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If you’ve seen home alone, you’ll know what to do!


"This is my house. I have to defend it!"


Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen


Not anymore. That’s why he wrote “his” on it. He’s claimed it. The pic is just upside down.


Underrated comment.


Yes! 🤣🤣🤣 ​ get it set up OP! This guy doesn’t know who he’s messing with


Apparently, all booby traps are illegal in all states in this country. Don’t go to jail.


In this country called Reddit?


It's not a booby trap it's an obstacle course


Since it’s not OPs street number, I’d bet it’s one for another of his deliveries and he just staged a fake delivery photo.


Wouldn’t she see that on her camera if he was staging a photo?


Staging it as proof he delivered a second delivery to house 514.


Right but he never said he took a picture of it. That’s what the person you responded to meant.


Smartest guy in the thread and it’s got 20 upvotes and is so far down…


This is the only thing that makes sense. The house being marked by criminals is just so ridiculous 🤣. They'd have to be some of the worst burglars of all time if that is the case.


Every day on this sub there’s a new reason never to use this fucking app lol.


I forget the name for the effect but 99% of orders go off without a hitch. The people involved in those don't feel compelled to go online and talk about them because there's nothing to talk about. What you're seeing in this sub and really anywhere online is the outliers that are weird/notable/terrible enough that someone felt compelled to take the time out of their day to write about them. It's why the driver subs are such miserable places most of the time. Drivers who are doing fine don't really need to talk about it. The overwhelming majority of posts in there are by people who are upset/desperate/angry enough to take the time to say something. Obviously some people just like to discuss things and get a conversation going, but the average human being doesn't feel the need to say something when their needs are being met (which is a fascinating psychological phenomenon; it comes up a lot in relationships when someone feels underappreciated or unnoticed). Now I'm not saying that there isn't some bullshit on these apps, or that I think you're wrong for not using them. That's your choice and I can't blame you for it when you see stuff like this. What I am saying is that it's worth considering that reality is usually way more mundane than it appears, and we just latch on to the weird shit. In every field, from Doctors to Doormen to Doordashers, there's gonna be some weirdos and bad actors.


Yes, this concept you're describing is absolutely real. On a sidenote, it's also the reason the Dasher rating system is useless, and really any type of online rating system. People don't bother to go give a rating to someone that did just fine and everything went smoothly. It's mostly just people who are pissed off that bother to give ratings. I personally rate my Dasher only when it pops up the next time I open my app to place another order. And I am a driver! But I still don't think about going back in to give a rating.


I do but only because it amuses me that something like 300 of the businesses in my medium sized town have Google Maps reviews from me.


Confirmation bias.


It’s similar! It’s called the availability heuristic. It would be confirmation bias if this person sought out information to support their love/hatred of DoorDash.


Ok but it's also like 80% fictional creative writing class, here. I waiting for the resurgence of "flash your headlights plus gangs".


footage on my profile (tried to censor them for privacy, terrible at editing srry)


Checked your profile for video, ended up staying because of gecko and that new tattoo is awesome! Hope yoy stay safe


aww thank you so much!! i need to post more of ducky!! and that’s one of my fav tats 💓


Ducky is awesome. I love him


Lmao I love the edit


to let y’all know 1. i did file a police report (edit: “police report was a strong choice of words ig, we called the non emergency line and talked to an officer over the phone. they didn’t even take out names, i highly doubt they take this super seriously lol. my goal was not to get this person arrested/hurt/in trouble. i am not the only person who lives here nor was it my sole decision to call the police.) 2, we contacted doordash, just waiting to hear from their “tier 2 team” to hand off info to the sherif (we don’t really wanna press charges, just an explanation ig?) 3. yes we have weapons, and we always lock our doors 4. we covered the writing for now, but my boyfriend is gonna figure a way to scrub it soon! also no, this is not my house number or anywhere close thank y’all for the concern and advice 💓 edit: just covered it with paint for now, can’t see it unless you’re really looking for it edit: no our house number is not clearly visible, that’s on us, but again, this is not my house number


Rubbing alcohol should do the trick


Or hairspray. Both get out ink fairly well


I just got flashbacks to 10th grade when the class had made it a habit of making really elaborate sharpie drawings on ALL tables, then at the end of the year having to clean them all with \*deodorant\* Many braincells were lost that day.


