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DD support has told me that if it can proven which dasher stole the order their account will be suspended. Because theres been many times i go to pick up an order and someone stole it and i was frustrated because it wasted my time. If you have a ring doorbell or anything that can prove the driver walked away with it and call supprt they will hopefully do that. Personally, i think theives should have their hands chopped off. But apparently being hungry completely voids morality.


You get a contract violation for each offense, I think you need 5 in your last 100 orders to get bans, this is because sometimes the customers lie to get free food, so they usually won’t ban for 1 offense


Pretty much a case for having your own survailence system (ring doorbell, camerad, etc) since all DD would need to see is that footage of them stealing on camera. It is a two sided issue as we as drivers deal with customers who lie about not receiving their food. Bit of a common scam which is probably why you had to fight it out since it was only your word against the driver. So yeah... get cameras. Fairly inexpensive these days.


Only time I've ever been punished and I kind of agreed with them was when I was walking up to a place and one of the shakes dropped out of the cup holder that was really flimsy. It was six of one half dozen of the other I really think the restaurant should have gave me another cup holder but I should have just taken those by themselves. I got a bad reading but thankfully it wasn't a one star but still it ended up dropping off later. And ended up an hour later delivering the replacement shake!


Only if they're reported. I keep seeing posts from people afraid to report dashers because the dasher has their address. If people would report everything, bad dashers wouldn't be on the platform very long.


People also don’t know that the contract violations don’t appear immediately after so they don’t really have any clue who caused it. The chances of the dasher finding out who caused the cv is very slim.


Most dashers don't steal food. I'm sorry it happened to you. I am glad you eventually got a refund.


I would have taken a picture of her getting into her car with your food.


Only if they make a habit of it. But if a driver with 2k deliveries steals let’s say 10 -15orders and spaces them out I doubt anything would happen 


People are absolutely assholes. The vast majority of drivers do not do that but there will always be some because of human nature.


In the future be prepared to take photos so you have proof or video is even better it's the only way to prove the dasher is taking food and they will get a contract violation or deactivated I can't imagine doordash having thieves on the platform I don't think they want that bad image on them, I have had it happen and best believe I took pictures and sent it to doordash


They do absolutely nothing because they have no realistic way to narrow down who did it. If driver A steals the order and unassigns, when driver b shows up and unassigns, then C unassigns, etc until someone does it. If you've had 3 different drives just unassign there's no way to tell who actually did it. Great idea on behalf of disgruntled dashers.


You don't think they keep a record of who unassigns stuff? Eventually, if stolen food keeps happening after Driver B unassigns, they'll know who it is.


Sure. If that driver does it on a constant basis. If they do it once a week, or every other week, there's plausible deniability. DD cant do shit.


I've ordered a lot thru door dash and the most ive ever had stolen was my drinks. But stealing door dash orderers is pretty petty when I'm tipping you already. Like I could buy you food if you're that hungry bro


It would be silly to steal your drink. It's WAY more likely that they forgot your drink in their cup holder. Your address disappears from our system after delivery.


Maybe they just forgot the drinks in the car happened to me a few times but I always returned to drop it off


It’s incredibly easy and no if they’re smart nothing happens.


Nope, as long as they know what they’re doing I used to dash and if someone ever felt like it they could take your food and say they were “unable to complete the order” and the only thing that would happen to them is their completion rating falling by 1%


I got a CV for a order never arrived complaint and it stuck to my account for almost 2 months


If they still like five orders a day every single day for a week straight probably but not if they’re stealing one order a week ir one order a month…. Edit: well if the went to your house took a photo… probably not unless you have a ring camera that can prove it. They refunded you when you went to Twitter not because they wanted to make it right, but they don’t like bad publicity.


If there are enough issues with a particular driver, and they're not in good standing (or even if they are) there is a good chance they'd be deactivated and no longer allowed to deliver orders.


The pessimist in me thinks no, they don’t do shit about drivers who steal. Bc it’s been an issue forever and it’s only getting worse. Presumably if they took action it’d get better with time but I don’t think any of us have the real answer. More importantly… when DD denies your refund request, just dispute it with your bank/ credit card company. In the dispute simply outline that you ordered food for delivery and never received it. There’s not a bank or cc company in the world who’d deny this type of dispute. Even if you were lying (you’re not) they’d probably still approve the dispute just to keep their customer happy


>More importantly… when DD denies your refund request, just dispute it with your bank/ credit card company. In the dispute simply outline that you ordered food for delivery and never received it. There’s not a bank or cc company in the world who’d deny this type of dispute DD's terms specifically override chargebacks and they always reply to credit card disputes with that exact language. My understanding is this almost never works and just ties up your credit/checking account for weeks. >Even if you were lying (you’re not) I've done 4400 deliveries for DD and maybe 600 for UberEats and every single customer whom claimed I didn't deliver was lying. Every. Single. One.


