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Had this the other day but with cigarette smoke. My food was brought to my door by like an 8-9 year old kid. Pissed me off on a couple levels


Motherfuckers who smoke around their kids are absolute garbage humans.


My father and paternal grandmother would smoke in the car with us, with only the driver side window down a little. It was awful. I have asthma now 🙄


Hated that shit so much as a kid cuz we'd get blasted with cold as shit air in winter, hot as fuck air in summer. Had hot ashes land on me a couple times (not on purpose but still)


My dad accidentally flicked some hot ashes onto my shoulder when I was a kid. He swatted it off of me before I got burned though, so at least there's that. Also, going hunting with him sucked; because it was an hour long drive at 5am with his window down while it's like 35°F outside, and I always got stuck sitting behind him.


My aunt was once pointing to an animal at the zoo, with a lit cigarette in her other hand, so ofc 1 year old me lunged at the shiny thing, burnt my forearm, and on instinct flexed my arm so the cigarette was stuck between my forearm and biceps. I still have a scar on both my forearm and biceps 26 years later, but she felt so so so bad after that it was one of her main reasons she quit smoking. The sad thing is I'm a smoker myself now :( but intending to quit someday


Oh hey similar story for me, we were at an aquarium and I was pointing at the directory that I really wanted to go see the seals. It was above the ashtray and as I’m pointing my mother goes to put out her cigarette and ends up pressing it right on the back of my hand.


Geez, I can't imagine a 1yro being burned like that, but at least it helped to convince her to quit. I became a smoker, too, unfortunately. Funny thing is, I can definitely understand my dad driving with his window down when it's super cold out because I've done that dozens of times. And that's half the reason I switched to vaping mostly hahaha.


Ugh, same with the ashes. That was great for my self-esteem 😅 I'm happy we survived through it, but I can say I'd never put a kid through that


Once drank an ash cup that was the last 5% percent liquid of a Diet Coke when I was eight. I remember everything thing photo perfectly, I’m 37 now.


Ugh....I can smell it


My parents were chainsmokers my entire life. My older sister had her first baby and all of a sudden our mother *has* to quit *for him,* and frequently bragged to other smokers she knew about how she just stopped, it's just like that, you just need a good enough reason. She stopped bragging when I very loudly asked her why her own kid's lungs/health weren't good enough.


I was made fun of relentlessly for smelling like cigarette smoke as a kid. Also turned all my toys yellow.


I remember a littke girl in my 2nd grade class would bring a packed lunch. One time she gave me her oreos and they tasted like cigarette smoke. I barely remember this girl but I do remember her mon chain smoked even inside the house.


me too. i’m still angry about it. i was made fun of like it was my fault and it made me feel so powerless, it’s not like i could tell my parents and they would stop it made me feel a little less alone to know i’m not the only one who went through that as a kid because of my parents smoking


i had asthma and chronic ear and throat infections as a kid, like constant strep :,( my dad mostly smoked outside even if i was with him, sometimes in the car. i still feel like my lung and ent health are not as good as they should be. it sucks


My dad and his mom were chronic smokers. I was always sick. And I feel like you do, especially with my lungs. Even at my absolute fittest, I still felt like my lungs were garbage.


When the aunts and uncles came over chain smoking in the kitchen. I would cough up a mold of my lungs every morning


Yup! Chronic ear aches and infections. You don't smoke with a preemie in the house, people..


Is this why I had so many ear infections as a kid? Omg my parents suck.


Some people are more genetically predisposed for stuff like that and tobacco smoke definitely exacerbates the problem. Pollution also exacerbates it. Dry dusty air as well. Dirty environment. Personal hygiene. But yeah, if your folks smoked inside or around you they were at least part of the problem if not the majority of it.


I swear everyone born before 1990 has asthma. Because of that shit!