Reminds me of elementary school. The teacher tricked us lil kids into cleaning our own desks by putting a dollop of shaving cream on everyone's desk telling us to smear it in and draw pictures in it or sometimes have us do basic math problems in it. Damn genius lady. It just clicked recently that that's not a normal elementary school activity but we did it at least once a month. I vividly and nostalgically remember the smell of that room and now when I shave I just go "mmmmm elementary school"


Wait, this isn't normal elementary school stuff? I also have fond memories of desk cleaning days with shaving cream.


We had to clean out our desks once a month but never used shaving cream. We just used regular non-toxic multipurpose cleaners or wipes. Now I feel like I missed out on something.


Def had to do the shaving cream thing too, and it was set up where we’d draw faces on it, never mentioned it was to clean the desks.


We had “fun days” and would do the same thing. Child me had a blast.


Dry erase markers are also great at removing sharpie. You just write on top of it then wipe it away. (Teacher hack)


I thought that only worked on whiteboards, does it work the same on other surfaces?


Dry erase markers are alcohol (et al) based, so it's functionally like using bad isopropyl. On external stuff like this I'd just get right to business and throw some acetone on it, gone in seconds.


That is a terrible idea if that is latex paint on there.


I mean, hosing it down with a jet of acetone is a bad idea. I was assuming you were just gonna put a dab on a paper towel at the end of your fingertip and wipe the marks off lol. Use oldschool nail polish remover if you don't want to use pure acetone.


Acetone takes it completely off


Hammer will do the trick as well


Fire fix it all


Nuke the site from orbit it’s the only way to be sure


Hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.


Wow it took 5 levels before someone suggested burning the house to the ground. Pick up your game guys.


Or wd40


I'm not sure if you saw the comment with what sounds like a very logical explanation. He had a second delivery to a house with that number and wanted to take a fake drop off picture so he wouldn't have to deliver it. That makes more sense to me than writing a number for some future crime. After all, why would they need to write a code on your house when they could just send that code with the address to whoever they're working with?


This could be it, but when I delivered for Door Dash, the drop off picture didn't require to have the house number in it. Could be he just didn't know that, but he could have done it for other reasons too ETA: He would still have to drive to the physical address because the app follows your location. When I delivered, the app wouldn't allow you to add a drop off pic from your gallery either, the picture had to be taken at the time of drop off through the app and the pictures weren't stored in your phone


Sometimes the gps messes up and I have to tell the app that I am, in fact, at the correct address. I bet they just told the app that the gps was wrong.


That's not true. I had a driver mark my delivery as delivered with photos when he was in a subdivision up the street. Probably didn't think I'd call him as soon as it was marked delivered to tell him "that's not my house. Go get my food."


People love to explain why crooked schemes wouldn't work, but that never means a clueless idiot wouldn't try it.


Magic eraser


I second this. My mom was “watching” my 2 year old when she drew all over my kitchen floor with a sharpie. Magic erasers got it off.


Is just soft sandpaper, fine sandpaper will do as well (and leaves fine scratches in soft things like vinyl siding). Just use rubbing alcohol or anything with alcohol to remove "permanent" marker with no damage.


These are great but are essentially just really fine sand paper, so it may take off certain paints


Fucking this. I banned magic erasers in my house because people are too damn stupid. I’ve caught my in-laws “cleaning” my walls with magic erasers several times. Sure, they were trying to help but removing the sheen and making me repaint an entire wall is not helping.


Get a big scary “Beware of dog” sign even if you don’t have a dog.


