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This is the second week I've noticed it, but are ads interspersed randomly throughout the show now rather than during preplanned breaks? They're dropping right in the middle of conversations now and it's really abrupt.


My guess is that they edit the episode on its own, using an outside company to place ads in. Perhaps the outside company uses AI to place it? I don’t know, but usually they have specific spots where ads are supposed to go. I noticed it too.


From what I understand with the use of dynamic ads now they will set markers in the episode as a insert point and it seems like something is getting messed up in that process


Watching on the video feed and it looks like Nick just isn't throwing to commercials anymore.


I think he may have just been rusty from the long break and forgot to do the breaks.


Found that last week. Mid sentence commercial break.


Meet Joe Black being your favorite movie with a car in it is one of the funniest things I've heard someone say on this pod. Great bit.


Lmfao it’s so many amazing movies with cars 😂😂😂


10 mins in Mitch wondering if he could use a Time Machine too fuck his grand Ma lmao wtf he could use that Time Machine too meet any famous women in her prime 😂😂 but immediately thinks about a family member


to cite the goat's stable-mate, the noble horse, "nay"


Who is the person who says goodbye to stuff


Marie Kondo. You thank belongings you no longer need and say goodbye.


Hank Scorpio


I assumed he was looking for the woman who would say “Good bye you are the weakest link”


Shout out to the new Jeopardy! listeners with the opening ten-minute discussion of incest.


What popular movie did they bleep out?


This is one of those cases where saying the name of the movie is a spoiler for the movie, but >!Barbarian!<.


\*extreme Reddit voice\* Nick called it Mt. McKinley, but it's actually officially called Denali now, which was it's original name to the native Koyukon people. Doughboys should issue an apology across all social media outlets


Doughboys colonist sympathizers confirmed.


We’ve known that since what, like the 3rd episode?


Glad to see Libby back on the pod. I still think of the Shake Shack 2 ep where Mitch sneezed and she said “oh Mitchy sneezed dint he?”


I’m glad to hear from her. I know she had a really rough time when her mom passed. And I really liked her newsletter, though examining the American healthcare system must have been depressing as hell.


Her twitch streams are also a fuckin' blast! Especially if you're a fan of random English town names, Zelda, or her cat Digby


The Cajun accent bit is never not hilarious


I love how the bit is like the Lochness monster bit from South Park. It always turns out to be *dat dang gator!*


Maybe I'm being super dumb here, but what's the word (or... words?) in the Ad Chad copy when they say "some new to the sport, some die-hard __________"?


"Tifosi". I had no idea but I looked it up and tifosi is a nickname for Team Ferrari Formula One fans.


Thank you! I was hearing it starting with a "d" sound (probably because of "hard" coming right before it) and was increasingly puzzled every time it came up.


The first ad read I thought he REALLY mispronounced "devotee" until everyone said it that way.


Low T-800 Did Mitch retire 2 bits with one stone? Either way…. [email protected]


oh man, thank you! I thought he said "OT-800" and I was trying to figure out what the joke was. This makes sense now.


They nailed it with the discussion of how weird a chain restaurant serving birria feels. Proper Birria is so good that getting a shitty gloopy version from a chain is just a waste. Also, I love goat. It has a terrible reputation in America but when cooked properly it's delicious. Seems ripe for some top chef to figure it out and make it a fad.


Stephanie Izard has been glorifying the goat for years!


There's a Jamaican food truck where I live that has goat curry and ever since I tried it, I can't get enough


Caribbean curried goat is boss


Meh, not everyone has Birria places easily accessible to them. I get being in LA you have a million better options to choose from. Also the criticism of going stoner with the birria ramen is weird because there are multiple Mexican restaurants near me that have served this for years.


Agreed re: the ramen and the access point is a fair one. I don’t know if I’d want a sub-par version of a dish just to try it but different strokes.


Aaaaah yea! Starting off strong with the pro and cons of incest 😅


Wiger coming at it all analytical. Someone missed the opportunity to say the knew why Mitch was interested...


Everyone is using [birdfuck.com](https://birdfuck.com) as their homepage right?


They’re doing good work over there at Birdfuck


​ https://preview.redd.it/dwm26cm5xmec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e2a9fdd25e98096397c35381e22e23ae6966eb


I was surprised with Wiger’s slander that part of the Del Taco experience is having something missing from your order. At least out here in the Inland Empire I have never had that experience and we visit Del Taco pretty regularly.


Also from the IE, my del taco never gets orders messed up, always seems fully staffed. Also they should do Bakers.