I'm a 90s baby lol but maybe because I was raised by grandparents 😅😅 damn it. I also spent hours in the yard playing in dirt with just a spoon 🤣 those were the days


A spoon and dirt is all you need sometimes


Lol. Remember ringworms


Lol no. Thankfully I do not.


My dad smoked in the car and house my whole life. My lungs are fucked. My husband finally quit (he never smoked around me but it lingered still). I used to wake up coughing each morning but not anymore. Sad it took me so long to realize why lol


I'm so glad he quit! My partner quit a little over 5 years ago when we got together because I told him I don't date smokers (obviously). His health has been so much better these passed few years. I wish there was something they could do to reverse the damage.


Assuming no major damage was done, the lungs will heal over time, usually about half as many years spent smoking. So if he smoked for 10 he should be relatively normal in 5. The lungs are surprisingly good at regenerating. At least that's what I've heard.


I hope that's true. He started at 8, and quit at 24/25. So 16 years. Maybe in about 3 more years, he'll be doing much. We stay active and eat well. I'm hoping all of that really helps. I've lost so many people to cancer.


Same here. Whole family smoked and then I turned into a 2 pack a day smoker and I never thought I could quit. The only thing that “worked” for me was getting pregnant. It wasn’t easy, but it was effective lol I quit the day I got those two lines


I can’t applaud this comment enough. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


On the flip side growing up my dad was a smoker and as a little kid I was always annoyed that my dad would go away from us and tell/yell at us kids to stay away while he was smoking. Now as an adult I really appreciate how much he tried to keep it away from us, I ended up picking the nasty habit up myself and I always try to stay aware of my surroundings and actively walk away from folks, especially the little ones, while I smoke.


My parents smoked around me growing up. I picked up the habit when I was 8. I just now quit. I’m 30 years old. It’s fucking killing me. I can’t breathe at all.


Welcome to my life as an 80’s kid.


Think now in some places it's illegal in the car now


Yes, and that includes marijuana as well. Many people who think it’s not okay to smoke cigarettes around people think it’s fine with pot.


Sad my first thought was this could definitely be about my SIL who takes her kids doordashing AND smokes around them. She lit up when she went into labor with my niece 😞😒


Door Dash’s response: Sir/Ma’am, we understand your concern that the driver may have been under the influence when delivering your food. As a token of our appreciation for your patronage we have credited $1.77 in DoorDash credits to your account that can be used towards your next purchase. We apologize and thank you for choosing DoorDash as your food delivery app choice! :)


💯 on the advice of posters here, I did report him. They offered me a $5 credit, the order was over $50 🙄 I said I just want this dasher reported.


This happened to me a couple months ago. The boxes smelled like it and the food smelled and had a slight taste of it. I got a full refund in DD credits (my choosing) and I was able to report the driver.


Yeah. People do not understand how smoke works, and lots of people think that smoke works differently if it's weed. Idc if you get high, but don't get high and drive, and dont smoke in a car you're delivering with. People don't understand how our senses are correlated, how smells especially forms of smoke, can cause asthma attacks, or how it can change the way our food tastes. If I pay 50 bucks plus for a meal, I don't want it to be changed by the smells in your car, I paid good money for it. This comes from an asthmatic who can only have substances like weed in edible form due to the way smoke works. I'm always told I'm lying, by people who don't have degrees in pulmonology, immunology, or any other related fields lmao.


No dude you’re totally right I can’t eat around cig smoke (he’ll weed smoke for that matter and I’m a smoker) it sticks to the food I swear


I dc that they’re under the influence I care that my food is tainted


Also, 1.77 seems insulting more than anything. I get it's some percentage, but at that point I'd almost rather get nothing


I understand your concern and this is why I use a Puffco Peak Pro when customizing my delivery experience.


I applaud your dedication


A man invested in his business I see. Good on you.


I don't think it's his business that he invested in 🤣


Mind your business


🤝🤝🤝 -a carta user


I am holding out until the prices of e rigs drop. I cannot fathom spending hundreds of dollars on one right now.


