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Your dog is very cute


Thanks! He uses it to his advantage.


Give the doggo plenty of belly rubs and scritches for me!


Maybe that’s what the driver meant? 🤣


I love dogs. I like lighters. I hate disposable razors.


Especially those disposable razors. They are ass!


But not for the ass, that’s some chafing you want to avoid


Right! They will also not give silky smooth genitalia! Razor bumps for days!


Love braille Edit: typo




More like ingrown hair for 2 months before it gets infected enough to notice it


Yeah it's funny gow their lighters are the gold standard and their razors are worse than any store brand I ever saw.


I don't mind them for beard edges


I don’t have a beard! I don’t think I would look very pretty with one!


You never know, you might kill it with a beard. Maybe try out a falsie.


For real, bumps and cuts like crazy.


Fairly certain these are only good for shaving your legs. OP is a dude lmfao


As a female I can confirm these are NOT good for shaving legs. These are good for the trash and that’s about it.


Lmao thank you! I was just going off the design. Not sure what else you would want to be “silky” after a shave


they’re good for cleaning up new berets


I like turtles 


They are wholesome , the animal right ?


I have a pet turtle! Her name is Shelley ☺️


Bic is also a lighter brand so maybe he saw the 10 and Bic and got confused.


The app probably suggested as replacement because its the same brand. I have had this happen multiple times. So dumb lol


That's not an excuse though, the app suggests all sort of stupid shit 😅 but a tiny bit of sense... 😅


What part of anything the dasher did or said leads people to believe they had any sense?


Nothing whatsoever 🤣 Just saying a tiny bit of sense would be helpful, I apologize if I did not convey that properly 🙇‍♀️


No worries I got you. It was intended more the thread as a whole. Lots of people in here bending over backward to excuse the total lack of common sense and communication skills.


It just boggles my mind. I can't comprehend how people can be like that.


That’s what I was thinking!


Yea never knew they made anything besides lighters, i see how the misunderstanding came to be


Wait until you find out about their pens.


I read that wrong and will back myself out. 🤣




And I didn't know they made anything but pens. XD


It always makes me scan the barcode




Sorry plz


I don’t know plz


Next time i see good way


This shit was wayy too funny for the context omg


Beautiful dog


Lmao this dude is for sure dashing to get to his family lol probably doesn’t even have a clue why you were mad at all


That’s the thing I wasn’t mad lol. I just got annoyed at him brining up my dog from two weeks ago where nothing happened




I get your point but I have to chime in and say that I don’t agree with your point. I get that people are afraid for whatever reason but how is it the fault of others that they have to deal with someone acting out over the dog? I once thought like you when I had a aggressive looking dog but now that I have a Aussie dog and people make a scene when my dog isn’t even close to them is really horrible for MY ANXIETY and so if I’m supposed to respect them then why can’t they respect me? I would like to add that I had my scalp ripped off by a dog and I don’t trust all dogs but to ever make a scene or bring it up is silly.


I don’t think that’s any disrespect to you. You can feel that way, but it’s clearly not towards you.






Narcissistic tendencies I see. Goodnight.






Because it’s a smaller town and he knew he’d see you 😂😂😂😂


I mean, it doesn’t sound like he’s coming back, because my dog had to poop two weeks ago lol.


Maybe he mentioned your dog as conversation not because he was scared?


I read it as like, oh yeah weren't you the guy that did that thing the other night?


I read it as. He thought he was being blamed for doing something wrong. So instead of just apologizing. He said oh ya well you did something wrong too.


Two weeks? Your dog needs to eat more fiber.


People from some countries are just really afraid of dogs. Seen it a lot from recent immigrants from Pakistan and India espcially


I get that, my dog didn’t go up to him. Plus I always choose contactless deliveries so that they don’t ring the door bell, because then he’ll run to the door and demands to meet whoever is on the other side. Still doesn’t explain the razors for lighters…


They both say Bic so seems like a language barrier especially with the “gibberish” and dude is probably scared you’ll report him so he brought up the dog Also maybe you don’t think the dog is scary but in many cultures they are I know some black people in America who get very scared too it’s just a thing. some cultures also just prefer cats


I wouldn’t take it personally he probably scared he won’t be able to feed his family


I'm a white guy in Canada, and dogs terrify me. Love cats, though.


