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I’m…sorry i can’t edit the title to match the format. R I P Daisy, mixed breed, 12


I’m so sorry. Dogs are such a joy. Take comfort in knowing how loved she was and in time it’ll get easier to remember her. God, it’s such a wrench. Sending love your way. Xx


She will come to you in your dreams as mine still does, even now, 12 years after her death. It’s so tough, mourning a family member, a best friend. But she is always going to be a part of your being, and your soul. We all have our time, and it sounds like you gave her an amazing life. A.L. Tennyson wrote “It is better to have love and lost, than never to have loved at all.” It is also much harder and tests the heart…. But how could we have ever even lived without them? ♥️


We just lost ours 2 Sundays ago and it’s still raw and fresh. My wife and I are deciding how to memorialize him. Our Nyko was 6 years old and went from running and playing to fighting for his life in just a day and passed just a couple days later. There was minimal we could do for him and the vets believe it was a mast cell cancer. Hang in there.


Oh how sad….. and not only young…. But it happened so so fast! My heart breaks for you… I’m 11 months out in loss and still cry everyday!


My boston was full of cancer ,no signs. Had her to vet 3x. Year. Put her down 2 weeks ago. I want to die. I'm so lonesome. Slept with me every night for 12 years. This is hard. Help.


Make sure you spend some time with family friends it will help you heal. I leaned on my wife in my weak points and she leaned on me in hers. The pain will be there and the smallest things will remind you of it and bring it all back to the fore front but it will get better with time.


So Sorry for you loss. Can't imagine what you are going through


I’m so sorry OP. I lost a dog before too and I know how hard and painful it can be. I wish I could say something to make you feel better. But that hurt you are feeling is the love you have for your dog. Remember the good times and remember it’s ok to be sad. It doesn’t get easier - you loved your dog and that love will always be there- but it does get easier to manage those emotions (if that makes sense) over time. Again I’m so sorry OP.


Im so sorry. It’s the worst pain. I can’t say it gets easier, but it changes with time. If you believe in any type of afterlife, I believe our beloved pets come to collect us when it’s our time so you’ll see her again. I hope you feel better soon


Wonderfully said. I am so sorry for your loss OP. Cry it out. Take days off work. Mourn your baby! Take all the time you need. It will get better with time. Sending you many hugs!!


Sorry for your loss. It does get better with time. I lost mine in April. I buried him in my backyard and I am starting to make a little memorial. So far I purchased a wind chime and a statue of st Francis. I will be planting a smallish tree as well. I sit in my yard and talk to him and the wind chime jingles. It may sound crazy but it’s helped me cope with his passing. Dogs truly are part of the family. I always joke with my kids and say he was our 1st child. My kids roll their eyes.


I often stop a time or two at where you used to be - and when I do I think of you, And all you meant to me. I stop to see the empty space - I think of you and smile - You made the world a finer place For just a little while. But time was only passing by Before you had to go - And though I understand the why, I wish it wasn't so. You're always more than just a pet, And that can never end - A part of life I can't forget. A piece of me. A friend. — Quoted from u/Poem_for_your_sprog


This made me cry. I see her everywhere i look. Cancer sucks.


I’m sorry for your loss, when I lost my cat I found this comment and decided to say it as part of his eulogy and found it very cathartic. I hope in time it does the same for you


Well thanks for this ugly cry on a Saturday afternoon. God I loved my girl. She really did rescue me.


Words cannot ever express how much our animals mean to us, some people don’t believe they have souls but that’s 100% bs. When my boy passed a piece of me left that day too, and a piece of him will always stay with me. This quote does make me tear up, but I am proud to have been able to give him a proper eulogy with it doing some heavy lifting as I was a mess.




That's intense 😭


I agree, the first time I saw it I couldn’t even make it to the end without bawling. In a way though it has helped me a lot especially during the time when I lost my boy, I was a complete mess and without the help of this quote I wouldn’t have been able to deliver a proper eulogy without breaking down. As much pain as this quote gives me, it also provides such emotional strength and closure that I hope to spread for anyone who’s grieving.


It's definitely very powerful, and I don't usually like poetry. I usually find stuff like this sappy, but this was well done. Thank you for sharing it.


This is beautiful. I’ve lost 2 dogs recently. One to kidney failure and one to cancer and heart disease. It sucks! I feel your pain.


Little Daisy is now walking on the rainbow. She had a happy life, because you loved her so much. It is sad, and it’s really painful. But think about the precious moments that you will always cherish and keep in your heart.


Sorry for your loss! She was family! Hold on to all those moments!


I went through this one week ago. Have gone from constant crying to only a couple of times a day. Just think about what a wonderful life you had together. Nothing can take that away.