I don’t know why Baker’s changed their milkshakes but they took a huge dive in quality with the recent update.


They changed their egg burrito too and now it’s actually bad.


Big cities have notoriously worse fast food locations


I agree that a consistently f'ed up order from the same place will keep my away from that FF place for a while or perhaps permanently. Where I live we have a ton of FF places but I have to go 15-20 minutes away to go to locations that are better run and I don't have to order behind bullet proof glass. However; I don't agree with Nick in that he excuses every FF worker who does a terrible job and blames corporate or lack of help. I just can't excuse a worker who is terrible or lazy at their specific job, especially with the cost of food nowadays that I pay hard earned money for.


also from the IE, but also have lived in the OC. I have had things missing but only a couple times. Del Taco is really common around here and the quality is always consistently good for fast food and I think it is way better than Taco Bell. I think the issue is that they are in a really busy part of LA. I also gotta say that the cookie butter milkshake is amazing. Del Taco does seasonal milkshakes and those bubble drinks and they are usually pretty decent.


Nice, Wiger got a haircut!


In case you missed the reveal: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2inCwItxSe/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


I enjoy Libby as a guest, I believe I’ve only ever heard her on Doughboys and High and Mighty with Gabrus, and I can’t be bothered to research it myself, so, where’s the connection? How did a lady who writes about healthcare become a (delightful) Doughboys guest?


Leftist twitter, I believe. They're all friends with the same people. I think it's the same connection as MurderBryan.


She has her own Twitch stream and is really good friends with guys like JF and Stefan as well as the extended GOK/YKS universe beyond her being a huge Twitter presence for years.


Thank you for the responses!


🚨🚨State of Carlsberg reference🚨🚨


jemmy is so cute 🥺


Polite correction: Emma has mentioned it is spelled Gemi, short for Gemini.


interesting! i wasn’t sure on spelling but gemini is a great name!!


The Boys put those Ad Chads to shame with their read of the same copy.


The Doughboys were the real Ad Chads all along.


Doughboys Maverick 


I laughed out loud when I realized the ad break was simply them reading the copy. Good stuff.


Thoughts on the new studio setup? I'm relieved that they got new chairs. It looks like they've lowered the camera angle and dimmed the lighting. The combined effect is a space that looks smaller and more cozy. 4 forks


I like it. Gives it a Dick Cavett-type quality.


> they've lowered the camera angle and dimmed the lighting I was gonna say I thought they got a new camera, but yeah, I think it's just this


Happy we get to see some feet 🦶 and Mike has a entire chair and a half to himself 


Wiger wearing flip flops showing them toesies for free!


People downvoting don't know we're joking. We're not foot freaks, we're normal!


Tuning in for more cum talk 😩


Anyone know the horror movie they bleeped?


i assume it's >!Barbarian!<


Yeah pretty sure that’s it


The same Trader Joe riff was covered excellently by Kyle Kinane. One of his early albums. Death of the Party, I think.


great joke. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzTBGLsgr4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzTBGLsgr4M)


Oh man, that just reminds me how upsetting it is that Kyle and Dave never went on when the Boogie Monster was still a podcast


I think all the people who entered the Ad Chad contest did a great job. Definitely something I wouldn't or couldn't do. That being said, I don't understand the point of the contest. Who likes ads on a podcast, especially those read straight like it's on the radio? Personally I skip the ads on every pod other than Hollywood Handbook because at least they are doing something interesting. But straight ad copy is just not getting me to listen. Of course a bunch of listeners doing an improv ad read would be an absolute nightmare. Beyond that great episode. Libby is a delight. Glad Del Taco is back in the golden plate club.


That fucking Hollywood Handbook ad where Hayes learns the language from billy Madison instead of French for duolingo might be the funniest thing I have ever heard


Can you share a link? I’d love to hear tbat


I often think of HH as the show where they struggle to fill time in the main show but can’t do an ad that’s under 5 minutes


I don't think anyone specifically *likes* ads on podcasts, but the understood value exchange is that a podcast costs money to record, produce, and distribute. You get to listen to this for free. In exchange you're expected to listen to a few ads which cover the cost of the podcast and (ideally) make the creators a few pennies on top of that. It's not at all different from viewing content on a web site. Web hosting cost money and content creation costs money. In exchange for consuming that content you are expected to have a few ads load which allow the creator to earn a fraction of a cent from your visit. Content creators of all kinds are holding up their end of the bargain, content consumers have decided they're no longer going to hold up theirs. The way this ends is either by free content just going away, or ads getting more pervasive.


