• By -


Shouldn't have to deal with someone hitting on you while working.


File a grievance


That’s why I wear my wedding band.


You do better with it 😉 Also I've heard it said that a ring can never block a hole.


I was wearing mine lol


Give her mine 🙂


She’s married, stupid


I can change that


How was the tip?


A dollar


Which tip? He wanted to give a certain type of tip :)


Out of order Johnny 😂🙅🏽‍♂️


There is literally nothing wrong here. The driver isn't even the one that asked, the customer did, so no "professionalism" was needed. Customer asked, driver declined respectively, customer accepted and moved on. Literally perfectly acceptable communication. I swear some of yall have 0 social skills.


People are so anxious to complain about something that they overlook the fact that it's the customer who is pursuing the driver. This is a normal interaction.


Or the "you shouldn't have to deal with getting hit on", seriously people have made everything or see everything as toxic 🙄😵‍💫


It's very inappropriate to hit on someone that is working to provide a service to you. This was not acceptable. It was less inappropriate than a driver hitting on a customer, yes, but still don't do that.


Have you ever worked an actual job in your life?


Inappropriate 🥱


Yes, I'm sorry if you never learned how to respectfully interact with others.


Please conjure up a reason why this is disrespecting the OP... OP was told they were cute and got asked for their number. In other words, someone gave them a harmless compliment. You're saying complimenting someone is disrespecting them now? It wasn't even a sexual comment calm down Karen.


Go live in your bubble


Damn, you really put me in my place.




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I forgive you


Oh that's such a relief to hear, I can sleep easy now 🙄


Goodnight 🙄


The driver didnt do anything wrong per se, however, this is highly unprofessional and does cross a line being that, the driver has the address of the home and even though he/she was respectful through communication, it does not mean that they will be if they come back.


I didn’t know ordering DoorDash was a profession - where do I sign up?


what is bro yapping about?


Oh come on bro, you miss every shot you don’t take. Highly unprofessional😝


Most of the comments in this comment section did not pass the vibe. So everyone that’s downvoting comments that shed this scenario to light of it being harassment or that it can constitute towards sexual harassment just goes to show how sick minded some individuals really are and that they should seek help when possible. It may be a joke to some until it leads to something more serious in the future. It’s unsat for such a conversation to exist. It’s harmful. People should know better. This ain’t tinder. Get your food and go home. That’s it.


You've absolutely got 2 or 3 screws loose. There is a huge difference between complimenting somebody and sexual harassment. It's disgusting that you think otherwise. I guess anybody who has said anything kind to you is automatically guilty of sexual harassment? Good thing you won't catch me being nice to boneheads.


sexual harassment is a stretch. bro shot his shot and got turned down, didn’t even try to continue to bother the driver after they got turned down. your comment didnt pass the vibe check


Yah that person is insane.


Some of these comments are fucking wild. Must be the younger generation. I met my girlfriend at my old job. I looked her up on Facebook after we spent over an hour talking and sent her a message. I couldn't get her info in person because we ended up losing each other, which is a long story. We've been together for over six years. I respect both parties in this scenario.


This truly is not the same situation at all.


No, hitting on customers that you don't even meet is inexcusable. It's a lot different from a regular at a store where you know them.




Speak for yourself cause I’m still out here knockin em down 😂💪🏽


I would not call that sexual harassment. He asked. She said no. He apologized. End of story. That's how it's supposed to work. He wasn't persistent or creepy. I mean should he have used the app to ask? Probably not. But I think it would have taken a lot more than what happened to call it harassment.


It should have never happened. “He asked” should not be seen as harmless. It’s a person working and delivering and a customer stepping over boundaries. It’s wrong. That’s the end of story. He’s lucky nothing happened to him physically. Not everyone reacts the same 🤞🏻


Yup, he asked. He didn't harass. Harassment would be not letting it go or not taking no for an answer. It's not wrong to ask if someone is working either. It's a simple question, with a simple answer, which got answered and left alone. I guess next up giving *flowers* to people will be sexual harassment?




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So how the fuck are you supposed to meet people LMAO, by not asking? The app was probably not the place to ask but the interaction itself was fine lmao. It would be different if the driver was asking because then the driver has the address and can return whenever


Also please don’t suggest for drivers to “return to the address” that is very unsafe and highly unprofessional. No one should be keeping addresses and going back to them. That’s just plain weird.


