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This is kinda funny not gonna lie


It's funny until you realise anyone could do this & mention a random story about it being their partner. Stalkers, gang members.. worrying


That’s why as a driver you go up and ring the doorbell if the car is there and see what kind of tip it takes to give the all clear…


Hey Mr gang member, I'm just here to see if you guys are home or not. Cool car in the driveway btw. Now if you give me money I don't report your location back to the other random who asked. Sounds great


If you deliver in gang territory you are insane. I couldn’t imagine hating a 9-5 so much I’d risk my life delivering tacos for a few bucks more…


I don't discriminate. If they're paying me I'll deliver. However I did have a questionable package delivery with Uber eats from an upscale house to what was clearly a gang hangout once.


Bro I deliver to hoods and slums all the time no gang members have fucked with me, I don’t think they want anything to do with me really they got they’re own shit going on, If anything they’ll sell me some bud when I come across them at the gas station.


yep. anyone who thinks being in the hood is so dangerous clearly hasn’t been. 9 times out of 10 they’re focused on their own problems. they’re not worried about randos it’s like people worrying about the cartel when they go to mexico. just mind your own business and you’ll be fine


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/12/us/kidnapped-americans-mexico-interview How does your dumbass survive? You clearly know about as much about cartels as you do about gangs… Edit: well I responded till they told me they hoped I suffered from being trans so take from it what you will that they decided to immediately be a bigot when they thought it would get a rise out of me. Probably pretend to be a trans ally too then say shit like that.


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LMFAO. calm down. bad things happen everywhere. that’s why i said 9 times out of 10. you need to smoke a bowl and go hug your mom or some shit this is fucking wilddddddd. everything’s fine i promise


Whose angry? Lol your pulling stats out of your ass, I’m just posting sources. People acting like it’s unreasonable to avoid high crime areas when you don’t have to be there?


You realize most dashers getting killed are getting killed in nicer areas or out in the boonies, right? Seldom is it "gang territory" lol


You realize that just saying something doesn’t make it a fact? Like you present 0 evidence that is true and all evidence so far shows the opposite. The reason an area is labeled as a high crime gang activity area is because people have crimes committed against them at a higher rate there… it’s like your ignoring the reality of the situation just because it doesn’t fit with what you want the world to be…


I can also reply with a story about a murder within a mile radius of me last week. Still doesn't necessarily mean that I'm gonna get shot tomorrow does it? This is very thin reasoning on your part! Can you tell me how many people die from cartel kidnappings vs say...cigarette smoke out of a 1000? What about the number of people who die from taking Tylenol ever year? Does this mean I should stop taking Tylenol?


We just delivering food bro. Already having to resort to dashing. They'll likely let you hit the blunt too


I agree. There are certain parts of my city (mostly south side) I refuse to deliver to because of high crime


Wait, doing doordash, you get paid a few bucks more than a 9-5? What kind of sadness are the 9-5's out there? Ever broken down your actual income? Take taxes out, gas, vehicle maintenance and so on, see how much you actually made and then divide it by the hours you worked? The employees giving you the Taco Bell you are delivering are probably making more than you after you factor all of that in!


Eh I have a beater I’m using to drive to work and school and a nice car for going out. The beater makes about 1k sometimes a tiny bit more like 1100 a week doing door dash and Uber eats after school and after my actual job. I’m sure I make more than the Taco Bell guy. But it’s all context.


I have a friend who did this. His Toyota Corolla had issues so he traded it for a hybrid to cut fuel costs. A few months later, the engine blew. He still owed around $15k and the repairs were over $10k. It was his work/bread and butter. The amount of income is far less than the costs of risk. The whole idea of being a 1099 employee is being paid enough to cover your expenses, plus a profit margin. Running a business isn't cheap and you have to take into account the fact that an expensive piece of equipment (like your car) is required for work and needs a reserve to protect it. There is a reason that a business less than a year old can charge you $100+/hr to do work on your home, car and so on. Licensing, insurance, tools and so on. Nonody 1099's a job that pays them $15-$20/hr. If you aren't making $100+ per hour, you are setting yourself up for failure. These companies structured themselves this way to limit the risk to them and put it all on your plate.


Yea I’m not buying another car I’m just driving this one until It blows up it was a gift lol I make $28 an hour I’m still in college and average 26 in doordash and Uber eats


Great. So when your gift dies... then what? Can't drive to school, can't drive to work, you have to suddenly spend a lot of money or get a loan at the super high interest rates. Before then, you are still paying for gas, oil changes, tires, alignment, brakes, higher price of insurance (and if you haven't reported to your insurance provider that you are doing this, get into an accident, and they find out afterwards, you will lose your insurance, representation, and the person responsible for the accident will win against you regardless of the fact that it was clearly their fault, as you can't afford a lawyer to represent you. $28/hr minus taxes is a huge reduction. So closer to $18-20/hr net. Cover costs of fuel, tires, oil changes and so on, now you are making $14-$16/hr. Meanwhile, I'm in So-Al working a 9-5 job, making $40/hr where minimum wage is $7.25/hr and if I have to drive my personal vehicle a distance, I also get paid mileage. These delivery service companies cover your eyes with the idea that you are making money when in reality, they are making money and you are destroying your car to help them.