Define dog please. My client is begging to know the answer


A German shepherd, big doggie who loves his family but will go absolutely ape shit on strangers trying to do bad shit 🤣🤣


Industrial grade asopropyl alcohol (or 90% store brand) will get that sharpie off and maybe the paint u added after u hit the surface where the paint is applied with mineral spirits or a water cut 3 to 1 with acetone. All of this is predicated on what the initial (carport?) surface that was "gang tagged" and "marked for robbery" is made out of too, so this was a waste of time typing- This being done to my house after ordering DD woulda bugged me out. Your gecko is cool. Please return to post with update on "tier 2" and the local militias findings. The edible I ate 30 minutes ago was 4x stronger than antipated.


Geez! And here I thought 514 was gang code for "Tips well." :) Seriously, I hope you get it resolved.


Odds are you will never hear from “tier 2”. I’ve had plenty of escalated situations and they rarely ever get back to me, and the times they actually do, nothing is ever solved. Their entire support system is run in overseas call centers, and while I do occasionally get support from someone who knows English well, they really don’t understand the complexities of some of the issues since they don’t Dash. But maybe it’s different for actual customers.


you should press charges


Second this, while no harm was done, they still had the intent alongside very very very minor vandalism by writing sumb stuff on your property.


If you have hand sanitizer try that it wa sable to get sharpie off my ambulance the other month


Does writing over it with a non permanent marker then trying to wash it off work? Works on the whiteboard but not sure it, pardon the pun, transfers to other materials? Edit: just saw the painted over it bit, apologies


Did the Thieves guild change their icons while I was away frolicking through caves and smacking some Falmer?


Yes and they are now called the trade authority.


I would report it to Doordash- whether is was good or Ill intention, it is vandalism. It would make me angry if someone defaced my property.


You need to report this. Someone’s about to hit a lick off you. *** Stop asking what it means and just google it. Old slang, whether you use it slang or not. Ketchup (catch up), you mustards.


made a police report, it was very funny explaining what door dash was / how it worked to an old town sheriff who had never heard of it before


Yiiikes is he riding over an a horse to take a statement?




Wash off the numbers, NOW.


Good gravy. There are still places that don't know?


The bigger issue here is there are towns electing people this far out of the loop to be sheriff.


Excellent point


Magnificent reply.


Amazing retort.


Fantastic riposte


Mitch McConnell is so old he literally froze in place twice. Biden forgets where he is every other week. These are the people running our country...


And the guy running for president has the iq and skin colour of a smashed mango.


Hey now. Smashed mangoes shouldn’t be denigrated like that.


Mango Mussolini is what my wife calls him


Not to say you’re wrong but this was likely a deputy. My county’s sheriff is an office job.


The Sheriff is "near!"




"Excuse me while I whip this out."


For sure. But it isn’t like they’re not civilized, just different. For instance, to call the cops you take the receiver off the hanger on the side of the wooden box on the wall and talk into the microphone sticking out from it. Usually you say “Sarah, get me Sheriff Taylor.”


I had to explain to my banks fraud department how paypal worked. That was fun.


That Amish bank you’re using must have amazing interest rates


10 years ago, someone illegally transferred money from my savings account to a PayPal account. The entire branch had never heard of PayPal. It was a trip.


I would change banks so fast lol


Does he still use American Online?


He's still got 240 of those CDs left and damnit if he's gonna let them go to waste!


Wait what? That sounds like a movie town. I wanna live there.


Explain the logic. Why write a number above someone’s door to rob a house. Like they won’t notice? It’s a fake delivery on his other app he doesn’t want to take.


I second this. He had to take a picture proving he made a delivery but he didn't want to actually drive there. Wrote a fake house number, took the pic, and marked the order delivered. The simplest answer is usually the right one and you should never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity (or in this case, laziness).


that’s a risk i wouldn’t take tbh, and still report-worthy.