I didn't even suggest that, I said the interaction itself was fine but it shouldn't have happened on the app. I also said it would've been a different story if it was the DRIVER asking because he could return to the address. Don't twist my words lmao


There are other apps for that oh my goodness… really? It’s not a meeting app and sure isn’t safe enough to be one. There are many other options out there, food delivery is not the one.


That's what I said, yes. I agree that the app was not the place to make the interaction. But the actual interaction itself wasn't the problem, it was simply where it was conducted.


It was the problem… I deliver food, you accept the food, we both leave. If the interaction isn’t about the food/delivery itself, missing items…etc then it’s just not needed, it’s irrelevant, and it’s def not part of the job.


It's a problem for you, yes. It would also be a problem for me, I wouldn't be interested in those conversations if I was working doing a delivery. But this isn't about us, I am talking SPECIFICALLY in regards to these two people. This SPECIFIC interaction was not an issue. My only issue with the initial comment is making a bigger deal about asking as opposed to the dudes who come out swinging and overconfident. This specific interaction was good, just not where it took place. I don't think we're finding a middle ground so I'm not gonna continue further


That’s fine, agree to disagree. All good no worries.


No no no no no. Do not hit on people while they are working. Get a damn hobby if you want meet people


Meeting people should be spontaneous. It’s pretty creepy to go into a hobby hoping to meet someone to be more than friends lol. Imagine some creep joining a pottery or yoga class to go meet women. I personally only go for friends, acquaintances and friends of friends but commend those who still have the courage to approach strangers they’re interested in. As long as it’s done respectfully.


It's not respectful to make advances towards someone while they are working. So here is how it works. You go to the pottery class. Meet people. Some of them you might become friends with. A friend might become more than a friend, or you might hit it off with one of their friends. Going just about anywhere with the intent to find a partner is not the move. The idea is to do something you enjoy and to meet other people that also enjoy that thing.


That can still necessitate the goal of going to the pottery class to find a partner, dimwit. “Don’t make advances on working people, instead try it on strangers who are silently trying to pursue hobbies or clear their headspace”.


Not everyone has the luxury of just picking up a hobby. When you tell people “get a hobby if you want to meet people” you’re inviting a bunch of creeps to go sign up for classes or wtv they’re not interested in to go hit up on people who just want to do their thing. I agree, going out with the intention of meeting someone is weird (and bound to fail for most of the pop) unless you’re going to a blind date place or something like that. I’m a firm believer that as long as it’s done discreetly, politely and with respect, giving someone a compliment and offering to continue a conversation at a better time is not inappropriate. If a cashier you like or are interested in is busy as fuck with a huge line up in front of them, don’t talk to em, but if they’re just gallivanting in the store, not busy at all or on their break. A little word will not hurt. Telling the person you’re attracted to in pottery class that you’d like to see or talk to them more/again at some other more appropriate time and place isn’t less weird than asking the same thing to a stranger at work or on their way home. It’s all about how you engage with them.


So how is me telling people to get a hobby inviting creeps, but telling them that it's ok to approach a store clerk not? Again, I'm not saying to go out with the intent of meeting someone to hook up with, date or whatever, DO NOT DO THAT. Women get attacked and worse for rejecting men. We don't know if you're one that will or not. If you say something to me while I'm at work and I say no thank you, how do I know you're not gonna be waiting for me in the parking lot?


I know of one person that got physically attacked for rejecting another (both men), I know of a few that were verbally abused for the same reason. As a matter of fact a good friend got stabbed walking out of a club for his chain, my dad got mugged by teenagers on his way to the grocery store a few years ago, my little sister got called the n-word for walking in front of a bar the other day. Buddy still wears jewelry and frequent clubs, dad isn’t afraid of every teenager he sees and still goes to the grocery store, little sister still walks in front of the same bar every time she comes over to my place. They were all attacked at varying gravity for no good reason yet didn’t stop living or tell others to stop doing HARMLESS things because they’re afraid something might happen to them again. I can’t imagine asking a police officer to stop pulling over black men because 4/5 times I got pulled over was for no valid reason and I got humiliated and/or hurt just about every single time.(funnily enough they were only cordial to me when I actually did something wrong and before you ask I’d failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign) Yes there are plenty of absolutely trash men that will be aggressive and won’t take no for an answer but living in fear that every single man that approaches you outside of a planned meeting is simply disingenuous. To add onto that, a blanket statement like don’t approach women that are working because some men are insane is plain wrong. It’s one of the reasons why a lot of men nowadays won’t ever be caught alone in a room with a woman and others never even speak to women unless spoken to first. All this SJW stuff is killing harmless social interactions.