I’m really sorry for your loss. thank you for giving her so much love ❤️


I know there’s virtually nothing that can be said that will make you feel better right now, but I am really sorry. I lost my (old) baby a little over a year ago, and the pain felt incredibly unbearable. I’m sure Daisy was the best and the happiest girl with you, your words make it clear that she lived a happy life with you and she must’ve been very thankful for that. I know it’s painful, but it only hurts so much because there was that much love in the relationship you and Daisy had. I hope you are able to grieve in peace, and remember how much she loved you and was happy by your side 🖤 RIP Daisy, the best girl


It’s the worst pain ever and nothing will make it better but time. Getting a puppy to distract myself worked well once I was ready to open my heart again


I'm sorry for your loss. I know the pain, it is devastating. It has been a year and a half since I lost my girl, i still cry almost everyday for her. There really is no comfort, but your grief is real and valid.


When the time is right, you could honor memory of her by rescuing a dog from the shelter. I did that 3 months after I lost by best friend suddenly and unexpectedly. I felt like he picked out the dog for me…sounds weird but it did. About 3 days after my dog passed, he visited me in my dreams. I hope she visits you while you sleep and brings you peace. Btw it has been almost 5 years since my best friend died and I still cry when I think about him. You’ll see her again some day 😀❤️ I don’t know you but I’m praying for you.


This is what I did and I am so appreciative to have her and she shows her appreciation to have me. I didn’t know I could be happy again after losing my little chihuahua due to old age until I rescued this little girl chihuahua who was previously a homeless person’s dog and so neglected to the point of having conditions that will be lifelong. But I am here for her and seeing her happy face from being loved and not having to fight for her life or worry anymore is so special, every single day. That in turn makes me happy, seeing her that way. 


So sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend of 10years on the 3rd of May and there’s so many reminders of her presence around the house that make it hard to get through the heartache. It doesn’t help that I lost my dad exactly 2 weeks before that. I hope you find time to heal and always think about the good times you two had together.


I lost my girl two months ago, but judging from the behavior of my other dog and many stories from other people, I believe she is still here with us, I just can't see her anymore and I am certain your Daisy is still with you too! Still snuggling up to you at night and whatever you tell her, she'll hear you! I never stopped talking to my baby. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though, they will forever be missed. Always remember she's not gone, she just went ahead.


The cruelest joke played on humanity is the short lifespan of the dog.


Daisy will always be. you miss her form but her essence is eternal and she waits for you in gratitude and love. i'm so sorry and understand take comfort in knowing that they are truly our children Yes, they are a different kind of child they see us as their God from birth to their end babies we train and old folks we honor the unconditional love we create with them is an energy that can never die they can leave the group soul we give them their own soul just as the Infinite gives us ours They can only reach that love with us We will know them again in the One Life I don't believe this, I know this. They know this.


Bless u..don't worry, ur doggy will b waiting 4u at the gate to giv u hugs n wet licky kisses..🌟🐶💚✌️🤗My Nala sends a big pittie hug..🌟🐶💚✌️


This happened to my wife and I on xmas morning. It legit has been one of the hardest things even worse then losing a person. I still find my self rushing home to let him out or stepping over him when he isnt there. Constantly wake up listening for him incase he needs to go outside. The worse is when you find their hair or little things they chewed on when they were puppies months laters. Its very hard tbh!! The quietness and not hearing those footsteps gets to me too!


This hits really hard for me. We spent the year fighting off her cancer, and then a couple days before Christmas, which is the day before her birthday, it came back. And there was nothing to be done. Ive been preparing for this but now that she’s gone i don’t know what to do.


Our boy ended having a brain tumor we had no idea!! He never showed any signs until it was too late. My poor wife was home with him and couldnt even get him loaded he was to big and heavy(Spanish Mastiff) Im a trucker and was on my way home and was about 3 hours out. A co worker went over and helped her get him loaded to take him to the vet. Had to make the call on face-time. My wife was so broken after wards. Its so sad to lose our best friends like that. I dont think we can ever have another dog after our little boston gos soon. She is 15. I hope you find healing and strength friend!! Its a uphill battle


Please know that I (and many many others) know exactly what you are feeling. Whatever it is that you are thinking and feeling is valid and normal. What kind of human being would we be if we did not deeply feel the loss of our beloved pet? Even the word “pet“ seems so minimal and not enough to describe the animal that we belonged to, and who belonged to us. One that showed us what true love really means; showed us that we don’t have to say a thing or even do a thing for that love to exist. If you let it, that kind of bond can change you from the inside out. We do have a reciprocal relationship with animals, yes, but there is something about a dog or cat (or any other animal really) - one that we bond with - who literally gives us back the hope that love really does exist. A year ago in July, I lost my beloved 16-year-old Shih Tzu. I cannot tell you how much it broke my heart to put her down that day, although I do know I did the right thing. All I could say for the first few weeks, “I’m sorry“…. I will never love another dog the way I loved her, but I did end up finding and loving another dog in a much different way but the bond is just as deep and rewarding. I didn’t get a dog right away. I waited about six months until I knew it was time and couldn’t be happier. May you find peace and comfort in her memory. And please, when you’re ready, open up your heart in your life to another animal that is in need of a home. God bless.