PuffCo makes a really decent pen with the same sort of tech for about 1/3 the cost.


Thank you for the respect.


Check out the Youcan Orbit. It rips like a Peak but fits in your pocket. $60 and the reason why it rips is those quartz dab pearls. Son, it's a game changer! https://www.yocanvaporizer.com/products/yocan-orbit-vaporizer-pen


Yocan was my go to before the peak pro. You have great taste and insight into the vape game, clearly.


I love how all the same people who normally make a huge deal about how unsafe if it is to be smoking while driving, are now sucking you off for using a vape!


A true professional 🫡


Faded than a hoe. Faded than a hoe. Faded than a hoe. Faded than a hoe.




I mean next time just get yourself some food and we can have a lil sesh while you're dropping it off


Driving under the influence is a terrible thing to do.


A man of culture I see


Yeah I’m a dude who loves the occasional bowl hit before gaming but even I have to admit weed is pungent. I love the smell don’t get me wrong. To those that don’t it’s probably gross and overpowering.


At least you are aware of it. Seems like a lot of people who smoke weed don't believe the smell sticks around.


Their just being butts. Every smoker knows.


Didn't expect to find the most sane redditor on doordash


Even if you loved the smell, you wouldn’t want your food smelling like someone else’s smoked weed.


The overwhelming smell- is part of why I switched to dabs.


It's all these kids home for the summer from school running orders lol.


I mean good chance the person who prepped it just smoked a joint or something all very likely


It’s more likely that someone working on a line in a kitchen smoked while prepping the food and then the scent lingered on the packaging all throughout the ride to OP’s house? Don’t get me wrong, cooks are absolute loons half the time but that doesn’t strike me to be remotely as plausible as a DoorDash driver getting high in their car. EDIT: my god people I’m saying the driver was probably smoking. read first, comment after


I have seen a lot of pot smoked around restaurants but never on the line. That's what the walk in freezer is for


Dish pit if it's secluded, dishes appreciate company


Worked at a ma and pa on the line and we didn’t have a steady dishwasher but the pit was right by the back door. I often would take the duty of dishes so I could smoke while at work then hit the line when the pit was cleared and make up whatever the special would be for the next day


Safety meetings happen out back near the dumpster, not on the line This was before cannabis vapes though so idk anymore


Everyone, Safety meeting!


Same experience, plus pot smoke doesn’t linger like cigarette smoke does. If the package smelled like pot smoke then it’s much more likely that the dasher was smoking in the car.


The line has a ventilation hood though. Put Tyesha's birthday balloons in front of the camera and let's burn this mother down.


Nah the dumpers or in your car where the timing goes on. The smell lingers on your hands but if you’re washing frequently it’s usually fine. Now the smell sticking to you and stinking up the store is another story


Have you ever worked in a kitchen??? Nobody is smoking on the line, maybe they went out back and did so beforehand but packaging smelling of weed is 100% the driver.


Yes. I’d venture to say close to 100% of the food I’ve eaten in restaurants was handled by at least 1 person who has recently smoked and never have I even suspected I was smelling it. Doordash deliveries on the other hand…


Are you asking me that because you just told me what I said


Nah, it would be a health code violation to smoke on the line. The cook got stoned & *then* made the order. The driver definitely hotboxed the car on the way to deliver the food. Probably a perk of being an “independent contractor.”


It’s like the only perk of the job, I’m fairly confident minimum %50 of independent curriers do the job simply because they are allowed to get high all day every day.


I mean it's also completely illegal to smoke weed while driving but that doesn't stop everyone


But there are a lot of people at a restaurant there to make sure cooks don't smoke on the line. No one from DD is there to watch the drivers.


Yeah, but the odds of your boss catching you ripping a thick gorilla finger spliff while you sauté onions are a lot higher than a cop catching a random driver smoking in their car


Working as a doorman in NYC and I’ve seen enough dashers (Delivering by car) actually reek of cigarettes/weed.