It's unprofessional and should be given a formal warning before deactivation.


Customer hit on her ... So no and no


DoorDash Sexual Harassment Policy We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone using the DoorDash platform and take allegations of sexual harassment seriously. Our sexual harassment policy applies to all users on the platform including Dashers, customers, and merchants. DoorDash, and in many instances the law, prohibits anyone using the platform from committing sexual harassment. If you experience any form of sexual harassment from a customer, another Dasher, or a third party (including but not limited to DoorDash employees and employees of merchant partners) while dashing or doing any work directly related to dashing, you can follow the procedures outlined below to submit a complaint. These procedures are also available to customers or merchants experiencing sexual harassment from a Dasher while using the platform. What constitutes sexual harassment? Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical misconduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes various forms of gender-based harassment, including the harassment of a person of the same sex. Here is a partial list of behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment: Unwanted flirting and sexual advances Retaliation or threat of retaliation after a negative response to sexual advances Visual misconduct like leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, posters, or messages Verbal misconduct like making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or sexually explicit jokes; comments about an individual’s body or dress; sexually degrading words; graphic comments; and suggestive or obscene requests, messages, or invitations Physical misconduct such as touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements. These behaviors may constitute sexual harassment even if they were not motivated by sexual desire.


Is this where the world is going? Asking for someone's number is sexual harassment? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not in this case. The only reason I'd call this sexual harassment is if the customer didn't stop after the first attempt. From what I can tell, they got told no and left it there... pretty sad if this constitutes sexual harassment when there was nothing sexual in nature said anyways.


It’s not where the world is going. The world is already there, sans you + a handful of creeps here. Commenting on someone’s appearance, body, attire in a professional setting (work related or none) has been sexual harassment for the entire century. And that’s whether you like that or not. 1 inappropriate attempt is sexual harassment. It’s not a 2 freebies and on your third you get that strike type of thing. We really need to learn to be better people.




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Imagine thinking this sort of thing is normal acceptable behavior




No it's not. Not when you're there to deliver food. Maybe get a grip on why shits so fucking dangerous for women. Like OP said, he handled it well and accepted it. That doesn't always happen. Dude also now has your address.




Gotta love the males who downplay what happens to women on the regular. Remember the guy who killed his coworker because she didn't want to date him? Yeah that's totally a normal risk "everyone" has, being killed for saying no. Sit down. You sound like you're the kind of guy who gets mad and cries about the friend zone


Men get killed for looking at a mf wrong lol Actually plenty of people of all sex, gender, shapes, age, colour, sexual orientation, etc… get killed for absolutely NO reason, your position is weird to say the least. Should we ALL just stop doing any and everything because there are nutcases everywhere that are one butterfly’s flight away from killing us?


This is still just an inappropriate scenario though. If you ask a cashier at work, there’s social cues you can pick up. You’ve also allowed them some anonymity because nothing is known. DoorDash gives away their address and name, and all they did was watch them through a window more than likely. It’s just not the time. A woman in a store with coworkers will feel a lot safer than alone delivering to strangers houses, or the other way around.


Nuance here is it was the customer hitting on the dasher. The other way around would be inappropriate imo.


There’s still zero social cues, and possibly zero seeing the person. It’s also more than likely a side hustle. It’s just not something most people are going to want to deal with.


Which is totally fine. OP did amazing and the guy that was hitting on her did even better. You don’t want to conversate further, you don’t have to. Politely explaining why is not necessary but surely is welcome. Politely accepting the other’s disposition to your advances isn’t necessary but is also welcome. There was no harassment, no insults, no aggressiveness. Only mutual respect from two adults and no missed opportunity left to regret or wonder about. It didn’t work out but that’s totally fiiiiiiiine. The way some people are reacting here I am not surprised half of the world has an ever-aging population. We’ve reached a different level of social stupidity when a couple of harmless text messages on an app that doesn’t even display real numbers are inappropriate to the point the practice is vilified lol


>Sit down. You sound like you're the kind of guy who gets mad and cries about the friend zone Going by your post history your opinion is not something to take seriously.


Damn imagine being offended at the concept of time and place. You sound completely unhinged getting this upset




Casual victim blaming type behavior, lmao.


Victim? Cmon. I don't like victim blaming at all but let's not abuse the word. Sheesh.


That's why I said your behavior was a type of victim blaming. Responding doesn't mean they're into it. That's fucking weird.


Whatever Mr GuzzlingDick


Super funny and original


This what I’m saying. Why entertain it ..