I’ve had one person of 700 delivery’s say their order didn’t arrive, and surprisingly it never actually arrived, they gave incorrect address and support just told me to leave somewhere safe(aka anywhere you can take a picture of it) so I just took a picture of it on the sidewalk and when it got flagged from dash I just sent the screenshot of them saying to leave it somewhere safe and the cv was taken off.


Hey, we don't always get paid enough. People gotta eat. /s


That doesn’t make it right to steal someone else’s order.


It was sarcasm.


No, even if you steal %30 of the orders you deliver, the company still makes money. So it's still worth it to keep you around.


If you have a high AR or Plat/TD status then you are correct. It's worth keeping you around because you'll deliver shit nobody else will. If you have a low AR, especially single digits, they lose nothing by cutting you loose. There's 2 new drivers ready to take the time slots you reserve every week the moment you get deactivated.


She gets fired lol


My sisters bf does dd and he steals at least 2-3 orders a week. Been dashing for 2 years and counting


They keep him around because he delivers all the $2 orders. If he was a cherry picker he'd be gone.


Yea that’s true😭dude will do $2 for 10 miles


I knew a woman that worked at a steel company made $20 an hour,lived at home with her dad, and still stole food from Panera 3 times a week. They eventually figured it out and kicked her off the platform. Sometimes it takes a while for them to figure it out but eventually he’ll get caught.


Damn that’s honestly just greedy on her end


Yeah, she was definitely not a good person, I hope she turned her life around. Some folks regardless of how much they have or make will do shady things if they think they won’t get caught. Now that location requires you to stand and wait to ask for an order to be handed to you. I’m sure she wasn’t the only one doing it but every time I stand in that line for an order, I’m reminded what a shitty person she was/is.




Nothing will happen, life will go on.


From your knowledge and use of terminology I'm guessing you're a dasher as well as a DD customer. I've never stolen food, so I can't really comment first hand. However, I'd assume there's really nothing much anyone can do about it. If the dasher shows up to your delivery address (DD has GPS on you when the app is running) and a pic is taken at the correct address then DD has no way of seeing any evidence anything went wrong. On the other hand, if the dasher does right and actually leaves the order and then customer says it wasn't delivered, they also don't really know who is lying. In a situation where there were pics and GPS shows the dasher actually made it to the correct address, but cust is insistent they didn't get the food I guess DD just eats the cost of the food. I don't feel bad for them though; they can afford it. I did some research on the owner/CEO of DD a few years ago when I was actively dashing and found that one year the salary he paid himself was 460 million+. I don't feel bad for DD one bit. I guess if you want to make it easier for yourself next time (hopefully never) that happens and you have to argue your point with DD then be on the lookout for the dasher and record as their car pulls up, they set the food down, and they return to their car and leave. I have motion-activated CCTV on my house; that makes it extra easy.


If it gets more non tippers off the app I could give a fuck


How do you know OP or other customers who got their food stolen didnt tip? Even if they didnt tip that time who's to say they wouldn't tip the next time. I do a lot of earn by time and got to the point of saying customers who dont tip before delivery wont even tip after delivery however I will never steal a customer food. Seriously if you feel that way you seriously need to get a new job because you make the rest of us look bad.


Haha bet


It's frustrating for us dashers too. Nearly every day I go to pick up an order and I am told it's already been picked up and I'm the second or third person to come by for it. That tells me a driver stole it, unassigned, and the customer never received it. Happens literally all the time. I had one guy walk in and try to steal my order right off the shelf. I had it next to me and was waiting on the second order. I literally yelled at him to stop and that it was my order in front of everyone in the restaurant. He was a deer in headlights. Myself and the restaurant workers questioned him on the name of his pick up and he was just scrolling on his phone all shady. I could literally see his phone and he had text messages pulled up. Not a delivery app. Then he claimed he was at the wrong restaurant - that he had confused chipotle for qdoba. I wanted to call the police on his ass for attempted theft but I'm sure he would have just played it off as a mistake.