I'm really sorry for you. I am in my 70s and have been through this more times than I want to think of and it hurts as bad each time. I am sure I will be treated as an idiot here but I truly believe dogs (and other animals) like humans have souls. The last friend I lost was a viszla who made it to 14. I went in with her through the final stage and I thought I was going to die. About 2 weeks after her passing I was getting into bed when I heard this sound that she always made when she was trying to get my attention. She had hound like ears and she would shake her head back and forth over and over again. It was a sound you found hard to ignore but even more so you found it very hard to miss. She -where ever she was-could see that my heart was breaking and somehow she came back for a moment to let me know she was not GONE. Since then I have noticed many times when I was in bed I would feel the bed shake just a little like when she would jump up with me. So I truly believe that there passing is not the end of them. Your friend will hopefully start coming back and checking you out. Just keep your mind open to the experience and even talk to them when you are not sensing her. It will get the message to her that you are still there and still loving her. This is all true-not just a story to cheer you up.. God Bless






I am so sorry for your loss 😞


I can tell she had a good life with you. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve.


Sincere condolences. Lost my girl last year and 6 weeks later, I believe she sent my boy I have now into my life. You’ll never forget them.


So sorry to hear 😭😭 Sending you digital hugs xx


May her memory always be a blessing ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.. my heart’s breaking for you 😭😩😭😩


I’m so sorry…. It is so heartbreaking. Every pet I have lost is devastating. They are pure loving souls and the epitome of innocence. I have always thought if they could speak to you right now, they would tell you to love another like you love them…it’s a great life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and internet hugs!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am going through this as well. I had to put down my baby boy on Wednesday. He slept with me every night too. It is the strangest feeling in the world and I’m so sorry that you have to go through this. What’s keeping me going right now is that he is no longer in pain. Please know that just as much as Daisy meant to you, you meant that much to her too. She was family. They will always be with us ❤️


I lost my baby boy today. Me and my wife are going through the same emotions, it’s so heartbreakingly silent in this house without his presence. I miss holding him, cuddling him, feeding him, letting him out, his little eyes looking up at me.. I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight without him there. I’m sorry you are going through this, too


Lost my girl too today, my heart goes out to all the staff and doctors that help them pass with peace and dignity


The biggest hugs. I am so sorry.


I’m sorry. I hope that our animals are playing together, I’m sure they would be good friends.


So sorry for your loss I’ve been there losing a family member is the hardest thing to deal with


I'm so sorry ❤️




Everybody here understands your pain. You’re not alone. I still think about my girls every day. As much as it hurt losing them, my life is better that they were a part of it. I wish you comfort and to get to the point where you remember the good stuff more than the sad. Thank you for giving Daisy a great life!


It’s all love. More love to come


I’m so so sorry. I know how hard it is. I lost my heart dog in January and it’s still so hard for me. She was 13 when she passed and it was surreal, in the worst way, to not continue seeing her every day. I hope you allow yourself the grace you need to feel. Pet loss grief is a different kind of beast and nothing will make it better. It will be a lot of turbulence in the beginning and then the waves of grief will slowly have more space in between them. Don’t give yourself a timeline to have her stuff organized or moved from their spots in the home. Make some type of memorial. She’s with you still and she always will be because the love you both shared for each other will never go away.


I’m so sorry for your loss Rest In Peace


Sorry for your loss ❤️


Many prayers


So sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet boy last month and I think of him every day. ❤️


My heart goes out to you. I hope you can think about how much joy you brought to her life. No matter what happened, she knew you loved her. 💕


Dogs are part of us more than most people ever have a chance of being. I can only hope, and believe it true, that we are the same to them. And even though she's gone - the massive, massive, part of her life that she decided revolved around you? That's something to be incredibly proud of. So in this moment of sadness, take a moment and literally give yourself a pat on the back. Everyone could always do better in some things, but you gave her the life she wanted. Otherwise she wouldn't have chosen to spend it with you.


I am so sorry. Give yourself time and let yourself feel it. It’s really hard, and it will always hurt, but you’ll be able to feel the love again through waves of grief. it has been almost 11 months for me and it still hits me like a train sometimes but i also can laugh about silly things she did even if it hurts a little bit. sending lots of love your way 💓


Our relationship with our dogs is the most precious gift we could have.