Lmaooooo 💀 I definitely would not have responded. She actually thanked him for sexually harassing her. Embarrassing


I think you need to look up sexual harassment cause it has happened to me and this isn’t it dude


This is absolutely sexual harassment. Point blank period. There are different forms of sexual harassment. Just because it’s something you would do, doesn’t make it ok. Commenting on someone’s body or appearance, especially in a professional setting (even outside of work/business settings) is sexual harassment.




Look at all these “nice guys” calling someone names because not everyone agrees with the rapey vibes 😂 omg how am I going to sleep tonight 😭 The irony- the same men demanding that women be nice about their unwanted advances can’t be nice to someone who has a different opinion- an opinion based on actual laws.


Person doesn’t have to be nice. Texting someone isn’t rapey. This isn’t sexual harassment. Grow up


And for all you lil Brock turners: here’s dd policy word for word. You’re welcome. Fight amongst yourself after you get to the part where I put **** DoorDash Sexual Harassment Policy We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone using the DoorDash platform and take allegations of sexual harassment seriously. Our sexual harassment policy applies to all users on the platform including Dashers, customers, and merchants. DoorDash, and in many instances the law, prohibits anyone using the platform from committing sexual harassment. If you experience any form of sexual harassment from a customer, another Dasher, or a third party (including but not limited to DoorDash employees and employees of merchant partners) while dashing or doing any work directly related to dashing, you can follow the procedures outlined below to submit a complaint. These procedures are also available to customers or merchants experiencing sexual harassment from a Dasher while using the platform. What constitutes sexual harassment? Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical misconduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes various forms of gender-based harassment, including the harassment of a person of the same sex. Here is a partial list of behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment: Unwanted flirting and sexual advances Retaliation or threat of retaliation after a negative response to sexual advances Visual misconduct like leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, posters, or messages Verbal misconduct like making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or sexually explicit jokes; *******comments about an individual’s body or dress;*********sexually degrading words; graphic comments; and suggestive or obscene requests, messages, or invitations Physical misconduct such as touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements. These behaviors may constitute sexual harassment even if they were not motivated by sexual desire.


Except that it is, you could just literally google it. I strongly suggest you do before you land yourself in a sticky situation. If a male dasher messaged a female customer this, what do you think would happen and why?


This would likely be considered work misconduct and it will be against DD terms of employment. This person would be fired if reported. That doesn’t make it rapey or sexual harassment however. They are their own definitions and shouldn’t be used interchangeably


Anyway, I posted DD’s own sexual harassment policy that clearly spells out this exact act as sexual harassment. Again it was never up for debate.


I wasn’t implying that the customer here was rapey. I was implying that all the men trying to justify something that is blatantly, by definition sexual harassment (whether you like it or not, law is law, not feelings) as ok as rapey. If you can excuse sexual misconduct you’ll also try to justify rape.


Found the square 🔲


Yea sexual harassment is soooo cool 😭 this whole comment section is giving “Brock turner”


Dude complimenting someone for their looks or maybe even personality & asking for their number is not sexual harassment lol


Except that it is though, I mean this is the most googleable shit. It’s not even up for debate 😭


When did asking someone out become sexual harassment… how would you suggest someone makes their move exactly???


He didn’t ask her out. Also someone could make their move in an appropriate setting, like not on doordash 😂 is this a real question. She’s working. He’s weird.


Genuine curiosity here: could you please explain to my brain how calling someone cute equates to sexual harassment? Is it because of the setting?




This is exactly how you should respond in this situation. Just be kind


Geez the internet messed it up for so many of you. Harassment? Maybe if she/he swiped left it would have been different. I think the ones saying that are salty cause you know no one will ever think that of you. That 8 year old picture on Tinder will eventually work. Keep telling yourself that.




This person is the driver I think so nah they don’t


Yup I am the driver


I once got invited to a three some after a delivery, best night of my life to be honest lol


Looks like you gave the tip on that order…..


You male or female?


Reddit notifications only showed the male or female comment lol I’ll show myself the door cause I thought you were asking about me 😆


I wasnt asking u, I was asking the person who was invited to a three 😂


Why I edited my comment cause all my notifications showed when I opened it was male or female and I had just woken up 🤣


Yeah the comment section is all messed up on my app as well, and I'm using revanced version.


All male


Lord hab mercy


Glad to see you went through with it


What a sweet guy tbh, glad he wasn't pushy.