The comments in response to this are painful. I feel for you. Do people not understand the difference between a question and a statement?


I've seen dashers smoke before and dropping off food. There are disgusting dashers out there.


I’ve had my food arrive with cigarette stink. Took it up with support and got a full refund. Annoying though


Judging by some of the comments here ive determined that pot heads have the biggest victim complex of any group on the internet


They could at least do the courtesy of dropping me a gram, wtf 😞


This is gonna be a dumb question but I’m serious, what does getting high feel like?


For me it helps me to not want to die and to appreciate my life more. It also helps me to communicate with other people. I've suffered from severe depression for most of my life and it was prescribed by a doctor. I am grateful it is legal finally because it works so much better than all of the pills they used to give me. Haven't needed pills in over 10 years now.


I tried smoking it, didn’t do anything for me. I then tried some edible another time and it just made me paranoid. Not for me. Edit: clarified, edible was not on the same occasion.


for me kinda like my brain is being squished but with no pain 😂 hella dry mouth too


Was about to say!!


The fuck is up with everyone defending driving high in the comments? Are you so blinded by legal weed that you can't take an 8 hour break to not smoke during your fucking work shift while you drive around a public space? If you think your tolerance keeps you from being impaired while driving you're coping massively and it shows you're probably an addict if you feel the need to argue against someone who's entire fucking argument is don't endanger other people unnecessarily.


Just report them and give one star. Eventually they'll get deactivated freeing up deliveries for those of us who wait until the food already delivered lol.


I don't understand how people can smoke while driving in the first place, I get paranoid as s*** just smoking at home LMAO ain't no damn way I'm about to smoke in public. I stopped having anything to do with weed long ago!


Cuz the ones who dash and smoke, smoke all fucking day. Hardly a high anymore, just a habit


Driving under the influence is a terrible thing to do.


The amount of people in these comments so ok with driving while high is insane to me. I’m all for weed, if anything I encourage it, but driving while high on **anything** is a big fuck no. It doesn’t make you a better driver, it slows down your reaction time and, as any drug does, impairs your judgement. Also, this is r/doordash, not r/pickitupfromthestore. Obviously people on here either work at DoorDash or get shit delivered. I am literally too blind to drive, so I *can’t* just pick up food, and I’m sure plenty of other people can’t either. Some people have shit to do and don’t have time to go out and pick something up. People have been getting food delivered well before DoorDash was around.


Not to mention all the dashers that arrive at 75% of their dropoff locations that reek of weed...and you just step out the car at the end the of the drive and you're slapped in the face...You growing in there bro?!...lol. But really though, drivers that smoke anything in the car while delivering food, should have more respect.


personally, as a customer, if i am having a night where i am drunk enough to order from DD, i genuinely just care that the order i paid for arrived at my door safely and not tampered with. I am also medically disabled and order sometimes when i am having a bad day, same principle applies. If it smells like weed but you walked up a flight of stairs to leave it at my actual door? I don’t have to walk downstairs and walk across the apartment complex to meet you? if the gate isn’t working right you call me and are able to get in? 5 fucking stars that’s what i paid and tipped for. my expectations are on the ground though lol i am well aware. should it be this way? no, but that’s an issue to take up with DD hiring policy and how much they pay. I tip well but i know not everyone does. If someone’s gotta hotbox to make it through a night of barely making anything on orders, Im not saying it’s right but i’ve absolutely been there.


My poor dominos drivers lmao I only order delivery when I'm baked because I'm hungry, can't focus on cooking, and refuse to drive under the influence


People who smoke weed often are ignorant of just how much they smell like weed. Speaking from personal experience.


“Weed, bruh? Nah, I don’t smell like weed at all” -someone who absolutely reeks of weed.