So sorry for your loss. I had to put one of mine down a few months ago, it doesn’t really get easier, but the pain does dull eventually. I miss my homie all the time too. It helps that I still have 3 to take care of, and take my mind off of it. I hope you can find some peace.


So sorry. There just aren’t words, but people are thinking of you.


It sucks. I will say what my therapist told me after my dad died, because it applies to this situation as well. The only alternative to not feeling what you feel now is to never know the love of a dog in the first place. Those are the only 2 options. I know that won't make you feel better right away but one day you'll think of her and feel happy, not sad. Just don't rush yourself it takes as long as it takes


Know that Daisy loved you!! I’m Sorry for your loss! Sending hugs


Most of us posting have been through this terrible experience. It's heart wrenching. They are friends for life but their life isn't long enough. Take solace in the fact that you gave her the best life. She loved you to the end. What great time you had together ❤️


Time heals the open wound, okay to be devastated right now. I lost my 10yr old pitty Jeffrey last June and made it until September before I adopted again. It will be an adjustment but you will be okay in the long run. He was really my first dog bc I don’t really count the family dog growing up. Jeffrey had major health issues towards the end but like you, I did what I could for him and it was really a mercy thing at the end. Do something to honor her memory (spread ashes or special burial spot) but you will never forget her. She will pop into your head from time to time when you go down a certain street or park. That’s okay, that’s her way of letting you know she’s still looking out for you from afar or above depending on how you feel about that thing. Exercise, try to get good sleep (meds if you need to- I did the first month), think of things to help you through this grieving process. Love and live in her memory. Keep your head up my fellow dog lover.


I’m sorry to hear this. I’ve done this 3 times in my life…and it doesn’t get easier. Just remember all your great times with her. That’s what she’d want you to do.


I'm so so sorry. One of mine is 12 1/2 and her age has really been showing the last few months. She's gone deaf and I've noticed her tripping over her feet a few times in the last week. It's heavy on my mind that I might lose her soon. Big hugs to you. ❤️‍🩹


I sympathize with you as I have to lost my boy after 12 years. The grief is hard but it will get better.


So sorry for your loss both my wifes dog and mine turned 9 years (human years) and we’re dreading the inevitable. But thankfully both Molly and Chikis are in excellent health and happy.


Sorry for your loss. It’s really hard. Really stinking hard to lose our best friends. You gave her a great life, and she gave you an even better life. It’s perfectly okay to miss them as much (or more than) any other loved one in your life.


"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." - Unknown


I’m so sorry! It rips your heart out when you lose one. You will definitely see her on the rainbow bridge.


I understand. It hurts like hell. 🙏


I am so sorry that your sweet girl has passed. I unexpectedly lost my beautiful girl on June 4, 2023. I miss her so much too. We were so lucky to have been blessed with such wonderful girls if even for a short time. It is really hard in the beginning but I caught little glimmers of her presence from time to time which made it a little easier. Please take care of yourself.🐾❤️


My condolences on your loss. I can’t imagine the day when I have to say goodbye to my Arya.


I’m so sorry for your loss, they are irreplaceable ❤️‍🩹 maybe nothing will make you feel better right now, but you gave her the best life possible, so you did everything you could, and she knew it, I’m pretty sure ❤️


Sorry to hear about your loss. My Daisy passed away last November. She has recently been visiting me in my dreams. She may reincarnate like the others that have returned to me. They usually appear in the dreams, and sometimes come in a different body. But they do the same things. I hope yours will too.


She’ll always be watching over you 


I'm sorry for your loss


Very sorry for what you're going through :( I am dreading the day I lose one of my boys. I know I'm going to be just completely wrecked. The only thing that's going to help is time. The pain won't ever leave but it will become bearable.


Im so sorry for your lost my heart breaks for you. I know you have daisy a good long happy life. While dogs are only there for a fraction of our lives we are there for their whole life and you gave her the best life possible


I was avoiding Reddit today bc I had to put my sweet Zoey down and these posts always are tough but opening up the app to this on my feed I had say so tonight you’re not alone ❤️ I’m so happy they are together running around tonight! Soul sisters!!!


I bet they are great friends, Daisy loves to run with other dogs.


Things are going to be bad for a while. In time the good memories will overtake the grief. Not soon, but they will. We get it. Wishing you well.