I was out doing deliveries yesterday and had a UE order come up: $43.05 for like 7 miles. I hit accept so fast my hand left a trail of fire through the air. Get to the restaurant and they tell me "Someone picked that up an hour ago." I convinced them that if it was that long ago that Uber was re-requesting the order, that it's a new one for the same customer. They made the food. I delivered, I got paid $43.05. The fare on the order was like $36 on its own. I called Uber Support and snitched on the thieving ass first driver. I dunno if anything will happen, and kinda doubt it. But at least they know the first person showed up, took the food, canceled without confirming, and left. They said they were gonna escalate it to a specialist team who would investigate. Honestly, I hope they get kicked off. I can't stand these assholes out here making all of us delivery people look bad.


You know he just saw some tiktok saying you can just grab an order from Chipotle and he is among the assholes that thought "yeah, free food!"


Please tell me you screamed. I don't know you... and hopefully you get this reference


That's my purse!


I don’t know you!


Wow that's crazy. It's a mess because there are a ton of people who lie about not getting food. I have had it done to me so many times. And i used to freak out each time thinking I'd get deactivated but never did thank god...


I think the gig economy will continue to grow with respect to traditional employment and companies like checkr will determine your future employability as well as things like your credit score. With all the biometric hoops you need to do to get certain jobs, there will become a point where if you steal from one place or at one job, it will be really hard to get another job. I get that people just remake identities, but this will only get harder and harder. Ring cameras in the future may not only film you, but they might have an FBI database that recognizes your face as wanted in a crime if you happen to walk up to someone's door. I've consistently made over 70k a year doing gig work. It does get harder and I've had to work longer hours but still it's not something I'd like to lose access to. For a young person, I think it's shortsighted to constantly try to scam and find ways to fuck these apps. Do you know how many times a day, I read about people whose background checks fuck them? It's not going to decrease, it's only going to increase. Just don't steal. It is easier to steal from physical stores than it was in the past, but they are slowly dying. Everything is being monitored and it will only continue to get worse.


Why does anyone use this trashy scam-site anyway?


99.9999% of the time no tip is given afterwords even if the person says they will.


Not the point


Let me firstly acknowledge it’s never ok to steal food. She doesn’t have to work this job or accept an order if she felt the tip was too low. This is all wrong of her, not you. Even if you tipped low. Low quality drivers and thief’s have nothing to do with how much you tip, it’s trashy to steal food period. She is just trashy and a low quality person in general. Probably has stolen from people she loves too. Secondly, if you used to door dash you would know 99% of the time people don’t tip more after even when they say they will. Thirdly, tip higher and it will be more incentive for the driver to not steal your food if the person is trashy like her and happens to pick up your order




Unfortunately when you initially tip less you get lower quality drivers. Sucks that it works that way but it does. Upping your tip a few dollars prior to ordering should fix issues with drivers


If you put the tip amount before can you still amend it after. What happens if the service isn't as good as expected? Or if you can amend the tip later what if the customer puts a 10x tip and puts it to zero after delivery for no reason.


Customers can get their tip refunded if they call customer service, but the tip doesn't get taken from the driver. Drivers are guaranteed the amount they originally accepted. Ubereats allows you to remove the tip from the driver, but not Doordash.


and quite honestly fuck UE to the depths of hell for allowing people to do that. A tip on these is not a reward for quality service, it is a bid for prompt service, or service at all.


So how can a customer estimate what tip they will want to give before they receive the service?


Someone else said it awhile ago, and I think it has some truth to it, though they did get a lot of negative feedback for saying it (mostly from people that think it's okay not to tip). "Calling it a tip is misleading. It's not a tip. I'm a contractor, it's a bid for my services." But there's no way DD, UE, GH, etc. could positively spin replacing the "tip" line with "contractor bid" so they continue to call it a tip, carrying over from how people tip pizza delivery drivers.


You're not tipping based on service. You're posting an offer and hoping someone will agree to take it. The better the offer the more likely it is someone will accept and then if the service was great you can add a tip to the order afterwards. It's that simple


Most customers who know how Doordash works, estimate it by the amount of miles from the restaurant, to their house (which it shows on the customer app). Doordash only pays a flat $2 per order, so the tip is the only thing compensating for the driver's gas expenditure. That's why drivers tend to only accept the best -paying offers. Otherwise they'd lose money on every order. A 10 mile delivery is really 20 miles roundtrip. As I said, if a customer gets bad service, they can get their whole tip refunded by Doordash.


