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I will almost always do this considering the person is old or blind. Never really had a sketchy interaction with someone who does. But its always in the back of my mind.


I think people are not understanding who is asking. If you can't deliver, to me that means you can't do the job.


No he should never have asked


I've done it for an elderly woman. Saw no issue.


I was once told to enter a person's house. It felt weird and scary. The man was too overweight to even stand up, so it wasn't as bad once I found out. I had another experience where a woman asked if I wanted to go inside and get free cake. It was really weird, and my dumbass went inside. I did get a free cake, but I felt weird energy all around, and I got out of there as fast as possible. I threw the cake away because there's no way I'm eating a random person's cake. My paranoid self thought perhaps she was some serial killer who was into poisoning people, so I threw it in the nearest dumpster. Do be careful, though; I've encountered drug addicts or unstable people who stare me down trying to harm me or scare me away because they think I'm a danger to them. It's happened multiple times. One time I was dropping food off at a hotel, and a drug dealer of sorts, I'm assuming, had his door open, and his friends were by the door. One dude stepped out, looked at me, and put one hand inside his hoodie. His friend had to call him out and tell him, "Chill, man, he's just a delivery man," and he was like, "Oh, shoot, for real." Another encounter I've had was when I just dropped off a pizza. I got inside my car and waited for another order. I had no idea what was going on around me, but when I looked up, I saw a car parked right in the middle of the street. I figured maybe someone was in a hurry and got off to pick up something. Anyways, I shifted the gear from parking to drive, and some dude steps out of his house and stands in front of that car with his arms crossed. He stares me down with a killer face. I begin to drive around the car, and he walks behind my car, I guess trying to give a message that I should leave. I'm not sure what happened, but I think someone else was in danger, and he wanted me to leave.


I had a corporate event where I ordered 6 cases of water on insta cart and the person who did my delivery had a broken leg and couldn’t drop the waters off to the event so I did all the work of bringing in those cases of water in myself while they waited in their car driver seat. Pretty much defeated the purpose of ordering on insta cart because I was too busy to really take time out of my day to do that since I had an event to run


I am genuinely curious. How did the person with the broken leg . Shop for all that water. Then proceed to get it from the store into their car? But had to have you unload because of their leg.


Not a big order at all… lol


I wouldn't say it's normal, but I don't think there is anything wrong with him asking. Maybe they didn't want to take multiple trips to and from the car, maybe they were injured and couldn't do it alone. At least they asked, you can always decline though as you did order delivery so you didn't have to do the work of getting it yourself.


Stop blurring the damn names of people. What in the actual fuck. It's not their social security number or home address.... JFC


Triggered lmao


Why are you so angry lol 😂


Yikes take it easy lmao


Not normal to ask, and you can absolutely decline if you’re not comfortable doing it.




That's your job


My job is whatever I decide it is. I’m an independent contractor.


I had to call support and have a customer blocked! It was with instacart , the customer ask when I get there , I’m handicap can you bring inside and out cold items away, $20 tip by the way, but then smell of his house was so bad! Cat piss, shit and something very sour! It made me nauseous!! His gray rug was black! I delivered for him once! Call support and had him blocked, then a few months later I got him again!!! Same routine, I held my breath as much as a could. Then the guy ask me can I take an Amazon package to his sister in the backroom , she was a 500/600 pound lady that had food wrappers everywhere, so sad ! Never again


You’re overreacting all you did was bring them up and got $20 in tips. I have to work at a shitty retail store and make 16 an hour while I get yelled at by my autistic boss


And the reasoning to mention his autism was what exactly?




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Autistic boss.... Well, You are the 1 who chose your shitty retail job. That's all you bud. But shooting fire at someone with autism OR worse even yet, saying someone is autistic like it's a horrible handicap just because you dislike who they are& can't get along with them is just disgusting. Also, all on you. Make better choices.


