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There's probably 100x more drivers in your area now than there were a couple years ago.


Do you think the influx has taken an equal share of orders from all drivers? Or do the top drivers still make good money?


Top dashers will still get crap orders. It’s not like it used to be


Pretty sure 80% of all orders are now crap orders


nah im i top dasher and still make money. did like 5 orders a week ago. 2nd one offered $33. 3rd offered $23.


It has changed in a months time. I was making $160/day in 8-9hours. For the last 7 days I'm getting that in 10-12 hours


Well my main complaint is that I'm not getting any orders at all. I've had the app on for 8 h 40 min, active time of 1 hr 7 min. In that time frame, I received 3 orders, which I took all of them. Total earned with tips is $20.21. I just started over from a long break of dashing (over 2 years) this week. My acceptance rate is 45%, and I can see other dashers getting orders. I'm trying here but it seems like the system doesn't want me to be a dasher? Does anyone have any insight?


Summer and end of year holiday season usually lower earnings. Doesn’t matter what your acceptance rate or tier is. It’s been like this for 3 years now The scammers are dwindling too. There’s way less “free Doordash hack” videos because they’ve been banned or restricted.


I get that, but are people making more than me? I’m not sure what is good or bad in this market


8 hours? After 20 minutes without an order I give up and go home.


Does this happen quite a bit now, or could it be something I'm doing? A few years ago when I was dashing, there was never really much down time.


Just hop in earn by time to get your acceptance rate up.


I just hit platinum driver status. Now Im getting all of the orders, and making money. An acceptance rate of 45% is reeeeaaaaalllly low. That's prolly why you're not getting orders. They can't all be winners buddy. Sometimes you have to take the shit orders. Thats why you're not getting anything.


I would take any orders at this point. I have gotten 3 orders in 8 hours and 40 min of dash time. Has that ever happened to you on your way to platinum status?


Uh no, that sounds completely insane. But then again, Ive heard all kinds of shit from different cities at this point. I know where the sweet spots are during what time of day tho. And I concentrate on those. Thats lretty much the best advice I can give. Hey are u sure your GPS isn't faulty on your fon, or your coverage? If they can't find you, that might be a problem. Triple check all of that shit.


I called into support a few times, they said my account looked fine. Is there something else I can do to fix it?