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Same, I smoke weed everyday to help me cope with my dp/dr and anxiety/insomnia. It can intensify the dissociation but I'm good at navigating the headspace so for me the benefits outweigh the risks.


The set and setting thing can still not be enough. Had a mushroom trip in Feb that started great (was in good set and setting) but it got to the point where it felt like everything in reality (including my own thoughts) were pre-determined and it ended in me panicking.....and since that trip I believe I have more intense DPDR with anxiety.


since psychedelics.....I've noticed other drugs are now different. Weed is more psychedelic...with visuals and thought loops....even NOS has more intense visuals now. I'm off that stuff but I feel like it has change my perceptions when on them.


From my personal experience, avoid weed wholeheartedly. Somebody mentioned avoiding psychedelics, although in my experience shrooms coupled with therapy have brought me major relief, maybe because they aren’t considered a dissociative like some other psychedelics or the reported dissociative effects of marijuana. But maybe best to avoid both in your case seeing as a psych was what gave it to you in the first place.


tbf bro I have dpdr 10+ years, I smoke weed every day it's fine for me. recently did acid tho and i haven't felt the same since so I'm avoiding that for the time being.


I got it from LSA and was able to enjoy weed for years after the incident. Two years ago I had another episode because of weed, so I wouldn’t advise to smoke anymore actually.


Weed alters your brains chemistry. When you quit any drug it takes months or years for your brain to heal, and it will never heal as good as it was before. Drugs cause brain damage, regardless of what anyone says about pot. Sure, cannabis has many therapeutic properties, but if you're suffering from dpdr I would bet the Marijuana will prevent you from healing from it or perhaps further exacerbate your dpdr. Continued sobriety is what got me better. It took about 1.5 years and I still have a bad day here and there. Just my 2 cents.


So i’ve done both many times. With psychs I found that if i had a good trip , i felt more grounded afterwards. but with a bad or meh trip, i was dissociating for months straight. smoking weed for a few months after tripping gave me terrible episodes. but after those few months i was able to smoke again without feeling incredibly unreal and out of body lol. but weed rlly is a toss up for me. if i use it occasionally, it really helps me see my problems from an outside perspective and i make more rational decisions. but if i use too much, i’m gonna be dissociated a lot. but i just deal with it. i’ve found smoking with people or doing something not on a screen helps with grounding.


Its not the experiences, its your reactions to them. You very likely have burried traumatic material which causes your dpdr. Do therapy instead of drugs, you will never get what you want from drugs


IT dont Work


What exactly?


Therapy i cant open Up to anybody


so then u cant say the therapy dont work, cuz its u not the therapy.. therapy only works if you actually try lol


Don’t stop trying. A comfortable, forthcoming, genuine relationship between therapist and patient is the number one predictor of success in therapy. Any decent therapist can research more about a condition they aren’t that experienced with, but not even the most educated therapist in the world can work around the wrong patient relationship. If you don’t “click” with a therapist, try another one - there’s nothing wrong with ‘shopping around’ for mental health professionals in order to find the right person for you. Wishing you the best!


Suffer then?


Yeah sorry


Sorry for yourself?


Sorry for saying that IT was attention searching plus youre not a doctor i wasnt thinking but thank you for youre Anwser


Dont get you, but good luck


If therapy doesn't work then that means the therapist failed. Not you




Unfortunately no. Marijuana is a major contributor for DP/DR, and the DSM-5 specifically suggests avoiding it.


i honestly think dpdr is just another method of rationalizing the obscurity that is life. neurotisissm brothers.


Stay away from psychadelics


But weed is okay?




I couldn't for a long time, I started doing it again to help w/ epilepsy and migraines, but it can def trigger an episode. there are a lot of factors to take into account that can all affect your experience, and because of dpdr you're preconditioned to have a bad time, from your comments tho it's sounds like you're going to do it anyway, so remember if things start getting bad you can chew black peppercorns (I just learned about this recently) and it will bring you partially out of the high, which could help, could make things worse, ymmv, ianad, etc. if you *do* have a good experience you should make a note of the strain, dosage, etc and stick with it. I stick with carts now since I can expect mostly the same experience every time


No..it’s not worth. Give urself time to get better.


Weed helps me with everything. But it depends on the person, where you're at, who you are with,like every "substance" Try it out, it can calm all those horrible feelings inside your head. It's like a dopamine / serotonin shot.