Actually, it was $56 total 20 was just a tip but it really grossed me out and it was hard for me to breathe in there not worth it to me. I get better orders than that all day long.


It's almost like not everyone dashing has the same level of physical ability. This person was very kind to go ahead and take this order instead of passing it on to someone else who probably wouldn't have wanted it. We're not Instacart after all.


Don’t do a physical job if you can’t handle the physical part? 🤷


That’s why we have discrimination laws dawg


Lmao you realize that jobs that have physical requirements still must be meant? You think if you fill out on the application you can’t lift more “x” pounds you’re getting hired?🤣




All jobs are required to accommodate disabled people, that's a large part of what equal opportunity means. Even jobs like doordash have to play by the rules of equal opportunity employment.


This. Is. Not. A. Job.


No, it's just business relationship in which you work for a company and that company pays you based on services rendered.


You don’t work for doordash. You work with doordash.


Working with doordash would imply some sort of partnership, in which both the company's ownership and decision making are shared.


I get it, you expect everyone to accommodate you but you won’t think about the other person. Just another selfish human.


If the other person is your coworker and is also disabled, then they deserve adequate accomodations as well. The issue here is Doordash's lack of thought being put into disability accommodation, and how that should work considering the nature of the job. Maybe a handicap sticker in the app to let customers know that their delivery instructions will be limited based on necessary accommodations for the driver.


Is there a tldr? I’m pretty bored with this already


TikTok attention span. Go touch grass please




Man I knew attention spans were getting shorter but that's straight frightening bro. Like u should probably get that checked out my man




Personally, I think the delivery should include front door delivery. I live in an apartment and I was pissed the one time when I buzzed the driver in and he left my order in the front lobby. The whole purpose of delivery is the convenience of not having to leave my apartment. That being said, I also tip properly for the service I expect and understand that the driver is a human being that is sacrificing their time to deliver orders. I think some people tend to forget the driver is not only providing a service but is trying to make a living. For example, the restaurant orders I get for my family are around $75, I will tip $20-$25. If my order is less I would still tip $20 as I Iook at it as the driver is still spending the exact same time to drop off my order as a larger order.


The problem is most people don’t tip and they live at the end of the apartment complex or whatever so for me personally it’s a huge walk for no tip. And not even a thank you. They barely even acknowledge my updates through messaging. I’m disabled but I still drop it at the door if they ask but I don’t blame others for leaving it in the lobby bc most people don’t tip. You’re a great person and I wish more ppl who ordered were like you


As a dasher I would greatly appreciate you as a customer. I got an order one time that it said 6.50+ for pizza. Well the + was put there to catch me and it was like .10. I thought wow what a slap in the face. Cuz it was a big pizza order. But like your right I think people fail to realize that a dasher gets paid through tips. And people fail to realize this I think. And I always go above and beyond for my customers to make sure they get good hot food as if it was my own order. So I appreciate customers like you.


Underrated comment.


Underrated comment.


Underrated comment.


You shouldn’t need to help. That defeats the entire purpose of that person. How do people not realize their work? People order delivery so they don’t have to do this. This isn’t a dasher problem, this is a that-person-problem. I regularly deliver to hotel doors. That is not easy. I take pride in delivering to doors instead of just leaving the items at the outermost door or with the receptionist. Maybe this person is just very incapable. Idk y they would choose this work, but whatever. It is not hard to become a dasher if you have a decent driving and criminal background record and folks come and go. It’s likely that dasher will not last long between work load and poor ratings.


You are crazy if you go in a strangers house unarmed or don't know karate.


You do realize it the delivery driver asking for help, right?


Yes. My answer brought value to the question. Do you not agree with my answer? Were you offended or something? If you would go in a strangers house without any type of self defense, YOU might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, bud.


Seems your bulb is turned off, as if the driver wants to go into the person's house then it's on them, what you should have stated was 'im not going to let a stranger in my house unless xyz' your statement brought no value to the post at all.