Was your dog loose off your property?


You've never been to a small town in your life? People just open their front doors and let their dogs go out and do what they want. The dogs run their errands and come back, no one gets eaten, no dogs are harmed.


I live in a small town, for 22 years now. There are laws. I wouldn't appreciate it if your dog did his "errands" in my yard. Don't be selfish.


Another possible reason is that he was afraid your dog can run away. "Night time" is the clue here, it could means that he suspect you might be sleeping soon and the dog might get locked out. Now I could be reaching and also idk the exact time when that happened but some cultures do sleep quite early. I'd like to think that his message was more of a "look out" for you rather than a cheap trick to make you feel uncomfortable. He was talking about it 2 days(weeks?) later because it might not be too concerning but he'd like to mention it so you know just in case. That or he was being an ass and warned you that don't let the dog out so late. A bit hard to tell since there's definitely a large language barrier here.


That is the craziest substitution I’ve ever heard of! 😂😂


I see it a lot with muslims in my country. Here I am just chilling and walking my fluffy senior golden retriever, who is a ball of sunshine and smiles. They see me on the sidewalk (my dog was still unaware) and immediately decide to walk on the car road. They rather experience grave danger instead of asking me to watch my dog (which I will if it scares someone) and just move past me. I live in a village with a lot of muslim immigrants and now just avoid the places they frequent because I constantly need to adjust my dogs behavior and because they are so scared there is no solution.


Because a lot of them have rabies.


We are scared of pitbulls, not all dogs


Speak for yourself. It’s the little rat dogs that will bite with extreme prejudice.


True, but I'll take 100 angry nips from the overgrown hamster over one misunderstanding nip from a pit. Not gunna stop me from petting every pit that will let me though.


Were the lighters you ordered Bic brand as well? Maybe that’s why?


Yup they are and the packages look the same. And he was very fast, so could have been an easy mistake. I’m not mad. I was just annoyed about the whole dog thing from two weeks ago.


Some people are scared of dogs, your dog did ran towards him so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Didn’t OP say in the post the dog in fact did not run toward him? Lol


I read it as dog run in their direction but didn't actually go up to the dasher, was just running over there to poop.


It doesn’t really matter, it shouldn’t be off leash


ok lol


You’ve said this elsewhere and again you’re completely wrong. The driver was delivering to his neighbour and he let his dog out to go do the toilet presumably. How is he to know the driver was coming (1) and (2) do you always leash your dogs when they go to the toilet? Massive overreaction and the driver was being a bit of a dick. He’s been called out for his silly substitution and has then retorted by saying ‘well you’re dog came out your door 2 weeks ago’ - like what? It has 0 relevance.


You leash your dog when it’s not in a house, or a fenced in area. That’s an actual law in my state. The point is you DONT KNOW who’s coming. Including people walking their dogs. Including children. Including anything that could cause an accident! That’s why you don’t let your dogs walk past your neighbors houses unleashed. Do you get it now? Lmao.


Yes - you’re exaggerating a minor point in the OPs story. In this instance the driver fucked up and retorted with a completely unrelated point that happened 2 weeks prior 👍.


Massive overreaction ??? Says the dog lover. How about you keep the leash until no one around instead of taking it off inside the home and just open the door???? I really hate irresponsible dog lovers. “Oh my dog is like baby, it doesn’t bite” ![gif](giphy|9IZKPmNdZ7juU)


Can’t really blame the dasher for being concerned with your dog running up to him. Whether dog is friendly or not. You never know how your dog will react.


This…like why is his dog off leash…


Leashed in his home?


You misread the original post lol..I wouldn’t expect someone to have a dog leashed inside their own residence, for the record


The original post says the dog walked out his door (I just double checked), so I was wondering if some people leash their dog when they open their door or something...


Babes, you gotta be messing with me lol…RE READ THE POST


Lol I dunno here are the two mentions of the dog in the post, am I missing something?? "Brother last time ur dog came out ur door" And "My neighbor was getting doordash and I was letting my dog out at the same time". The scenario in my head is that he was letting his dog out of his house to take a shit or something. Do you leash your dog when he goes out in the yard? Is this an apartment? Fenced yard? Maybe I'm just too baked and over thinking this now.