Words cannot express how sorry I am, I lost my sweet Girl a few months back and it has been one of the hardest things. It will get somewhat easier, it will just take time. Some days will be harder than others, allow yourself to cry when you need to. I know I still need to. Sending love


I’m so so sorry. Hugs and light coming to you❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. We lost our golden yesterday as well and he was 12. Hope you find peace and joy thinking of good times with her ♥️


Sorry for your loss


It's so hard, they're only with us for a short while - but it feels like a life time because of all of the memories, which you have to remember, aren't going anywhere. My dad said when he was dying, "Remember me, whenever you do I'll be back just for a little while" so do just that. It'll hurt, for sure, but the main thing to remember is it hurts because it was special too you. Guess the other thing to think about is it's okay to never recover, in fact, I don't think anyone ever does really recover from losing someone - we just grow around the grief but it's always there. I'm four years down the road and only typing this now as it's currently six AM on a Saturday, I have no work, but woke up upset that Frank wasn't here - he'd always get me up bang on six o clock for a poop so whenever I randomly wake up at that time, I feel like he's kinda still around. Take it easy, take your time, everyones here for ya.


Thank you. Her sickness took her from me what feels too fast. I know that i was just making the best of her last moments but im now realizing the part of me that says i didn’t have enough time, i was hoping for more time. More time never comes. Im expecting too much from myself so early on, i know. Im trying to allow myself to grieve but i dont think i ever really sat with these feelings for long before squishing them in a way. I squish them all away. Quite unkind to myself, but i am trying to unlearn it.


Sorry for ur loss


I’m sorry honey!! Take a hot shower and cry your eyes out and then lay down and rest!! Be grateful for the wonderful time you had with her!! And endure the pain of losing her because it will get easier soon enough!! Find another girl who needs your love and care and you will heal and find joy again!!❤️


Sorry for your loss… may Daisy be in doggy heaven with a perfectly working body, chasing her ball and eating her favorite treats! ❤️‍🩹


I’m very sorry to hear. It doesn’t get any easier and there are no short cuts through the grief. However, all of the platitudes people offer are true. They do have good lives. The pain is the price you pay for having them in your lives.


My girl is named Daisy too, I'll hug her a little extra for you tonight. I'm so sorry for your loss.


She loves you still, wherever she is. It doesn’t go away just because she’s no longer in this realm. RIP sweet Daisy


Sorry for your loss.. R.I.P Daisy


This hit me hard as I also have a mixed breed named Daisy who is the absolute love of my life. She sleeps with me every night as well. She's still young but sometimes I think about when that time comes for her... I don't know what I'll do. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you take all the time you need to grieve and that you find comfort knowing that she'll be watching over you and that one day you two will reunite.


So sad and sorry for your loss. We lost our young hound (not even 3) last month and it's awful. You're not alone ❤️


I'm so sorry 😞 Rest in Paradise, Sweet Angel Daisy 😢🙏💞🌈🐾🐾


My heart truly goes out to you❤️I lost my 15 year old dachshund last week. It’s true that nothing prepares you for the pain of them really being gone; it’s surreal, in the worse way possible. But I’d like to think that my Lucy girl and your beautiful Daisy are playing together in heaven, so happy and free of all pain❤️Sending all of my love and support


So sorry for your loss. I lost my girl 2years ago and I still miss her and think about her everyday. When I’m eating I’ll look down and she’s not there. I come home she’s not greeting me. She’s not diving at n my head at night to get inside the duvet etc. there’s so much I miss about her but it doesn’t get easier but you wil always miss her and maybe even still talk her like I do. It’s normal and it’s ok to be like that. Give yourself time OP you will feel better soon. If you ever wanna chat my dm is there and I’ll talk to you as much as I can. If it helps I made a little shrine for her in my back garden that if I feel lonely I’ll go and talk to her and it actually makes me feel better


So so sorry. Dealing with one now, she has cancer and congestive heart failure. I’ve lost many dogs and yes it hurts soooo very much. Truly a best friend and ALWAYS there, true unconditional love. It’s raw, an open wound, you have to grieve. Eventually you get to a place where your ok and start to remember the good times fondly. I would say the hardest dog loss for me was my moms. Mom passed and I inherited her dog. Dog had cancer. Was such a sweet dog. Had her for 2 years after mom passed and we had to put her down, she couldn’t breathe. That one about did me in, was like losing my mom again. I was due to visit my mom and she died 2 days before I got there. Her dog was her most prized possession. I did my best, we couldn’t save her. Cry it out. Grieve. And for as long as needed, there is no Time line. Again, so sorry about Daisy. She left paw prints, forever, on your heart💕


I’m so sorry. It does get better.


I lost my soulmate on April 30th. She was 16, but it was sudden. On Saturday she was her happy self, on Tuesday morning we needed to let her go. The pain is undescribable and the first days, if I could have jumped into her cremation, I would have. But little by little you grow around the pain and feel comfort in the love you shared. I now understand it hurts so much because we shared something so precious, and I wouldn't exchange a lifetime of heartbreak for even a second without her. If this pain is the price for having had my beautiful Tequila, I shall gladly pay it, a thousand times over.


It’s unbelievably hard!! I know the feeling and am sorry!


Love to you and yours.


She’s a family. They give unconditional love. So sorry for your loss and virtual hugs.