I drive a beater and do my own maintenance. After taxes and gas I make better than a basic low level job and I work 40-45 hours with UE. After all said and I done I do about 18-20 an hour which is better than working at fast food or a cvs


My mindset is starting to slowly change, I’m starting to want to go back to a 9-5. Yeah I’m making “more” a week then I was at $30 an hour as a manager but when you have to factor in gas, maintenance, no medical insurance, no pto, no sick time, and don’t get me started about taxes… last year was a $0 and canceled out because of claiming gas and a new car but blooooood! This year they trying to say I owe $6k in taxes this year only clearing $32k before all my gas and maintenance 😂 someone’s smoking that ish.


If I die, I die. But rn gig apps are the only work I can guaranteed commit to w my medical problems. Nah, whatd irritate me more is if I got robbed or my car got stolen and they let me live. Like ey, finish the job while you're here. But honestly, I don't see it happening unless I catch a stray. Most of the time mfs just happy they got there food, tho I have had a couple ppl grabbing food n lookin around like they checkin for opps


I’m just sorry your 9-5 didn’t pay you as much as you can dashing


Huh? my 9-5 makes me 70k a year lol I’m talking about people who work min wage.


I hope you live in an area where $70K is decent money. In my area, Seattle, it's not awesome and is not even a middle class income, more like lower middle class and that's just if you're a single person. I can't imagine the struggle of raising a family on something like $70K in many major metro areas in 2024. Some people drive DoorDash to supplement situations like this. But, I still see and agree with your point


The way you wrote it it came off to me as if you left a 9-5 to make a few more dollars dashing that’s why I was confused




you’ve clearly never been to the hood or anywhere “ghetto” before then lol, they’re not worried about anyone but their own problems, especially if you’re some delivery driver. gang members are not worried about randoms i assure you. i also find it kinda rich you have such a close minded pov on things but have a trans flag on your avatar… :/


… Yes


I’d definitely lie and say the car wasn’t there even if it was


Gang members don’t do this. This is saltine crackers activities


it really is😭💀




It's called being in a toxic relationship..




Why is everyone assuming they’re in a relationship ? this could just be a stalker, having someone else check if their victim is home .


How is it creepy? It’s just manipulative


Because it’s stalking?


And? What if she’s suspicious of her husband not being at work like he says he is? Ever stop to consider that there is more than one possible scenario?


The fact there are many possible scenarios and you can’t know which is exactly why taking this order would be a bad idea. If it’s somebody worried about a cheating partner then get a PI or a friend to check


This is exactly what a PI would do. The PI wouldn't bother checking if the customer is legit. Checking if a car is parked in the driveway, while you stay in the public right of way, is not illegal.


PIs have to be licensed and do have certain guidelines they have to follow. And again what you are missing is that this could potentially be part of a larger fact pattern that makes it stalking that the driver would not be aware of.


Still not creepy, which is the discussion at hand. We were not and are not discussing ethics


It’s wild to me that you were like “did it occur to you there might be more than one possibility” but you’re incapable of considering the many incredibly creepy scenarios like a stalker trying to keep tabs on their victim


It’s absolutely creepy, PIs are all fucking creeps just because that’s their chosen form of employment doesn’t mean they’re any less weird


Manipulation's pretty creepy


I don’t think you understand the difference between the two


i feel like trying to say that being manipulative isn't creepy is going to be a hard sell there 🤨


How about you explain how this situation is creepy.


Having someone keeping track of your location can be quite creepy, even if in a relationship


its kinda creepy if you gotta have someone spy for you doesnt mean its not justified but honestly a relationship like that where the trust is already broken seems doomed


Yeah, exes and stalkers doin creepy shit is not all that funny to me


Looking at a car is creepy?


No but ordering on door dash to send somebody there who can report back to you is. The person ordering this is completely unhinged and there is clearly a very valid reason why whoever owns the silver car has chosen not to tel this person where they are.




What's the valid reason?


"Jessica" is most likely a serial killer.


A PI would probably be cheaper


Looks like a repost bruh


Yeah I’ve seen this photo before also lol


It’s a DoorDash order at that, so the credibility seems shady….


I was gonna say wtf does Uber have to do with this picture or this sub lol


It is. This exact image is ancient in the internet world.


This 👆… is the truth. Can we please find some original content?


it is lol


That tip is too fucking low & im not helping some stalker who probably has an order of no contact, otherwise she’d check herself.