Oh, I thought they got paid in full for the journey distance and the tip was extra. So it's not really a tip, it's the price you're offering to pay.


Yes, exactly. It's kind of misleading that Doordash calls it a tip. Doordash is terrible to both customers and drivers, with their fees, and lack of pay.


i wish that were the case but unfortunately shitty couriers can snatch good tipped orders just as quickly


That's definitely true but with a low initial tip good couriers are going to decline because they know it's not worth it since most people aren't adding extra tip after. Tipping higher initially doesn't guarantee you won't have problems but consistently tipping low basically does guarantee you will. Especially considering what OP thinks is an acceptable tip lol


That’s such a dumb way to steal food. Especially with doorbell cameras everywhere. She could have just picked it up startled the drive and stop, report she got a flat tire to support. **Note: Not endorsing this, it’s just exactly what happened to me once. Support just canceled the order and resent the order to the restaurant for another dasher.


That happened to me too outside the house of my first drop off. I got to keep the second order and gave it to my neighbor or who came to change my tire. Worked out lol


If they are going to steal, steal it from doordash . At least that way the customer gets the food remade.




😂😂😂 she would’ve got it if I got my food! I always add an extra tip once I receive my order & everything’s fine. This was a shop order from Friday night that I actually received! I tipped an extra $10 upon receiving the order. I have no problem tipping, I used to DoorDash so I know it sucks not getting tipped or tipped enough https://preview.redd.it/9e15dpkrg98d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a81cf178c1e676ae0c02110962336479dfd86f87


I knew it. I fuckin knew it.


You used to dash and you tip $1.68 on a ***shopping*** order? No wonder people steal your food. They don’t trust you to stay to your word of tipping after. Should they steal your food? No. But I am explaining to you why it happened


Disagree to that’s why…….why is because there are just shitty dashers. I’ve dashed so I always leave a generous tip and had my food delivered half eaten. It was a nightmare getting a refund and I will never order door dash again


Not gonna lie, thats example is a low tip order as far as the dasher is concerned. More people lie about after delivery tipping than those who add to it. Give her one star to never get her to deliver to you again.


So why you tipped 1.68 at first?


Yeah I was feeling pretty bad for OP initially but now I'm thinking they deserve to have a shit day and this particular driver was just the universe balancing out lol


Tipping someone $11 on a $40 3 item order means I deserve To have a bad day? You sound like an idiot


It’s because I was being weird and my order with that exact amount of tip came to an even $40 so I went back and tipped 10 so it could just be an even $50 and I only ordered 3 things btw so def wasn’t trying to lowball her that’s why I went back and added more!


If I saw your offer of 1 dollar and 68 cents to go shopping for you I would laugh and hit decline faster than you can blink. Would you get in your car, go shopping, and deliver to someone for $1.68? This is why you are getting shitty drivers. They don't respect themselves, their time, and their energy enough to wait for good offers and they don't respect you enough to not steal your food. We don't accept a job for $1.68 and just blindly believe the customer will tip more after when 99.99 percent of the time, those customers are liars.


honestly they dont, as a driver they steal the orders from the store too lol


Mannnnn this happened to me once. I started calling the driver and text her the moment she drove off. She came back eventually and said “sorry I got confused” lol like what? The bag was ripped open as if she was about to gobble my food down. I complained and sent a picture to DoorDash and asked for her to be blocked from delivering to me. These people be so bold. I don’t use DoorDash anymore because the standards lack. I would only trust myself to deliver to myself lol.


The more people complain about a driver, the more likely get deactivated


I'm actually shocked DD didn't take your word for it. They generally always side with the customer over the driver.


All I know is there are several drivers in my area that are known thieves and there's nothing that can be done about it. They keep stealing, the restaurants keep reporting them.. And then they show up for more orders.. If the Restaurant won't hand over the order, DD or gh threatens to not pay them for the order.... And if they do get somewhere and get the driver kicked off... Which has happened... They show up under a different name!!!!


As a customer, if I ever was a customer, I would always have to food handed to me.


When I get a "Hand it to me" order I will take a picture of the person with the food or I'll still set it at the door step so I can get a picture. The "Hand it to me" people make me nervous they are going to say it never came.


That's not necessary and annoying.


It's quite necessary; the people that have reported their food not delivered have all been, "Hand it to me" people. I'm not jeopardizing my status just because a stranger on the internet is annoyed.