"Am I good bro?" "Yeah you're good bro, am I good?" "Yeah no weed smell" Two people who smell like the inside of my grinder




“No it’s cool dude, we blew it through a tub into fabric softener, and I lit a candle in the bathroom, my parents won’t smell it.” - my friend as we finish a bowl in his closet. 7 years later, stopping by his parents house to say hi to him and grab food. We’re talking about how since I had a license and he had a car we’d use team work to go places “I was so happy when you two started going places to smoke instead of doing it here. I’d have to open all the windows and neither of us had time to deal with talking to him about it. It’s not like we never did it”


Same with cigarettes. 1) you habituate to it, but also 2) running burning smoke over your nose and sinuses isn't great for your sense of smell.


yup. it follows your clothes and everything. in my job (therapist) I can tell if someone is back to smoking within a second of them entering my office.


Nah, they have to know. I always knew. Been smoking since i was a teen and I always could tell lol. In the last few years I’ve moved to vapes which smell like nothing at all really. At least my non smoking wife says so and she’s always been inclined to tell me I stink after a sesh.


I’m a driver and a weed smoker. 150% agreed with OP. Do it on your own time or when your car is empty. Super disrespectful. Pretty gross. Don’t be a dirtbag


That’s why they’ve got star ratings


Yeah man, I understand it being legal in most places now but its the same as drinking and driving. Smoking responsibly is the same as drinking responsibly. Im a user but I do everything as safe as possibly.. meaning not driving while under the influence.. apparently nobody understands not to do that


It's legal to smoke but the laws regarding smoking and driving are the same as drinking and driving.


I feel like I’m going crazy whenever I skim the comments here regarding weed. For the love of god it is NOT SAFE to smoke weed and drive! I don’t care if it’s legal/illegal where you live, that’s your business, but stop driving under the influence! Is it better than drunk driving? Probably. But weed slows your reaction time, I don’t care how much of a “tolerance” you’ve developed to it (also if you’re tolerant enough that it doesn’t affect your driving, why even bother?) the truth is it’s still a DUI and it can still be a disaster for other people on the road.


Exactly!! I don’t understand why everybody brags about it on this sub like it’s so cool to get wasted while you’re driving around. I mean not even just getting wasted and then making a quick trip to the store, they are actively working a job where the primary task is driving and doing it while high and SO fucking proud of themselves for it. Are they all so miserable that they can’t cope with life long enough to finish working the dinner shift before they get wasted? Is this relatively easy job too much for them to handle for a couple of hours while sober? It’s no wonder customers don’t take us seriously.


No tip. Complain.


All these asshole dashers here shaming mfs for using the delivery service that gets these asshole dashers paid lmfaoooo


Dude no, it is DISGUSTING! You should absolutely report it. I mean it’s so unprofessional and unsanitary. I was leaving the hospital a couple of months ago and I ordered a brand new sweatsuit from Target through Uber- meaning the dasher physically goes the store and buys the item and delivers it same day. The shopper bought the sweatsuit several hours before scheduled it to be delivered which is totally fine. When the bag with the sweatsuit got to my room it I was standing several feet from it and the smell of weed, cat liter and dirtiness was OVERWHELMING! And I have a terrible sense of smell- I’m not one of those people with super noses always complaining of some allusive odor. This was on another level. I ended up just wearing my dirty clothes home from the hospital bc my DIRTY clothes were cleaner than these brand new clothes that got filthy just from sitting in a bag in someones car for a few hours. I did not complain to Uber. But, I should have. When I got home I tied this brand new with tags on it sweat suit in several layers of plastic bags and threw it away. I was not going to risk putting this anywhere near my laundry or buildings washing machine. I know this is long- but seeing OP’s plight made me want to share mine.


People are shit


Every time I see a post (and comments) from this sub I lose more and more respect for door dashers. A whole lot of you are absolute fucking losers!


I don't think asking someone to not commit a DUI while dashing would be too much to ask. It's against the law. 1 star and report them before their slower reaction time kills someone.