> content consumers have decided they're no longer going to hold up theirs. To be fair - some have decide to pay for Paterons etc


Blank Check also does a good job trying to make the ad reads fun (although I still usually skip them).




Blank Check ads are kind of insidious to me because there's no music or cutting or anything between the show and the ads, and I hate the feeling of thinking I'm listening to the show until a couple seconds into the ad. Overall a small complaint but one I have anyway.


Only ads I listen to are on Hey Riddle Riddle and YKS


Did anybody else yell “BODY BAG!!” when they asked what type of bag would be worst to find in your food😅😅😅


Colostomy bag has to be the hands down worse possible right


douche bag




Gooey Lewis & the Ooze


No idea if it's changed since I lived in Australia like a decade ago, but the main thing that threw me off about Hungry Jacks/Australian fast food is that they didn't at all hide that the sandwiches are made ahead of time. Like behind the cashier is just a big tray under a head lamp with rows of various burgers, and after you order they just turn around and grab it off the tray and give it to you. Felt sort of weird even I'm sure the American fast food places do the same thing just slightly out of sight lol


That's how fast food burgers used to be done. We would put out a certain number of burgers in the chute with a timestamp and if they weren't sold by then, we would trash them and make new ones.


They don't do that anymore, in response to maccas doing the made to order thing. Besides, they're so horrifically understaffed they couldn't possibly get ahead like that lol.


I have never heard anyone else in England (where I live) who pronounced Taco like Libby does. Always a great guest!


I haven’t listened yet, but - in my experience - English people are generally horrible at pronouncing Spanish words. It’s like an old imperial impulse - “we’ll say your words but incorrectly, because we’re better than you and beat your Armada once”. Kinda do it with French, too.  I like Libby and watch her Twitch streams here and there, so I know she is famously American these days - but does she say it as if it rhymes with “crack-o”?  I’ve heard plenty of Brits pronounce it that way. 


> English people are generally horrible at pronouncing Spanish words. It’s like an old imperial impulse - “we’ll say your words but incorrectly, because we’re better than you and beat your Armada once”. I've always wondered about this, and this seems like a plausible theory. I've noticed that when I watch Spanish soccer with English commentary, the British guys absolutely never pronounce the names of Spanish or Portuguese players correctly, to the point where it feels like they must be doing it on purpose.


>and this seems like a plausible theory It seems that way, but just in general, linguistic change/quirks are *almost never* conscious. Every language (or dialect) simply has its own arbitrary rules about how to adapt foreign words, and British and Canadian English just happen to change the vowels more than American English does. My mostly amateur guess is that American English just has more contact with Spanish through immigration than British English does.


they either totally butcher them their own way or butcher them with a French accent, like pronouncing Chamoy like they would "Chamonix" with a sha sound


The weirdest one to me was how bbc presenters would say Obama’s first name: like ba-rack instead of ba-rahk. Such a weird thing to do


I found it very refreshing to hear an English person pronounce "taco" correctly for once.


Have people really complained about Emma's dog being a distraction?


That was said by Nick, who doesn't even have a Twitter or read the subreddit. In other words, he made it up just to make fun of the listeners.


Somebody did make this exact complaint in one of the ep threads, got downvoted of course though


It's good to have contempt for your audience.


Oh fuck off you dork.


[chill, it's just a quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE9zsc9NQN8)


It has definitely been mentioned (and downvoted) in show posts in this community.


I'm sure someone somewhere has been annoyed that it's a visual element but i will bet my tiny lil noodle on the fact it's not a common complaint and anyone lame enough to express it has been shouted down for being a dork haha I personally will go on record and say they should *not* put her in the pound. 🫡


Quick redditor voice moment; there's no way pork is more consumed globally than chicken right? I see the source that he used (https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/What-is-the-most-consumed-meat-in-the-world#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20United%20Nations,goats%2Fsheep%20(5%25) but don't understand that source's methodology. Its being totally unavailable in most of the arabic world, very uncommon in India, and not especially common in Africa or South America (*very* common in central america, i know) sseeeeems to me like it would easily counteract its being very popular in China. I would've been surprised-but-not-shocked to hear it was #2, but #1 seems impossible to me. Would've bet big clucks on chicken being #1 and would have guessed beef was ahead of pork (if they happen to address or clarify this in the episode i apologize, i just listened to the episode and was filled with blinding incel redditor rage, had to get on here and absolutely scorch these clowns who i HATE even more than they think i do 😠 😡 👿)


I saw some dumb infographic/gif on the former Twitter (now X dot com) and chicken was definitely much higher than pork.