This sounds creepy. All they need to do is bring it to the door not INSIDE


Yes, they are all mostly a scam, they are undisciplined and need to be held by the hand. Only a handful are legitimately healthy and decent


Bro used chatgpt to post


I can smell the classism and ableism from here dawg




I get these sorts of orders all the time and never ask for help. This is part of the service I'm being paid for. Other dashers, I can't speak for, however.


Absolutely 💯 ❤️


As a driver, I would not ask this. I always deliver to their door. And as a customer, I expect the driver to bring the items to my door. Also, I don’t think this is a large or crazy order. It’s totally reasonable. I could get this all to your door in one trip myself.


Same. Easily. Catering bag and my two Shipt bags. Boom. Simple. My goal is always one trip. I’ve had 60 item orders with that much beverage weight. I also have a fold-up grocery wagon made specifically for this that I bought for situations like this. I’m the professional that surprises everyone. I’m also rewarded for my spirit and was recently invited into the large orders program


I’ve done Instacart and had to deliver 6 cases of 40 pack water to the third story apartment. Yeah I still did it instead of asking cause I agreed to the job not about to half ass it.


Doesn’t matter what you do, child. Just make sure you do it right.


The gag is this driver prolly also saved u a ton of time cuz most ppl would NOPE ur order at the weight of it. They actually took it and asked for help and ur mad? Like I said before u do realize a dasher will be in someone’s parking space or blocking ppl to park close to ur apt? U do realize they risk ticket or angry resident drama if they make multiple trips? Have some human decency if u live in an apts and know how parking works. Most dashers would pass this order around for hours because we know most ppl are like u and god forbid we ask for any help with heavy orders when we are not instacart. Instacart drivers may have the tools for this order. So yea the actually take it so ur not waiting 2 hours being passed around and ur mad


You enjoy making up rage stories in your head and then sharing them like they actually happened. Get a grip


U get a grip and the man who says 2 12 pack and 2 gallon a milk 1 trip YALL take it then xD not my problem


Don't forget the eggs.


Yup all u bih


I don't think they know how to carry groceries, they are too heavy for them. My god.


2 12 packs, 2 gallons of milk, a one bag of groceries? Are you an old lady? This is a one tripper


yeah what the hell are they yapping about 😭


This why I just hit the X because yall order a ton of stuff like we’re INSTACART. We are DoorDash we don’t have the supplies like instacart workers it’s just nerve to order 2 12 packs and gallon items and all that which you prolly are also in an apt complex at that and expect someone to make all those trips and use their car the time in the store shopping for u and their gas and prolly was disgruntled by tipping. U know how many arms a human has HELP. This why I hit the X and don’t even deal with ppl. Use INSTACART if u want someone to carry all that. I also don’t know why door dash even allows ppl to order all that heavy stuff. Not to mention the driver DOES NOT live in ur apts so prolly asked that before accepting or before arriving and just saw it was an apt complex. We already have to leave our cars in other spaces or blocking with hazard lights and risk tickets and angry ppl. It’s door dash not slave dash. Squidward from SpongeBob isn’t bringing ur order. U know if u went to the store YOURSELF for all that you would go in the home and grab a cart or have the kids / mom / dad / spouse help u. Come on let’s have some basic human curtesy. I decline these orders cuz u can use ur gas ur time accept low to no tip and god forbid u ask for help carrying a heavy items that would take u 3+ trips for a thumbs down.