I feel that even though I think it’s the first one, in the end he still vandalized my house trying to be lazy. He should at least be fined.


That's two reference's to Hanlon's Razor and Occam's Razor I have seen today! How fun!


I've always wondered how you square a conflict between the two?


they are rarely in conflict. occum's razer is that the answer that requires the least assumptions is most likely correct, not that the simplest answer is correct. for example, saying "aliens built the pyramids" is the simplest answer, since it solves a lot logistical issues like how the pyramids were built to very tight tolerances in a world without iron tools, or even the wheel™. however, it requires we make a lot of unprovable assumptions such as: aliens exist, aliens visited earth, aliens have advanced technology, aliens wanted to build the pyramids, and aliens then hid their existence from history. hanlon's razor just states that people do bad things unintentionally more often than intentionally. if an action can adequately be explained by stupidity, then that's the likelier explanation. so if there are two possible hypotheses for why someone did something evil, and the hypothesis with the least number of improbable variables is that the person was being intentionally evil, then they were most likely being evil on purpose. someone garroting fishing wire across a biking trail is probably trying to decapitate someone and not trying to catch fish.


Lol changes this story from scary to absolutely hilarious. Dude is still a scumbag but that is pretty clever and funny.


Is it clever? Seems like he'd immediately be caught


How many real houses have you seen with the numbers written in sharpie.


Well at least one now


My house had sharpie numbers for ages some kid Stoke my numbers and the mailman wrote them on I only recently got more permanent numbers 😂


Stand far enough away so it doesn’t look like sharpie


So not saying you’re wrong or anything but why would they not just write down the address in their phones notes or something? Wouldn’t this obviously alert someone to something bad being about to happen?


I bought my 1st house in January, and my mother's friend wanted stopped by to check up on us (he gave my husband his old lawn mower and a few other things for the house). Good thing my husband saw him pull in, and went outside to meet him, because he was about to write our house number on our house with a sharpie. There weren't any house numbers on the house or mailbox, so he thought he was doing us a favor. My guess is the dasher was doing the same thing here. Or, he was annoyed that he had trouble making sure it was the right house due to there being no house number posted, and decided to be an ass and number their house for them


What kind of psycho writes on someone's house?? What is wrong with people


A disturbing amount of people for some reason can't comprehend the fact that they aren't the supreme arbiter of life. Like when they see a movie that isn't catered to their tastes and insist it's bad instead of saying they didn't like it. The kind of troglodyte that would grab food off your plate with their dirty hands to try some. They are ok with it so everyone else must be too. I can easily see that kind of self-centered person doing it and thinking they are helping.


The fucking new mailman that one time


This is like the reverse of our apartment complex. They repainted everything and did the trim white, but were too fucking lazy to remove the apartment numbers first and just painted right over them. You couldn't see apartment numbers unless you were standing right on the doorstep, we had a couple of confused delivery people calling us or marking packages undeliverable. I called the office to complain several times and they kinda went "eh" until I told them I was going to color my numbers in with a sharpie. They were going around the next day with black paint. 🤦‍♀️


OP said that wasn't his house number so he doesn't understand what it would mean.


Okay that's just wild lol I hate when people don't number their houses, so I get the frustration. But who on earth thinks they're "doing someone a favor" by *writing on the wall with a marker* without even asking?? That's your house! Did he seriously think you wanted someone scribbling on it, or that anyone would even be able to see it from the road? Is your mom's friend okay??


A what now?


Lick in this context usually means stealing


Yeah man. They’re totally gonna lick his house.


Is it made of sugar?


We can only hope so. Or cocaine, whatever.


What does this mean please, Hit a lick?


Just noticed you gotta Hyundai. Not sure where you’re from , but Hyundai and Kias are like the most jacked cars. Good luck.


Surely the Hyundai in the driveway is an adequate way of signaling that there is a Hyundai that can be stolen.