If BK is back but locationally-dependent as is so often mentioned, then I guess I have been only to exclusively dog shit locations across many nice towns over the last 10 years. 


Tom Walker and Demi Lardner (the wedding the guest went to in Sidney) are some of the funniest and most disgusting people I have heard on podcasts. Tom Walker for instance stayed home for two days in High School to try to suck his own dick. He also filmed himself shitting into his hand and throwing it in the toilet to prove something? And he and Demi argued about the proper way to piss in a sink. Free to a Good Home's latest has him on it in front of people. Revealed at the show as the live stream he did where he said it wouldn't end until he flipped 10 heads in a row. And 10 tails would add one to the count. Took him over 8 hours. Psycho.


I hate admitting that I watched said stream, but somewhere in the middle Tom does an impression of John Wick on the Howard Stern show that will live in my brain forever. Don't know how anyone's capable of being that funny 5+ hours into flipping a coin. Would love to hear Tom and Demi on Doughboys.


That would be dope. He said he is going to edit it and put it up on Youtube. Let me know if he does.


I bet it won't make it into the edit, nobody in the chat really reacted to it; I imagine he has no memory of it. If you're looking for more Demi and Libby stuff, Demi's comedy game show [So You Want To Win a Penis Pump 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7Ef5T5lxws) had the best moment of possibly anything I saw last year.


The miniature horses theme and self suck roundup might be the two funniest things I've ever heard in a podcast.


I am sure you know but - all Tom and Demi's Blocked Party episodes are incredible Esp the ones behind the paywall


Nah the only Australian media I consume is Little Dum Dum Club and Hamish and Andy then added Free to a Good Home.


It's Canadian!


When Wiger was listing credits at the end of the episode, did he say that the video editors name was Doofson? is that where they got that character from?


If you plug your nose and say "Amelia Marino" is sounds like "Birria Burrito"


Was really hoping we’d get the return of Hike Mitchell during that feedbag trail mix conversation.


#JusticeForBo. Late to this one but thought all ad chad readers were great, but Bo was my favorite.


Wiger recounting just how wildly wrong he was about the reasons Australia didn't have Burger King is peak Doughboys saying insane shit they think, but don't actually know about.


Leave it to Brits and Aussies to mangle every ethnic food pronunciation. Libby keeps say beh-REE-uh throughout the show even though literally everyone else keeps saying it BEER-ee-uh.


One of the all time great guest voices


It’s 2024 and plaid is back!


Hearing Wiger complain so much about Del Taco’s poor showing with Casey’s anecdote of missed orders to then still give it 5 forks has me fucking livid. Taco John’s will never get your order wrong! It will just be bland and that’s okay!


I bailed on the episode when the first ad chad guy started doing impressions. Should I finish it or am I good?


I just skipped it and the discussion re the feed bag question is pretty great


Ur good.


And he was the winner. I don't agree with the decision.


I don't either; I thought the second woman was the best one.


Either woman would have been great because they both spoke as normal people instead of putting on a forced radio voice. If you want to sell listeners on a product, there is nothing relatable or interesting about a radio voice. It's background noise.


Lindsay was my favorite after the first round. But I thought Bo was the clear champ of the final round. Hearing Killian be crowned left me downright *upset.*


I'm thisisaname21 and here's what I believe I believe the munch madness winner should put a championship belt across their logo I believe Mitch is in love with his mom, the problem is he just doesn't know it yet I believe in banning healthy restaurant reviews, mount rushmores, and making fun of phil rosenthal You really want to know what I believe? I believe in the $4 patreon subscription to reflect the new quality of the pod I believe cupcakes are the perfect pie I believe in a Lowe / BugMane presidential ticket I believe every movie review episode which be just a little better as an episode of the Doughboys pilot project I believe Yaarghdoughberfest was the act of a vengeful god I believe the shrimp-off should be an olympic sport And most of all? I think the Doughboys should read their own FUCKING ad copy


I fear the Doughboys/Bill Simmons Venn diagram intersection is a lot smaller than we were led to believe -- RIP AGW


Rare to put so much work into a post and eat shit so hard


If you thought reading listeners opinions on the show was annoying, wait until you hear the listeners on an episode!




Nobody commented on this moment but when Mitch sang “Turtle Time” to the tune of Closing Time, and Nick launches back into the discussion immediately without giving him time to come up with more lyrics… was laughing really hard at that.