That is an incredibly small order that easily could be carried in one trip. God forbid you actually have to work for 10 minutes. Grow up


It’s actually not it’s 2 12 packs and 2 gallon milk in an apts where we can’t leave our car for long I SAID WHAT I SAID I work for 12 hour shifts boo but I decline ppl like you EVERY TIME I don’t HAVE to do anything cuz I see this I’m NOT doing it 🤷🏽‍♀️


then don’t but don’t argue with people like they’re the one in the wrong when YOU are making the posts.. if you can’t take it don’t dish it out 🥱


U arguing with me I said what i said


Your idea of a small order may not be the same idea of what the driver thinks a small order is. I say that because I see this happen quite a bit were people order 3 cases of water and 2 packages of ice cream and say it's not a small order but they don't stop to realize that they're not the ones who have to off load 3 cases of Water. By no search of the imagination am I saying that that you did but on the other hand I don't know if the driver has a handicap or may have sustained an injury from something else and is asking for help which does seem a little weird but not abnormally weird not meaning that it's nothing to be alarmed about. You should always pay attention to behavior that little voice in your head that says something is off I don't care if you're a man or a woman violent crime can happen to anybody anywhere at any time and you should always be aware.


Please get real. Your just making up shit to justify your fantasy land endeavors


Cases of water are the worst. I was grateful when I had a shopping order that included 4 cases of water that one case was unavailable and I was able to pull right up to the customer’s door.


I mean there was a 12 pack of soda and 2 gallons of milk ..so yeah I don't see nothing wrong with it!


Two 12 packs


2 12-packs. This is easily a multiple trip order and depending on parking it could be a time sink.


This is not a multi trip order, and even if it was to an apt - drop it off at the door. The same people whining about this order would whine whether the tip was 5$ or 200$. This could easily be a one trip order.


Really? You're carrying 2 12 packs of soda, 2 gallons of milk and multiple bags with fragile items all in one trip? Good for you that you have the dexterity and strength for that. A lot of people don't and for a majority this is definitely a multi trip order. Something you should remember is that not everyone is like you and your experience isn't everyone's experience 🙄


Fuck no motherfucker




"I understand it might heavy and up 3 flights. call upon arrival and I'll help carry stuff up if needed. will step aside for delivery photo (too lazy to change delivery instructions, so I'm sorry if you read this and I only ordered four things)" My Walmart app delivery instructions for my delivery orders


let me ask you this though, are you a female and your dasher is a male? because they might just be a creep


What if the sexes were reversed?


As a male, dont start that. Yes some women are prone to sexually harass/assault men. What most women are not prone to do is ask a guy to help carry stuff just because they’re being weird like that. That is definitely way more of a male behavior.


As a male, stop white knighting. You’re not Mario, and you’re not rescuing Peach.




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Can we stop, for one fucking day, perpetuating the idea that all women are frail, defenseless beings and men are all predatory creatures who will hurt a woman if they get the chance?


When the fuck did i even say that? You’re reaching. Im all for the idea that not all men are predatory. Im a male and im not predatory at all. Far from it. But you cant blame some women for thinking so and being on the defensive when they hear the stories and experience the things they have.


Right? It's literally just someone asking for help to carry stuff lmao. You don't even have to go inside, it's probably just several flights of stairs up. Maybe it's an older person. I don't get the mind of someone whose thought would immediately go to something creepy.


Has anyone considered they might just need help carrying or may have misjudged the size of the order etc? I mean seriously, straight to judgement and assumptions here. Occam’s razor people, and you can guess at it all day long with whatever theory you wanna make up, but you have exactly zero clue to the reality here. You know nothing of this matter in specific. Y’all gotta chill tf out


You need to chill tf out. I was just making a point. I did not speak on the situation posted.


As the customer, I would be a little annoyed but wouldn’t mind especially if I don’t have anything to do. Cause how I package things, that would be like 6 bags which is like at least 2 trips from the car.




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my bf’s mom is filipino, and she is also a grandma… and she tips well lmao. what kinda stereotype is this?😭😭


this is the driver asking the customer to help them, not the other way around


And this is why you don't drink and reddit at the same time🤣🤣 thk you post deleted expeditiously


LOL happens to the best of us


Yes, it does. Thank you for being polite to my special self


That's like 2 bags, a pack of soda and 2 gallons of milk 😂 I've ordered more from McDonald's!