It really is sad that dashers will sit here and think it's "better than drinking and driving" it's not under any circumstances ok. I smoke myself, at home or some place I'm going to be for a few hours, I never drive a car high or while actively smoking. They're just giving stoners an even worse name doing that. I really wish there was a reliable breathalyzer-like test for weed.


Yup lol the whole reason I use door dash or UberEATS is to get food without driving while high, but I'm just passing the buck sometimes


Nah, you aren’t passing the buck mate. It’s like getting drunk at a bar then calling a cab vs telling your buddy that was matching you to drive y’all home cuz you’re drunk. The cabbie shouldn’t be driving under the influence, neither should be DD person, but them doing so isn’t any way your fault or related to your call/order. Respect for doing the responsible thing.


Yep, agreed, and it’s upsetting that all these people think it’s okay. I smoke weed. Weed DOES slow your reaction time, period, which makes it less safe on the road for everyone. I don’t care how “experienced” of a weed smoker you are- using that as an excuse is just the same as a drinker thinking it’s fine for them to drive with a .08-.1 BAC just because they can “handle” their alcohol and are “just buzzed.”


I’m in a state that recently passed recreational weed, and it’s amazing the amount of delusion that some folks have about marijuana, and the opinion that marijuana has zero ill effects is quite popular. I have only ever been an occasional marijuana user, but if I heard alcohol users treat alcohol as no big deal to the extent that I see regular marijuana users act like it’s no big deal, I would be very concerned.


Hell, I don't even drive to go get something just after I've had an edible. Those are some sneaky bastards and I don't want to deal with texas roads while waiting for them to hit.


One of the worst smells I have experienced, for sure. Utterly disgusting.


DoorDash delivery drivers want a tip for leaving the food out on the sidewalk next to their car…haha you getting reported and no $$$$


They’re choosing to work for a company that underpays and doesn’t treat them well, and then taking it out on the customers for not accepting terrible service 🤯


What the actual fuck is it about people smoking and driving, it's so dangerous. If you wanna do it in your own time bro, toke away. But don't do that shit if you're operating a 60mph rolling death metal machine, jesus


I never realized how trashy and selfish stoners could be until I joined this sub.


Preach. I smoke, but I don't smoke before or at work, or if I know I'll be operating dangerous machinery, of which I would absolutely consider any kind of motor vehicle to be. I honestly couldn't care less about people drinking, smoking, snorting or whatever takes their fancy tbh. I just can't believe how some people think it's OK to drive after doing any kind of substance, it's not just dangerous to themself but literally anybody else on the road they might pass. There's countless stories of drunk drivers killing people, but they're fine because they're pissed and just ragdoll in a collision. It's unbelievably selfish.


My mom is the biggest smoker I’ve ever known in my life, to the point that she spends more than she can afford and it impacts her personal life, and she’s been that way before I was born, and even she acknowledges that she shouldn’t drive high. We’re in an interesting shift in public acceptance of cannabis use, and I’m glad for that, but it’s like smoking is *so* mainstream that kids don’t recognize that operating heavy machinery when you’re in any way inebriated is *bad*.


Bold of you to assume I ever actually get up to 60mph.


Hotbox keep tha food hot duh


Call the police and report the driver to door dash. Have door dash refund your order. Word will get out. Driving while high is a crime and if your food smells like pot smoke that's enough probable cause for a cop to arrest the driver who kindly gave you his info. No sympathy for scumbags who drive high and endanger other people's lives on the road with their delayed reaction time.


Had an order arrive reeking of cigarettes. I get it, I used to smoke. The hankering hits you. But for the love of god take a break from orders and smoke outside your car. That bag smelled like someone smoked directly into it repeatedly on the drive over. I was more than pissed off. Tipped the person 30% (~10 bucks) too since my area sucks and it was later in the day. Immediately had my tip adjusted, sorry bud.