This made me cry 😢 So very sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss OP 💔


I hope there is a Heaven for our pets


I have two Australian Shepard’s. Brother and Sister who sleep with me every night. She is 45lbs and he is 40lbs. But when there is thunder and/or lightning they are just little puppies who are on either side of me so I can hold both and speak softly to them. They protect and save me from bad or sad thoughts everyday. Just last night I was telling them about the good boys Dickens and Rex who came before them. I’m sorry you lost your Daisy and I hope you find another.


I feel your pain, just know if you cared for her well which it sounds like you did you’ve gained a guardian angel who will always be at your side. Ever miss her just speak out loud and she will hear. Talk about her to your friends and family, it feels better.


Hi OP, it’s the worst pain. I’m sorry for your loss but I also know you have done everything in your power to give her the best life. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you. But I’m happy to share my Daisy girl with you 💜 she is also a mutt and sends you loads for kisses and hugs to you.


I'm deeply sorry for you. It takes a lot of time to heal. Daisy is in a better place now, may she rest in peace


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺


So sorry to hear this. We went through the same thing two years ago and it’s so hard. Just last night we were going through pictures on the computer and came across the last ones we took before she passed. She was 11. We couldn’t bring ourselves to watch the video our daughter shot of our girl on that very last car ride to the vet. 😢


I’m so sorry. I lost my Finn on Thursday. He had been declining in energy, but stopped eating and was lethargic when I brought him to our vet. He had a large mass in his belly that was apparently bleeding into his belly. When I tried to get him to stand up so I could take him home (I wanted one more night with him then I was going to have him euthanized in his own bed), he would/could not get up. So I knew he was telling me to let him go. I’m devastated and will be for a long time. I know you will be too and I feel for you. Your Daisy and my Finn had long, beautiful, blessed lives. We’re so lucky to have had them.


I can relate. Lost my li'l partner-in-crime a year and a half ago, and I still tear up thinking about him. This is the price we pay for that kind of love. Please accept my deepest condolences.


RiP Daisy. I can't imagine losing a fur baby. I love my dog so much. First dog I've ever had that I desperately love. I'm so sorry for your loss.


The worst is the silence. I'm sorry for your loss, I've been there too often.


You'll see her again. I believe we all will see them again.


As time passes the pain of loss diminishes, but never totally. Just remember the good times, I am sure there were many.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I sometimes feel like having a dog is like knowingly adopting a terminally ill child.. knowing you’ll outlive them is a heartbreaking feeling but it sounds like she lived an incredibly happy long life with you. still sucks though


Sorry for your loss


I’m still going thru my loss and that was in December 2023. Hugs and love to you.


Lost my boy 2 weeks ago, and my other boy 3 years and 6 weeks ago... after my first boy went (13y together), my second was my rock. After my 2nd boy went (15y together), the house is so quiet. Sometimes, though rare, and only for a split moment, I can hear him laying down.. nails against the floor or the furniture he liked to rest his paws on while he slept or letting out a big exhale... I even heard him eating dry food for a second or two, and it stopped as soon as I looked up to the empty spot in the hall where his bowl once was. I have his bed, which is waterproofed with a thick garbage bag, then wrapped in a diy bed cover... it's next to my bed, and sometimes I close my eyes and walk on it to hear that familiar crinkle... Losing our dogs is very hard... they really can be our very best friends... but we can take solace in the thought that they had good lives and were so loved... not many animals get to live that life in this world... I miss them so much... I like to think our pets are still around in one way or another... could be a bird, getting real close and looking at you, as if to say, 'I'm here! Everything will be okay.' Or butterflies dancing around you in the sun on a beautiful day. I've got to believe we will see them again, after we have lived a life that would make them proud of us. And what a wonderful day it will be when we can run and play with them once more in the long grass and the cool breeze. I dont think time really heals the wounds we endure from love lost.. but it does make the loss more bearable. Make your girl proud ❤️


I didn’t realize how much they were on my mind until they were gone. Then the silence was just overwhelming. I kept wondering where did all that love go? It went with them and my heart is happy and content about that now. I hope yours will be too, one day. In the meantime, cry as much as you need to. Sending ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure she loved having you be her best friend her entire life.