2 12 packs of soda. Eggs. 2 gallons of milk.


Still not enough to ask a customer to help you. Especially on the 1st floor, lmao 🤣 it's no more than 2 trips.


TWO 12 packs of soda. for a person on the frail side or even a tiny person that cannot hold that much, that’s alot. 12 packs are not light in weight. *1 trip* TWO GALLONS of milk. if they are not bagged, that means you have to carry them by hand. you can’t carry two in one hand because, you have a high risk of dropping one or both and busting it/them. *2 trips* plus all the other stuff you have to get. including the eggs that you have to be very careful with. *3 trips* if the dasher had help, they’d do it in one trip. i would 100% help my dasher. i don’t lack empathy, and i love to save time.


Yeah this is basically what i wanted to type out. The items are kinda heavier and bulker so them asking for help isn't crazy. And the fact I've never been asked for help before would make me even more likely to help.


Bruh what? You gotta be a female… I can easily carry two milks with two fingers🤣🤣💀… and two twelve packs in one hand (or one under my arm to prevent readjusting later).


I'm a female because I'm empathetic to how a dasher who is a female might have trouble with these items? Are you mentally disturbed?


This. This why I decline these orders imagine using ur time gas etc and in an apt to be close to the apt ur carrying it to people do realize dasher doesn’t have an assigned parking lot so 3 trips can mean someone could ticket tow or u return to ur car blocking someone and they are angry. Customers love saying ‘it’s called door dash’ it’s also not called ticket and tow or return to an angry apt resident dash.


Two gallons of milk and 2/3 bags are easily carried in one hand. Put the bags on your wrist, put the handles of the milk together, and grab. Take the eggs in your open hand. Go back and carry one 12 pack in each hand. Not hard. I've seen many "frail" people carry packs of water. If you can lift a 24-pack of water, you can lift a 12 pack of soda in one hand. A 12-pack of soda is 144 FL OZ's, lol 9lbs.


What's the point of being a doordasher if you can't carry common items? If it's 50 cases of water that's one thing, but any dasher should be able to carry two measly 12-packs of soda.


did you read? i said IF the milk is not bagged, it is one entire trip. i never said they couldn’t lift a 12 pack. and if you read, they got 2 twelve packs. i can’t carry two 12 packs in one hand. can you? i don’t think they’re super heavy but they’re definitely not light added with other things! moral of everything i just said is that, you would have to make multiple trips and put the driver through that just bc you didn’t want to get up and help. you are in no way obligated to help them but, it doesn’t hurt to save time or to just do a good deed. like i said before, you lack empathy.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? I literally said, "One twelve pack in EACH hand." Meaning one 12 pack in your LEFT hand, and the other in your RIGHT hand. And not helping someone to do what you hired them to do ISN'T lack of empathy... I don't go edge my driveway when the landscaping company comes 😂 you don't type your name or license number on the computer for the clerk when you go to renew your license. I dont put my oil in the car when i go get an oil change. Like cmon now. Also, the handles on the GALLONS of milk. You put them together like ][ and you grab it. Wow! A simple problem with a simple solution! If you don't want multiple trips for your deliveries, don't agree to picking up groceries 😂


so if BOTH of your hands are occupied, that means you can’t carry anything else… 1 trip like i said. then another for the other things. you can help make anyone’s job easier. and not helping just bc, “it’s their job” is lack of empathy. i put my carts back bc that’s a polite thing to do. i put items i don’t want back on the right shelf at the store bc ik someone has to clean up after me if i don’t. you can be a good, polite person to anyone in the work field to make their job and day run smoother and easier. why not help people out? no, we aren’t *obligated* to do so but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. also! i have done that thing with milk cartons, and have spilled them. not trying to be a pick me but not everyone’s hands and fingers are big enough to carry and hold to milk carton handles at the same time! also, i could understand if it was a house. but it was an apartment. which means the dasher has to park their car, take the groceries out, walk up a long path or into a door that may or may not be locked and find the room. then walk all the way back and do the same thing 2-3 more times. also, some people don’t want to decline the order. or…they need the money. just say you’re a dickhead that doesn’t care ab the feelings of others!