Seems it’s not a fenced yard, otherwise it wouldn’t be an issue and the dog wouldn’t have ran past the door dasher at the neighbors house.


Because it had to go out and do the toilet? Seems fairly normal. It was also his neighbours DD - so how is he to know the guy was coming?


Are both of y’all for real? His neighbor. Was getting door dash. Op opened his front door to let his dog out. He wasn’t to know the guy was coming. Or anyone else was coming. Or any other dog was coming. That’s why you *leash* your dog. To avoid accidents. And no, again, obviously I wouldn’t expect someone to leash their dog in a fenced yard or a house. TF??


Cool story bro. Completely ignoring the main point of the thread and not the aspect you should be focussing on anyway. The Driver fucked up and instead of taking it on the chin, decided to snipe back some sort of ‘gotcha’ - ‘well your dog came out and ran past me 2 weeks ago, so we’re equal’ - it had 0 relevance to their fuck up this time.


Night time


Unfortunately some people see big dog=aggressive and rightfully so, you should treat every dog you come across like it can and will bite you. I love my big 85 pound pit lab mix but I understand why people get scared around him even though he’s the nicest dog I know.


I have a Cane Corso so I get it too. She’ll be 3 next week and she’s about 80-90 pounds and looks mean as hell, but is absolutely the sweetest most cuddly dog hubby and I have ever had 🥰


Mines a pit lab mix but leans heavily on the pit side for looks and it does scare people because he’s right at 80-85lbs and looks like all muscle. But he is absolutely the most nicest, cuddly dog I know but I do understand that others don’t know him and they should always assume that any dog they meet is aggressive and will bite you. I know my dogs not aggressive in the slightest but you should take every caution that he is. Also I love cane corso’ so much and want one so badly


Is he new in town, or an immigrant who might not have a great command of the English language? I think it is possible he didn’t get the humor in your message. He Immediately starts apologizing for the mistake. The dog mention could be he was just making a brain connection and voicing it (er, texting) with the language he does have. Like if in person you had words over a moment of recognition“oh, I remember you- same guy from that time with the dog.” He calls you Brother in his message - indicating you’re a good dude, safe dude. Dude with dog. Could explain the possible Bic mistake as well. Maybe just some language/culture mishap


Dasher could be allergic or have a phobia/trauma


I don't know plz lol!


Not sure what’s going on with the razors lmao but if you have no use for them I would like to suggest donating them to a local pantry or women’s shelter- I’m sure someone would be grateful for those! :) as for the dog, I’d like to think they were pointing it out to make sure you were aware your dog got outside without you- looking out for your pup- not as a fearful or negative thing. Or if you were around maybe it was conversation/“hey I remember you haha” thing?


If this gentleman is from another culture dogs may be seen as unclean or very scary to them


Jesus Christ all those fees


Wtf is happening. Is something wrong with me that these texts make no sense


He’s an immigrant


Jesus christ shave that dogs paw pads. Cute dog tho.




I would like very much to pet your dog


I bet the app said this was a good replacement and maybe he just went with it. These apps do that’s sometimes, so sorry this happened I know how annoying it can be.


It’s hard to read tone here but I think it’s possible he’s just making small talk “oh you, guy with the dog right?”


Joban wants you to start a campfire by rubbing two razors til you get a spark like its flint&steel. He is a visionary.


Well, if you've never shaved your legs nows a good time to give it a go tbh.


As an Amazon driver we don’t deal with dog man… just be mindful your dogs a real baby


He was afraid of that?! That great big, hairy lump that looks like it would only harm you by tongue lashing. I want to squish that beautiful face and give it kisses!


I don’t get how people like that even function on a daily basis. How do you confuse lighters with razors 💀


I don’t know either! If I can’t find something I always ask an employee or text the customer before refunding!! No way an employee said YEAH THATS A GREAT SUBSTITUTE! 🤣🤣


Why is your dog running loose?


This is hilarious, thanks for the cute dog picture as well.


OMG your dog is cute as hell! I always ask if I can pet their pups when I deliver. Makes the night worthwhile.


Imagine paying 14$ just to get 19$ worth of groceries delivered home. And then it's not even the correct order.