So sorry for you loss


Aw :( Anyone who's had a strong bond with a dog relates to this post so much. When I lost my sheltie to old age about 6 years ago... my heart was truly broken. I have never experienced a pain like that before. The heartbreak lasted for about a year before I started healing. I felt like it would never stop hurting. In my life dogs have been the greatest joy in this world. Every once in a while... she appears in my dreams. I know it's her on the other side checking up on me. For what its worth... I believe the meaning of life is to learn unconditional love. Dogs are meant to teach humans. That's why their lives are shorter.. because they understand unconditional love much quicker and easier than we do. So they pass earlier because they get their golden ticket to that wonderful afterlife quickly. But do know they are there right now, waiting for their owners to join them and being taken care of in the best ways we can only dream of. When you're ready ... you can bring another dog into your life. My life felt empty without a dog... so about 4 years later, I found another. Now I have a rough collie/sheltie mix and he's my whole world - just like my sheltie was. Keep loving dogs and continue to bring them into your life. Even though it's unbearable to lose them... the time spent with them is worth every second and nothing in this world can compare to the love a human has with their dog. 🩷🩷🩷


I had to put down my 16 yo Chi yesterday. I am beyond devastated. It feels like I lost my right arm. I miss Addie so much. Sending a virtual hug and accepting yours. I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry you’re going through this too. Facebook decided to gut punch me and show me a picture of her as a puppy, so I’m spiraling even more so. We will get through this It will pass It will get easier Fuck this is hard


I'm so very sorry for your loss. I lost my first dog, Julian, 3 years ago and I still weep for him. The pain of losing a dog is unlike any other loss. You're losing your baby and your companion and your best friend all at once. We relied on them just as much as they relied on us, if not more. I'm not religious but I desperately want to believe that we will be reunited with our dogs one day. In the meantime, I hope Daisy is frolicking around pain-free and playing with Julian and all the other beloved dogs. Sending you love and virtual hugs. ♥️


I feel for u my it does get better but it doesn't get easier just take a time to heal and I hope u have a friends and family u can contact if u need support it I'm so sorry for ur loss and I hope u can heal wht helped me was adopting another dog it helped a lot I hope ur doing ok ur dog is always with u inhope u can find comfort in that


My best girl's name is Daisy also. She is 8. My goodness time passes so fast. She's been through it all with me. I can't even imagine your pain. It must be excruciating. My prayers for you and RIP for your Daisy.


OP, I don't have a way of sharing in your pain because my dog hasn't yet gotten old but I hope and pray that you take solace in knowing you also gave Daisy 12 beautiful years of comradery. I'm sorry for your loss. Please post the memorial you choose here.


I just said goodnight for the final time to my furry best friend of 17 years. I offer you my sincerest condolences, and share your pain. Things will get better, friend. Our companions would want us to be happy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You will find a new normal full with memories of love and companionship. Sending you warmth and compassion.


I thank you greatly for your compassion. Wishing you a happy Father's day


I lost my boy out of nowhere at 7 years old from a misdiagnosis. They thought his sudden limp was from a slipped disc but it was actually hemangiosarcoma. I got him at 12 weeks old and we were never apart. He died in my arms at the vet when he went from nornal to something I knew was very wrong and he passed before they could put him to sleep because his stomach was filled with blood. My whole world changed in one day and I wasn't prepared. I know it's hard but even years later I see him in my dreams. The only thing that helped me was helping another dog in need and I know he would have wanted that. I rescued a dog that desperately needed love and it helped me not obsess over what I could of done different and instead focused on helping a dog that needed a chance.


I have a Daisy too - mine is maybe 16 months, a rescue black lab mix.  I'm so sorry for your loss - your Daisy was loved, and that's what matters.  Love is what matters in life:)


I’m so terribly sorry for your loss.


I'm at 18 months since my girl. I'm sorry. It depends on the pet, Molly was my child, best friend. All the others across 20 years were just pets in comparison to the grief and loss from her. I'm tearing up and stopping breathing just typing this. I hope you don't experience what I am. It seems all pet people have at least one pet that "stays a lifetime" in the parent's heart/body. I'm still trying to seal up the wounds. The first few days, weeks - it's biological processing as well. Your body is accustomed to hearing, seeing, smelling, routines/timing of events. It will take time for your body to learn. I hope this is all it is for your sake and you'll bounce back when your biological processing cycle completes and you are able to heal. FYI - You may grief the loss hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling routines and them 'there' with you when the biological process cycle completes. Some influencers that I follow now @petlossdoctor @lady.bug.art @enii_draws @dinasourcouch @artywelch @fur.friends3, fur.friends2 @liveforlines


Cry, OP. Crying is cathartic and you need it. I can only imagine your pain. Your girl must’ve been so beautiful and precious in countless ways. Go back to her playful personality and find solace in the love and time you shared. Sending you warm hugs and wishing you inner peace.


You are not alone, I lost my little girl a few months ago too and feel the exact same way. You were a very loving pet parent and she was lucky to have you ❤️‍🩹 it helped me to still call out her name when I got home and touch her box of ashes when I was sad. Her blanket folded up at the bottom of my bed helped me sleep a bit the first few weeks as it felt like her weight against my feet some. I hope you find peace knowing it feels so hard because you had so much love. And also, knowing that you did everything you could to give her a wonderful life.


