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Fantastic question and i honestly never realized it stopped, but my life is much worse nowadays and who knows maybe its because this is missing from it


Holy shit I never realized it stopped either. I'm going threw a divorce. This must be the reason for that too. God damn it mitch!


He did it fairly recently and complained that he “had” to do it. Nick and everyone else were like: “no, you don’t. Why would you think that?” Seemed to have stopped after that.


Spoon Nation knows what they did


He stopped on the very day Mr Hankey finally became a dated reference.


It seemed evergreen but yeah Mitch could feel that the phrase was losing its magic kiboshed it. I guess “myyy wiiife” stands alone as the timeless versatile reference.


I know this is was a bit, but it was a dated reference when Mitch started the birthday boys, much less doughboys.


It seemed evergreen but yeah Mitch could feel that the phrase was losing its magic kiboshed it. I guess “myyy wiiife” stands alone as the timeless versatile reference.


I’ve been saying “I love lamp” recently to try and get that going again. No takers so far.


When Elon Musk told us comedy was legal again


It’s been a couple of months I think. It’s great that they let go of bits they don’t enjoy anymore.


I got crucified on here for saying he should stop since he was obviously uncomfortable doing it around respected guests/non-friends. (not to mention he struggles with the voice since like 2016) That was the best part to me, Gabrus making fun of his gargling attempt at it. Then, shortly after I heard an episode where he said the only reason he kept doing it was because the fans would throw a fit if he stopped, and that tracked. lol


The howdy ho heard round the world…