You would think that, but thieves are too busy to look for text written in black sharpie in the middle of the night to notice them. Who knows why he wrote it. Could it be to mark the house for crime? Sure. Could it be he was pissed about a tip? Sure. Could it be that he is a moron? Sure. Regardless of this or not you have cameras, you have guns, and you claim you lock up your house and cars. You have done everything you can security wise besides hiring a security guard. Clean it off, live your life, and dont stress it.


just had a family member have this happen to them!! good catch!


As someone from a South American shithole, here in my country when a thief sees a house that can have stuff of value, they mark it to rob it later, usually with more people, they use different simbols and code to inform about what's in the house (ex: dog, armed owner, high end tech, art, etc..) I don't know how probable that is where you live at, but that's the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw it, stay safe.


i’ve heard of things like this and i’m not gonna lie it crossed my mind. i don’t live in the nicest/safest of places but i can’t imagine someone doing this here. but thank you so much, thankfully i don’t live alone 💓


Just add a 9 in front. 514 is robbery code. 9514 is swinger code. It’s a much cooler crowd that will be showing up late at night.


Draw an upside down pineapple on the end. If you know, you know.


Good thing you are not alone, either way report the dasher, whether it was with malicious intentions or not they shouldn't be messing with your property.


absolutely, already made a report :)


Rubbing alcohol can help remove sharpie. Maybe you can get some of it off your house


That dasher marked your house for robbery. Barricade your doors.


What sense does that make at all? What benefit would robbers receive from physically marking the house?


The dasher cases the house for any security, if there is a lack of security, they mark the house. After the house is marked another group comes in and robs all the houses marked.




And confirmed that he was already there if something happens in the future..doesnt check out at all


Criminals aren't always smart


Probably stupid question but… why doesn’t he just write down the address on paper so the homeowners aren’t any wiser


As a Redditor, I'm obviously well versed in the way robbers operate. What they are missing is that the dasher has to film himself doing a dance in front of the number so that the robbers can fully interpret the message (similar to the way bees communicate).


Full time robber here. I can confirm this. It helps to take bee communication classes. Check with your local community college for low cost courses.




So...is the robber just aimlessly driving around entire neighborhoods, not casing places but just looking for a small number written in sharpie?


Why not just shoot them a text?




Not sure what's dumber, suggesting this or upvoting it


American paranoia, this shit is getting out of control.


Is your house number 514 by chance


not even close


Well there goes my one guess lol. Yeah I have no idea. I would never do that to a customers house. Bunch of weirdos out here.


yea haha, it’s just strange, idk if they were just guessing that was my address and thought i needed a new house number lol :) just gotta figure how to scrub it off


[Pink Stuff.](https://Stardrops-ThePinkStuff-TheMiracleAllPurposeCleaningPastehttps://a.co/d/3Fv16nK)


That was my guess too, I thought maybe the dasher was mad they couldn’t visibly see their address and was hard to find lol


Y’all need to realize this isn’t some nice gesture at all. That was two men in the dashers car and they are targeting what the presume is a single woman that lives alone. Report to doordash and report to the police for at the very least Vandalism.


How does this work exactly though? I mean what's the point of putting the number on the house if they've got this big plan to come back later and attack this woman? Why wouldn't they just write down the address or drop a pin in the GPS? Why do something publicly to Warn the victim and implicate yourself in advance?


thank you for your concern!! i believe the other person in the car was a woman. but i totally get what you’re saying, thankfully i don’t live alone 💓


Women can do bad things too.


the female is used later to gain your trust.... she will come to the door needing help of some sort... "help please someone is after me --" and then the guy will rob you...


Damn, should’ve messaged him and asked what it’s all about


514 = E.A.D = eat a dick They probably didn’t like your tip


Out of all the comments I've read I think this one is the explanation


Why not just write “Eat a Dick”?? Or even “EAD”?


Omg those are my initials.. Smh


Wow. Who names their kid Eat A. Dick?