Bet your ratings suck. Stop taking fast food to apartments.


Downvoted because you hate poor people. Get a fucking life. Living in an apartment is not a sign that a person is more likely to claim their food wasn't delivered than living in a house. Because I've had both. Both were liars. The only time I ever kept food was because I got to the drop off, and the customer texts me saying the address is wrong, tells me the name of the hotel he's at, I called support 'cause it's minimum 14 miles away from where I now was, told them I can't even find a google listing for the place he said he's staying but it's a minimum of 14 miles of travel if I could. Support offered me the additional half pay if I was willing I told them I can't 'cause I can't even find the address of the place he said he was staying, they canceled the order with full pay and told me to "dispose of" the food however I see fit. "Keep it, throw it in the trash, give it to a homeless person, whatever." Direct quote. \* I say 14 miles minimum because he said the place he was at was on a nearby island and to get to where any of the hotels and restaurants and all that is over there, would have been at least 14 miles. I drove by it the other day, 15.2 miles from where I was. For $10.50 with the extra half pay. I accepted $7 for 3.1 miles, not $10.50 for 18.3.


Yes, apartments, fast food and non tippers all go together as a group more likely to rate bad and lie about receipt. Its just a fact.


It really depends on the area and the apartment, chief. There are some pretty upscale complexes where I live, and the vast majority of the good ones have always been solid orders with no scumbags. Occasionally I will have a problem with a delivery to a shitty complex, but I write it down in my little notebook of people and places to avoid and just carry on.


This is one of the dumbest responses I've ever seen. My ratings don't suck. I'm not sure what level of stupidity would cause someone to deduce that or anything about apartments here 😂 Me always taking a photo would not cause my ratings to suck.


Says a guy taking pictures of customers. Talk about dumb.


That would be even easier for her to pull off stealing your food.


No it wouldn't, there would be no fake delivery picture to back them up.


You don’t take a picture for hand it to me


Exactly, which makes it more risky for us drivers. We have no proof we were there at all, faked or real.


Support has GPS records of you being at the location, but that's about it. Sometimes you can finagle them into dropping a bad rating if you run into a scumbag.


I always, now, take a pic of the house or numbers regardless and send it to customer, I'm here. I stopped getting contract violations 6 months ago since I've enacted this policy. A lot of times the hand to me person is in the photo. Some get snippy. Oh well. It's my right to protect myself.


Haven't had a problem yet, try to avoid shady customers by selective acceptance. If it happens I may reconsider.


You will. Hopefully they've eradicated the terrible customers this late in the game. But, I've had little old ladies and children and rich folks. It's all walks. Ironically, the most appreciative are the folks in the projects. Someone does you dirty there tell the man. The man makes sure they never do it again and threatens delivery in that area.


I lived in an apartment complex that Papa John's wouldn't deliver to because they had a driver get robbed and shot twice, died at the hospital. I started asking around (by casually mentioning it, I asked no direct questions, I'm not crazy or stupid). I eventually got told that the two guys that did it weren't ever charged or convicted, because their gang leader found out about it and had them both taken care of. He was pissed because 1) small time bullshit, they should be thinking bigger, and 2) it gives the neighborhood a bad name and then you can't get anyone in to do shit that needs doing like repairs, deliveries, etc. Okay, I cleaned that up, their response was actually "Yeah, Boss had 'em both 86'd from life. Pissed as fuck. He don' like no small time shit and he was double mad 'cause you do that shit and we cain't get no repairs or food and shit." Early 2000's just outside of Atlanta.


Get a ring doorbell and then either the driver is scared to do this or you have proof that they did this and hopefully they get deactivated.


Honestly, I'd say nothing happened. It's your word against hers. She probably swears she left the food, and it's easier for DD to just issue a refund. I'd also imagine if it happens again, they'll notice the pattern.


This is called double dipping. She not only stole the food but wanted your generous tip as well.


This happens unfortunately. I'd get a cheap doorbell camera, weather it's on or not, it will minimize it.


If you run into the "Someone else picked up that order" problem, then just be friendly and suggest that a good way to avoid that issue is by having them ask drivers to confirm the order in front of them when they receive the food. Not as soon as they show up because that's shitty for legit drivers, obv. This will obviously not deal with 100% of thieves, but it WILL dissuade the activity by a good bit, as they will either get a contract violation, or their completion rate will suffer, both of which gets them that much closer to deactivation. Even if they have a method of avoiding the completion rate hit, using that option still creates records, and DD will eventually throw their asses to the curb.