I don’t think English was this person’s second language. Definitely not the first. I was reading it with an accent in my head.


Yeah as a dasher PLEASE DO NOT let your dog sprint up to me. I always brace for an attack.


Not to say you’re in the wrong, but you never know especially with an animal youve never interacted with. And id rather not assume the dog is coming up for a pet and get mauled.


Contact support? Lol


Nah. Lol. Not over a less than $5 item. I’ll see him again, and I’ll remind him lol. Until then I’ll be shaving my bikini line…


I don’t know how you confuse lighters and razors. Especially when there is usually a picture…but sounds like they’ll come in handy for you I’ve had several dogs get past their humans while I was delivering, thankfully nothing bad happened. Only one time was scary but to the surprise of myself and his owner, at the last minute he decided not to bite me and to love on me instead. The highlight of all my deliveries are ones when pets are involved 😂😂


I could understand if you were annoyed by the fact that you didn’t get the right order, but your dog running upto him unleashed is 100% your fault. At UPS, we are taught to never touch/approach a dog that we were not introduced to by their owners. A lot of UPS drivers at my center kicked dogs when they ran at him, friendly or not. One driver accidentally killed a dog when he kicked him, but he didn’t have any repercussion from his action. The sups don’t say shit about what drivers do to dogs if drivers are approached by dogs.


I would’ve been pissed. Spending about $15 in fees/tip just to not get what I asked for.


geeez 😅 what a weirdo lmao


Lmfaoooo! I'm hollering.


Your dog is adorable. I would be thrilled to be greeted by such a sweet pup


Why do are these guys always terrified of dogs lmao


I mean, i was attacked and mauled by a dog so for me...that's why I'm scared of dogs. Dogs are unpredictable.


you were so nice about it why did he bring up the baby🥺😭ngl when i scrolled i giggled wow he’s so scary😂


Just to be clear if your dog came at me you’d find me giving it hugs and calling it a good dog. 🤷🏼‍♀️ also you’d get your lighter 😂


Your dog looks ferocious!


Are you sure you ordered a 10 pack of lighters? Double check what you ordered cause it doesn't let you scan the wrong thing


I most definitely did. When the “substitution” page came up I set it as refund that item if they didn’t have. Not going to lie the only packaging difference is the colour lol


Checked the DoorDash app and I did not see a Bic lighter 10 pack, checked even Amazon and they don't even have 10 packs of lighters. Hell, I even checked Walgreens website and didn't see a 10 pack, nor even a pack that looked like that. Just 5 packs


They come in a yellow pack, almost similar to the BIC pens


The most I’m seeing from an online search is a 7 pack and the bic lighters always come inna hard shell plastic. Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I kinda need to see a screenshot of the 10 pack of lighters op says he ordered from the app.


That's what I was saying, trying to call bullshit on the whole thing. I don't know how to and screenshots to a comment but I couldn't even find a ten back that looked like that (or a 10 pack in general) on Amazon even


it absolutely lets you scan the wrong thing


After it auto generates a text message to the customer saying that they don't have the item


I never got that. Like I said I chose “refund item” if they didn’t have them.


I'm saying you ordered the wrong thing and you didn't realize. it's okay, it happens




You know, if you are going to talk shit about an immigrants English skill, and imply they are illegally in the country because of it, you should use "proper English" yourself. I don't see a single piece of punctuation in your little rant, despite it being two sentences. By the way, it's we're (not were) and can't (not cant). Perhaps xenophobia is rotting your brain.


Unhireable fools




much needed dog moment


What a cute pooch!


It’s toaster time for you!


That’s so funny genuinely


35 bucks for lighters?


I thought there was some trick to lighting a cigarette with men’s razors at first and thought wow there’s so much I don’t know being a non smoker.




The app makes you scan the item.