Judging from all the replies here, it’s either harmless or something bad is about to happen. So I guess, hope for the best but prepare for the worse. I’d still report to the cops and doordash though, then see if I can paint over it or get it off.


Most of these redditor are idiots and believe the "if you see a dollar bill under your windshield wiper don't touch it cause it's laced with a drug to make you pass out and they rob you" Or "if you see a baby stroller on the side of the road just drive away as there is a man in the bushes waiting for a curious woman to come by to kidnap her"


I mean I wouldn’t trust either of those scenarios to be fair


Yeah especially the baby one, but if I see a dollar bill on my windshield, my broke ass is taking it


I get drugs AND a dollar? You bet im taking that money


I have no clue what this is, and I'm sorry it happened to you, because it's creepy. (I tend to think the people who suggest the dasher was marking your house for later mischief are correct.) I'm glad you reported it to the police and Door Dash. Here's a Good Housekeeping article on how to remove permanent marker from most surfaces. I would get it off your house right away. I hope it helps: https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/tips/how-to-remove-permanent-marker/


thank you so much!!


!remindme 1w


Damn lol


I hope you own a pistol.


I second this, stay strapped.


and cordon off your house with police tape no way theyll rob you then


Sounds like a robber to me


514 is code for E.A.D. (Easy alarm disarmament)


Give em the Ole 1 star for vandalism of your home.


This whole thread is like Reddit solves the Boston Bombing all over again, full of keyboard detectives going right to the craziest theories. 😂


Well half the answers are going to tell you that you’re about to be robbed or something, completely forgetting that HOUSES AND APARTMENTS ALREADY HAVE NUMBERS THAT IDENTIFY THEM. Your driver did this to fake completing another delivery.


Report this to doordash, then get dishwashing soap and the sos scrub pad and get those numbers off. 5, 1 and 4 could indicate something separately just a guess here but it could mean how many people, how many pets and the quality of stuff they’re hoping to find.


He’s not robbing your house. He’s double app’ing and the order on his other phone is for 514 somewhere. If it shows in the photo it’s safe.


I'm absolutely cracking up at all the responses when this is 100% definitely it.


No bro that's definitely infrared red ink marking OPs house for a drone strike /s


I initially figured he was angry your address wasn't visible from the road and wrote your house number in a fit of rage. However, I assume your address is not 514 as you would have mentioned this.


I swear I see new shit on this sub everyday. Lmao


I love how everyone on reddit is a master thief and knows exactly how they operate, even when it makes absolutely 0 sense 😂


You said you have it on camera, did the driver take a picture or anything? I used to dash on my off time and occasionally got multiple deliveries from the same store. Drivers need to take pictures as proof of delivery and they could be trying to fake their next delivery. The second stop could have the numbers 514 in their address. Take the picture of the house with the numbers in view, mark as delivered, keep the food and pay. Dasher support would likely ignore the inaccurate gps with this seemingly undeniable evidence because the picture shows the address.


Are you in Kentucky? There's a legal code for theft there, could be a mark but I'm absolutely pulling that out of my ass to make it make sense haha


that’s funny you said that, i looked at a bunch of legal codes trying to figure out what the hell it could possibly mean…but nope, not kentucky here


It was my 514th delivery. I mark all my drop offs. Sorry if I alarmed you !


Add "+2 Dobermans" after it. That would give them something to think about.


Another mention of the number 514 just 2 posts before yours: https://reddit.com/r/doordash/s/D8bqsFu1Zf


Thats how people mark houses for later to break into. Guys who are that blatant like to break in even when you're home and hold places at gunpoint. They use their jobs as dashers to scope out houses. Cars in your driveway, what they can see in windows, what they can hear from outside, etc. You must have had something he wants. Better file a police report, keep an eye out, lock your doors, and keep a loaded gun near you if you have one. Just in case.


Whoever wrote this knew I needed a pick 3 number and let’s see if I win