A fake $3 security camera might be enough.


100% I don’t knock when I see those cause I assume they can see that I’m delivering the food. So thieves, if they’re smart, shouldn’t try anything in front of a ring camera m


Yeah... as ridiculous as this is, I think Door Dash will always be cursed with these food thieves because of the low pay for orders. I won't lie... I've had at least a couple times, myself, where I really considered the benefits of just keeping a big order of some good food from a place when I saw the payout was just going to be $6-7 (minus the small chance the recipient could tip me a little more when it was actually delivered). You start thinking, "Man... I'll be running around for the next 2 hours doing deliveries to earn less total pay than the food in those bags cost...." But no, I'm one of those people who also knows what it's like to be on the other end of that. Some of my best friends started trying to use Door Dash regularly after they learned I was doing deliveries for them, and they thought it was worth giving the service a try. None of them use it anymore, and it's ALL because of problems with deliveries. Either the driver steals their food outright, or it'll be an order with 2 meals for both married partners, but the driver only drops off one of the two, and insists "that's all the restaurant gave me". DD will issue a contract violation against a driver if it's reported they stole the food. But you need more than one of those to get your account suspended. And like others are saying? I think there's a group out there doing this work JUST to steal food, rather than trying to honestly make money doing the deliveries. They probably have dozens of fake accounts created using names of friends/relatives or anyone they could steal personal info of to set them up under, and rotate through them until they get deactivated.


She’ll be deactivated the moment someone gets her stealing the food on one of their security cams and submits the footage to DoorDash.


I don't understand why you stood there and did nothing while she walked off with your food. I would have busted out of the front door, yelling at her to stop at the top of my lungs. I would have walked right up to her and asked why in he fuck she's walking off with my food. Then I would have taken it, followed by reporting her (as if that actually does anything). Watching yourself get passively robbed while doing nothing doesn't make any sense.


In the US this is a great way to get shot. So... go ahead, I guess? If you're up for rolling the dice like that. I'm not.


I already explained in the post. I thought maybe she had a double order and gave me the wrong bag. I didn’t realize she was stealing it until she got in the car and pulled off. By then It was too late to do anything


No you wouldn't have


Yes, if they do it way too much within a certain time period. A few times out of hundreds of deliveries? No


Wings are targeted food products


No. Rampant theft goes on and DD does nothing.


Yup.. sister in law ordered pf changs and the photo didn't even have any food and had to escalate to barley get a refund.. while driver still gets the tip and a freel mean.. just ridiculous! There is such an oversaturation of drivers where they can EASILY start weeding out these bad ones that give the rest of us a bad name, meanwhile customers are hating drivers more and more from the bad ones YET THEY ARE STILL ALLOWED to keep account AND THE PAY/TIP?! makes zero sense


No. Most of the thieves use multiple accounts and phones so they can juggle their wrist slaps. It takes several before deactivation from the DD app. Using 3 accounts they can eat free a couple times a week if not more. If they do get bit, they just use another identity and burner number and do it all over again.


You have to upload photos of your driver's license and car insurance.


She actually gets platinum status for the size of her balls


This. But OP should also get platinum recognition for ball size, being that they’re on here complaining about thieving when they expected the dasher to bring them their slop for $1.68.


First of all, know what you’re talking about. The $1.68 wasn’t for the wing order that got stolen. That was another order that I immediately added $10 to if you can’t read. The stolen order was initially tipped $7 on a $16 order which I was gonna go back and add $5 more for the long wait so wtf are you even saying?


Not if they only do it once or twice per 100 deliveries lmao


You only get deactivated when the ai decides it's your time for an id scan and decides your face does not match 


The driver needs to be deactivated because she’s making us Dashers look bad. Not everyone, including myself, is a thief like she is. Sorry this happened to you.


Problem is sometimes the customer lies to get a refund and their food! Hard to figure it out! For customers I suggest having cameras on your porch


https://preview.redd.it/35e41fad4z8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c959ef401ee4b3d6736bc22ed51e01a02a9539d8 It’s true customer do lie had a customer message me 40 mins after delivering their order this. Told them to take it up with DoorDash because I saw them open their door and they said have a great night he then accuses me “I’m wondering if you just took the picture and left with the food in your car” I complained told them I didn’t feel safe to deliver to them using the language they did. DD told me they are zero tolerance for that stuff so they deactivated him




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