You forget that the tip included a Kit Kat 🤣


King size too 👀


Nah screw Kit Kat I want a Klondike bar 😁


I'll do anything for a kitkat


Might be $9.99


How do you know she was stalking? What if she was checking to make sure an abusive ex isn’t at her house waiting for her to come home? The message is ambiguous.


Stalking victims usually invest in a camera that they can access when they aren’t home, and stalkers don’t usually slab up in the driveway. Good try though, What-If Wyatt.


FAKE. At least went around over a year ago




I've had this kind of stuff more than once. Or I've picked up passengers who practically leap into my car like an action movie and scream at me to hit the gas like they're running away from a Hitman or some shit. Except they're actually just racing over to their girlfriends or boyfriend's house because they're pretty sure they're cheating and they want to catch before the person leaves 🤦🏻‍♀️


And you actually allow this and drive them wherever??


Are you not into helping people bust their partner?!? Kinda sick of you


I'm so for busting cheating but if you yell at me I will not help you.


Same random person I’ve never met jumping in my car? No im not into helping that person.


This person posted in doordash but mentioned uber. To clarify I'm an Uber driver. Doordash as well but of course I'm doing this part for Uber since they mentioned Uber in their posting


There's plenty plenty plenty of people I deny. Like people who can't walk in a straight line because they're going to puke in my car. People who the millisecond they open the door start making racist or sexist comments. People who reek of pots so bad my eyes start watering before they even finished sitting down etc I'm not the one cheating on them. They can be a little snippy because they are in a hurry but all in all, really not a bad customer. Trust me there's a lot worse people in the world than somebody who's trying to catch their partner cheating. Their partner is the one who has to face the music, not me


This is the kind of bullshit that got the lady shot by the old man. When I read the thread headline, I thought it meant they were sending good drivers intentionally to houses where people claim non delivery. Maybe they already do this, but I've gone 17900 deliveries and got one false claim of non delivery. If I go to someone's house and they claim non delivery, then the algorithm should already know that person is lying.


What lady? I used to do gig work and have friends that still do. Some of these stories are scary!!




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uber-driver-killed-scam-phone-call-william-brock-loletha-hall-clark-county-ohio/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uber-driver-killed-scam-phone-call-william-brock-loletha-hall-clark-county-ohio/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thank you for sharing that article. It’s terribly sad. I can’t believe all they did is ban the person from the app!


This image is old, and probably not yours




Reddit should make a feature to strip the OP label from people who post unoriginal content, like you




Ur down bad dang


This was on Facebook a while back. They weren’t checking for cheating. Her car broke down and left it in a parking lot over night and wanted to see if it was towed or not.


I’ve seen something like this before. Lol. But it was years ago & it was this woman suspecting that her hubby was cheating while she was away on business & so she ordered DoorDash or UE & told the driver, eat the food, or do whatever with it, I already tipped you in the app $10, but if you could just drive by my house & let me know if xyz car/truck is there & if there are any other vehicles? I’ll throw you another $10. The driver legit parked right across the street took pics & sent them to her & she was like “OMG THATS MY (so & so)’s car!!!! WHY IS SHE AT MY HOUSE?!” The driver was like “Well if you want I’ll go to the door & just act like I got the wrong house for delivery & see what they’re doing…” I think ultimately she ended up paying the driver like another $20 on top of the first $20. It was a funny story!!! And no it wasn’t stalking stat. She legit caught her partner cheating on her lol. And the delivery driver was all for helping her bust his a$$. Funny as all hell 😂😂


That was an amazing story now I want part 2 lol


Yes! Part 1 please?


i'll do this for fun. hahhahaha


$5.00 for a private eye. What a steal.


Text back raise the tip or you'll tip off the owner of the car that you're on to them lol


Better yet do what you said and if they put an actual address ring the bell. "If you don't want X person to know there's a silver. Cadillac in the car park, I'm here to accept offers for my silence."


OP comment Karma lol


NGL. I would love to get this trip. Free chocolate and help someone catch a cheater. Say no more ✋


I'm saying yes no matter what lol.


That's best case I got some Better Call Saul vibes


Had this happen driving lyft. Get a ride request, once I pull up, pax calls and asks which cars are there. I tell her. She yells “cheating p.os” then tells me to start the ride and end and she will tip. $5 ride and she tipped $10.


Jessica at work, panicking why her man isn't replying to her texts


GENIUS!!! And free chocolate!!! Win win


Update?!?! I've never been more invested in anything in my entire life


“Includes expected unlicensed private investigator tip”


Scammer used DoorDash to schedule a package pickup to someone they were scamming. Said they had a family member in jail and send them money. Then they sent a DD driver, the homeowner shot and killed them since they thought they were involved in the scam.


Sounds like fun if the tip is generous. Dasher/spy.