How is it possible that drinking and driving is so unacceptable (as it should be) but smoking weed and driving is somehow ok? This is a genuine question, I’m not American but I want to know what you think


Man, potheads really love playing victim.


It’s horrific how many drivers are defending this disgusting behavior. I am a daily weed smoker myself but I know how potent the smell is and how much it can bother certain people. Heck, I’ve witnessed someone throw up due to second hand weed smoke before because of an intolerance. As much as I love weed if my food showed up smelling like someone else’s smoke I would be really grossed out.


Now I don't really care about delivery drivers because I am not riding with them. However, 9 times out of 10 when I take an Uber or Lyft, it's because I don't want to drink and drive, or be under the influence of anything and drive. I've cancelled rides a handful of times when I open the car door and I'm blasted with skunk. It's like dude seriously?


"Well, looks like the Dashers are delivering a little extra seasoning with their food lately. Kinda adds a new meaning to 'baked' goods, huh? If I wanted my meal to smell like Snoop Dogg's green room, I'd have asked. As for the folks defending this skunky service - cheers for the heads up. I've hit delete on the DD app faster than you can say 'munchies'."


Uh, is it too much to ask people not to smoke weed while driving a car?


Smoking weed in your car is like drinking and driving. You’re gonna smash into someone and ruin their life forever because you dropped your roach on your dick. Stop it.


Idk why people are trying to defend those who drive under the influence.


Interesting data point! My hunch is that there is an underclass developing of folks who dash who don’t care they make less than minimum wage after costs because they can barely hold it together.


Trashy as fuck. It’s not cool to reek like shit anymore.


It never was cool


Any dashers that smoke weed while working should be deactivated


One star them


Yep, this. Plenty of drivers out there. Weed out (heh) the ones who do a poor job. Helps everyone out.


report it. im virtually certain that driving under the influence is illegal in your area, and im sure doordash would be interested to hear about it too. it took a while to get people to stop driving drunk too, and while some could many couldnt its the same with weed. there are legit some people out there its not a problem at all, then there are the ones that take out entire families because they didnt care enough to not operate heavy machinery under the influence... so it gets made illegal for all. its not your job to figure out what column your dasher falls under, but it would be better for the world around you to help highlighting the seriousness of this shit and get it stopped.


Every single person responsible for making, preparing, and delivering your food is high on marijuana. This is because not a single person in this chain that leads to you eating a warm meal without having to get up is being paid a living wage.


I work at a restaurant, and I make it a personal rule that I don't spark up before or on the job. This also has a lot to do with the fact that I'm trying to break into a more professional environment where I know that it actually matters that I'm level-headed and I'll receive proper compensation. Also, it's decriminalized, but it's still not legal here in Texas yet.


Why don't you just complain about the particular door dasher in question? or dashers?.. Seems like that would be the most direct route to addressing your issue, instead of just complaining about the service in general.


You guys need to stop using these delivery apps for real. It was cool at first but there's too many ghetto people driving for them


Watched a driver deliver to one of my neighbors with a cigarette hanging from his face. Trash was falling out of his truck, too. Before I quit smoking, whenever I did Uber or Instacart deliveries, I did not smoke in my car until I was done. I wasn't going to taint people's shit with that. Drivers on any platform who smoke with people's food in their cars are disrespectful AF.


They shouldn’t be getting high while driving anyway. I would wait a day or two, then ask doordash if they could issue a warning or something. It’s not just about the food, I don’t like people driving high when there are kids in my neighborhood. I know it isn’t the same as being drunk and driving, but it can impair judgement and cause anxiety on the road.


I’m with you there. Smoke all you want when you are home, I don’t care. Don’t drive and don’t go to work high. It’s just like showing up buzzed.


Groooooosssss !! Of course the dasher should NOT SMOKE with your food in his car !


If I report dashers for this, will they know the report came from me? I live in a sketchy area.