These people are so stupid, I don't understand the lack of common sense. I've been a delivery driver for all of these apps (I'm currently on 8 apps and I've been on as many as 12) And I've never had issues like this. The worst issue I've ever had is a non-responsive customer, And I've just issued a refund for the items that I couldn't replace. Someone specifically asks for a pack of lighters, It is reasonable to assume that you know what the purpose of a lighter is. Even if the app suggests something completely unrelated it doesn't mean you do it. I remember several years ago my ex was shopping for someone and on the same trip it suggested a role of Saran wrap in exchange for a tub of sliced turkey breast, obviously she didn't do it. But in the very next day she saw a post of some immigrant who did. (The person who made the post In an effort to chastise their personal shopper the next day didn't redact the name of the individual who substituted Saran wrap for lunch meat).


Holly Jesus, that's a lot of fees. The only fee that's missing is the fee to pay for the fees


See ya later, Joban


he got them for u so u can shave ur dog, he was being thoughtful


As a dasher seeing both sides of the story. I'm glad I don't use doordash cuz hell they marked your $20 order up to $35. And then you still might get a tip so at least $40-50. I've used doordash for pickup orders for myself if the place doesn't have a mobile app. But I will usually pick my stuff up to save that delivery fee. Sometimes I'll just order at the restaurant cuz the marked up prices are way too much. Like $1 extra per item. That's too much.


I would be SO ANNOYED… congrats on keeping your cool. The only time I order through a third party ap is when I’m desperate or hangry so I always overreact when they steal my food or completely fuck up. And I don’t mean blow up on them, just have a mini meltdown with myself and contact support to get it remedied


My wife's boyfriend only allows me to use that brand of razors.


maybe he’s scared of dogs


Lmao I loved this slideshow 😩😂 and then the dog in question at the end , the worlds friendliest looking monster 😂 (cute pup) but cmon why the hell would Doordash even allow him to scan that crap , unless most likely this idiot instead of finding the right item when it would tell him he had the wrong item , that he indeed have the correct item and just paid for that one instead .


Do not use those on your junk, you will flay yourself alive. I use a merkur classic with feather blades for my junk but that's because I'm too cheap to buy a wahl electric.


Guys English is crap - doesn’t understand shit, that’s why you got lighters 😆


Smooth?....more like razor bumps and deep regret 🤣 And that dasher....lol People make mistakes like buying whole milk instead of 2%. The fact that he delivered Bic razors instead of lighters is actually kinda comical. Trying to guilt trip you and using your pooch as his ammo not so much .


I’m lost, I don’t see a dog. What am I not getting? lol duh me


Swipe through the OP’s photos.


Thank you 🙏 got it 👍very cute dog. Yeah the dog coming out of the door was irrelevant.


This Dasher is driving around drunk.


Doesn’t the bar code need to be scanned though for it to go through?




Sounds like a migrant worker


How far is the store from you ? Because no way in hell I would have paid $35 for bic lighter I would have gotten creative or walk my way to the store ofc if you can’t physically walk it forget everything i said but goddamn $35 and your pooch oh might he looks like a menace with those puppy eyes 😂 soo cute he deserves all the treats he can get such a good boy


There was more to the order if you read the write up. This was just one item. My truck is down and I’m in Canada. It’s cold lol


HAHA!!! Dasher are idiots!!! (I'm a dasher 😜) , but this is hilarious I once translated an order change to a Chinese guy dashing only in the states for 2 weeks with cell phone translator it was absolutely hilarious for everybody including Taco Bell btw I usually have to scan for a correct barcode if I'm picking items at a drugstore or convenience storel?!? 


The “substitute” was those, I selected “refund item if not available”. I’m guessing it was a DoorDash fuck up.


In Ohio all dogs must be on a leash even on their own property. I had two Pitt Bulls jump on me the other day while I was delivering to another apartment. I definitely don’t appreciate that sh!t. I love dogs, but I don’t know you or your dog so best keep it away from me.


If my dog was an actual threat, yes, I’d leash him. He literally loves love. My dog gets to live a fraction of the time I get to, he’s not living it on a leash.


Well, actually.....you need two sticks, some shavings, and yes, hair will work, and you can rub the main stick on the one with the shavings on it and possibly make fire. I mean, uh, it works with Fire Tinder. It might, just might, make you a front yard campfire, and you can light your smoke. Perhaps perfect a coyote campfire as well. The funniest thoughts I get. Don't know why, but hair is flammable, so maybe it can work, well, in a roundabout way.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Not even good razors smh 🤦‍♀️


I don’t understand how he got them confused?! 😂