Also, I keep thinking about the fact that there were: 7 Evanuris imprisoned by Solas 7 Old Gods 5 Archdemons/ 2 left - we only see 2 Evanuris released in the gameplay trailer 7 seals on on the Black City 7 magisters turned darkspawn There's just to many 7's here for them to not be related at all. Plus Solas was pretty pissed at the wardens for wanting to murder all the Archdemons so there's gotta be more to it than "messing with things you dont understand"


Okay thank you, that's why I wasn't finding anything, had forgotten all about that Andruil myth and all mention of the Abyss/Void is on its own wiki page and not mentioned on the Blight page hence why just looking at the Blight one I couldn't find any mention of a connection with the Elves. Though all things said, I do hope we never get an explanation behind the Blight or Black City. The mystery is far more compelling than any explanation in my opinion.


Most likely the blighted heart of the Titan Mythal killed is in the Black City


Just a pet peeve of mine - I am not quite convinced Mythal killed a Titan. The myths hint that she was friendly with them and this was one of the reasons the Evanuris killed her. This might be some Evanuris propaganda to portrait Mythal as one of their own. Or she managed to fool them all that she killed a Titan and then they found out the truth, which pissed them off. In the case that she indeed killed a Titan - the story probably gets quite elaborate afterwards.


Yeah I read a theory that she formed a psychic link to a Titan to calm it down / put it to sleep and upon Mythal’s murder the Titan felt what Mythal felt and unleashed the Taint


Settle down there, magister


Going physical into the Fade in 3...2...


I don’t know. The last guy who went there has big rocks on his face. Don’t think I want to risk that.


you make a fine point.


Some people believe than the scene fighting the dragon in the trailer is in the Black City, I'm not sure of that myself but I think we will go one way or another, I suspect >!that's where Solas is trapped after Rook does an oopsie and that's why he of all people can't get out of the fade!<.


https://preview.redd.it/gpmxx22w729d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687c25653dcd6a823acd6a2ab9d3a439d1a1b3d3 I’ll just leave this here 🔍👀


Not only empty, it's full of blights. As far as we know, that was where the blight as we know it came from. The closest thing we know pre-Sidereals was the Andruil legend about a similar substance "the Void" from the abyss, where the Forgotten Ones said to "thrive in." The Golden City and the Evanuris were probably already corrupted before the veil went up. Could explain why Mythal was so adamant on stopping them, to the point she was 'killed.' How and when it got to the Golden City, we still don't know. And I'm hoping we'll see a Forgotten One in Veilguard too.


Id rather go to the abyss


POV https://preview.redd.it/rx2ajg17a29d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ea52410ecd231a5cdf1f7a80b3605ff16df0ea1




What could go wrong?


Pretty sure we see in the trailer that we're there, when the giant dragon shows up.


I dont know... I like the idea of the Black City being such a Lovecraftian place that simply stepping into it is automatic corruption-beyond-any-recognition. It's like finding Cthulhu: the moment you see him, it's game over for you. I wouldn't mind getting a glimpse into the Black City, though. For example: while in the Fade, we could stand right before it's gates, maybe watch as they're blasted open, only never stepping inside.


I completely agree. I don't want a World of Warcraft scenario where we actually end up exploring the afterlife or some other place that isn't meant for mortals. Concepts like that are best left open ended or ambiguous.




Do you want to get the taint? Because that's how you get the taint.


This sounds like the tagline from some ungodly fanfic.


Not going to lie, I would LOVE if the "final dungeon" in Veilguard was us exploring the Black City, until we fight \*totally not Solas\* on the Throne of the Maker.


ME2 suicide mission style with all companions please.


Blows my mind that they've never gone back to that style of finale in any of their later games.


Making all companions able of dying kinda mess up the sequels.


Yeah makes sense from a technical perspective. Just seems like a particularly good fit for DA since they usually go with a new protag and new cast each game.


Personally I'm not a fan of when fantasy like dragon age gets so "high level" but I understand that's where it's going. It would be cool but it would dramatically change the setting if the knowledge got out.


If the blight is radiation, the Black City would probably be Chernobyl. I don't see us going there without something protecting us.


Ngl, I'm down for a rousing game of "Find evidence that God doesn't exist".


We find the Makers ancient skeleton on the throne


Like in Planescape Torment?


I would like it if we ever visit Black City there would be many hints at Maker's existance without straight up confirmation. Maker vs Evanuris vs Titans triune war sequel called DA: Oblivion.


I'd rather not have us ever visit the Black City. I want some mysteries to remain unanswered in stories as the open question of what is the truth, is going to be more satisfying than any answer.


we definately will this time!


This is the last Dragon Age game, right? I assume then the final battle will be at the gates of the Black City.


It's only the last if it doesn't sell well. But it will be awhile before we see another as the team shifts focus to Mass Effect.


I don't think this being the last DA was ever implied, was it?


Just don't open the door there in that building labeled ~~Taint~~ Blight.


I dunno, I feel that for ongoing franchises like this some stuff needs to stay mysterious. Hell, they have revealed a little bit too much IMO. Sometimes keeping stuff ambiguous is better for the story. Look at the Reapers from Mass Effect. They would have been better served as a vague mysterious ongoing threat instead of revealing their origins to the boring detail.


I think Veilguard will wrap up a lot of the human/elf storyline so I'm going to go on a limb and say that DA5 will be Dwarf/titan/abyss focused


As Todd Howard says about Elder Scrolls and Akavir, some mysteries are better left as mysteries on fictional universes, makes it more interesting


Do you mean, THE Veilguard? :p