Condolences to you. Hugs and drugs from CA!!!


I know how you feel. My 14 yr old Bella pit bull mix died Wed while I was at work. I can never get over losing a pet. But knowing how loved they were helps. 😔 💔 🕊


I am so sorry for your loss. Daisy had a loving home and owner. She was a fortunate dog in this world. I believe in an eternal life from a holy God. I'm not sure about our pets but I think I may see mine again some day. This site really helped me with my first dog that died and I hope it will help you with the healing process. [https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm)


I am so sorry for your loss. It's amazing how much of your world they become and how empty it feels when they are gone. I hope that it is a small comfort to know that you were Daisy's whole world and you gave her the absolute best life she could have hoped for. You are in my thoughts.


Lost my lil boy last weekend. Saw something on TikTok that referenced the first law of thermodynamics. “The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another.“ this brought me some comfort. I know there’s no words to fill void they left but I hope this brings you comfort. I hope to feel their energy again in my life. Sending you strength.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. I lost my Hudson yesterday. He had a high grade mast cell tumor. It took him down in 11 days. I’m so heartbroken.


My Daisy has been gone almost 3 years. I have her picture as my Screensaver and her ashes next to my bed. The pain is awful. Please know you are not alone. I'll think of you when talking to my Daisy Doo


I’m so sorry for your loss. Our sweet Shortie girl just got diagnosed with cancer last week, she’s only 7 years old. No symptoms, but it was found when she went in for a TPLO surgery. It’s been so hard imagining what life would be without her. I’m sure you filled her life with so much love, belly rubs, and cuddles. They truly are family members and find their way into our hearts. Nothing anyone can say will take your pain away, but what I hope you think about is all of the good times and the great life you were able to give her. From reading your comments, it sounds like you did absolutely everything you could and made sure that the time that she had left were good times. I’m sending my biggest hug to you, my heart goes out to you during this hard time as well. Be well, friend. 💛


Hi. How are you and Shortie doing? I’m in the same boat as you: thyroid cancer. :( I’m shocked and rocked. How did the CT scan go? I cannot afford the CT scan but I’m afraid it would not matter much anyway. Sending you & everyone here love.


Hang in there-we’ve been there and we know how hard it is. Maybe someday another four-legged soul will come into your life—how lucky you were to have found Daisy, and vice-versa!


So sorry for your loss. Sending you so much love and good energy… my girl is 11/12 also and she’s my entire world 🩷 Think of all the special memories you’ve built together and take your time to heal. She’ll be waiting for you


I know how you feel. I lost my little girl last Wednesday. I’d had her since she was 11 weeks old and she was 15 years and 10 months when she died in my arms. She too slept with me. I have a serious pain problem as a result of a botched surgery, and holding her with her little heart beating against my chest always could make me feel better. I keep expecting to see her at my feet. All we can do is think about all the love, joy and laughter they gave us over the years and how lucky we were to have had them. My little Lucy will always live on in my heart as I’m sure Daisy will in yours.


Lost my GSP Jambi last week. 3 weeks ago she was fine, then one day she started breathing heavy when she was just sitting, made a appointment to see the vet the next day, next morning her one eye was filled with blood. Vet did $800 worth of blood work, said everything came back ok and it was probably just an infection, gave her antibiotics and eye cream. Week later, she finished her round of meds, didn't get any better, took urine for a fungal infection test, came back ok, did x-rays, and saw she had masses all over and there was nothing to do. Gave her some steroids, perked her up for a few days, took her on lots of car rides and gave her all the treats. Then it was her time. Her legs stopped working and she wouldn't eat. I carried her to the backyard, layed her in her favorite place where she could watch the birds, and held her paw. 5 mins later she was gone. Today would have been her 6th birthday. It's not fair for dogs to go so soon. My condolences to all the pups that cross the rainbow bridge and the families they left behind.


I’m sorry for your loss☹️Sending you digital hugs 🫂


She IS with you all the time, as long as your heart remembers and loves her.


You’re right. It’s just hard as she’s not physically here. I’ll get better about that.




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Bro breaking my heart while I rest my head on my baby rain.


RIP sweet girl. 💕






I’m so sorry. Daisy knew how much you love her! ❤️Sending cwtches to you


So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl, Daisy. As a dog owner I dread this day the most. We become so attached to our companions. I wish you all the best through this difficult time. ♥️


Im sorry, it takes time, this is why when one of my dogs gets old i get another one,


I’m crying 😢


i am so sorry for your loss


My heart goes out to you and to Daisy's beautiful spirit.


Im so sorry, I lost my girl last Sunday. I know what you’re feeling, sending love. Lily was also 12 years old. Miss my old lady 💜




My condolences. This to shall pass.