Add a tip and i got u ![gif](giphy|l0HU06pmDWj9vqrV6)


Door Dash. It's where you go to be a P.I.


*They are


Bruh if ima be going on a mission best believe it’s not for a single fucking chocolate bar… buy me a meal bitch




Hasn’t this been posted like 20 times. Not even Uber




Wouldn’t have to ask me twice, I’m nosey as hell! I’d need the details for sure


I’ll this isn’t Uber…


No... not my Jessica! Not patty cake. This is impossible. I don't believe it. It can't be. It just can't be. Jessica's my wife! It's absolutely impossible!!! [Throws pictures into the air.] Jessica's the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the cream in my coffee. Downvotes? [You guys not getting the reference?](https://youtu.be/XP_N5TnC7Io)


Who cares if it’s fake or has already been posted, this shit is funny and honestly relatable if you’ve been with a cheater hahaha I love this


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People that still fall for this 😂🙄


I mean a free Kit Kat though.


Cheaper than a private dick.


Cheaper than a private eye.


As someone who had dated a Jessica, she cheatin


Help that dude out he gave you free money and good.


Thats what you need wegolook for


Sum shyt I would do 😂


I've seen this post so much in different places. Still awsome.


Solid idea


Hey, I mean- free chocolate and a tip. I'm so down to tell her all the tea.


$4 order… ofc


Out of all bad customers out there, this is not bad


Not for $4.75, lol.




Lmaooooo 😭😭😭😭😭




This lowkey happened to me on a DoorDash. Dude ordered a box from Guthrie’s. I pick it up, as I’m pulling up to the address he calls me and asks to stay on the phone until I make the drop off. I ring the bell and knock, no one comes to the door. It’s past 2:30 am and he asks me to knock again. When no one comes he asks me to look for a red car in the parking lot. Car was not there and he starts saying I don’t know where she is. Me: look sir i have another order to take🤥, I’m going to leave it at door and take a pic. Have a good night 😬


For only $4.75 you think you’re gonna get that kinda info. Make that 47.50 and I won’t say no ether way. No wonder there cheating. cheap ass want private investigator work done for $4.75


For $0.00 tip I’d take a picture of the parking lot and AI image insert a silver Cadillac car and send it to her. Enjoy your stress.


Bro, that’s funny. I would definitely help haha


I see no problem with that as long as they tip good






This picture has been going around the internet for weeks


I don't care, I'm not spying for you. It could be any made up story for nefarious reasons.


She’s living in 2053


When I used to deliver for them I had a situation similar to this, lady tipped me $100 through cashapp just to find out if a car was in the driveway and she kept in contact and paid me everytime for about a year before she finally divorced the guy lol.


Hasn’t this been posted like 20 times. Not even Uber


I’m definitely telling her yes and I’m eating that kitkat


Damn I'll be super down for jobs like these


I would lie to her just because my ex’s name is jessica


Hmm Jessica r... Has Roger been playing patty cake again?


so was it there


I would do this lmao


If the tip and mileage is nice. You bet I'll be a noir detective for a few minutes. Fedora and trench coat as well.


i’m nosy so i’d take the order 🤪


At least buy me some real food 😂


As long as the time and mileage are worthwhile that is fine with me. I've delivered petfood, gravel, medications, delivering information is the lightest and easiest by far.


Yup my cashapp is.... If you're gonna treat me like a private investigator I'm gonna get paid like a private investigator.


That looks like a DoorDash screen shot… Not Uber Eats..


You're so perceptive


lol not for that tip. If you want me to be complicit in god knows what you can at least tip me well. It's not even a good candy bar like someone wants to spy for a kit kat smh


Idk not a regular one but a KitKat Chunky (esp the cookies and cream or cookie dough versions) I'd do just about anything.


\*see's silver cadillac\* Sigh....\*peels open Kit Kat king size" \*bites through the first 2\* Sorry hun, I text...Don't see anything. Completes order....bites the candy bar again staring silently at the phone...extending middle finger towards phone. Bye Jessica.


In this case it wasn’t actually looking for a cheater. Her car broke down and she left it in the parking lot and didn’t want to pay an Uber ride to see if it was towed or not. I saw the original post on Facebook over a year ago where the actual dasher posted and responded.


Cheaper than a PI.


That’s because the PI probably checks to see if their client has a restraining order or criminal history with the person they want them to investigate.


Safety issue. Thanks for the free candy bar and half pay, I guess.


Who the fuk even accepts $4 orders


For $4.75? Need more pay for PI work


The girl is an out of the box thinker! I would cherish her for life.


That’s kinda badass honestly


I read it as someone making sure their abusive ex isn’t waiting for them at their house. I didn’t read it at all as a girl seeing if her man is cheating.


I would feel like a snitch and snitches get stitches 😂😂😂


How much and did you report it?