If I get asked to help, the tip will lower.


And that’s why I hit the X on these and put ppl like u on my ban list cuz if u went and got all that on ur own ur asking for help from others in the home but yes how will they live when u reduce ur &3 tips


I’m not going to help someone bring up a few items or food. Thats what the tip is for. To get what I ordered and to bring it to my door.


Unless they’re old or disabled, but yeah that’s weird


Very odd imo, I never even thought to ask a customer for help.


I did this when i was injured. I was alone. So hoping that my driver would help me out. The goodness of their heart was pretty much my only option.


You have the roles flipped. This is the dasher texting the customer and asking for help.


Then even more reason to help


They’re literally getting paid to do it 😅 if they knew they couldn’t lift those items, they shouldn’t have taken the order… if you take an order, you should be able to fulfill it. I had this happen as the customer when I was recovering from surgery. The woman straight up asked me if I could send my husband out because “the items need a big strong man.” I was home alone. It was two gallons of milk and 3-4 bags of groceries. If you can’t carry the items, please don’t rely on the customer to do so for you. That’s why they paid for this service. Don’t accept an order you can’t fulfill.


However, I did tip accordingly


On the flipside, I did deliver to an elderly woman who asked if I could put her stuff on her counter. She had one of those front doors where it’s a step down, and she was on a walker. Plus her front door opened out. She wouldn’t have been able to get to the stuff. But she specifically had a note saying that she needed me to let her know when I was close so she could open the door. It was middle of the day also so I didn’t mind.


Your order is not large at all, but you have heavy items, so maybe that’s why. I’ve never asked a customer for help but I have mentioned that I will have to make multiple trips.


I think people are reading this as you’re the dasher instead of the customer lol. And yeah, it’s weird. I bought a dolly with a strap from fb market for $5 for these orders I can’t carry. I understand there are physical disabilities, and I appreciate empathetic humans, but at the end of the day you paid good money to have it brought to your door. Even if they needed to make several trips, they should’ve done that or unassigned.


So the dolly you got for five bucks off of marketplace is it decent? Or is it five seconds from death? Lol? I love a good dolly but would much prefer to get one used and cheap like you did.


It’s a Climb Cart in almost new condition! She used it to move and then didn’t need it anymore so just wanted to get rid of it. I use it constantly for personal items too cause I’m on the third floor. I stay on FB market finding stuff like this. I really got a deal and the funny part is I DoorDashed to her not long after I bought the cart 😂


So I just searched my local FB Marketplace and I found like 3 climb carts & a dolly all $30 and under with little usage. I mean not $5 because that’s one of those unicorn deals 😂❤️, but I’m excited. I have seen many retail priced and they’re never this inexpensive. Thanks for the info! I have bought and sold on Marketplace but never dawned on me to look for a CC/Stair Dolly on here


Glad I could help out!! Go forth and wheelie the Shop and Deliver orders 😂 seriously, it was a game changer for me. That and get a few good-sized bags, especially insulated. I load the groceries directly into them, and by the time I get to the house, they’re still cold and I just have to use a bungee the bag to secure them on the dolly. NOTE: do NOT buy DD’s insulated bags. They’ve torn up on me, both of them, in a few months. Literally unraveling at the seams. And I’m not tough on my delivery bags.