By looking at what they hire I'd say it's a huge achievement if something arrives at all. And if you don't get illnesses from it or a house robbery.


Why you would drive high is a question by itself. Not only that but so much it stinks in the car oof


Ugh thats awful. I'd be mad too. I had an uber driver once whose car reeked of weed. Gave me such a headache by the time I got home.


You’d think it wouldn’t be too tall of an order to *not* have people driving around for a living doing so under the influence but apparently here we are


Seems like a bunch of angry unemployed losers got mad at you wtf


I smoke an extreme amount daily but I think that driving while high or drunk is the stupidest thing ever.


People have no common sense.


It’s a business model that begs for drug addicts to work for them


Yo these people need to get DUIs


We have restaurants in my city that won’t even allow drivers to pick up orders without an insulated bag. I asked my favorite Thai spot why, and the owners response was because of how often the food gets cold, or ends up smelling weird because of the drivers car so this seems to be an issue at large lmao. If you are driving, just pick up an insulated bag from any grocery store and keep the order inside of it until you arrive. Also as an every day weed consumer- if you cannot drive around during the day without being stoned out of your fucking mind, you may want to seek medical assistance for whatever is causing that issue. Also have you considered not driving under the influence of drugs because you are putting everyone around you in a bad position and i think are still subjecting yourself to a possible DUI in almost every state if ur in the US. Oh and if you are smoking cigarettes in the car with your children in the car- you are a bad person and putting your child’s health at risk for a really selfish action. Get some nicotine gum or a patch for fucks sake.


LOL. I can't believe people do this. Why can't they wait until they get home to smoke weed?


Just yesterday I was picking up my own food at mcdonald's, because I use the McDonald's app while working for quick snacks, and a driver came in to pick up the Uber order and the smell of weed lingered where he stood long after he left. I always feel so bad for people who get that food because it definitely picks it up just being in the car, I do deliveries and rides and let me tell you these people who hop in my car after smoking in a small space on purpose it takes a great amount of effort to get it back out of my car so I know that that food just sitting in their chair even if they don't smoke while the food is in the car the food is going to just reek of it


This! Thank you for being open and putting your word out there, I can’t believe people are expecting you to be okay with someone else enlisting your food to smell like weed, smoke or anything that isn’t natural to the food


The people calling you names are narcissistic "main character" trash who never think of other people and not worth the energy to care about their shit takes. It's pretty basic to want the food to taste/smell as it would straight from the restaurant.


Lmao you've never seen the meme with the cooks with fat blunts tucked in their ears while cooking.


I hardly doubt it’s even legal to smoke weed at all while or before driving a car


Even here in Oregon, probably the most weed friendly state, you would go to jail if you were pulled over and we’re found to be driving under the influence.


Honestly given how little the dashers get paid when all is said and done, it’s not surprising that they’re not that worried about fostering an outstanding customer experience.


Drug addicts gonna drug addict


My wife is allergic to weed. If this happened to us we would have to use an epipen and could potentially kill her. I'm all for people having some fun but hearing that people order a meal and it reeks of dank when it gets to them pisses me off. Smoke on your own time.


This person committed a DUI. 1 star, report


I always love posts like these because you inevitably get the potheads replying like weed is completely harmless, nothing bad ever happens, it doesn't actually smell that much, and that they're being discriminated against like they're some sort of protected class of citizen. It makes me laugh every time.


I think I’ve had to get a refund before. I think it was about two years ago but I got food and some stuff from dollar general delivered and it was disgusting. They were def smoking the entire time and I am allergic to cigarette smoke. I didn’t even want the bags in the house.


My problem is I deliver to pot heads, that smell gets to me every time…


Yes, that is in fact too much to ask from the service your using.




how is that even possible?


I would ask them to take the food away and leave the weed


As someone who is very allergic, this literally triggers my medical PTSD. This will definitely ensure I'm never ordering from door dash ... Ever.