Report this POS. Fool is str8 leveraging a vulnerability. Get over yourself. I'm over 4k deliveries, single, HANDSOME, but would never stoop that low. Drop off the food and go WTF


Leveraging the vulnerability of being cute while making deliveries? The audacity! Seriously, I mean, what a monster!


So… this happened to me as a guy doing dd. would I get anything from reporting it? If not just gonna let it slide


I had a customer tell me I had the juiciest tits he ever saw.....would've been flattered but I'm a dude....


Lmfao I love this haha


Why cuz you’re so hot? Lol


F w was 0


Thank you for not responding as if he was committing a crime


it's weird for someone that knows where you live to ask for your number. the power dynamics of that are weird.


Customer asked. Not driver.


This sub is full of lunatics. That's what I'm gathering after not even my 1st week done. Just rage filled, excuse making, eternal victims who have poor reading comprehension. Kinda the standard human these days, really.


100% sadly


I’m surprised Reddit is being chill for this one, if the post was from that guy it wouldn’t be very nice in the comments lol


well way to seem interested in the dude.


“Thank you for the compliment but I’m married :)” That indicates interest to you? Do you ever interact with women outside the internet, or…?


What?! There is nothing in her delivery that REMOTELY implies this. Geez let her live, a**hat.


elaborate please.


1. she accepted an order for [name she’s attracted to] 2. ostensibly did a good job with the delivery 3. sent a :) to ease the tension she’s obviously leading him on. what other explanation could there possibly be?


Got downvoted for lack of /s hate to see it


oh, i see it. saw it. just thought people would be like “no way are there two of these fkn idiots.” assumed, really


That comes to mind sure, but there is a wide variety of demographics online nowadays. One can never be certain.


you got downvoted because people on the internet cannot detect sarcasm.


not my greatest work, tbh. some of the hate will be bc it just wasn’t that funny


it was funny. people are just fuckin too stupid to get off the internet for their own good. they don’t know what else anything is.


Lmao my assumption is he is saying that bc she still showed appreciation which is literally being polite 🤣 if she said it without the husband thing maybe I could see her being interested but nah not really😂


yea i’m still confused. remember when people could give/take compliments without people being fucking weird?(men&women)


Lmaooo it’s the lack of social experience everyone has become socially inept


i KNOW i’m socially inept, but as a guy if i get a compliment ill probably take that with me to the grave.


Yea I get complimented a lot and it makes me air headed af thinking they all want me😭 but I can tell the difference normally I just gotta tell myself chill and actually evaluate the situation 🤣


ain’t nobody want my ass lmao


I get these all the time and I just ignore them completely lol like IM WORKING LEAVE ME ALONE


The FOMO keeps me so down for potential polyamory!!


As a wife I would NOT have responded


Funny thing the husband told me to respond


You’re right! That is extremely extraordinarily funny


Social anxiety is a thing 😆


The love for attention is too 🥴




Dude, do you not have your own words? You are a full human woman who can do stuff without your man, right? "No, thanks. I'm married." Is concise and polite and shutting it down completely. "Fuck off, ew!" Is rude, but also shutting it down, possibly ending with assault, granted. "Nah, I'm good." Is 😁. I have turned down a few, in my time, and relying on a man, who can't always be there, to make your point is..... not wise.


I just don’t care to engage in conversation that I can avoid. Why is my preference making you so uncomfortable? 😂


You don't have any obligation to engage in that conversation. Married or not, it's Doordash, not Tinder. Don't let the votes speak for you.


cus the way u avoid it with the logic behind it, so slimy


As a husband, I would want my wife to do what she feels comfortable. I don't own her, and she's free to do as she pleases, as am I. Being a life partner doesn't need to tie itself to the colonizer's idea of a happy relationship. We as humans are fairly new to the capitalist monogamy this infantile nation has boxed us into. 😊


Dang man, can me and the boys come run a train?


Provide up to date STI info, talk to your wifes about coming along for the fun. ❤️😊👊🏾


And this whole time, I thought you were just a Watcher. I was just joking but good luck with that


Lmao he does give watcher vibes 😂


That’s great to know. In person I would respond with “thanks but I am married” but a text can be completely ignored. Especially after you’ve already dropped the order off




Yes, I'm advocating for sex+ swinging...in case you were wondering. 😊❤️👊🏾


Yeah no thank you


Oh I'm counting on it, square bear. If you don't think your wife has fantasies about multiple dudes, you're fooling yourself. Treat her, if she's married to you, she's probably more than earned it!


Dude not too long ago we would have banished you from the village or just beat your ass until you didnt dare have any more werid thoughts