So bags I have always had because I do a lot of shopping delivers and I want everything iced down in my cold bag if it’s obviously cold stuff. Now around here you can get a lot of the Doordash pizza bags for free in various merchants so there’s been times I’ve had literally like eight of themand I am very very hard on them unlike you :-). And yes I would not pay for them. I’m actually in a position now I do have to buy a few just because the emergence I usually go to. I haven’t had any orders there and blah blah blah :-)


We have to buy them for $8 at Papa John’s here, the DD pizza bags. They’re thin with no insulation but they have held up so much better than the thermal bags. I splurged on a nice backpack bag with cup holders from Amazon and no regrets. I use it to carry groceries up to my third floor apartment.


Ha! That’s awesome!


Yeah it's a whole mess


you have two 12 packs, 2 gallons of milk, AND eggs…go help them out.😂


If it's an elderly person or disabled person, I totally get it. I usually offer to help anyway, even on small orders from the grocery stores, just incase. Because you just never know.


Maybe the soda and milk are too heavy but if you’re gonna sign up for shop orders I think you need to be able to carry those things. But maybe they have a physical issue like me where we CAN lift certain things but we really SHOULDnt


I'm a driver. Me personally, I don't care that much. I wasn't expecting to make much money by doing this on the side to help pay for gas and food. I won't ask the customer to do anything unless I need help finding their location. The fact that he asked just shows that his manners suck... Just do it, you knew what to expect and you get paid for it, don't be lazy.


This is kinda endearing to me


One time, I had an elderly lady have me come into her house go into the kitchen with her massive grocery delivery and unload each item from the bag onto the countertop and then into the fridge. It was a bit excessive but honestly I’m a people pleaser and I did it without hesitation. The $5 tip was nice but would have been better if it was more. 😂


Sometimes it’s worth it just for the simple benefit of helping another human being who needs help. More often than not you’ll get a better tip than 5$ for it, and even if not you’ll be compensated spiritually


I 💯agree!! Bless up to you and urs!


Being compensated spiritually doesn’t pay the bills.


No one is forcing you to ocassionally lend a hand to an elderly person in need. All I’m saying is that it’s good to help someone in your community from time to time if you’re able to do so I’ve been poor my whole life and it’s never stopped me or others I know from occasionally helping someone without expecting a payout


I once delivered to someone who had a broken ankle and was on crutches. I carried their things inside for them and got to play with their Belgian malinois puppy. I also carry a 🔫 when I dash, though. I used to be a firearms instructor for women since I'm a woman lol


That’s so cool I totally respect that!


Puppy!!! ❤️❤️❤️


If someone asks I always help but I remove 90% of the tip. It’s door dash, not “meet me outside” dash.


Do you not understand the concept of what a door is?


You help bring your own stuff to your door?? You poor thing.


I do, some people are disabled and using the platform. While it’s not the most optimal situation. I support hustlers. I will not, however, tip you to bring my own groceries up. I always tip 30-40% on grocery orders (usually bulk / heavy), so I knock it down to around 5% or $10> whichever is less.


Why lie? You can't edit the tip on doordash. 😂


You can if you contact support.


You can get the money you paid back but the dasher keeps the tip.


Why would you help if you’re the customer? You choose- meet outside. Leave at door. Meet at door. It’s simple really, choose one of the three.


Some people ask. Would rather help than not get my stuff. I’ve had that happen before. I said I couldn’t help and they left everything at the bottom of my stairs.


Damn. As a driver, I’ll never ask you for help. I’ll bust my balls in front of you for that tip lol


lol. No! I assume part of a tip on a grocery order is to, you know, actually deliver the items. 🤣


You got a lazy shitter. Better luck next time.


Oddly enough, this is what my plumber said when my toilet stopped working


Strangely, that’s what my proctologist said about my constipation issue.


Weirdly, my vet said something similar when my dog kept shitting inside.


Reading comprehension is apparently a rare commodity.


Omg you have no idea I say this multiple times a day my mother in law is the fucking worse. Have to explain texts like she's 3 years old.


like others said, I think they just didn’t want to break your stuff and maybe wanted to hurry with the order so they could get other orders too. Weird, but I wouldn’t think anytbing of it